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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Smoke detector comments given Road name questioned Ernest Loertscher, a road, he said, is generally known If you are considering installing smoke detectors in your honle, Fire Prevention Week might be a good time to do so. "Hie week of October 8-14 has been set afide to remind the American public that family dwellings have been particularly susceptible to fire, and have been tile scene of more than half of all fire deaths in tiffs country. Fire Prevention Week is to remind us that there is something we can do about fires in the home says Ruth VanDeRiet, Mason County extension agent. The following suggestions may help you in selecting and maintaining fle proper detection equipment for your home. There are two types of fire detectors: heat detectors and smoke detectors. Heat detectors sense the temperature of surrounding atmosphere, the rate at which the temperature is rising, or both; they are designed to detect flaming fires. Smoke detectors are, as their name indicates, designed to sense the presence of smoke particles in the atmosphere. Smoke often develops before there is any appreciable increase in temperature and smoke is a major cause of death by suffocation. For these reasons, smoke detectors are considered particularly effective for home use. For effective protection smoke detectors should be installed in each separate sleeping IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlIIIIIIIll 00VeatheF High Low Precip. Fahrenheit Oct. 4 67 39 .00 Oct. 5 72 40 .00 Oct. 6 74 40 .00 Oct. 7 67 49 .00 Oct. 8 71 53 .00 Oct. 9 66 53 .00 Oct. 10 62 53 .10 Celsius Oct. 4 19 4 0 Oct. 5 22 4 0 Oct. 6 23 4 0 tm.mnummmm.muummn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Oct. 7 19 9 0 a_A00i; aw Is o o Oct. 19 19 12 O Oct. 10 17 12 0 'PLlC,l"]SeS Dry weather is forecast for the weekend. High temperatures are Mason General Hospital expected to range from 55 to 65 A daughter to Paul W. and Applying for marriage degrees with lows in the upper Caren McQuilkin, 428 East licenses, in the Mason County 30s and the40s. "treet, Shdton, October auditor s office this week were: Walnut 4 Shane Bell, 19, Shelton, and A daughter to Michael and Jtdie Johnson, P.O. Box 493, l{oodsport, October 6. A daughter to Barbara and Larry E. Mitchell, Route 4, Box 133, Shel ton, October 6. A daughter to Vivian and Brady Banks, 517 Euclid, Shelton, October 7. Too Late to Classify LOST ONE Redbone female hound in Hamma Hamma area. Real shy. If seen please call 426-3662. Wl.0/12tfn 1973 KAWASAKI motorcycle, 125 cu. in., A-1 shape, low mileage. 426-3230. S10/12tfn FOR RENT, neat one-bedroom home near Bordeaux, garage, carport, covered barbecue, fenced yard. $185 plus utilities. 426-7175 after 5 p.m. MI0/12 '72 PINTO, good condition. $900. 426-9895. B10/12-11/2 2-BEDROOM, carpeted, duplex, view, basement, garage, landscaped. Adults preferred, no pets, references, deposit. 426-4428. J10/12-11/2 FREE STANDING cone shaped fireplace. Ideal for cabins, dens, FOR SALE Sansui amplifier, Pioneer turntable, Pioneer speakers, Sony ape deck. $550 or best offer, tCall 426-6181. T10/12 SELLING YOUR car? We pay cash for qood ,used cars and pickups. Hilburn-Pauley Ford. Ask for Craig Chapman, sales manager. 426-5585. H10/12tfn FOR SALE '69 Fiat 124 station wagon, good condition. $750. 426-4364. C10/12 FOR SALE or trade, 350 Chevy enaine. Will trade for good running 283 engine. 