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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 10, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 10, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Last Saturday night, October 5th, the Grange held its annual Booster Night and a record crowd was in attendance. The lmll was packed to capacity and everyone enjoyed the program which was planned by Marie Sallee. the Grange Lectm&apos;er. Cake. ice cream and coffee were served at the close of the evenings entertain- inert, Master Howard Bailey gave the opening address followed by SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOTYRNAL rherm silent operation at ion Way and m 7753. ll-15tfn. Motor Sales ssories. First 595. 7-4tfn N air cooled Binger. Le- • y, Olympia. ll-15tfa gentle, ear : or in har- .e 1, Box 50. J10-3-17 LC.A. Victor new. Phone n, Rt• 2, 10-3tfn. nmage Sale. oher 25 and on Meat and T10-10-17 Capitol Hill Buck Arm- [A. 10-S-17 ('.oat size 40. at 1409 Rail- E10-8-17 bed springs eels, bhlocu- :. M10-3-17 wood heater. double bed s and glad- m, two miles ty. 10-3-10 ack Possum 14-16, Prac- )urnal office. T10-3-17 DUS ATIONS and for appolnt- ummit Drive. $9-26 'ETIME sup- r profitable Mason Coun- ,ltal required. od reference. vire McNESS 423 Magnolia i0-3-i0 £S OF: Re- Home freez- coolers, etc., d insulation, : meat saws, 'actors. Kohl- rices right-- KELLA RE- fiQUIPMENT, the Highway Box 612. '2/'/-t f _ . . q D tchine. Phone. 10-10-24 sy Dachsund. Ion Rte., 10.i  s aud fobs• • 10-10tln thnc steno- enced steno- FI0-10 inff, all sizes. peeled. State earliest ship- artin Co., fiend 4, Ore. i I0-I0--Ii-21 ? gD to start t. 25 .and yard help [ female. DDUCERS cling as &NTED domew at fert Office Dffice will 5. 10-10-tfn ii i dn machine. ann price in :hott, Belfalr, I0-3-i0 :1941 Harley-Davidson torcycle, Bill White,  talk fz'om our county agent, Ave. Andrew I<ruiswyk, Jr. A quartet FOR SALE: enameh I of girls. Francy Johnson, Naida first house Barrett Nancy Cox and Shirley in Skokomish Bailey from the 4-H Club "The Star Rte. 1, Box :111. Knitten Kittens," sang "To Eeaeh Gratitude H, own:,, Mr. Hays Davis sang carriage with pad. a bass solo and for all encore road Avenue. played a beatitiful number on the large sis 7!.: saw. bR SALE: heater. Ph°(I Two original skits by members circulating 15w3. -aACE,--- FRED AND GUY BECKWITH of the Grange, a black face num- FOR SALE: box--------pl=ing 'l " ber and a hill-billy comedy, kept wood legs. lnouire r'rm I' Wish to take this opportunity to the audience in an uproar. gcant at 916"ay- A group of 4-H younger girls, FOR SALE: M'one large "Tile Little Women," gave their ial wood circulating !!i: thank their many friends original interpretation of "Little Chas. H. :Baker 1] :'' Red Riding Hood." The Sokom- Phone 14F6. L. for "- "  " " "" " " "- [ .............. .o,o  tne wonqerut l:rlDul:e pals ish Junior Club. another 4-H F''!, group of young people, pantomin- --:w; __' °"n°"':'!i J..Ck," " , . . theed audienceS°ng titles, as soon as the i of 'sang it, accompanied by Mrs. Mildred Monroe. Three members of the "Knitten Kittens" 4-H sewing club have just returned from the State 4-H fair at Yakima. Francy Johnson and Shirley Bailey entered the costume selection contest. Each FOR SALE: two girls his last rites, rcceiwd a blue ribbon on their One brown winter summer coat. Very. entry: Mildred Dngger gave a $5.00 each. Inquire demonstration on how to make ' shoulder pads. She also received a FOR SALE: 14 ft. •  blue ribbon. Our valley is very boat, suitable for proud of their young people and Box 191, Arcadia. we feel they deserve a lot of FOR SALE: 5 credit for devoting their time to volt motor. W d - ante- such useful things and we feel their leaders deserve much credit FOI'£ SALE: four boats, $30 eacl, for their time and efforts. Hood Canal. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson of Lake Quinault visited the O. K. Wilson FOR SALE: lovely English plaid coat family last week end. Cpl. Ky- girl age six. Hat Call 310M. • ton Wilson is also enjoying a visit .. with his parents. He arrived home bab) crib, " 'OR SALEcollansibl e, bal-l,.,. ,--- last week from Tokyo with the $20. Also 165.  i 720 M. P. Battalion. ,'0 o." M|aa Tar....A.