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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 11, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 11, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Washington's Wile Cat Sanctuary from Lions to tiny Gordon's Cats Each wild cat is special and has a need for a safe and comfortable place to live out its life happily, peacefully and with dignity, Mail your tax-deductable donation to: Wild Felid Advocacy Center of Washington 3111 E. Harstine Island Rd. N. Shelton WA 98584 -a ew (360) 427 466 " m Cookoff pomegranate or kiwi. "It feels really great. I Continued from page B-1 was really shocked that ..... I even won - it was a ~0tands~eafo~' : :: : year in a row. Last year, really close competition," : ~ou~ she won gold for her "Putshe said. the Lime in the Coconut" Robinson defeated Lew- : : : ~emoveme~me~eaves~:~memus~ ~els and :~hrim~ ~ ~ok for one ~ soup. is, last year's champion.:: ; : '~ Ad~ ~p~ ~d:~am~ and ~ fb~ This year, she won for "It's pretty exciting be- ~ e ~tS ~noe~ 30~ond~ G~withi~andciiart2 another soup, a hot and cause I know that she's 6Thaichitie~ cho::':~ ~o ~rve~rnsnnmp~oas~ sour seafood soup. Lewis been a presence there at has won the overall gold OysterFest for several 1/8 ~up fre~ ~ ~ince~ medal six times, years," Robinson said. ~ ~up~ ~ ~ck "We love hot and sour Robinson was assisted soup," she said. "We knowby her husband, Lucas Sau- when we have a good Chi-tier, executive chef at the nese restaurant when we Alderbrook Resort and Spa. have good hot and sour She pan-searedherskate soup." wing and seasoned it with Lewis is already plan- carmelized onions, a haba- Ring for next year. niero and kiwi compote and "I love soup, so we'll a pomegranateandbalsam- probably stay with soups," ic vinegar reduction with she said. "We might go asalmon roe. little Greek on this one." "It's actually pretty easy The second part of the - you're put under pres- cook-off is the Iron Chef sure and you're focused and competition, you have to make it hap- Cooks in the Iron Chef pen," she said. "I'm totally competition cook with a set excited for next year. Now of unknown ingredients, that I have that experience Last year, Lewis won this I know what to expect." competition as well. Seasoned chefs and stu- "Some of the ingredi- dents alike competed this ents are really weird," said weekend. cook-off Chair John Hinck. Jessie Gregor, in her sec- "They have to make a whole ond year of culinary school meal in 60 minutes." at South Puget Sound Com- Crystal Robinson of Ar- munity College, acted as a bonne International in sous chef on Saturday. Shelton won the Iron Chef "I wasn't even nervous at competition this year. The all, which I thought I was ingredients included rawgoing to be," she said. skate, flying fish roe and UNOCAL 76 PRODUCTS • Motor Otis & Hydrauhc Otis a Industrial 0 I L DIST. CO W. 150 Sanderson Way Shelton, WA 98584 1-800-826-8959 • (360) 427-8084 James Wheeler of the Market Stree~ Pub in Cen- main dish, crab and oyster "I'm used to cooking for tralia won gold for his ap- macaroni and cheese, people. I'm looking forward petizer -- oyster ceviche Wheeler said it was his to this," he said. with smoked chanterelle first time competing at Oys- The Skookum Rotary mushrooms and blueber- terFest, but not his first time sold copies of all 18 recipes ries -- and silver for his . in a cooking competition, cooked over the weekend. Winter mer Beatles drummer is "the coolest per- son, with a great sense of humor on and Lubricants • Automotive Oils • Metal Working Fluids • Greases & Gear Oils • Solvents & Antifreeze • Cutting Oils • Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel Fueling • Pump Repair, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns a Heating Oil Delivered a Furnace & Stove Oil • Kerosene 17887 The end of the year is approaching... Don't let your unused insurance benefits go to waste. Call to schedule your dental appointment today! Shelton Dental Center is a full-service dental office providing all general dentistry services plus: I • Oral Surgery • Implants 'i~ • Root Canal Therapy• Periodontal Therapy !:ii!~ • Pediatric Dentistry • Botox and Juvederm i~ii::il ~iiii ,~. ~ ~ % ~" S>~,~,,: ........... :~ .~ "':~:W~"~,~,~,.,~~ ........ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ "~,~,, CENTER Come see why everyone is smiling/ (360) 426-8401 , 360.GO.BRUSH (462-7874) .) 1829 Jefferson Street • Shelton WA, 98584 Continued from page B-1 off stage ... He is a heartfelt spokesman for peace and love," Winter said. that endless sea of humanity," he said. The musicians were at Radio City Mu- Winter said the festival inspired him to sic Hall in New York City on Starr's 60th begin writing his own songs, "to be more birthday when former Beatle Paul Mc- of an artist than a player," he said. Cartney showed up as a surprise to per- Winter met Derringer in New York City form "Birthday" with his former band- in the early 1970s, and their careers have mate. been intertwined ever since. Derringer "I got to play on stage with two Bed- has been a member of bands fronted by tles," Winter said. !'It was the coolest both Winter brothers, and the two per- thing imaginable." form about 15 to 20 concerts a year.Winter and his wife Monique have lived "I immediately recognized a kindred in Beverly Hills since 1990. His newest spirit," Winter said. album is "Rebel Road." Winter said he is Winter also performed his hits as part writing poetry and short stories, and is of Ringo Starr's All-Starr Band on tours working on a Broadway show based on in 2006, 2008, 2011 and this year. The for- "Frankenstein." Turn garden debris into 'black gold' with composting workshop Learn the fine art of McNeal will guide attend- ing) and using compost as backyard composting and .ees through the process of a soil conditioner or mulch. turn your garden debris making soil-enriching com- Pre-registration for the into black gold. post from yard and garden workshop is required to A free workshop will waste, ensure adequate materials take place from 6-8 p.m. Topics will include find- for participants. on Oct. 15 at the 1912 ing the correct compost To pre-register, contact Building, 221 W. Railroad bin, the proper mix and McNeal at 432-3054 or Ave., in Shelton. Wash- tending of ingredients, ver- go online at wsgcanal@u. ington Sea Grant's JaRls miculture (worm Nondenominational Fellowship & Bible study Services 5pm Sundays IE. Johns Prairie Rd Worship Service ....... • " 10:00 a.m. : $:1: Choir Ohildren , $©hool g AM Childcareboth services Page Faith Lutheran Churc .... 1212 Connection St Shelton WA 'z/Christ-centered Church .... (360) FSunday Morning Worship~ ~ ~k ILiA / Traditional - 8:45 a.m. / . |Contemporary- 11:00 a.m.| ~,-~ ~'~\ • Bible Study ~,. " "~'~&~~~ Youth Activities Pastor Steve Olsen I~ Paster Brian Weinberer wVlnN FLONA org ~ A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • SUNDAY SERVICES Ancient Service of 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Chanting & Prayer 9:15 Conversational Bible Study Every Thursday 5:30- 6:00 p.m. Mt. Olive co , Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m.Sunday Morning Worship + S.S. ChristianEducati .................... 9:45 ....... 9:00 + 10:30A. Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 a.m • Domingos - 6 Pr~ Office 42@6353 Servicios en Espafiol Daycare 427-3165 SPRING ROAD CHAPEL FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed 1113 E. Shetton Springs Road in Rivers" of Grace Shelton, WA 98584 NEW LOCATION (360) 427-6998 Alliance Church 2320 Washington St. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. 438-8531 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sun:: 10:30 am • Thurs.- 7:00 pm Church info line: (360) 427-4033 New Community Church of Union ~! Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome.') WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: ,~-,