October 12, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Bowling Results & Statistics
DOUBLES 10/9/78
Men's Hi Game: Rick Deyette,
Men's Hi Series: Rick Deyette
and William Cote, 555.
Women's Hi Game: Bobble
Peterson, 161.
Women's Hi Series: Bobble
Peterson, 455.
Standings: G&G 131/P61/z,
Taurus 13V-6%, Gallery 13-7,
Hood Canal 13-7, Jolly 12-8, No.
7 10-10, No. 11 91/2-101/z, M&M
9-11, No. 4 81/z-Ill/z, Reller's
8-12, Marina 5-15, Beasley 5-15.
No. 11 4, Loule Zoren 455;
Marina 0, Harry Cook 482; G&G
3, Bey and Dave Delph 391; No.
7 1, Doug Martin 407; Jolly 4,
Rick Deyette 555; Reller's 0,
Jerry Kinnaman 359; Beasley 0,
Harold Miller 360; Taurus 4,
Rick Sperling451; M&M 0, Mary
King 354; Hood Canal 4, Ted
Russell 473; Gallery 1, Terry
Knight 487; No. 4 3, William
Cote 555.
WOMEN'S CITY 1013/78
Women's Hi Game: Bev
Kunnanz, 191.
Women's Hi Series: Bey
Kunnanz, 535.
Standings: Lumbermen's
12-8, Morgan's 11-9, Fir 11-9, 40
& 86-14.
40 & 8 0, Bev Dunbar 466;
Lumbermen's 4, Bev Kunnanz
535, Morgan's 3, Char Tobin
492; Fir 1, Sonja Cochran 449.
Men's Hi Game: Roy West, 213.
Men's Hi Series: Roy West, 550.
Standings: Shop 15-5, Mill 3
14-6, Chippers 14-6, Gyppos
9-1 1, Resources 7-13, Govey
7-13, RR 7-13, Boom 7-13.
Boom 0, Bob Ramsfield 450;
Mill 3 4, Ran Cochran 506; RR 1,
Jack Wheeler 438; Govey 3, Rich
Waring 505; Gyppos 1, Rick
Anderson 488; Chippers 3, Ed
12:30 10/5/78, Crossan 485; Resources 1, Mark
Women's HI Game: Rosa Perkins, Wittenberg 488; Shops 3, Roy
157. West 550.
Women's Hi Series: Rosa Perkins,
Standings: Glass 14-6, SIMPSON SWING
SHIFT 10/9/78
Garbage 12-8,Bob's 10-10, Nell's Men's Hi Game: L.C. Leman,
4-16. 200.
Garbage 3, June Mitchell
368;Nell's 1, Edith 326;Glass0, Men's Hi Series: Wiley Evans,
Dorothy Roberts 397; Bob's 4, Women's Hi Game: Bev
Rosa Perkins 428. Kunnanz, 160.
Women's Hi Series: Bev
Women's Hi Game: Tammy
LeDoux. 180. Standings: Screwballs 15-5,
Women's Hi Series: Barb La Plywood 131/z-61/z, Doublecuts
13-7, Markers 13-7, Hemlockers
Vergne, 471.
3tandlngs: Lea 17-3, Lucky 10-10, Comers 91/z-101/2, Rattlers
9-11, Waite 7-13, Argo 7-13. 9-11, Angels 9-11, Fishtails 8-12,
Black 7-13, Bedrock 7-13,
Lea 3, Barb LaVergne 471; Stampedes 6-14.
Waite 1, Patty Whittley 429; Angels 3, Dee Robinson350;
Lucky 2, Sharon Bender 434; Markers 1, Ramona Tinsley 451;
Argo 2, Tammy LeDoux 453. Screwballs 1, Cheryl Gehrke 366;
SIMPSON RECREATION Hemlockers 3, Dave Wood 505;
Black 1, Jack Carlson 472;
Women's HI Game: Lucile Bedrock 3, Rea Howry 448;
Farmwald, 182. Rattlers 1, L.C. Leman 527;
Women's Hi Series: Lucile Comers 3, Frank Lovato 492;
Farmwald, 469. Fishtails 4, Mike Berndt 426;
Doublecuts 0, Gary Kunnanz
Standings: Loaders 16-4,
Railroad 10-10, Loggers 8-12, 475; Stampedes 3, Mike Fussell
464; Plywood 1, Wiley Evans
Shops 6-14.
Shops 3, Betty McFarlane 546.
