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emi(y~asoncou nty,com
The Mary M. Knight vol-
leyball team dominated the
court for two matches last
On Oct. 2, the Lady
Owls defeated Wishkah in
straight games 25-8, 25-16 She said that despite the
and 25-16. last-minute change to the
"The girls played as a rotation, everyone worked
team, all working toward hard and each girl on the
the goals set prior to the team played during the
match," head coach Kitty match.
Brehmeyer said. "We were Sophomore setter Mi-
without setter Hannah randa Sowl led the team,
(Frost) due to injury at prac- going 22-of-24 serving with
tice on Monday." 13 aces and 16 assists. Se-
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Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 11,2012
N .~:~ ie hit-
ter Ash-
ley Sowle
made all
12 of her
OCT. 4: with four
MaryM.~_..,,3 a c e s .
Taho]ah ........ : 2C a r 1 i e
SATURDAY: s c o r e d
Mary M. Knight eight kills
at WSD with one
Tourney, block.
All day 0 n
Oct. 4,
the Lady Owls led in their
match at Taholah 25-21 and
25-20. Taholah came back to
win game three 25-23. Ta-
holah then won game four
25-18. In the fifth and final
game, Mary M. Knight came
out on top to win 15-13 for
tim match win. 27 aces. Mirartdai, ied
"We played the second making all 21 of ~, ,erve~
best match of the season," with seven aces an~ three
Brehmeyer said. "We out-kills. Frost, a junior, made
hustled Taholahin the first 22-0f-25 serves with eight
two games, played hard aces and three kills while
in game three, then lost a sophmnore de/~nsive spe-
bit of momentum in game cialist Melodic Snyder made
four." 10-of-ll serves with two
She said the team refo- aces. Adsero scored Ctwee
cused for game five to take kills and Ashley Sawle rnadc
the match. 17 digs.
"It was really good to see "We continue to work or~
the turnaround to a refo- being aggressive at the net
eused, determined mindset and our offbnse is getling
in game five," Brehmeyerstronger and more conlide,~t
said. "I~ is the first time in every time we play," Brehm-
several years that Mary M. eyer said. "We still need to
Knight had beaten Taholah work on faster footwork to
volleyball at Taholah." cover positions." -
She said the team did a All day on Saturday, the
great job. Lady Owls are set to play
The Lady Owls (5-5) at the Washington School
served at 89 percent, mak- for the Deaf tournament in
ing 93-of-104 serves with Vancouver, Wash.
Shelton JV volleyball 2nd at tourney
~ :)LF'ICC, y OI i~ ~ C,] )tJ
The Shelton junior varsity volleyball team took second place at the
Centralia JV Tournament on Sept. 22. The team won nine matches to go
undefeated into the championship round.
Shelton senio~
outside hitger'
Hansen tip~
the ball
against N(:~rth~
Thurston o:r~
Oct. 2 dm'ing
the Lady
home match.
ioll ndl photb 9'
[miiy I !a=/:,c n
n, Lincoln
The Shelton volleyball team' split its
matches last week.
On Oct. 2, Shelton lost in straight games
to North Thurston 25-16, 25-20 and 25-16.
"We played better than the scores show,"
head coach Steve Beck said. "North Thur-
ston is strong and played well."
Junior liber0 Natalie Andrewski lead the
team, making 10-of-ll serves with two aces
and 12 digs. Sophomore outside hitter Re-
becca Dickson made 9-of-9 serves with two
aces while junior setter Cheyenne Overlin
made 10-of-10 serves with 15 assists. Senior
outside hitter Courtney Hansen and junior
outside hitter Cherise Spears both scored
six kills.
The Lady Highclimbers rebounded from
the loss to defeat Lincoln in straight games
~ 25-17, 26-24 and 25-17 o a
Oct. 4.
"This was our best
emotional match, '~4th
great court demeanor', ii)-
cus and confidences': Be