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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'::i!; i: N L!'::,'I ,! i: /+ : ,:' /'.   il : TTE 4 DR. '78 CHEVETTE 4 DR. :K SEDAN HATCHBACK SEDAN II IOnual transmission, imsl metallic. Stock 0 I. so** Day/Night Inside rearvlew mirror, 4-spd manual trans., black vinyl bucket, saffron talllc. Stock 5887, No. 1B68EBY343251. '78 HONDA CIVIC 1200 SBA '78 HONDA CIVIC SBA '78 CHEVETTE 2 DR. HATCHBACK COUPE AM radio, 441ed transmission, bucket Am radio, 4-speed, body side moldings, Day/Night Inside rearvlew mirror, auto. • ts, body side molding=, rear defogger. Wheel opening moldings, bucket seats, red. trans., cus. ext., camel vinyl bucket, dark sliver. Stock 2394, SBC6138821. Stock H2303, No. $BA6128702. camel metallic. Stk 5904, No. 1B08E8Y. '3679 '3839 3714 3 SALE SALE SALE $ 350650. +? PRICE PRICI PRICE SALE '+ PRICE *87 s°** -,- '89 "s** '85 °°** ...'89"** '78 HONDA '78 HONDA :TTE 2 DR. '78 CHEVETTE 2 DR. .'K COUPE HATCHBACK COUPE CIVIC SBC CIVIC 1200 4.speed, AM radio, white side walls, body side moldings, rear defngger, bucket seats, blue. Stock 2351, No. SBC6134012. manual transmission, Day/Night Inside rearvlew mirror, 4-spd sliver. Stock 7029, manual trans., carmine vinyl bucket, car. mine metallic, Stock 5943. No. 1B08EBY36. 5021. + '3586 "" *3852 i+ SALE PRICE PRICE .,. '84 "s* .,. '89"s** AM radio, 4-speed, bucket seats, white. Stock H2353, No. $BA6133888. "" '3694 PRICE '78 CHEVETTE 2 DR HATCHBACK COUPE Soft Ray Tinted Glass, 4-Spd manual trans- mission, carmine custom vinyl bucket, car- mine metallic. Stock 5863, No. 1BO8E8Y339- 119. SALE i!:,i "": ," ' ' PRICE ,85oo** LEASE ....... ,..,87so** |=10r dew mirror, 4-speed Automatic transmission; power steering, ),, camel vinyl bucket, AM radio, vinyl bucket, bdght yellerS. +" m68E8Y374818. Stock 6175, No. !M27V8U7513. tV TTE 4 DR. '78 MONZA '+ m.ou.t. To '78 CHEVETTE 2 DR.: '78 MONZA "22" '1307 " HATCHBACK COUPE + 2 DOOR HAT?HBACK COUPE . On 161 Remaining Wheel opening moldings, 4-spd man. trans., '36,81 + '3980 Ill .,.,98so** & Honda Pauengar Cars WHY PAY MORE? Tlnted glassl 4.speed anual tronsmlssion, + camel vlByl bucket. St 5836, No: IB08. EBY316981. '3508 PRICl + ........... + ,,.+ ,89so**+ P.S., AM rod., green cuE. vinyl bucket, It. green metallic. Stk 6118, No. 1M07V8U- 232062. ++., +  ,+., ,nasa** LEASE "JF  FALL CLEARANCE MARKDOWNS +J. O001r i eve ,KUD +llefl I vathL "' IOdlm ',altln,,- Is Spar metallic , v8. ful ary tape Iger, mo t ch mare XYI27 '76 PONTIAC LEMANS Jet black 4 dor sport sedan with black vinyl roof & royal blue custom vinyl interior, VB, automatic trans., full power, air conditioning, radio with stereo tape, rear window de- logger & deluxe wheel covers. No. P2814. Liit price $4295. TODAY'S PRICE *2976 brown metallic door sedan wl roof & lush cus- II power, lass, AM rodlo, n, deluxe whl '76 PONTIAC LEMANS Chocolate brown metallic sport coupe with saddle tan pleat- ed vinyl seats, V8, automatic, PS, air, radio, sport mirrors, tilt steering, deluxe wheel covers & radial white wall tires. Very sporty. No. P2789. List price $4595. TODA Y'S .R,CE *3776 '76 TOYOTA CILICA Bright gold:spOrly coupe with smdle tan Iet Se' 4Lcy ' llnder overhaod cam engine, tmmlmi.lon, rally • els, rodtal tires, remr win- defoer, /FM tuner I track tope. Locally owned l well kett, No. t. use cam. m,,+ ISY6 '76 CHEV IMPALA Dark blue metallic, 4-door sedan with blue custom cloth interior, VB, automatic, power erlng, air conditioning, tint- I glass, body side molding, II wheel covers & radial tires. A super value. No. CWM $87. List price $4295. TODA Y'S PRICE *:1188 'YT.CHIV IMPALA ht blue metallic 4.door lux- y Klen, powder blue cas- m vinyl int0 VB, auto. trans, M raclio, air cond. tinted P2H62. List Our populgr . half ton, finlstmd red with tar torlor, 4 transmlsllol AM rodlo, wheel covers & cab hlglt in. sulated canopy. Super_ ttmrp. No. PPBq3. List prlce495. TODA 1"1 .