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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rrtal9_)00_ cord Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; theft of speakers from a vehicle. Edward Bruin,n, 10264 E. A gull was reported taken on the docket in Burnside, Portland, Oregon, from a showcase at Evelgreen District Court possession of undersize Dungeness Loan and Sporting Goods. Fuller during crab, $34 forfeit; Jatfie Daniels, Susan Weber reported Rt. 1; Box 353, Shelton, novalid bicycle taken. vehicle license displayed, $10 A water thucet at the Timber fine; Richard Durkin, 1924 Bowl was reported turned on :kings, 700 B Walker Park Road, Shelton, and left running. Grapeview, speeding, $46 fine; Diane Gold, Dr. James Penney reported a Michael P.O: Box 789, Belfair, speeding, glass window broken. Omington, failure to obtain Washington A two-car accident was exhaust, driver's license, $17.50; reported at Second and Cota. aelValley, 720 Jim Kemeny, 915 North Alice Parker reported a Bremerton, Quince, Olympia, driving without mailbox blown apart. ' vehicle while driver's license, $12.50 fine; Valarie Sloan reported tires $150 forfeit; Patrick Reading, 5737 17th Lane missing. 528 Seattle NE, Olympia, speeding, no A two-car accident was vehicle driver's license, $57.50 fine; reported at First and Grove. David Switzer, 318Oak, Shelton, A vehicle was reported to i.diek, Rt. 1, Box minor in possession of and "have ran into two 300-gallon passing, consuming intosicants, $50 fine, garbage containers tipping them 2505 suspended; Michael Valley, 720 over. Speeding, $30 Bloomington, Bremerton, failure . Gloria Maddox reported P.O. Box to pay fines, $236.50 fine. damage to a vehicle. $30 Squaxin Tribal Enterprises eager, 7746 COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS reported items taken from a tug Bainbridge boat. • Building permits approved by 1900'Naval the Mason County Planner's Jan Hawkins reported a lawnmower taken. Speeding, Office during the past week were $78 to: Gary Howe reported a 2860 SE Robert Andrews, worm farm, bicycle taken. ,rt Orchard, $4,704; Helen Barnes, carport, Katherine Mitchell reported Eldred $700; Leo Bilodeau, mobile windows in a residence broken Port home, no value listed; George with BBs. forfeit; Davidson, residence, $38,540; Keys found at First and 2, Box 11, David Delph, garage, $4,200; Alder were returned in to the John Drake, mobile home, police department. equipment, no Richard Blom reported a displayed, $6,500; Jim Durnand, garage, $6,000; William Fleck, seawall, pistol taken from a vehicle. SSmer,. Camp $3,753; Herbert Hanscom, Daniel Parr reported illiwaup, mobile home, no value listed; vandalism to a vehicle. Vernon Roy Jeglum, cabin, $18,384; A motorcycle was reported Box 722, Clayton Lament, alteration and being ridden on the Bordeaux $30 forfeit; repair, $5,000; Lenora Kryvicky, School grounds. A rock was reported thrown r, 4803 25th mobile home, $14,000; John through the window of a parked $30 Lewis, garage, $4,080; Robert vehicle at Pauley Motors. 2, Box McDonald, garage and storage, Robert Backlund reported a to stay $4,896; Dean Miklethun, wallet lost. forfeit; addition, $12,000; Ray Novak, A woman's shoe found in the Rt. 1, Box garage, $2,550; William Omdahl, 200 block of Cota Street was eding, $37 residence, $26,430; John Pill, brought to the police Grand reroofing, $890; California, Charles Pratt, residence, department Edward $52,437.50; Ronald Rullell, A vehicle was reported 84, Shelton, repair bulkheaded, $4,929; Helen driving on sidewalks and a lawn at Bordeaux School. $13 Savage, reroofing, $1,000; The Super 8 Motel reported Rt. Bumett Thompson and Myrtle receiving a bcmab threat call. $30 Carstensen, residence, $33,800; 2, Box Jim Trueblood, residence , Nothing was found in asearch of g, $30 $"2"/i,480; 'Ralph ' Vea, mobile the building. home, $27,000; Waite Peggy Hudson reported a Box 41, Construction, residence, $34,336; bicycle taken. Joey Seaton reported a check r's license, Melvin Waiters, mobile home, lost. aster, 6718 $7,100; F.J. Warner, storage Maggie Jones reported a remerton, building, $960; Helen Woodruff, wallet lost. Patrick cabin, $32,904. Ed Kneeland reported a Trailer CITY BUILDING PERMITS compactor taken from the for game Building permits approved by construction site at MacDonalds. on the city of Shelton during the t; William past week were to: SHERIFF'S OFFICE Centralia, P a r k e r C o n s t r u c t i o n, A vehicle was reported off geoduck residence, $42,694; Mew Settle, the road on Highway 3. storage building, $3,400; Pat Hansen reported a stray '.O. Box Foursquare Church, add to German shepherd dog at her $30 residence and garage, $7,480; residence. Bey Holland, fence, $300; Evergreen Aero Service $30 Richard Patterson, carport, reported three airplane tires $1,800. ' taken from Sanderson Field. $37 A car was reported to have Rt. 10, SHELTON POLICE hit a fence on the Agate Road. defective James Lowery reported a Robert Darby reported a license on stray dog at his residence, door pried open. Clinton Weaver reported a Robert Cameron reported a IO, Box vehicle drove onto some steps.  sign taken. vehicle Vandalism was reported to A disabled vehicle was the stop sign at Eighth and Pine. reported on the Mason-Bemon elton, Robert Campbell reported a Lake Road. motorcycle did damage to a Mrs Leonare Anderson 464, lawn. reported trespassers. A multiple car accident was A one-car accident was forfeit; reported on Ellinor Street. reported on the North Shore. 