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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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property use is ssed by commission helton City I, after hearing Public Works lis Colvin and asked Coivin Motors to their request to between the Burlington tracks for and Rains said over the presently being of the the new waste system and that which street or way was not questioned the property for the use which had been requested. Pauley Motors had asked the commission about the possibility of leasing the property after the construction work was completed. The commission asked Calvin to contact Pauley Motors and show them on the ground how much property there was which was outside the two fight of ways to see if they still anted to continue with the request. The waste water treatment plant plans call for the area to be landscaped° City Engineer Howard Godat tel d the commission he had received a request for the vacation of 20 feet of property on Railroad Avenue from Eighth to Tenth streets. The request, he said, comes from Vince Himlie who presently has a commercial and state on permit of the State from the Department of Ecology and the appeared at the county met with commission meeting Monday to Monday discuss the action. for shoreline They stated the DOE had no exemption from objection to two pigngs and the clam holding tray since these on would be replacement of what is of the already there, but they believed had voted to the additional two pilings and from the the roof required a shoreline ent permit permit. county's The county officials stated it appeared there was a conflict was for four between the county master plan roof over an and the DOE regulations and tray. that the property owner was of Ecology caught in between. COUnty stating The meeting concluded with would be the planner's office being asked Work. to contact the property owner to and Dick Carter explain the problem to him. property for tt discussed s°=n County a letter School the Dewatto which the 8 acres of tidelands Department asked if e interested for the te. Isioner Tom )sen meeting Strict and resources could be ',rty. Port in for a lack of tionable. COUnt at the Mason Taylor said the county had no land in the area which would be suitable for school district purposes, but that the department of natural resources does have suitable property. He said the possibility of the county leasing the school district property and the school leasing DNR property had been discussed. The commission agreed to write a letter to the school district stating the county was interested in either leasing or trading for the property. OUR GRADUATES GET JOBS As Business Trained People * Secretarial • Receptionist • Accounting • Business Management For more information call 357-9313 Financial Assistance Available 815 E. Olympia Ave. A Trend Business College building under construction there. Godat said the original right of way for the street had been 100 feet wide, with a part of it taken up by a railroad which has since been removed. The right of way has been vacated to 80 feet from First to Eighth streets and the requested vacation would bring that part of the street in line ¢vith the rest. The commission set a hearing on the vacation for 2 p.m. November 7. The commission approved hiring an architect to design a new building for the Shelton Springs water supply. City Attorney Herb Fuller reported that Dean Wallace Rudolph had been appointed as fact f'mder in the negotiations between ,the city and the union representing city firemen. Fuller said he had checked with the Public Works Department places where vegetation obscures stop signs, and that he supported public works being able to remove the vegetation to improve the view of the stop signs. The commission voted to name Colvin as the city building official to comply with a part of the zoning ordinance which sets out some things which the building official is responsible for doing. Fuller presented the commission a 13-page agreement which had been submitted by PUD 3 covering connections on power poles. He stated there was one connection in the city which would be covered by the agreement and that the cost to the city was $3.75 per connection according to the agreement. : Mayor James Lowery announced he was appointing Guy Lusignan to the city planning commission. He said there are still two vacancies on the planning commission and that he is looking for someone from the Mt. View and Capitol Hill areas to fill these vacancies. He asked anyone interested in serving on the planning commission to contact him. ' 'n Pretty oming fluff dry, hair eeaned, nails pressed. AND UP (o West on Railroad Avenue 112 mile past the tracks, turn left at our sign. Follow the paw prints. {Pen Mon.-Sat., 9 to 5 426-1202 Three senten,:00!00€t in old case Three young men from the North Mason area were sentenced in Mason Superior Court Thursday on charges involving an incident which happened more than three years ago. Brothers Ronald, Steven and Jack Johnson were each fined $500 and ordered to perform 50 hours of community service on charges of malicious injury to property, a gross misdemeanor. They pleaded guilty to the charges before Judge Robert Doran after Deputy Prosecutor Gary Burleson told the court he was amending the information to reduce the amount of the damages to change the charge from a felony to a gross misdemeanor. The charge involved an incident in which windows were shot out of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in April of 1974. The brothers told the court they were intoxicated at the time. The court was told restitution had already been made in the case. Judge Doran also placed all three on probation for one year and ordered that they contact TAMARC to be evaluated for possible alcohol problems. The court was told they had had no problem before the incident in which they were charged and had had no problems with the law since that time. Hearing on budget set The Mason County 'Commission as set 11 a.m. October 23 as the time for its budget hearing. Use of revenue sharing money will also be a part of the hearing, the commission said. More money coming Mason County wig receive an additional $1,306.87 from the State Department of Revenue in its stadium and c onve ntio n fund. The department said a check had revealed that Mason County had been shorted that amount. Glen Robinson and Joe Rae we re each given two-year deferred sentences on charges of second degree burglary when they appeared before Judge Doran Thursday. They had pleaded guilty to breaking into a home in the Emerald Lake area last May 29. The court was told neither had had any problems with the law previously. They were both intoxicated, the court was told, having been celebrating Rae's 21st birthday the night of the incident. In addition to the deferred sentences, they were ordered to each spent four weekends in jail, to make restitution and to pay $150 into the current expense County worker vote slated A vote by Mason County employes on whether or not to continue under social security has been scheduled for November 30. The commission has received a request from a group of county employes previously that the election be set up. fund of the county. Appearing before Judge Doran for identification on charges of first degree escape was Geoffrey Losinger, 22, an inmate of the Washington Corrections Center. Judge Doran appointed the Olympia law firm of Whitehouse and Hanemann to represent him on the charge and ordered trial in the case within 90 days. Budget for ULID approved The Mason County Commission has established a $509,600 supplemental budget for the Beard's Cove Utility Local Improvement District. The action came after a commission hearing on the supplemental budget. Assistant Engineer Jack Christensen told the conrmission work on the project has started and the supplemental budget is necessary to pay partial payments to contractors. The ULID is for completion and improvements in the water system in the development near Belfair. Terrific Savingsl MOONLIGHT MADNESS Fri., Oct. t3th, 6 to midnight $5.98 list Ips now *4 8T $A88 $5.98 list tapes now -€ n else in the store Everythi g 13% o,,,, THE UP TQWN STOll WITH 1141 LOW DOWN pRICES 0R 41111 943-9111 OPEN 7 DAYS 20% Off Sale Custom-Bilt woven woods \\; Draperies I 13 S. Second 426-6207 I I At Olsen Furniture N SAL: N 1 1 I Choose from Four Designs * Tables 0 * Chinas * Chairs DINING FURNITURE 48" China Buffet , Reg. $739.95 '  SALE _ LI/IINESS '688" 00Solid Oak Corner Cabinet 36"w x 73 h. Reg. $489.95 SALE *448 48" Double Pedestal Table With 2 10" leaves, Formica top. ......................................................... SALE Sqllal ae, aL Solid Oak Side Chairs 43" tall Reg. $109.95 ............................................................. SALE Convenient  WXT Terms:  JL 1 = We have the mo,' "-- " OPEN DALLY I ible terms anywhere, _ a O 1 ,jp I I Down payment and .PlIIAIPVII 8:30--5:30 I I monthly payment ar- I J rlfrrrrlllp • I ranged to suit you per- AF' • - - .-- I I aonally. ' AF g ! Z/ on. C.,o I II V I I III II II I II • Thursday, October 12, 1978 - SheRon-Mason County Journal - Page 5