373; Loggers 1, Lucile Farmwald
469; Loaders 2, Clara Erickson
437; Railroad 2, Georgia
Coleman 418. SUNDAY NIGHT
MIX ED 4% 10/8/78
GRANGE 10/9/78
Men's Hi Game: Bob Florek, Men's Hi Game: Floyd Barnes,
163. 250.
Men's Hi Series: Bob Florek, Men's Hi Series: Tick Skillman,
428. 571.
Women's Hi Game: Elaine Women's Hi Game: Julie
Antis, 170. Coleman, 213.
Women's Hi Series: Elaine Women's Hi Series: Nancy
Antis, 490. Brewer, 484.
Standings: Insurance Standings: Ding 15-5, Bionic
15-5, Skokomlsh 15-5, Agate 15-5, Lakers 15-5, Totems 15-5,
II 13-7, Pomona 12-8,
Odd 13-7, Farmers 12-8, Salty
Progress 11-9, Southside 11-9, 4-4 11-9, Red 9-11, H20
101/=-9, Harstine 91/P101/z, 8-12, Moonshiners 7-13, BS 7-13,
Matlock 8-12, Agate I 6-14. Fo Ca 7-13, Family 6-14, MD
Pomona 4, Elaine Antis
490; Harstlne 4, Everett
II 4, John Whetham 426;
Progress O, Bob Florek 428;
Agate I 1, Rudv Purse 326:
Insurance 3, L , Mercer 412;
Southslde 1, Carl Ems/ey
416; Skokomish 3, Stan
G evinnett 386.
CBers 10/6/78
Men's Hi Game: Dale Neff,
Men's Hi Series: Ed Crossan
and Ed Stansell, 510.
Women's HI Game: Betty
Cochran, 169.
Women's Hi Series: Betty
Cochran, 476.
Standings: Strappers
16-4, Bucket 16-4, Hogs
11-9, Ten 8-12, Hoppers
8-12, Radio 8-12, Five 8;.12,
Terrlbles 5-15.
Hoppers 1, Ed Crossan
510; Ten 3, Dale Neff 482;
Terribles 1, Bill Freeto 414;
Radio 3, Colin Robinson
379; Five 0, Norm Blouin
405; Bucket 4, John
Cookson 385; Strappers 3,
Ed Stansell 510; Hogs 1, Ken
Toebe 480.
Men's Hi Game: Don
McGInnis, 233.
Men's HI Series: Dave Myer,
Stendings: STATE 16-4,
Western 13.7, Rotary 12-,
Heads 12-8, Drumstick 11-9,
Shelton 11-9, Fuller 10-10,
PUD 10-10, West 91/P101/2,
Moose 9-11, Tails 9-11,
Nimrod 8-12, Antlers
5-14/1, Lions 4-16.
Heads 1, Martin Crabtree
456; State 3, Dave Myer 575;
Antlers 11/2, Charlie Loitz
407; Tails 2½, Ralph Victor
487; Nimrod 1, Lee Eaken
493; Moose 3, Don McGinnls
552; West 2, Rick Querin
445; PUD 2, John Warren
"520; Lions 0, Burs Tweed
419; Shelton 4, Dennis
Renecker 440; Drumstick 1,
Dick Arnold 572; Rotary 3,
Bob Chamberlln 538;
Western 3, Phil Adams 533;
Fuller 1, Floyd Fuller 492.
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& DOLLS 10/6/78
Men's Hi Game: Jack
Patraszewski, 220.
Men's Hi Series: Clay Kelth, 561.
Women's Hi Game: Sandi
Johnson, 195.
Women's Hi Series: Mary Ann
Hathaway, 505.
Standings: Roll 14-6, Angels
14-6, 2+2 131/z-61/z, Straf 13-7,
No. 6 13-7, Hee 12¾-7%, Front
11-9, Keiths 11-9, Been's 11-9,
Kyds 91/P101/z, Busters 8]/z-llVz,
No. 1 8-12, 4-4 7-13, naps 5-15,
No. 12 5-15, Vacillators 4-16.
2+2 4. Jack Patraszewski
543; naps 0, Jeff Thompson
437; Keiths 1, Clay Keith 561;
Nn. 12 3. Lynn McQuilkin 482;
Been's 0, Ned Thompson 404;
No. 1 4, Bill Cox 449; Front 1,
AI Meyer 506; Roll 3, Jim
Brewer 532; Angels 4, Dan
Curtis 474; 4-4 0, George
McAulay 482; No. 6 4, Bob
I_amman 437; Vacillators 0, Jesse
Ells 422; Hee 4, Curt Snyder
433; Busters 0, Mary Ann
Hathaway 505; Kyds 3, Cal
Johnson 456; Straf 1, Leo Nault
DONUT TRIO 10/10178
Women's Hi Game: Connie
Leonard, 201.
