October 12, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 12, 1978 |
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MIKE WHITMORE, district manager for J. Hofert Co., holds the trophy
the firm recently won for the grand champion Christmas tree displayed at
the Northwest Christmas Tree Grower's Association annual convention in
Portland, Oregon. The grand prize ribbon hangs on a tree similar to the
one which won the award. The tree was cut from Hofert property north
of Shelton.
Prison term is given
for indecent liberties
The Litt le Gallery
artist Marcia Stewart
northwest scenery
still lifes
The Little Gallery
2020 Oly. Hwy. No.
next to The Boutique on Mt. View
Sign up now for
Brad's Quick Stop's 3rd Annual
Senior Citizen
Pinochle Tournament
October 24th
1 p.m. at the Senior Center
Register at the Mason
County Senior Center
In prize money
OpenT;m,,12 p!mi,,0n.-Sat., 8 a:m,-12 p.m., Sun.
Brad Owen: Owner
James L. Williams, a former t etCl t, olen|an, u, cctu= oi told the attorney Ire also would
Mason County resideut, was the incest unit of tile Child recommend Williams be sent to
sentenced to a inaxilnuln term of Protection Services in l"acoma, Western State.
20 years in prison on a charge of testified at the hearing before Williams wife testified that
indecent liberties, sentencing, that he had known wlfile she was concerned for her
The sentencc was imposed by Williams since January of 1977. clfildren and did not want her
Judge Frank Bakel, bcfore whom Coleman recommended husband around them she would
Williams appeared in Mason Williams to be sent to the sexual favor sending him to Western
County Superior ('ourt Friday psycopath program at Western State where lie could get
morning. State llospital which might be treatment.
Williams had previously been nrore successful than the Williams testified that the
given a deferred sentence on the outpatient program. He said night of the second incident
charge and ordered to participate Williams had been a sexual which had led to the revocation
in a treatment program in psycopath for years, of his deferred sentence, he lind
Jack Hanemann, Olympia been drinking and had also
Tacoma on an outpatient basis.
attorney who represented snroked sonremarijuana.
Williams was arrested earlier Williams, told the court that Deputy Prosecutor Gary
this summer on a parole Dick Andrews, who had been Burleson, in recommending that
revocation after another indecent Williams counselor in the Willimns be sentenced to prison,
liberties incident occurred. Both treatment program, was unable stated tire prognosis for Williams
tile original and tile second to appear to testily, hut, that in ever being cured was not good.
incident inw)lved his daughter, a telephone conversation he had
School enrollment
decline is reported
(Continued from page one.) had found they were out of
proposed is nlore extensive than
would be needed for the school
The proposal is for the
school to continue to use the
facilities with them also available
Ibr public use.
The school hoard asked the
school administration to
continue It) study tile proposal.
The board, on the
recomnlendation of Grinnell,
accepted tile resignations of
Dorothy McDonald from her
teaching posbion and James
Whaley as high school rifle team
The board, on the
recomnrendation of Grinnell,
voted to approve Peter Havens as
rifle team coach.
Joe Snyder, a member of the
audience, told the school board
he had checked the number of
registered voters in each of the
five school director districts and
Chamber to hear
Forest Service program
• John DaVts,:distrier 'rattget- Corps will be shown'.
work planned
A contract for work on
Highway 101 from Eagle Creek
Crossing to the Lake Cushman
for the Shelton Ranger Dishict
of the U.S. Forest Service will be
the speaker for the Shelton
Chamber of Commerce meeting
at The Hut tonight.
The activities start with a
social hour at 6:30 p.m., the
dinner at 7 p.m. and the
program at 8 p.m.
Davis will talk about the
work of the forest service in this
area and will focus on the two
youth employment programs.
Fihns of the Youth Conservation
Reports from chamber
committees will also be
Salary hike
is asked
A request from District Court
Judge Carol Fuller to increase the
salary for the District Court
Probation Officer from $14,980 to
$17,227 was received by the
Mason County Commission and
held in abeyance for further study.
I It
The casual table
Rtmning Free (B968) with Stoneware-Handled Stainless & Spotlight Glass
(Matching lumblers nvailable)
• P(.'.ok-sorve-.%;oe practics.ht'/
• OVQ['I aP, d ., ( rc 'wavsaf
¢ r
• (l.hlW,tSt'(! , iFH:J H¢3t(''o"uqt-e<' :'
• fe'rig{ laK)r and free'zc, r- sfe
We have a wide selection of
Noritake fine china
and casual settings on display,
with many new patterns
just arrived.
• •c' •'
P,lqe 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 12, 1978
* Free Parking 5th &
* Free Gift Wrap Franklin
He stated he plamled to
circulate a petition which would
be i}resenled to Educational
Service District 113 asking that
the director district boundaries
be redrawn to equalize out the
Bids were opened from
Billington Building Supply and
Lumbermen's of Washington on
furnishing materials for the
construction of a playshed at
Bordeaux Elementary School.
The high school carpentry class
is doing the work.
The board asked the school
administration to evaluate the
bids and to make the purchase
of the various materials from the
lowest bidder on each item.
The board voted to reject all
of the bids received on a new
offset press for the high school
graphic arts department.
Only one of the five bids
received included provisions for a
trade in on one of the present
presses in the department.
The board voted, on the
recommendation of Grinnell, to
hire Marguerite Chin as school
nurse and Sherman Conrow as
resource room teacher for two of
tile elementary schools.
Road has been awarded, the
State Department of
Transportation has announced.
The contract was awarded to
North Kitsap Gravel and Asphalt
Co., Poulsbo, whose bid of
$194,126 was low.
The project calls for shoulder
widening, construction of a beam
guard rail, lane markers and
guide posts and upgrading
permanent road signs.
The work is scheduled to
start this fall and be completed
in the spring.
Street work
pact signed
The Mason County
Commission and four property
owners have signed an agreement
for improvements to a section of
Adams Street.
The property owners
participating in the street
improvement financially, and
who signed the agreement are
Vince Himlie, Ed Stock, Doug
Tingvall and Phil Adams.
The commission has been
working for some time to get the
agreement for property owner
participation in the project.
20% Off Sale
Kirsch woven woods
20% Off Sale
Volker Co.
Joanna Shades and Woven WoodI
20% Off Sale
Window Products woven woods
20% Off Sale
Woven woods and drapery fabrics
113 & Second