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October 11, 2012 |
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While playing midfield for the Shelton girls' soccer
team and playmg for the Shelton girls' rugby 7s and
15s teams, there's one skill that makes Alexis John-
son stand out.
The Shelton senior hits hard.
"Last year was my first year
playing rugby but I ended up get-
ting the Hardest Hitter Award,"
Johnson said.
She has played soccer for nine
years in multiple positions but said
she is mainly a midfielder.
"That's the one that stuck,"
Johnson said. "I can run a lot and
I'm really fast, I seem to get the
midfielder position more and I'm
better at it."
Johnson said she's stuck with soccer
so long because she just likes it a lot.
"I play rugby too, but soccer's a lot of fun and I like
all my teammates," she said.
Though she enjoys soccer and said she wants to
keep playing, Johnson said she's not hoping to play at
the college level.
"It's just a lot of work," she said. "If I was good
enough, I might try, but I know I couldn't get a schol-
arship with it."
She said she's not sure yet if she'll go to college at all.
"I'm going to have to go to some kind of school.
There's a dental hygenist program I can go into.
That's really what I've been thinking about."
Johnson said people think she's weird because she
loves going to the dentist.
"I love how my teeth feel after an appointment,"
she said.
As a 3.5 GPA student at Shelton High School,
Johnson is currently enrolled in human anatomy,
sports medicine and sociology, among other classes.
"It can be a bit dreadful, but I like it," she said.
When she's not roughing girls up on the soccer and
rugby felds or in class, Johnson said she's doing her
homework, eating, sleeping or hanging out with friends.
One thing she said most people wouldn't guess
about her is that she's a nice person.
"A lot of people think I'm mean but I'm nice," John-
son said. "Maybe I should start smiling."
My name is Jack Janda and I am running
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Th definition of dedication
She lat ~na ::d ?;k:~t egnb ~i~t" ~ n ~ t ntcerdv ~ lW xW~th caC° ajch:hen
School canceled practices for portance of practice, where it Pentony, Dalton Jaske, Zach
cross country, girls' soccer and belongs. By EMILY
boys' tennis so that the athletes However, several boys' ten- HANSON
See Dedication on page 05
Thursday climber Stadium Thurston at South Sound Wednesday
3 p.m., Mary M. Knight 11:30 p.m., S helton Kings Stadium 1:30 p.m., Shelton cross
varsity football at WSD junior varsity red vs. Cheha- 5:30-7 p.m., Shelton country at 3A Narrows
3:30 p.m., Shelton boys' lis at Highclimber Stadium Wrestling Club for ages League Meet at Ft. Steila-
tennis at Olympia 1 p.m., Shelton Kings ju- 5-12 begins at Shelton Mini coom
3:45 p.m., Shelton girls' nior varsity white vs. Monte- Dome. Registration held
swimming vs. Foss sano at Highclimber Stadium during the first week. For Oct. 18
4:30 p.m., Shelton junior 1:30 p.m., Shelton Kings more information, goto 8 a.m., Shelton boys' tennis
varsity girls' soccer at Mt. senior junior varsity vs. www.sheltonaxemen.org, at 3A Narrows League Tour-
Tahoma North Thurston at Ingersoll nament Day 1
6:30 p.m., Shelton varsity Stadium Tuesday 3:45 p.m., Shelton girls'
girls' soccer at Mt. Tahoma2:30 p.m., Shelton Kings5 p.m., Shelton junior var- swimming vs. Olympia at
minor vs. Chehalis at High- sity girls' soccer vs. Timber- The Evergreen State College
Friday climber Stadium line at Oakland Bay Junior5 p.m., Shelton junior var-
7 p.m., Shelton varsity 4 p.m., Shelton Kings flag High sity girls' soccer vs. North
football vs. North Thursten vs. Chehalis at Highclimber 5 p.m., Shelton junior var- Thurston at Oakland Bay Ju-
at Highclimber Stadium Stadium sity volleyball vs. Timberline nior High
6 p.m., Shelton Kings se- on the north side of the Mini 5:45 p.m., Mary M. Knight
Saturday nior varsity vs. Tumwater at Dome varsity volleyball at Wishkah
All day Mary M. Knight Ingersoll Stadium 5:45 p.m., Mary M. Knight 7 p.m., Shelten varsity
varsity volleyball at WSD 7 p.m., Big Town Beat varsity volleyball vs. Oakville girls' soccer vs. North Thur-
Tourney Down 2, MMA fight ftmdrais- 6:30 p.m., Shelton varsity ston at Highclimber Stadium
9 a.m., Shelton junior var- er at Shelton Mini Dome volleyball vs. Timberline in
sity volleyball at Black Hills the Mini Dome • To have items placed
JVTournament Monday 7 p.m., Shelten varsity in the sports calendar,
10 a.m., Shelten Kings 4 p.m., Shelton junior girls' soccer vs. Timberline at send information to emily@
varsity vs. Chehalis at High- varsity football vs. North Highclimber Stadium masoncounty.com.