Women's Hi Series: Betty Dean,
Standings: Naults 20-4,
Limerick 18-6, Pine 151/P81/z,
James 15-9, Frans 15-9, No. 13
13-11, Neils 12-12, No. 10
12-12, Central 11-13, Leo.
11-13, Simpson 11-13, Bobs
91/2-141/z, Grays 9-15, Spinners
8-16, Lucky 7-17, Divers 5-19.
No. 10 4, Sharon Clark 462;
Spinners 0, Eva Hanson 417;
Lucky 1, Connie Leonard 455;
No. 13 3, Chris McDermott 438;
Leo. 3, Shorty Mazzoncini 464;
Frans 1, Dovie Brumbaugh 445;
Central 1, Marion Paul 382; Neils
3, Betty Marshall 420; Naults 4,
Betty Dean 512; Divers 0, Dixie
Hersh 393; Pine 3, Norma Smith
444; Grays 1, Betty Gray 434;
Simpson 0, Diana Offerdal 426;
James 4, Shirley Cox 455; Bobs
0, Zelda Holman 385; Limerick
4, Carolyn Soehnlein 431.
Women's Hi Game: Char Murr,
Women's Hi Series: Betty Dean,
Standings: Naults 19-5,
Skookum I9-5, Himlie 16-8,
Bill's 15-9, Elkettes 15-9,
Paramount 14-10, Oyster 12-12,
Log 111/z-121/z, Sobotka 11-13,
Knudsen 10-14, 4-C's 10-14,
Manke's 7-17, Moerv's 7-17,
B&R 5-19, Wood 4%-19½.
B&R 0, Stella Howard and
Shirley Weaver 392; Sobotka 4,
Sallie Faughender 446; Oyster 3,
Gloria Baughn 453; Log 1, Diana
Offerdal 465; Merv's O, Sue Wood
395; Elkettes 4, Mary Ann
Hathaway 549; H.C. 3, Margaret
6-14, Dummys 3-17. Bibbee 499; 4-C's 1, LaVonne
Salty 0, George Witcraft 492; Castle 498; Nault's 4, Betty Dean
I:>ing Ftoyd arnes 6t : 587; Wood O. L)nda Laney 395;
Moonshiners 4, Doug Tinge, all Manke 3, Llnaa Stevens 426;
520; MD 0, Iris Duggan 440; Himlie 1, Patty Brown 477; Bill's
Totems 4, Dan Brown 559; 2, Shirley Cox 429; Skookum 2,
Edith Walter 456; Paramount 2,
Dummys 0, Tick Skillman 571;
Family 0, Chris Thompson 423;
Lakers 4, George Wright 490; Fo
Ca 2, Wayne CandUl 388; Red 2,
Julle Coleman 449; Bionic 3, Jack
Frost 523; BS 1, Judy Klein450,
Odd 2, Del Hartwell 495; Farmers
2, Wayne Clarv 524:H20 0. Mike
Aries 421; 4-4 4, Donna Harto,
Men's Hi Game: Vic Schneider,
Men's Hi Series: Vic Schneider,
Standings: Sort 18-2,
Andrew's 15-5, Donut 13-7, RA
12-8, Bud 11-9, Divers 10-10,
Grocery 10-10, Certified 9-11,
Hansen's 9-11, Blanton 9-11,
Golden 6-14.
Blanton 3, Wayne 450;
Golden 1. Bob Bednarski 443;
Hansen's 1, Lloyd Clark 481;
Sort 3, Tom Tinker 553;
Grocery 1, Bob Henz 478; Bud
3, Powell White 489; Donut 3,
Jim Getchman 544; Divers 1,
Jim Patton 510; RA 4, Dick
Garrett 543; Certified 0, Roland
Cuzick 495; Andrew's 4, Vic
Schneider 575.
Julle Coleman 426; Knudsen 2,
Shirley Byrne and Judy Coogan
TR IO 1015178
Women's Hi Game: Lena
Johnson, 214.
Women's Hi Series: Lena
Johnson, 602.