-- Mrs. Fay Johnston is visiting FOR SALE ]i,rc,':,,/ .v, W ViEtltrD her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray coal heate, [ Fauver. Fay had the misfortune to Call at Route i,I3o '  fall and break her foot but is able Road. " ;  _ I1 FoR 0____ BOOK BINDING one Libraries and Schools SALE o " --_ Bull, 9 -rues, ]l .,ear M00tloe00, STEAD00" --SongSBooks and Prayer FoR 00ALE: map00b°00r;00 WORK three maple straLg} , --Periodicals, Magazines 1946. swing rocker AJ]Y'''  Newspaper Files (SEAL) apartment over wcstr .... tfe- -- Wcst¢' ort to Sawmill Office or Person- --O,d books repaired and RODNEY P.YKER. rebound, State Supervisor of Hydraulics. 10-3-102t. Office, Simpson Logging Co., Prices Reasonable .,O, 4784 SMMONS Wash. Karl Krupa IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON Bookbinder COUNTY ' ' Route 1--Box 114 Shirley LeGarde Shook, Plaintiff, JOHN BY Raymond, Wash. Rex Tro" Sho-oS'-Defendant. i THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to ATTORNEY. A ......... the said Rex Troy Shook, Defendant: 200 East P¢l within sixty (60) days al'tcr tile date ,-,'u"-. ..............  ........ ::"&'. ..... :v.,,, .... • mons, to-wit: within sixty (fi0) days Shelton, Wa$  of the first publication of this sum- a$r the 12th day-of September, 1946  -•. and ueZedad the above entitled and answer the complaint of Plain- tiff, and serve a copy of your almwer npon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at theh. offiec below stated; ! and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be reudered against Ponal ea_ l.'. ?li," you according to the demand of the ........ )'}:. ce,nplaint, wllich has been filed w th |he Clerk of said COUld, The purpose -Td:l'. m" this a,li m is to ohtaln a ,lh'orce. Write P.O: i WRIGHT & MALLOY Attomheys for Plalntff ' , Office: Angle Building, with 00,,00,00O00washington.Mason County, B. Franklin IS brewed SEI'7"E 9-12-19-26--10-3-10-1%2:1--7t. ATTORNEY" " ii, NO'rlCl, "TO (ONTRACTOI{S t01ii State of Washington CourthouSe, sl¢l Office of The Deparunent of Game , 515 Smith Tower Seattle, 4, Washington October 7, 19,i   Director of Game at tills office up t[ A::   1046 for the following work and will ;'" 2:00 P.M. Thursday Novtmber 7, the]] and there be opened and puh- licly read: Servie Construction of the Mason County Fish Hatchery, located near Shelton Washington, Inclusive of buildings, as Address: set forth in Addendum No. 2 oi' the Phone •Rt" 3,Shelto.Bo" HOPS . specifications._ The principal items of work are: W, xeavatlon and fill for ' " hatchery, site, rearing Ponds and race- , ways, rmna_e:. and water systems. [k5';.,js,t[mUuqn system, septic . . m u was aria curbs, road sur- • ac_mg,_eree .e.hannel change, clear- mg ann•.gruolng__ of hatqhsry site. v  ttuc. s reslaenee, duplex, garage, warenotlse and public rest- looms. The contractor shall furnish CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL l Eliot Electric to get around w,th the aid of]David Burrowes crutches. Last Tuesday evenhtg Mrs. Ha,'- llCh pi Of old .,,nte,.. Mrs 00a,,l .t, ater and, 011 1Vfrs. John Bollinger were co-ho.t- . esses at a surprise party on Mrs. I Conservation Lawrence Putvin, Many beautiful ] gifts were received by the guest David Burrowes of Sequlm, Re- of honor• i publican candidate for tile legts- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minm' and I lature along with Captain E. H. children drove to Aberdeen Sun- Faubert of Shelton and Merle Huf- day and visited Mr. and Mrs. I ford of Port Townsend, has an Vern Hawk, formerly of the val- outstanding record in behalf of ley. a program of conservation of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sallee had game, timber and national re- as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. sources and has been a champion and Mrs. P. D. Sallce and Mr. and and will continue to work for new Mrs. E. W• Sallee and daughter industrial development in the Evelyn, all from Olympia. Olympic Peninsula, Mr. and Mrs• Arvid Johnson had Ir. Burrowes was to be in guests frmn Seattle over the Shelton today in the interests of week end, his candidacy for the legislature , from Mason-Jefferson and Clan Shelter Guernsey Cow ]am counties. Mr. Burrowes was born in Clan Sets Butterfat Record lain county and has lived and Peterborough, N. H.