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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 12, 1978
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Christa Fraissl High School Spotlight Christa Fraissl, born in a little town in Austria, went to Vienna at the age often years to enroll in a school. : "The school system in Austria is much different than it is here," Christa explains. "Those wishing to go to a university must first attend a preparatory school for eight years." In June of 1978 Christa was graduated from the Vienna school. She is now attending Shelton High School as an American Field Service exchange student. She resides with Fred and Anne Weaver of Shelton, who have a 16-year-old daughter and a 13-year-old son. Christa Fraissl was reared by her grandparents, Brigitta and Wenzel Hasslaver, who still live in the small Austrian town where "I play classical music," she says, "but ! like to listen to all kinds. My other hobbies include reading, traveling and drawing." In her Austrian home there is a 16-year-old German shorthair who grew up with Christa. In her foster home she enjoys the company of a cat and a puppy Christa was president of her class for one year in her Vienna school. There she learned French but no English. "I started speaking English when I came here," she says. "Not only was the language different, l: find the lifestyle, the schools, the foods all very different It was difficult at first. Now I cook Austrian foods for my host family." Christa Fraissl met many other AFS students on her trip to ista spem b¢ earl,¥ ldhood Shelton..She boarded a train for ....... ¢aTa' € 'i ":Amwrdam, and men traveled brother. In Austria Christa attended an academy to study painting, drawing and stage design. In Shelton High School she studies U.S. history, pottery, illustrating, cartooning and drama. She Serves as a teachers aide for a German class. " .:/. Christa Fratssl isa pianht. Pioneer l I II I air with other exchange students to New York and then to San Francisco. Students went various ways. Christa came by bus to Seattle. "All AFS students will meet somewhere in June of 1979," she remarks. "We'll have a few days of socializing before the return trip." Students visit King Tut exhiblt Monday By CARMEN YATES A big bunch of happy excited kids boarded two buses for a trip to the Seattle Center this past Monday afternoon. Prior to the trip the students had talked about the exhibit and saw some previews of the various articles to look for once there. And needless to say, the one most popular item was the death mask. There was only one thing that detracted just a bit, that being it tended to boa bit too crowded at times, but other than that it was afantastic experience for the whole group. There has been a slight time change in the hours of the two Pioneer kindergarten classes beginning this week. Morning session is from 8:30 to 11:05 a.m. and the afternoon class runs from 12:40 to 3:15 p.m. Coming up October 25 there will be a planning meeting for the Halloween party. Once again it is being sponsored--by-the I I I CASH for Dental Gold, Sterling Sliver AND ALL OLD :COINS. Unlimffed funds . ovoiloble, plse col. I ": ' Oreg Ilohan,. Rohan Numismatics 426-5642 I I I II I!K ,: I1' I . Page 18- Sheff6n':Mason County Journal District Five Fire Department. At last Monday evening's regular meeting of the school board the board set Thursday night of next week for a meeting to reorganize the Project 80 Committee. The day is October 19 and at 7:30 p.m. Since the school has already exceeded that committee's predicted growth two years ahead of schedule, a new tentative title for the committee has been selected, "Pioneer's Growing Concern." Meeting set for planning of reunion A second planning meeting for the Irene S. Reed Class of 1959 Twentieth Reunion will be held in the Colonial House at 2 p.m Sunday. All interested classmates are asked to attend, and it is hoped that a date and place for the reunion can be set at this meeting. For further information call (after 5:30 p.m.) Judy Pearce Taylor, 426-4930, or Sara Orr Watkins, 426-2678. Schutzhund Club to meet Mason County Schutzhund Club will meet for a training session at 3 p.m. Sunday on the grounds of the Seventh-day 'Adventist School. Those participating in tracking will meet at 8 a.m. Saturday at the fairgrounds. Progress Grange slates meeting Progress Grange will convene on Friday for a 6:30 p.m. potluck and an 8 p.m. meeting. AGNES KANGAS is shown with the 17 ribbons, most of them blue, won at a recent South Sound Mall flower show. Her exceptional dahlias are consistent winners. Dirt Dobber earns ribbons Shelton Dirt Dabber Garden clubber Agnes Kangas literally walked away with the district flower show held on September 22 in South Sound Mall, Lacey. Among many awards garnered by the local