Standings: Arnold 16-4,
Johnson's 14-6, Harry's 12-8,
Hut 12-8, M&O 12-8, B|llingtons
11-9, Winqards 11-9, William s
10-10, Byron's 10-'10, Hood
Canal 9-11, Arctic 9-11, Clary's
7-13, B&L 7-13, Mell 7-13,
Settle 7-13, Fuller s 6-14.
Fuller's 3, Judl Manke 492;
Settle 1, Becky Cotton 305;
Harry's 1, Nita Tinsley 394; Mell
3, Gini Fabian 393; Wlngerds 0,
Frankle Barnes 438; Hood Canal
4, Charlotte Elklns 431;
Johnson's 3, Joan Johnson 514;
Claw's 1, Diana Fogo 469; B&L
1, Dorothy Ahrens 377;
Billington's 3, Sue McCoy 380;
Arnold 3, Lane Johnson 602;
M&O 1, Florence Stevens 404;
Hut 3, Jackle Brown 490;
William's 1, Diane Williams 449;
Byron's 2, Teena Waylett 372;
Arctic 2, Char Murr 407.
2s Ago 9. ,Sl,00
485 Series
Olympic Plywood bounced into se-
cond place in Industrial League bowling
this week. Jean Rau fired the heavy
artillery with a 485 series. Ollle Nelson
and Jeanne Peterson gave her help for
the team win.
Shelton Blazers played their last
game of the season to a 7-7 tie with
Hoqulam last Thursday. Two beautifully
executed pass plays gobbled up 68 of
the 77 yard scoring drive. Dick Reiten
pitched to Lean Hylton for 36 yards
and then to Gerald Christie for 32 yards.
Two former Highclimber football
players showed up last week on the
roster of the University of Washington
freshman football •squad at opening
turnout. They were Emmett Smith and
Doug Wetter.
m,u Tree Farm 41.1911
General Contractor Exc(. atlng Bulldozer Rental
Christmas Tree Soles Fill Dirt Septic Tanks
Brush Control Spraying Top Soil Backhoe Service
Page 24 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October ]2, 1978
,STILL LOOKING for their
first varsity win under new
iCoach Dave McVicker,
members of the Highclimber
girls' volleyball team pose
:last week in the Minidome.
,The first-team Climbers lost
three game thrillers against
both Capital and Centralia
ithe past week to drop to
'0-4 on the year, while their
i jayvee counterparts bowed
in three at Capital before
, beating Centralia here 15-6
and 15-12 for their first
triumph. From left, front to
back, are Wendy Flansaas,
'Sheri Vincent, Scotti
Seljestad, Jerry Brewer,
i Sherri Warren, Trudi Finch,
'Marci Allen, Ann Brooks,
iDiana Lenninq, Kelly Byrne,
Bonnie Chamberlin, Terri
:Smith, Jean Anderson, Erica
'Bergeson, Erin Laney,
,, Marg, e Stevens, Wendy Hoff,
'Paula Bigley, Coach
,'McVicker, Marilyn McGee,
Peri Hagen and Assistant
Coach Bonnie Whitmore.
Not pictured are Nesa Manu,
Shashi Churchill, Karen
Evankovich and Barbie
Forests are our business
and your pleasure.
In today's fast-paced, up-tight
world, one of the most precious
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ITT Rayonier ownS and manages
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territory. And at just about any given
moment, nearly all of it is open for
public recreation.
We support the multiple-use concept,
because it makes a lot of sense.
Private forestlands provide much
more than raw material for products.
They're also valuable as a recreationa I
Lakes and streamS abound with
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for the avid hiker or a serene picnic.
And some of the best hunting
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On Rayonier forestlands, the company
provides more than a welcome.
Like our two riverbank parks on the
Olympic Peninsula. Each has modern
restrooms, covered kitchens, picnic
tables, outdoor fireplaces and wading
beaches. As many as 50,000 people
have used them in a single season.
Also getting good use are
Rayonier-built boat-launching
sites on three popular lakes within
compaqy lands.
Our welcome to hunters is extended
with an emphasis on safety.
Master maps of our forestlands are
displayed at all Rayonier offices to
show roads, streams, gate locations,
and controlled-access and danger
areas due to logging or other
operational reasons. Pocket-size
maps also are available free of charge.
If you can't stop by, drop us a line
and we'll mail you one.
Rayonier wishes all hunters a good
season...but please, hunt safely! ion,
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write. ITT Rayonier, Dept. M-l, .
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• of
ITT Rayonier, Inc. A subsidiary ,
International Telephone and Teleg rapp