--The first worked on the Olympic Peninsula daughter of the registered Guern- all his life. He mmcessfully own- sey sire, Bammr of Delphi Dell, ed and operated a logging bust- owned by Fred R. Bell, Shelton, ness. for 35 years without labor Wash., has completed an official strike, forest fire or labor lien. herd improvement record. She is His official record constitutes sev- four and one-half years old Bell en years on the Sequim city coun- Acres Della which produced 11, I cil, 10 years on the board of direc- 187.4 pounds of milk and 565.0 i tors of the Port of Port Angeles, pounds of butterfat. This cow was ] past president of the Northwest milked 730 times while "on test• I Rivers and Harbors Congress, past This record was supervised by[president and secretary of the the State College of Washington , Port of Port Angeles and presi- and reported to The American Ident of the local Truck Loggers Gtternsey Cattle Chlb for approval Association. He has constantly and publication. ' worked for the conservation of game, timber and national re- I sourecs worked and will and has • COlitinue to work for new indtls- I trial development on the Olympic Pmifisula. He is interested in new school legislation, it] particular increas- ing the salaries of public teach- ers and increased appropriations to rural school districts. The pres- ent per capita method of distribu- tion of school funds is a tremen- dous disadvantage to the small country school. APPRAISERS APPOINTED, Judge Wilson appointed Fred L. L,utz,, Enoch A Luldrickson and George Milosevich appraisers of the Mary aude Buding estate, NOTICE TO CI{I,I)I'rORS IN'rHE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROIIAT E In the Matter of the Estate of John J. Jolmson. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has ualificd as executor of the shove en- htled estate; that all persons l]'ving claims age nst, said deceased are hcl 0y required to serve the same, du veri[ied, on said SWEN JOHN- SC , or his attorneys 0f record at tte address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six months after tlle date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first puhllcation, Octnber 10, 1946. SWEN JOHNSON. Executor of said Estate Address: Roule 2. Box 152 Shelton. Washingt,n. WRIGHT & MALLOY, Attorneys for Estate Angle Building. Shelton, Washington, 10-10-17-24-31--4t. ----------NO--% ...... NOTICE OF IlI']ARING (}N FINAIJ ACCOUNT, itEPOitT AND PETITION OF EXECUTORS FOR SETTIA,'MENT, DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE• TN, THE SUPEI-IOR COURT OF TIdE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN FROBATF In the Matter of the Estate of Oliver Bisho;). Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Melvin Bishop and Kntie Eells, Ext.- tutors of the above entith!d estate. lmve filed herein ti]eir fimJ account, rep6rt and pcLition for final settle- ment and distribution of the remai)Rl- ed'bf the estate of said d0ccascd per- star. wherein lhe Court is asked to appl'ove said filltti aCCOUIlt and re)ore, and make a final distribution oi the estate, and discharge ! he EXocutw;, NOTICE IS FURTItEI" GIVEN. thai in accordance with fill ol'dcr of .¢3/1id Court nlRde al](l i,ntcl'ed on the 5|]1 t € day of Octobn. 194{i. a heari0: will be! had bef(}t'e t]le Cour| on S:ito Iina/ account, ret)ort and petition for Iinal distrihut on on Saturday. the 9th day of November. :19-16. at '10 o'clock. A. M., on said day in the Court I,Ot)lll of said Court in tbe Court House at Shelton. Washington. Dated this 5th day of Octeber. 1946. (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Wa:dfington for Mason County. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executors. Title Insurance Buildings. Shelton. Washington. 10-10-17-24-3141. late f %VaMdng|on OFFICI," OF SITI'ERVI.qOR OF 11YDRAIILIf'g Olympia h'oTIcE OF %VA'I'I,:R RI(;IIT AI'PI,ICATION NO• 7,145 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Tom Sergeant of Shelton, State of Wash- lngton, under date of Septemher 13, 1946, iiled with the, State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, an application for a permit to divert Lhe public waters of an unnamed stream tributary of Paget Sound, ill the amount of 0.1 second-foot, sub- ect to existing rights, from April 15 o October 1 of each year l'or tim purpose of Irrigation and continu- ously for domestic supply that th} ---approxhnatc point of dlversidn is located within SE] of NW" of ,- ,.