gardener were sweepstakes for most blue ribbons; award of merit for a gladiolus and award of horticultural excellence for an amaranthus. Arrangements, single Open House set for Sunday / JOHN AND CORDA WATKINS will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on October 15. Request is denie,:! in Mason County. Judge Baker stated he did not believe it would be to the benefit of anyone to try the case in Pierce County. Judge Frank Baker, after a hearing in Mason County Superior Court Thursday, denied a request for a change of venue to Pierce County in the Shelton school district's suit against the architect and general contractor for the Shelton High School buildings. The request for a change of venue was brought by the attorney representing the architectural firm of Lea, Pearson and Richards, a Tacoma group. The attorney stated that the firm was a partnership, not a corporation, and as such had the right under the law to have the action against it brought in the county where it was located. The general contractor, Abscher Construction, Puyallup, is a corporation and can be sued These 15,000-1b. capacity Thompson Trailers are now available through BARDEN'S RENTALS. 4 FB: Three-Axle Flatbed Trailer • All Steel Construction • 26' LOA • Stake Pockets • Tiedown Hooks • Ideal for Hauling Pallets, Crates. Bundles Suggested Retail Price: 8'x20' Bed, Short Hauling, Electric Brake ....................... $2995 8'x20' Bed, Long Hauls, Electric Broke .............. $3395 II IIH( I 1209 Olympic Hwy. S., Shelton The 25th wedding anniversary of John W. and Corda B. Watkins will be celebrated at an open house to be held between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Sunday in the couple's Eldon home, located approximately 12 miles north of Hoodsport on Highway I01. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins have a daughter, Connie Frank of Seattle. There are three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Frank and her fanfily will host the open house. John and Corda Watkins were married on August 21, 1953 in Olympia where they lived for several years. They have resided on Hood Canal since 1958. They serYe:as.,.Royal Patron and Royal Mation of Canal Court Order of the Amaranth. All friends are invited to attend the hopen house, and it is equested that no gifts be presented. : Don't pollute! Elect Don Mc WHERE': Here, if done. blooms and specimen plants were entered by Mrs. Kangas who completed with 400 entries by many chapters of Black itills District Garden clubs. Out of 20 entries, Agnes Kangas won 17 ribbons. A special award was given for her double pink fibrous begonia, a house plant. Former Dirt Dabber president Connie Franklin and Thelma Adams, currently second vice-president of the Shelton chapter, also won awards. Paid for by Committee Marilyn Hicks, 61S Whidbey, HEDICARI SUPPLEMENT --Covering-- Hospitalization - Doctor Calls Physicians - Surgeons - Chiropractors Skilled Nursing Facility Home Health Services No Physical Examlncdion Rec All Pre-Existing Condltic DOCTORS CALLS PAID Starting with first call (206) 426-1091 H I H I I - Thursday, October 12, 1978 Policy Form MS For FREE INFORMATION fill out cou Diversified Insurance Services P.O. Box 3297 Midway Station Kent, WA 98031 Name Street City Age Zip Phone Underwritten by Health Care, WE'RE ALL THE BANK YOU,LL EVER NEED DRIVE-IN BANKIO 8-6 Monday thru Fddg LOBBY HOUI 9-5 Monday thru HOODSPORT DRIVE-IN 9-5 Monday thru LOBBY 9:.30-4 Monday thru Thin, daY, This is Home Builders' Day. These local members appreciate your business! Arcadia Drilling Co. 426-3604 Arcadia Electric 426-9120 Alpine Landscaping 275-6587 Bent Nail Construction, Inc. 426-9757 BIIIIngton's Home Building Supply 426-4415 Capital Savings & Loan Assn. 426-8211 Cascade Natural Gas 426-2655 Dean's Masonry 426.6491 Evergreen Materials 426-2609 Evergreen Savings AssOC. 426-5517 George Valley Furniture & Appliance 426-4663 G.H. Parker (Builder) 426.2810 Graystone of Shelton 426-3544 K.A. Rose Co. (Builder) 425-4415 Kimmel Masonry 426.1512 Land Title Insurance of Mason County 426.8288 MiklethUn 426.2025 426-2025 Otto Fie Service, 10o 426-1500 PeOOEVCO' j Hansen's Plumbing Lanning's Appliance 426.1666 j. Heating & Sheet Metal 426-9111 Raymond 426.5565 426-101@ Levitt & Associates Heinitz Painting, Inc. (Surveyor) Rossmalar 426-8229 426-568 866-4575 HlmlleRealty Lumberman's of Shelton ShamrOCk I1' 426.2646 426.2611 275-2015 Hood Canal Plumbing 426-7310 Hood Canal State Bank 426-5581 / Intermountaln Insulation 426-6226 Jim Old/, Builder 426-5313 Lumberman's Vacation Homes 426-2614 Mason County Escrow 426.5551 Mason County Federal Credit Union 426-1601 She 426-1600 St. 1400 West Relff 426.5521 Walte 426.9757 J. R. Sobotka Co. (Builder) 426-6839 Meyers Construction 426-3250 Viking 426-219 home builders association of mason c