18-A, A window was reported Ann Peabody reported a broken in Mell Chevrolet.. purse missing. ox 304, Judy Simons reported the Liquor was reported taken sday, October 19th n m. t " oa. o p.m. Day wtth us! Coffee, Cookies, Punch, Surprises! t" Streets from the Alderbrook Inn. An unidentified animal was Linda Goodrich reported reported on tile Brockdale Road. gasoline taken from a vehicle, l)eputies were unable to locate A float was reported beached it. at Snooze Junction. Lavinia Clark reported checks Alder was reported being cut taken. from Department of Natural A window was reported Resources land. broken in a mobile home at Robert Bartlett reported a Sunset Beach. mailbox knocked over. Neal Mitchell reported a A chain saw was reported culvert torn up. taken from Knudsen pole Yard• A one-car accident was Philip Shinnick reported a reported on the Lake Limerick dinghy taken• Road Bernard Bruen reporled a Alfred Munoz reported a fence hit by a vdlicle, residence broken into. Larry La,nphier reported the Cow manure was reported on burglary era shed. a roadway. Larry Conrad reported a A truck-motorcycle accident residence burglarized was reported on Highway 106. Gearahart Redecter reported A car-motorcycle accident tile burglary ot•a cabin, was reported on the Lost Lake Peggy DeMiere reported a Road. house broken into and a telephone receiver taken. SUPERIOR COURT Roger Deyette reported a New Cases motorcycle taken. Credit Protective Association John Biggs reported a Inc., against Timberland Electric, summer home broken into. debt. Rebecca Nordal reported Pacific Northwest Timber Co. trespassers on a beach, against Fay Brewer, breach of Keith Olsen reported contract. trespassers on a beach. Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Rathbun Harold Redmond reported a against Mr. and Mrs. Larry house entered and guns taken. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. A door in an unoccupied Robert Whitten, forfeiture of building in the Allyn Center was cent ract. found open. Greg Corn reported a water Mr. and Mrs. Reid Mitchell balloon thrown at his vehicle against Mr. and Mrs. Edward from tile C Street overpass. Boling, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Howard Wick reported a tow lnman and the Mason County truck ran him off the road. Federal Credit Ulfion, forfeiture A two-vehicle accident was of real estate contract. reported at the Dayton crossroads. SUPERIOR COURT Art Tozier reported the theft Dissolutions of Marriage of a portable television. Steve Witcraft and Sharlene A car was reported over a Witcraft. bank in the Lilliwaup area. Susan Fuller reported tile Sara Vine and William Vine. burglary of a summer residence• Paul Weinzirl and Riba Clyde DeCrow reported a Weinzirl." boat drifted away• Sue Fye and Stanley Fye. Robert Darley reported a Correne (;lass and Richard residence entered• Glass• Terry Childress reported a ram sheep missing. It: was located on the McReavy Road.  SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT Gregory Leavitt reported the October 6, Tenna Stockwell burglary of a residence. " ..... residence, 507 N. Fifth, sparks A hit and run accident was from burning in yard set roof reported at Hoodsport. shakes on fire, $75 damage. Parker in Kansas U.S. Air Force First Lieutenant Tommie H. Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen tt. Parker. Shelton, has been certified as a missile combat crew commander at McConnell AFB, Kansas. Lieutenant Parker, a missle launch officer, was recommended for upgrading by the wing c ommander after meeting training and evaluation requirements. The lieutenant, a 1971 graduate of Shelton High School, received a B.S. degree in 1975 from Washington State University where he was commissioned through the reserve officers training corps program. Stop smoking clinic planned A five-day stop smoking clinic will be held in the dining room of Mason General Hospital October 15- i 9 starting at 7:30 p.m. Tile clinic is sponsored by the Adventist Health Services. it will be conducted by Reverend J. Tim Gallagller of the Shelton Seventh-day Adventist Church and Robert Dickinson, respiratory therapist at Mason General. Wise men Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak and to speak well, are two tlfings. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks. Ben Jonson Tired of wasting wood in inefficient stoves & fireplaces? • The Earth Stove burns 1/3 the fuel of many st0veSbecause pre.heating draft mani-q, fold promo!es efficient and complete combustion like d' solid fuel power plants. Super.heated air prevents "cooling" of fire unlike manual "hole" drafts do. Even large chunks burn slowly and completely-eliminates frequent ash removal. • Wood gases notwasted Secondarydrafts introduce oxygen above primary tire zone to burn volatile gases such as methanol, pyroligneous acid, etc. • Convertsto open fire instantly • 1 O0 % Financing Available (O.A.C) Come in and see it burning and cooking at Sound Lumber Co. V= mile S. on Hwy. 101 426-4282 Choose your 1979 appointment from a lde selection of different styles ranging from pocket- size to desk calendars. SHELTON LJRINTING AND STATIONERY 131 Railroad Ave. 426.6102 I I I I Produce your own "home movies" with RCA'e black & white video sound camera It connects easily to the VCR and is designed for simple, dependable operation --just pop up the viewfinder, aim, press the trigger and you get instant video recordings complete with sound. RCA SelectaVision 4-hour video cassette recorder VCT200 • Record the program you're watching--up to tour hours on a single cassette. • Record one program while you watch another. • Record while you're asleep or away with built-in digital clock/timer. • Record your own home movies wflh the optional video camera. • Remote Pause Control for chairside editing. • Included: 2-hour RCA video tape cassette at no extra charge. Thursday, October 12, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15