+. *2988 '71 FORD PICKUP Hard to find crew cab, 4-dr. pickup, % ton chassis, rear seats & cab hi canopy, V8, auto, power steering, dual tanks, AM radio, step bump- er, split rim wheals. Chrome mirrors. No. A64001. List price $2795. '*" '1996 PRIC 'II CHEVY PICKUP Heavy du chassis, long wide box with 'regular gas," 6 cy- linder, 3-speed standard tans, PS, gauqes, step rear bump- er, truck mirrors and only 8,000 miles. No. XTB010. List price $,5695. YODA Y'S PRICS talllc & matddng blue bucket mrs, 4 cyllmhlr with auto- nlttc tranWnlsllon, new tires, dean I bt prlced. No, JOB956. List prlce $2895. $4Y78 ,,=o,1"s ... s2288 Interior, trlc rear defogger & No. lfN'77. Lilt price m,,, '2i88 PIIICI '75 CHEV CHEVELLI Midsized 4-door sedan, finish- ed in dark blue metallic with blue cloth interior, 3S0 V8, automatic, power steering, AM radio, fuji wheel covers & white wall fires. She looks like a million & a real budget stretcher. No. JCM589. List price $2295. TODAY'S '167: '77 VIGA HATCHIIAC[ Dark red metalllc 3+dr hatch. back, silver & gold accent stdpet & cks red bucket seOts, 4 cylirlor auto trans, AM rodlo, bocly side moldings. white wail tires, 26,000 mllas. . NO. INR944. Lilt price 3595. IOIA Y'S m. *2577 '77 CHEV MONTE CARLO Beautiful Landau coupe in white with burgundy, half vin- yl roof, burgundy sport cloth interior, V8, full power, air, tilt wheel, cruise control, AM/ FM stereo with cassette tape landau when covers & radial tires. No. P2766. List price $,5795. YODA Y'S ..,€. ..... *4988 '77 CHEVY PICKUP Long, wide box half ton in chocolate brown metallic with saddle tan custom deluxe in- terior. 12,000 miles, perfectly equipped, VB, auto., power steering, AM radio, gauges, full wheel covers. No. T2J07. List price $5695. TOgA y'S PR,- *4777 '75 HONDA CVCC Bright yellow 3-door hatch- bac-k 0upe, black accent slrll & block bucket seat Interior, front wheel drive, 4- o/llnder with 4;il:lNid trans- mission, AM radio & white well tires. Lift-up rear door & fold down mar st. No. 208A. List price $2295. ,+,€" '2288 '76 IUICK CENTURY Silver metallic cust. coupe with silver Landau vinyl roof & burgundy cost. vinyl seats, 3,50 ".1." V8 automatic, full ower, air cond, electric rear efogger, cruise control, de- luxe wheel covers & radial tires. A super value. No. P- 2869. List price $4495. TODAY'S *S6', PRICE '76 DODI AIFIN SPICIAL IITIOM 4.dr ledon, dark red with matching vinyl mar & bur- gundy velour cloth ats0 re- clining seats, V8, auto. PS, rear defagger, radio, tinted glass, dlx vheel covert, radial w/w tires, No. LCN.219. List price $3995. 'oD"+ *2998 pmCll se¢, rotary power, auto trons, PS, rl!als, rally Wheels, AM/FM lunar with cassette to . Rear window el'. ¢ List . . 