Friday -- Shelton 34,
Lincoln 28
Shelton .. 7 21 0 6 -- 34
Lincoln... 7 0 14 7 -- 28
Shelton Lincoln
Passing 79 yards 198 yards
Rushing 293 yards 49 yards
Shelton: J. Welander, 3-for-ll
completions, 57 yards, 1 inter-
ception; R. Kinne, 36 carries, 245
yards, 3 touchdowns; D. Bell, 10
carries, 37 yards, 1 touchdown;
D. Ajamu, 3 receptions, 70 yards,
I touchdown
Saturday -- Mary M. Knight
68, Kingsway 56
MMK...24 22 16 6 -- 68
KSW ....... 6 28 6 16 -- 56
Passing 85 yards 281 yards
Rushing 634 yards 209 yards
MMK: K. Willey, 3-for-4 comple-
tions, 85 yards, 10 carries, 2
touchdowns; A. Pals, 10 carries,
191 yards, 2 touchdowns; J. Ji-
menez, 12 carries, 182 yards, 4
touchdowns; J. Pals, 5 carries,
107 yards, i touchdown, 2 inter-
ceptions, 80 yards, 1 touchdown
Oct. 2 -- North Thurston def.
Shelton 25-16, 25-20, 25-16
SHS: N. Andrewski, 10-of-ll
serving, 2 aces, 12 digs; R. Dick-
son, 9-of-9 serving, 2 aces; C.
Overlin, 10-of-10 serving, 15
assists; C. Hansen, 6 kills; C.
Spears, 6 kills
Oct. 4 -- Shelton def. Lincoln
25-17, 26-24, 25-17 ris, 2:35.33; 6, Rebecca Dodge, nona Pratt and Analise Scott,
SHS: K. Budge, 18-of-18 serving, 3:03.4 6:43.96
2 aces; K. O'Connor, 13-of-14 20O-yard individual reed-
serving, i ace; C. Hansen, 12-of- Icy: 2, Hannah Garcia, 2:42.18; TENNIS
13 serving, 1 ace, 8 digs, 6 kils; 4, Megan Jacobsen, 2:56.25; 6,
N. Andrewski, 10-of-10 serving, Alaina Harmer, 3:14.94 Boys' tennis
i ace, 21 digs; C. Spears, 4 kills; 50-yard freestyle: 1, Paige Oct. 2 -- Shelton 3, Wilson 2
G. Lugalia, 3 kills Goldsby, 29.78; 2, CarisaNo. 1 singles: Josh Priest lost
Kunkle, 30.34; 6, Jordan Cros- 6-0, 6-0
Oct. 2 -- Mary M. Knight def. san, 33.02 No. 2 singles: Brandon Goodale
Wishkah 25-8, 25-16, 25-16 Diving: 2, Lanna Keltner,lost 6-4, won 6-1, 6-2
109.25 points; 3, Dani Ewart, No. 1 doubles: Alex Deacon and
MMK: M. Sowle, 22-of-24 serv- 98.55 points John Pentony won 6-2, 6-3
ing, 13 aces, 16 assists; A. Sowle, 100-yard butterfly: 1, Hannah No. 2 doubles: Andrew Johnson
12-of-12 serving, 4 aces; C. Ad- Garcia, 1:09.84; 4, Megan Jacob- and Dalton Jaske lost 6-4, 6-2
sero, 8 kills, i block sen, 1:27.76; 6, Alaina Harmer, No. 3 doubles: Zach Lund and
1:40.99 Justin DeMattos won 6-3, 6-2
Oct. 4 -- Mary M. Knight def. 100-yard freestyle: 1, Sarah
Taholah 25-21, 25-20, 25-23, Myers, l:00.93;2,HannahWom- Oct. 4 -- Shelton 3, Mt.