- } ,, ..... - tlon 17, Township 20 N., Range 3 W.W.M,, in Mason County. A map silowJng the location and plan of said diversion ' and the place of the Pro- posed use is on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, together with such other hormation as is required by law. Any person, firm or corporation whose right will be injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- lics, at Olympia, Washington, such objections or representations, in writ- ing, as he may desire to nmke, within thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is October 10. 1946, Witness my hand and official seal this I7th day of September, A.D. v ,v v .r v,,r v ,v w ,r v v ,v.,v ,v v v ,,r ,v ,v, -.-v v Harstine Island Mr. and Mrs. Robert MeMnnemy and two children of Aberdeen, were last Wcdnesday gucsts of Mrs. McManemy's parents. Mr, and Mrs. August CarJson. Mr. and Mrs. t-iorbert Spahr and daLIghter of Tacoma are spending the week end with Mr, Spnhr's rnother Mrs. Lc,)La String- er. nt Point Wilson. Mrs. JalYles Archer (',;llYle honle from the hospital Saturday after- noon with that new daughter and will spend a few days at the home ,el' her parents. Mr. ald .M.vs. J. Pnul Smith, Mrs. l,eona Otterstad and son • Donnie of Aberdeen. spent last I Wednesday at the ]arl l-lart'inlal[ ]lonte. \\;tc ;ire pleased 1.¢) report h's. Willx Mills impr0vmg quite ra- pidly. Mr, and Mrs. Hugo A. Gl'tser entertained over he week end Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Glaser and son of Tacoma. also Helen, Mar- ffaret and Dick Glaser of Tacoma were at the home firesidc, The young folks of tlte Island sponsored another one of" their enjoyable dances at the hall Sat- urday night. Mrs. Oscar Jacobson returned home Sunday from Randle where she has spent the week at her son's home, Mr. and MrS, Wilbert Jacobsen. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Bergeson of Bayshorc Road, were Snnday eve- ning gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harriman and family, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hitchcock attended the livestock show in Portland Saturday with Dr. and Mrs. Ben Briggs of Shelton and also visited with Mrs. Ben Brigg's parenta of Portland Ted V. Hile arrived from Los Angeles carly Monday morning at the Earl Harriman home where Mrs. Hile and son have been liv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Winston J. John- son of Belfair brought Mr. J01m- son's sister. Mrs, Porter and son of California, for a week end visit at their Island home. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED RIDLEY"S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED 1 Mile South On Olympic Highway ROGERS BROS. GARAGE Phone 218R-2X Sand .. 1 Washed and ave. JOHN'S CREEK SAND AND GRAVEL CO. Locally Owned and Operated I]!JBINE,3 PHONE 19-];'-,'1 EVIN[N(g PHONE 655 Shelton; Wash. --='=i:::: =/=:: ::: =-;;=,  :,::: "t-:----r:':: --::--7 :::'=: ::::::J( =- Winorko FROZEN FOOD DISPLAY CABIN ETS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Quotations On Custom- Built Freezers Wingard-York Co. INCORPORATED lt & Mill St. Phone 662 Hew Open for Business In Our Location on Mountain 00iew Shelton Lumber Company Due to present centurions our services Will be limited for smnc time, but as soon as possible we will handle a complete line of building materials. PHONE 657 P.O. BOX 598 'SPEEDY" by Olympic Motor Sales [SPEEDY- [ DOIq T 6EE ," DIIPCT M "TO? [/ "TWo MILE; 00NEe! ..P"" If-lOW THE SERVICE DeP'T. Of: L.T.e FOLLY Fad)  . t.. "T.eM "(o0 TLQM O'F ., €. 000TSR s00Les , ' : npage. Write |, ShelteR, or L10-S-17 e or two bed- cmerton 3728. C9-26--10-:10 isinessman in of two bed- :emily in or ,e 28. W9-2ff--/0-10 • ge quantities at $40.00 per :out, t, F.O.B. 'rompt Settle- now be ship- acoma at rate asand. North- Tacoma, Wn. 9-12--10-17 EES number one ed in sell- contact C. few Street, 9-12--10-31 [ woman for [ care of one d salary. In- 4-11tfn )rl as oyster Call long dis- Llect. ask for 10-18-tfn hep wanted ff¢,8 Shop. 5-tl rses foi'. Mink a Mink Farm, fllect, l-lifo :APLE, TOP , short haul. .odd and Itl- 3f Shelton. 