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seniors Alex
Deacon, left,
and John
each other
after winning
a game point
during their
match at No.
1 doubles on
Oct. 4 against
Mt. Tahoma.
Journal photo by
Emily Hanson
C1 i mb e rs and not on standings an d records.
"(The team) sees the overall picture
Continued from page C-1 and don't go by the week-by-week stats
and standings," Hinkle said.
"It went from a large lead to a real With that in mind, Shelton is prepar-
nail-biter," Hinkle said. ing for North Thurston.
Frakes' interception and pass to Aja- "Obviously, (the Rams) are a good
mu sealed the deal for the Highclimb- football team," Hinkle said. "They're
ers. very similar to us in that they are a
The win improved Shelton's recordrun-dominant team and in conjuction
to 6-0 overall, 5-0 in the 3A Narrows with that, they've got some wide receiv-
League. Though North Thurston anders that look real capable. They're a bal-
Timberline both remain undefeated in anced set."
league play, the Rams lost to Tumwater He said he hopes Shelton is prepared
on Friday and the Blazers have an out- for North Thurston by 7 p.m. tomorrow
of-league loss from earlier this season, night, when the teams meet at High-
giving Shelton sole possession of the No. climber Stadium.
1 spot in the league. "It's a big game for both teams, so I'm
Hinkle said he and the team are fo- sure they'll be equally as motivated as
cused on what they want to accomplish our kids are," Hinkle said.
Tennis ry said. '%Vilson had beaten "The guys played super
North Thurston 4-1 and we tennis to win in straight
Continued from page C-1 were beaten by (the Rams) sets," Perry said. "No. 2
5-0, so on paper it didn't look singles was a grind, as with
beat their No. 2 singles guy in real promising for us to pull the match tied at 2-2, Bran-
the third set to win the cham- out a win, especially after a don split sets with his oppo-
pionship. It was a really fun one-hour bus ride." nent. With all of our varsity
season then, too." The Highclimbers came guys courtside cheering him
He said the boys feel good off the bus focused, howev- on, Brandon made excellent
about the championship, es- er, and knowing that if they choices and his consistency
pecially since, as a 4A school could pull out a win, it would prevailed as he defeated his
last year, the team felt like be the difference between opponent fairly easily in the
no matter how good it played finishing third and finishing third, winning 6-2."
against teams like Bellarm- first in the league, he said. He said the entire team
ine, Olympia or Gig Harbor, 'T~e were pretty intense came together during this
that Shelton would always for sure," Perry added,match to support one anoth-
come out on the short end. He said the best Shelton er.
"This year, all the teams matches came from the No. ,'It was a really special
were pretty even, so there 1 doubles team and the No. match for us as a team," Per-
was always a mindset that 2 singles player. Deacon and ry said.
we could win the match," Per- Pentony won at No. 1 doubles Lund and DeMattos gave
ry said. "Even in the North 6-2, 6-3 while Goodale played Shelton its third team match
Thurston match, where we No. 2 singles. Goodale lost his point, winning at No. 3 dou-
were defeated 5-0, the match first set 6-4 but came back to bles 6-3, 6-2.
was far more even than the win the match 6-1, 6-2.Perry said he feels good
score indicates and we were '%Vilson put a player about having some singles
a few games away from win- that went to state last year players and/or doubles teams
ning the match." at doubles with their No. 2 move past the 3A Narrows
With all but two varsity singles player to play John League tournament, which
players being seniors, Perry and Alex," Perry said. "John is set for Oct. 19 and 20 at
said he feels ;¢ery proud of and Alex did an excellent job Capital City Tennis Center
the team. of implementing what wein Tumwater.
"They are realizing the have been focusing on since "Alex and John should be
fruits of their last four years our North Thurston defeat, the No. 1 seed in the tour-
of hard work on the courts, so which was being consistent nament, but seeding doesn't
it is very special for them," he with our ground strokes, clos- mean anything once you
said. ing in at the net and pound- step out onto the court, so it
Two days prior to this mo- ing the middle with our vol- should be exciting to see how
mentous victory, the High- leys." they perform," Perry said.
climbers beat Wilson 3-2 on He said for the team toThe Highclimbers are
Oct. 2. defeat a player that went to scheduled to play their final
"I thought we played re- state last year was an accom- regular season match at 3:30
ally well versus Wilson," Per- plishment for them. . p.m. today at Olympia.