25-18, 15-13 er, 1:02.75; 6, Eryn Muenchow, Tahoma 2
1:33.96 No. 1 singles: Andrew Johnson
MMK: M. Sowle, 21-of-21 serv- 500-yard freestyle: 2, Paige lost 6-1, 6-1
hag, 7 aces, 3 kills; H. Frost, 22- Goldsby, 6:41.71; 5, Rebecca No. 2 singles: Josh Priest lost
of-25 serving, 8 aces, 3 kills; M. Dodge, 8:13.40; 6, Katie A1- 6-1, 6-3
Snyder, 10-of-ll serving, 2 aces; baugh, 10:00.41 No. 1 doubles: Alex Deacon and
C. Adsero, 3 kills; A. Sowle, 17 200-yard freestyle relay:John Pentony won 6-0, 6-0
digs 1, Julia Morris, Sarah My- No. 2 doubles: Brandon Goodale
erE, Alalna Harmer and Paige and Dalton Jaske won 6-4, 6-0
SOCCER Goldsby, 2:02.80; 5, Jordan No. 3 doubles: Zach Lurid and
Crossan, Felicia Hausinger, Justin DeMattos won 6-2, 6-2
Girls' soccer Dani Ewart and Jamie Chavez,
2:29.45; 6, Dawn Martin, Wi- GOLF
Oct. 2 - Wilson 3, Shelton 0 nona Pratt, Analise Scott and
Katie Albaugh, 2:54.66 Alderbrook Ladies' Golf
Oct. 4 -- Olympia 8, Shelton 0 100-yard backstroke: 1, Ca- Oct. 2 -- 18 Hole Scramble
risa Kunkle, 1:10.54; 3, Julia Winningteam:PaulaGallagher,
Morris, 1:26.30; 6, Eryn Muen- Judy Jacobsen, Sue Wright and
SVtTII~[MING chow, 2:02.13 Fran Hammack, 36
100-yard breaststroke: 1,Medalists of the year: 18 hole
Girls' swimming Hannah Womer, 1:20.59; 3, Jor- winner, Shirley Muhich; 9 hole
Shelton 120, Mr. Tahoma 48 dan Crossan 1:32.29; 4, Lanna winner, Del Bailey
200-yard medley relay: 1,Keltner, 1:33.34 Most improved: 18 hole, Nancy
Carisa Kunkle, Hannah Wom- 40O-yard freestyle relay:Gurnsey; 9 hole, Peggy Willis
er, Hannah Garcia and Paige 1, Sarah Myers, Hannah Par queens: 18 hole, Sharon Du-
Goldsby, 2:06.67; 3, Alaina Han- Garcia, Carisa Kunkle andfresne; 9 hole, Mary Lockwood
ner, Jordan Crossan, Megan Ja- Hannah Womer, 4:23.94; 4,Most birdies: 18 hole 1st flight,
cobsen and Felicia Hausinger, Rebecca Dodge, Julia Morris, Lorna Martinson; 18 hole 2nd
2:33.39 Felicia Hausinger and Megan flight, Judy White;' 18 hole 3rd
2OO-yard freestyle: 2, Sarah Jacobsen, 5:04.12; 6, Katie flight, Sharon Dufresne; 9 hole,
Myers, 2:09.19; 4, Julia Mor- Albaugh, Jamie Chavez, Wi- Mary Lockwood
• |
m B
Join us at the Shelton Athletic Club for our First Battle
Tested Challenge. Test your ability in our excellent fitness
challenge. There will be three fitness challenges for your
team of three. Each will have a cardio portion, a strength
endurance portion, and then a group challenge.
Put your team together and start training now. No Team?
No worries! Sign up as an individual and we will match
you with a team. After the event, join us in the SAC
parking lot for a BBQ. Sign up Fee: $15 per person/S40
per team. Battle Tested Shirt included.
Event Date: October 27th, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3
Stop in today at 707 South First Street
Call 426-1388 or email us; sac@hctc.com
Check us out on the web at shelt0nathleticclub, c0m
Hours: Mon.Fri 4:30am-9pm. Sat & Sun 7am.3pm
Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012
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