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Anna Benson
Anna Belle Benson, 80, a
resident of Shelton. died on
Sept. 29, 2012, at Fir Lane
Health and Rehabilitation
She was born on Oct. 4.
1931, in Des Moines, Iowa,
to David C. and Myrtle I.
(Mitchell) Frazier.
She grew up and attend-
ed high school in Dunlap,
Iowa, and
~moved to
in the late
1950s with
her first
Don Hollo-
way. That
Anna ended in
Benson divorce.
Sandra Gardner
Sandr~ L~e Gardner; 57~ a ;resident of Union, died on
under the direction of Dave Luchs.
Sharon Borreli
Sharon Lane Borr~ll, 63, a resident of Sheltoni died on
Oct. 6, 2012, at home~ Arrangements are by Forest Fu;
neral Home of Shel~n Under the direction of Dave Lu-
Phyllis:A. Savoie, 76, a:resident of Shelton, died on Oct.
8:;:20:!2i at Providence St, !PeterHospital in Olympia,
Arrangements are by McGomb Funeral Home of Shel-
ton under the direction of Debbie Hurst.
of Shelt~n under the direction of Dave Lueas,
CliffBenson on June 9.
1966, in Kitsap County. between Hoodsport and Frahmann, brother John
She was a homemaker Bellevue, they also enjoyed Frahman and great-grand-
and worked on her own many camping adventuresson Gabryel Bostwick.
farm. She was also a mem- together. After Llew's death A memorial service will
ber of the Silver Spurs in 2007 at the age of 91, take place on Oct. 20 at
Riding Club, where she Barbara began living with Mason County Memorial
met her late husband Cliff her oldest daughter Rose- Hall. It will be officiated by
through their love of horses, mary, where she remained Pastor Rick Enioe of liar-
They took horseback riding until her death, bor Christian Center in Gig
trips into the North Cas- Barbara was fiercely Harbor.
cades to hunt for deer and independent and contin-Arrangements are under
elk each year. ued to strive to managethe direction of Forest Fu-
Anna's life was based her own affairs until the neral Home of Shelton.
around her farm, which end, her family shared.
included calves, horses She loved and enjoyed her Corinne Koski
and a garden. She also grandchildren and great- Corinne Diane "Bunny"
entertained at the area grandchildren, regretting Koski, 75, died on Oct. 6,
Girl Scout camp and was a only that she became less 2012, at Fir Lane Health &
starting member of Adopt- able to write to them in her Rehabilitation in Shelton.
A-Pet in Shelton. later years. She was anShe was born on Feb. 12,
She is survived by her avid reader and crossword 1937, in Massillon, Ohio, to
stepdaughter Irene Goldsby puzzle whiz, maintain- Ruth and John Brady.
(Pete) of Shelton; stepson ing her sharp intelligence Her nickname "Bunny"
John Stephens (Patti) of throughout her life. was given to her by her fa-
Shelton; sister Edith She is survived by ther as a young girl.
Frerichs of Sioux City, daughters Rosemary (Mar- After graduating high
Iowa; brothers Ed and Fred tin) McCallum of Port school, she moved to the
Frazier of Dunlap, Iowa; Townsend, Jody (Rod) Washington, D.C., area,
and seven grandchildren, Mager of Chimacum and . where she met and married
13 great-grandchildren, Beth (Doug) Pope of Hope, John Stratton. They had
three great-great grandchil- Alaska; grandchildren Mon- two children -- son Casey
dren and numerous nieces, ica McCallum, Natalie Ar- Stratton (Shellee) and son
nephews and cousins, tuner, Rowan Hull-Bailey, Patrick Stratton.
She was preceded in Sam McCallum, Erica Ellis, In 1972, she married Ken
death by her parents, hus- Charles Pope, James Ellis Koski of Kirkland. He was
band Cliff and brothers and Matthew Pope; and a father to three -- daugh-
Paul and Duanne. great-grandchildren Cyrus, ter Karin Koski, son Steven
A private family service Avery and Julianna. Koski and son Kevin Koski
will take place at a later She was preceded in (Cathy). She had seven
date. death by her daughter Vir- grandchildren -- Dain,
Memorial donations can ginia and by husbands Earl Candace, Courtney, Kelsey,
be made to Adopt-A-Pet, Crumb and Llew Evans. Drew, Page and Hali.
941 E. Jensen Road, Shel- The family is planning Bunny and Ken were
ton, WA 98584. a celebration in honor of longtime owners/operators
Arrangements are by Morn/Grandma/Great- of Bob's Tavern in Shelton.