MMK Football convert. "
Jimenez hit the end zone on a 6-yard run
Continued from page C-1 with 7:08 left in the quarter. Adam Pais
scored the conversion.
quarter and finally made a conversion. With 1:59 remaining in the third quar-
In response, Jimenez scored on a 52-yard ter, Adam Pals rushed 86-yards to the end
rush with 3:35 left in the quarter. The Owls zone and the Knight Owls made the conver-
again made the two-point conversion, sion to increase their lead to 62-40.
Kingsway scored on a 14-yard run withIn the final quarter, Kingsway scored
1:43 left and then again on a 10-yard pass on a 27-yard rush with 7:49 remaining and
with 34.2 seconds left in the half. The con- made its two-point conversion.
version after the pass was good to bring the With 2:18 left to play, Willey dove into
halftime score to 46-34. the end zone for the Knight Owls' final
"I think we did really good," senior defen- touchdown from just inches outside of the
sive end Mason Cloud said. "We did our as- end zone.
signments, we kept our cool and they kept The last score of the game came from
their cool. All in all, it was a really good Kingsway on a 35-yard rush with 0.1 sec-
game." onds remaining. When the Knights made
With the third quarter, both teams were thei: two-point conversion, the final score
hit with penalties for everything from the was 68-56.
usual -- false starts, offsides and blocks in "They were fast but we did our best,"
the back -- to more serious calls -- unnec- Cloud said. "As long as we stay positive, we
essarY roughness, horsecollar tackles and can win."
unsportsmanlike conduct. He said the team was taught by Schultz
The Knight Owls' stat-keeper counted that when penalties come into play, the best
six penalties for MMK for 60 yards, but thing the Owls can do is to "flush them."
Schultz said he knew it was more than that. "It's a frustration breaker," Cloud said.
"The penalties made the rhythm of the"This was a very tiring game."
game difficult, but the kids weathered the Mary M. Knight (5-0) is set to play at 3
storm and kept their belief system together p.m. today at the Washington School of the
and were able to stay focused," Schultz said. Deaf in Vancouver, Wash.
The touchdown barrage continued "They've scored 23 points this year and
throughout the second half of the game. they beat an Oregon team," Schultz said.
With 9:57 left in the third quarter, King- "Our focus will be to work on fundamentals
sway scored on a long pass, but failed to to get better."
Dedication The boys were under no
obligation to practice last
Continued from page C-2 week and yet they did so
Lund, Josh Priest and Alex I find it admirable that
Newman on the tennis teenage boys who sud-
courts, playing doubles or denly found out their Fri-
just hitting the ball over day afternoon was clear
the net. on a bright, unseasonably
When I asked if they warm day in October,
knew practice was canceled chose instead to practice
for the day, they laughed their sport without super-
and confirmed that they vision.
did. Perhaps this level of
When I asked why they dedication is why the Shel-
were out practicing any- ton boys' tennis team is
way, the response I got was doing so well this season.
simply that they wanted to. The team is tied with Mt.
Since the air quality Tahoma for the 3A Nar-
at the time really wasn't rows League title. I suspect
that bad anymore -- the at least some of the boys I
fire was roughly 40 percent saw on Friday will make
contained by this point -- I it through the upcom-
don't see anything wrong ing league tournament
with the boys choosing to to districts. A few could
practice, even make it to state, if
This is how I define they continue to show the
dedication to one's sport, amount of dedication that I
saw on Friday.
I know it's not always
possible for athletes to
practice without their
teammates or their coach-
es, but I want to encour-
age those who can to do so
when the opportunity aris-
es. Sure, solo practices are
not as effective as practic-
ing with the team are, but
the repetitions will make a
difference in the long run,
i i¸ii¸¸¸ i
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Oct. 11,2012 - Page C-5
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