8-29tfn. ation lth tomatoes Rent station tment paid a no-fertilizer rofitable was ion of 500 0 pills 500 ed as a side- r cost $20.80 39 per 0ent on a late va- that on an might haste Title InsuranCe Phone 45 Charles T. Virginia C. Angle Bull}ling, Telephone CHARLES ATTORNEY 119-121 South Bell Shelton, ALDEN C. ATTORNEY A Title Opposite First Phone 23 " FUNERAL Licensed W. A. Phone 180-- ELLIOT A,ountln g Bookkeeping 123 4th St. Office at Ang le I ...says ANDERS ERICKSON Brewmaster CO/.U00B/A A/.E "It takes the finest hops of uniform qual- ity for us to maintain our 'Top O' The Tank' texture and flavor. That's why we prefer Washington State Hop Producer's Co-Op hops !" Leading Brewers of the No0000o. ' r, ay, "O. K." Leading brewers of the nation say that Co-Op hops prove that "Grower Control Works." The patronage enjoyed .by the Washington State Hop Producers, coupled with the return to the grower of the greatest part of the brewers hop dollar, makes pos- sible the continued high standards of quality ! WASHINGTON $TATI HOP PRODUCERS, Int. Yakima, Washington all labor and materials, All bid proposals shall he accom. panied by a proposal guaranty In the form of a certified cheek cashier's clleck o r tlash. Payable to 'the T,:,,'asl " u tate of Washington ifi at] amount equal to at least five per- cent (5A) of the anmunt bid. Shot ld the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish a satisfac- tory perforqmnce bond within ten (10) days from Pate tle notice of award is made, his bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the State of Washing- ton. Envelopes containing bJds should he plainly marked as to contents. Plans anu specifications may be ob- tained from this office upon deposit Of ten dollars ($I0.00)" which ,:,.r* snail ne refunded upon retmn''" .... " ' ,,,, plans and specifications not late], than Nov- elnber 14, 1946. DON W, CLARKE Directo of Game. 10-/0-17-24-3--4t. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR ESTABISIIMENT OF COUNT in ,TH MATTER OF 'THE PETI- TION of H, E. Lockwood, et al, for the establishment and location of a County Road in Mason County Wash- Ington. NOTICE IS I-IEREBY GIVEN that H. E, Lockwood, et el, have filed with tho Board of County Commissioners of Mason CoBnty, ,'Washington, a petition to have ettblimted tim following des- cribed County Road in Mason County Washington, to wit: ColPmenchg at about the line bs- tween Sections 7 alld 8 Towllship 22 NOt'}, Ran.g'e_4 W.est on the present otlta ForJ ltoad, thence Easterly along the U. S. Forest Service e limlhary tn'vev of L.=._" .I' - ulnn/tn 13am Detour Road across the North Fork of Skokomish River below Cushman Dam, and.ending at the Lake Cush- man Count" Road near the S E corner of NW_/t.NE Section 9 'wp' zz, tange a w, the whole dfstance be!ng about.24 m.lles and said road oeulg UU Iect in WlGth. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in accordance with said Deitiou said Board has entered an order fix- ing the learing on said Petition for the 14th day of October, 1946, at the hour of 2:00 P,M. o'clock, at the office of the Board in the Court House at Shelton; Washington, at which ttme any person interested in said matter may appear.and be heard by the Board for or against the granting of said petition. DATED at Shelton, Washington, this 16 day of Sept,, :1946, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS. OF MASON" COUNTY, WASHINGTON. By HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board. D/26-10-3-10-St. Until it leomes, keep your old ear on the job with Hudson Protective Service! Have your car inspected tegdlaxly--and serviced expertly. That's Rale No. 1 for motorists who are on the new car "waiting list." It's a long list this year--for never before has there been so great a demand for Hudson style, quality and performance. Of course we hope you're scheduled for a beautiful new 1946 Hudson one of these days, But until you get it, let us keep you in the driver's seat with prompt, expert Hudson service ---moderately priced. That's the commonsense way to assure safer, more dependable ransportation, as well as higher value for your car when you come to trade it in. i , I Your neighborhood Hudson dealer is one oJ 3,000 selling and servicing this great new car,.. Choice of Super-Six and Super-Eight engines . . . All potndar body styles . . . Nine standard olors, /our 2-tone combinations. HUDSON OLYMPIC MOTOR SALES 627 SOUTH FIRST STREET PI4ONE 5.95 l Ill Ill J Ill J lll I II I