McComb Funeral Home of Grandma in November. Bunny retired from Safe-
Shelton. Online condolences way in 2002 after 15 years.
may be sent to the family at Lester Frahmann Her family shared she
www.mccombfh.com. Lester Clyde Frahmann, was a soccer referee, karate
76, a resident of Shelton, student, bowler and a ca-
Barbara Evans died on Sept. 28, 2012, at sino aficiaonado.
Barbara Jean (Crumb) home. A message of condolence
Evans, 91, died on Aug. 20, He was born on Dec. 5, or a memory can be left for
2012, at Jefferson Health- 1935, to Herman and Sylvia the family at BunnyKoski@
care in Port Townsend. (Smith) Frahmann in Holo- outlook.com.
She was born on Feb. way, Wisc.
15, 1921, to Charles and He served in the U.S. Mary Benson
Georgia Rude in Portland, Army from July 7, 1955, to Mary Catherine Benson,
Ore. She lived in Portland June 30, 1963, and was a 93, a 34-year resident of
until her marriage to Earl SpecialistShelton, died on Oct. 5,
WorldferedrecoveredL. Crumb in 1943, after he inwar New from II.Guinea The wounds young during suf- ~~ discharge. (SP3) He on 23, Hospital. 2012, at Mason General She 1919, was to born Peter°nc. Feb. and
~ couple married Catherine (Burda) Burda in
moved Annette Oakdale, Pc.
to Wash- (Thieme) She graduated from Oak-
ington, :~iii!il Frahmann dale High School in 1937
~::f~!i': on Oct. 4, and attended South Side
living in
Quinault, Lester 1957, in Hospital School of Nursing
Curtiss, in Pitts-
hamBelling-and Frahmann Wisc. ~ burgh.
Lilliwaup Les- ~ Mary
before set- ter was a timber faller for enlisted
Barbara tling in Simpson Timber and did in the
Evans Hoodsport,maintenance for apartment U.S. Navy
where and mobile homes in Cali- in 1944,
they fornia until returning to where she
raised their four daugh- Shelton in 1997. worked as
ters. Ear! taught school He enjoyed fishing, hunt- a nurse
and Barbara worked in theing and his children, his Mary during
Hoodsport office of the U.S. family shared. World War
Forest Service. He is survived by wife Benson II.
After Earl and daugh- Annette of Shelton; daugh- She
ter Virginia died in a car ter Debbie (Keith) Lerewmarried Bradley J. Benson
accident in 1968, Bar- of Fox Island; son Larryon Dec. 9, 1950, in Vallejo,
bara returned to school and Frahman Sr. of Lacey; Calif.
earned a degree in sociol- brother Bill Frahman of She and her husband
ogy from St. Martin's Col- Wisconsin;sisters Lois Ni- lived in California until
lege in Olympia. She then emi, Irene Meyer and Linda they retired and moved to
moved to Seattle where she Williams of Wisconsin; and Shelton.
worked for the federal gov- grandchildren Larry (Sara) Mary's hobbies included
ernment until her retire- Frahman Jr. of Lacey, Tori gardening, dog breeding
ment., (Royan) Giffin of Centralia, and training, traveling,
In 1990, after 22 years Vauny (Josh) Bustwick ofbaking and getting together
of widowhood, Barbara fell Yelm, Jason (Stephanie) with and entertaining
in love with Llewelyn Ev- Lerew of Washington and friends.
ans, a longtime Hoodsport Kimberly (Nick) Carter of She was active at St.
resident and retired Forest Washington. Edward's Catholic Church,
Service ranger, and they He was preceded in where she served on the A1-
were married on Aug. 8, death by his parents Her- ter Society and as an ACCD
1990. Splitting their time man and Sylvia (Smith) teacher.
She is survived by nieces
Andrea Roskov (Bernin) of
Pittsburgh, Diane Baldinger
of Pittsburgh and Jane
Frahm (Bob i of Benning-
ton. Neb.: great-nieces Lisa
Lamolinare (Dave) of Pitts-
burgh, Kristen Roskov of
Pittsburgh and Amy Mild-
ward (Kip) of Blaire, Neb.:
great-nephew Andy Frahm
of Bennington, Neb.; great-
great-nieces Sienna
Lamolinare of Pittsburgh
and Madyson Mildward of
Blaire. Neb.