426-4364. C10/12 Renee Winkler, 18, Shelton. Victor Johnson, 27, Bremerton, and Sharon Parsons, 24, Bremerton. Too Late to Classify SPACIOUS 2-bedroom walk-in apartment, carpeted, drapes, dishwasher, garbage disposal, walk to town, adults only, no pets. references plus leposit, T.V. cable, garbage, water furnished. $200 month. 426-6251. F10/12tfn GARAGE SALE, baby items, clothing, miscellaneous. Thursday, October 12, 10-2. 1618 Madison Street. A10/12 WANTED TO buy, lakefront or saltwater frontage. Suitable for buildin .g. Close-in. 842-2458. F 10/1 2tfrn WANTED -- EXPERIENCED wreath maker. Contact Hiawatha, Inc. 426-4555. H10/12-19 FOR RENT 1-bedroom house. $135 month, $100 deposit. Call between 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. 426-6124. No pets. W10/12-11/2 NO AUCTION the 14th. Antique auction with loads of oak, October 21. Watch for ad next week. McCleary Auction. 495-3541. M10/12 APARTMENTS, 1- and 2-bedroom. 1330 North 13th. Phone 426-6231 anytime. Corner of 13th and' E. $10/12-11/2 FOR SALE antique commode and organ stool. 426-4652 after 7 p.m. H10/12-19 16' WOODEN boat with 65 h.p. Mere engine. $375. 27 Dartmoor Drive, Lake Limerick. K10/12-19 '68 RAMBLER Ambassador, very dependable, 6-cylinder, 3-speed, automatic. $300. Wood furnace coal stoker, $175. 426-2766. F 10/12-19 Budget told The Mason County Commission has been notified by the Port of Allyn that the port district's budget for the coming year will be $74,389. Divine To err is human, to forgive divine. Pope Daily call on demand transportation -- 426-8258 1-day notice, please TRIPS: 10/16 -- Northwest Trek, leave 9:30 a.m. 10/18- 19 -- Victoria, B.C., leave 11:00 a.m. Space Courtesy of Les Rodgers Owner/Operator .SENIOR ,CENTER NEWS AVAILABLE TO ALL sENIOR CITIZENS AT NO COST: Outreach Assistance, Telephone Reassurance, Chore Service, Notary, Assistance with Forms, Information & Referral. MONDAY, October 16: Lunch, Kamllche, noon. TUESDAY, October 17: Lunch, Belfair, noon. Live music, 11 a.m. Lunch, Sheltpn, noon. Painting class, 1 p.m. WeightWatchers, 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, October 18: Lunch, Shelton, noon. Live music, 11 a.m. Blood pressure, 1 p.m. Pinochle Club, 6:30 P.m. Travel Review: Guatemala THURSDAY, October 19: Lunch, Belfair, noon. Live music, 11 a.m. Blood pressure, 1 p.m. Lunch, Shelton, noon. Kiwanis program. FRIDAY, October 20: Lunch, Kamitche, noon. Live music. Card Club, noon. Swim: van leaves 1 p.m. for Evergreen College. SATURDAY, October 2 ! : Dance, 8 p.m., Grange Hall, KamUche, Bob Thomas and Red Eye Express. Thank you, Les, for this IIIPIIIIB I L j!39 Wallace Blvd. (KneelInd Center) ShaRon 426-1818 l Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 12, 1978 area and at the head of each basenaent stairway. It is important to maintain the detector unit in proper working order. Follow the manufacturer's instructions how and when to clean the unit, and test it regularly to be sure it is working okay, reminds Mrs. VanDeRiet. representative of Fire District 13, appeared before the Mason County Commission to ask how to go about getting the name of the Cloquallum Road clarified. He stated the Eima post office recently redesignated house numbers in the area using the name Cloquallum Road. The as Lost Lake Road and that at the end in the city of Shelton it is designated as Lake Boulevard. The commission asked him to get a petition from residents of the area expressing their wishes as to the name of the road. Naull's Grocery and Deli :-]ne takes care of it. Groceries, Gas and Propane We've got it all. Daily Hillcrest 6 a.m.