She was preceded m
death by her parents Pe-
ter and Catherine Burda:
husband Bradley Benson;
sisters Estelle Ekiert and
Julia Suba, and nephews
Mark Baldinger and Ken-
neth Baldinger.
A funeral mass will take
place at 11 a.m. on Thurs-
day at St. Edward's Catho-
lic Church.
Burial with military hon-
ors will take place at Shel-
ton Memorial Park after
the service.
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Memorial donations can
be made to Marks Smile.
114 Carol. Pittsburgh, PA
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
Brenda Merritt
Brenda Lee Merritt, 39, a
Shelton resident for the past
eight years, died on Oct. 1,
2012, at Providence St. Pe-
ter Hospital in Olympia.
She was born on Nov. 8,
1972, in Oceanside, Calif.,
to Katherine Matthews and
Mark Stevens.
She graduated from
Vista High School in Vista,
Calif., in 1990.
Tim Mer-
ritt in Las
Vegas on
Oct. 12,
da's fam-
ily shared
Brenda that she
Merritt was a lov-
ing wife,
daughter and friend.
She was a security guard
and financial manager, as
well as a mother and wife.
Her hobbies included
reading, wildlife, horror
movies and criminal inves-
She is survived by hus-
band Tim Merritt of Shel-
ton; daughter Nora Merritt
of Shelton; mother Kathy
Matthews of Shelton; sisters
Magen Houle of Lacey and
Amy Stevens of Shelton;
brother John Stevens of
Shelton; aunt Vikki Om-
dahl of Shelton; uncle Max
Omdahl of Shelton; mother-
in-law Diane Merritt of
California; Mike and Gail
Merritt of Florida; Allen and
Kenneth Merritt of Califor-
nia and numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
:Complete obituary information is not only an
appropria~ tribute ;to the deceased but a part of
historyi We e age families to include their loved
ones' interests, memberships and activities, as well
as survivors~ in ohituariesi: The Journal provides
Send obituaryinformation to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
Deadline is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
She was preceded in Diabetes Association and
death by grandparents the National Kidney Foun-
Jack and Nora and John dation.
and Edna Lumpkin" father Arrangements are by
Mark Stevens: and stepfa- McComb Funeral Home of
ther Paul Matthews. Shelton,
A celebration of life for Online condolences can
family and friends will take be sent to the family at
place on Oct. 14. www.mccombfh.com.
Memorial donations can
be made to the American See Obituaries on page B-6
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JOAN ELIZABETH RENN, 83, passed away peacefully at
home in Pullman,WA on Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. Joan
was born Jan. 20, 1929 in Staten Island, New York to
James & Katherine (Gormley) McKay.
Joan grew up and received her education
following which she began her adventuresome
life. She was a successful entrepreneur in
Kent, Union and Shelton, Washington. Her
endeavors' included raising prize winning
horses, managing the FBO for Sanderson
Airfield with a successful charter air-taxi service
and flight school, and owning a Bed & Breakfast
with additional bakery and catering businesses. She
operated Shelton Air flight from 1974 to 1986 followed by
Joan's Catering until 2004.
In addition to being a world traveler, artist and chef, Joan was active with the League of Women Voters, enjoyed
being a part of book and bridge clubs; the OPUS pottery club and the Ninety-Nines international women pi[ol's
association to name a few. Joan was an advocate for both women and children. She served as a court bailiff and
court appointed child's advocate for many years and worked to establish the first Domestic Violence Safe house
program in Shelton: She was a most loving mother, grandmother, aunt and sister who will be missed by all.
Joan is survived by her daughters Sandra O'Keefe and husband Michael Neff of Pullman; Branda Brown-
Matson and husband Jesse Matson of Olympia,WA; Andrea Haltaman and husband Joe of Garden Ridge, TX; her
grandchildren Alexandra & Samantha Neff of Pullman; Desarae Vesey & husband Jonathon of Eden, GA; Da×tor~
Funkenbusch and wife Shannon of Renton, WA; three sisters Judith Buckley of Portland,OR; Janet McDnnnell of
Memphis, TN; Joyce McKay of Staten Island, NY; and three brothers James McKay and wife Dorothy of Kansas
City, MO; Joel McKay of Heightstown, NJ; Peter McKay and wife Peggy of Staten Island, NY.
A private family gathering will be held at a later date. Kimball Funeral Home of Pullman, WA is caring for the
family. Online condolences may be sent to www.kimballfnneralhome.com
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 11,2012 - Page B-5
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