-Midnight Elect Don McDon¢ I'M AG But I am on your tion ballot. I make me one in Olympia. Take o Don Demo.HouSa 24th Ol Paid for by Committee fc Marllyn Hicks, 615 Whidbey, Need help? For one one week, or one Call Office Assi 426-7100 Typists, bookkeepers, receptionists, laborers, housekeepers, etc. Savings ExClUS" AIRWAY LUGGAGE $100 or more 4.90 4.90 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 22.00 27,00 29.00 33.00 ml Savings must remain on deposit for 30 months. l.----Utility Travel Kit.. 2. Roll Tote i 3 carry, All Tote 4 . Club Ba[ 5. Brief BaJJ 6. Add-a-Wheel ' 7. Garment Carrier 8. 16" Tote 0. Attache Case i0. Shoulder Tote 11. 21" Carry On 12. 24" Pullman $10,000 $5,000 Free Free -..^ - Free t Free Free Free -"-Free Free -"--Free Free Free Free0000Te00 Free I" ree Free --Free 5 00-'E m.'' 12100--[._! 7.00 16 oo--L 2t.°° 0'00--24 00 23._ 27.00 ,ab cr. When you travel, go in style ...... with beautiful, durable luggage from Capital Savings. Only at Capital Savings can you obtain this exclusive offer - your choice of 13 color-coordinated luggage pieces. Open or add to your savings at Capital Savings in the qualifying amount and choose from the attractive luggage listed on the selection chart. Many items are yours at no cost or at special low prices. When you have made your selection, an additional deposit of $100 or more entitles you to buy each of the additional 13 pieces of luggage at discount prices. Stop by and see this beautiful, soft luggage on display today. 7.75 = 8.: Inthl('st compounded dedy An nel yHdd 011 6.75 = nuai yld oa SLO00 ram*mum i t IO 6.50% $1,0 mlmmurn earns h0m Ih o7' % = 8.00% 8' 45 Intmt compounded dilly gnnull ylht o -120 m0 cltnf,l $1000 minimum earns fi0m the 1st when Oeoutnd  the 10h'" 7.5000 = 7.90 Inleretl €omp4ndnd dl* Annuil yekl oa 48"/I  ce,'tlhclte, $1000 mm*mum terns Irom the Is' when dht(I by the 10lh** 13. 26"'Wardrobe 14. 29"Overseas $1,000 or more Free Free Free Free Free Free 7.00 7.00 7.00 12.00 19.00' 23.00 26.00 30.00 $500 or more Free Free 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 13.00 22.00 24.00 27,00 31.00 A selection of (I) one free gift per customer, Additional gifts can be purchased with minimum deposit of $100.00. Win a Trip to C00l00t00Savings ....... + 190 CO I'mmmum ern$ IhlSl c0mluM*d de*l $ 00 minimum elm, Ilom dlf or dt@tl to Compm' MONEY MARKET CleRTIFICAT£ 110000 ram,mum ?6 .eek te+m Serving You locally In OLYMPIA m.,n) OLYMPIA tc.ptt c..,.,) TUMWATER LACEY SHELTON 5th & Franklin 410 W 5th Ave 3242 Capitol Bird• 4110 Pacific Ave 1st & Railroad Olympia. 98507 Olympia. 98507 Tumwater. 98501 Lacey. 98503 Shellon. 98584 753-8750 753.8746 753+8790 7538760 4268211 Also Serving You at HAWAII Come in today and enter Capital Savings Prestige Contest. All you muat do to win is tell Capital Savings: "Why I Like a Capital Savings Prestige Account" in twenty-five words or less. All entranta must be 18 years of age or older. Con- test runs from June tat thru October 13, 1978. You could be the winner or a Week in Hawaii with all expenaes paid, Stop in today to your nearest Capital Savings office, there is no obligation whatsoever. BELLEVUE KIRKLAND NORTH BEND GREENWOOD QUEEN ANNE GATEWAY ISSAQUAH TOTEM LAKE BOTHELL BROADWAY MOUNTLAKE TERRACE VANCOUVER TACOMA SILVERDALE FEDERAL WAY BREMERTON LONGVIEW ABERDEEN MONTESANO ' HOQUIAM SOUTli]BEND Opening soon at the Everett Mall and Port Angeles )i'! Irh|surl bill lle iiIkly luClm 1 111 P Ask elmut s:e¢*ll 18A end he01h excerpt € alhJli ' "A +ub,lnl.*ll ,ntes Pedll 'i; It tt, qu.ed fo eeriy mlMrllll e+ **,f held unhl Ihe eM OI I QUid ;:i : (, :