16. ..,=,+*1'" * 2 1:7 8 '76 OLDS CUTLASS Saddle ton sports coupe with custom houndstooth brown cloth Interior, 260 economy V8, automatic, full power, AM radio, deluxe wheel covers & radial tires. Extra clean. No. ILW772. List price $4295. roD, 12996 PRICE '! PONTIAC LiMAN! The €leanest in town hordta l0elclfinllhed in Pale yello le tan vll root luxe vinyl inter?, VI to;, power Itelrlg; tlntl glad, rear defog, racllal tlrt & deluxe wheeF covers, No. LBZ646. List price $1795. TCHI)A1' *'1488 '78 MONTE CARLO Silver metallic "Landau" sport coupe with silver vinyl roof & burgundy velour interior with split front seats, turbine wheel covers, radials, tilt steering wheel, rear window defogger, cruise control & AM /FM stereo, loaded & lovely. No. JKO925. List price $6895. YOD A Y'S ,ice *6378 '7t DATSUN 2MZ Beutiful fastlck coupe, fin. ished In dark brawn metallic wlth Hddle tan H.bck buckat seats, 6 cylinder, automatLc tronsmlsslon, rodlol tires K AM/FM stereo with cassette tape. A vmy classy auto that's priced right, NO. KXA005. List price $4695. . YO@A1"S .= *3999 '73 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX Luxury hardtop coupe finished in dark brown metallic with matching Landau roof & sad- dle ton bucket seats, "455" V8, automatic floor shift, full power, air cond., tilt steering wheel, tinted glass, stereo tape, No. IKB003. List price $3395. TOA Y'S PRICE '2S73 '74 HONDA CiViC Dark blue metallic 3-door hatchback, charcoal bucket front & fold down rear seat, 4 cylinder, front wheel drive with automatic transmission & AM radio. Popular little Im- port at a bargain price. No. BUS495. List price $2395. 11874 '77 CHEVY IMPALA Cream beige 4.dr sedan w/ matching tan vinyl roof and gold cust. cloth Int, VB, auto, 15S, air cond, radio, cruise con- trol, tinted glass body side moldings,, deluxe wheel €ov. ere & radials. No. P2791. List *41Y7 '76 TOYOTA PICKUP Hard to find long box, finished in light gold with saddle tan vinyl seats, overhead cam 4- cylinder engine, 5-speed transmission, AM radio, step rear bumper & radial tires. A rare find in gas miser truck. No. PW1694. List price $3795. TODA Y'S PR,CE *2998 '76 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX Luxury sport coupe, flnishl in mint green metallic with white lanCklU half vinyl roof & white bucket seats, V0, auto, floor shift, air cand., felt steer- Ing wheel, power wlndows, rally wheels &radial tires. No+ LCU563. List price $5995, TODAY'S P.,cE *4976 '76 DATSUN PICKUP A hard to find long box, fin- ished' in sky blue with light blue custom vinyl interior, 4 engine. 4-speed trans- mission, AM/FM tuner, truck mirrors, step rear bumper & only 39,000 miles. Super sharp. No. PX9350. List price $3895 TODA Y'S PR,cE *3376 '77 CHEVY "MONZA" Bright gold metallic, ,2 plys 2 Fastback coupe with light gold velour cloth bucket seats, VB, nutomatic, power steer: Ing, air conditioning, tinted glass, rear window defogger, sport mirrors, turbine wheel covers, radial tires & only 22,000 miles. No. 5137. List $4,199. TODA Y'S PRICE V8. covers. A little old, but € & budget priced. No, 148. List price $1595. OD,1',s * 9 99 PRIC| '76 CHEVY PICKUP Custom deluxe long, wide box & half ton chassis, silver gray metallic finish with burgundy vinyl interior, V8, auto, power steering, AM radio, air cond, tinted glass, body side mold- ings & deluxe wheel covers. N6. PY6980. List price $4695. PRIcETOO'"= *3995 '76 PINTO MPG WAGON Arctic white finish with s¢ldle ton vinyl bucket ieats, 4 cY. Ilnder angina, 4 speed trans- mission, radial tires, AMre+ dlo. For economy minded people at the right'prlce. No. IJL757. List priceleSS5, FODAY'S ,c, *2576 '74 DODGE PICKUP Hard to find club cab in dark brown metallic 8 tan two-tone Vuith tan custom vinyl int, V8, a to, power steering, AM ra- dio, gauges, tinted glass, slid- ing rear window, HD rear bumper, fold down rear jump seats. A rare find. No. PC- 9715. List price $3795. TODA Y'S PRICE *2996 '78 MONZA |1- • . Like new, bright gold fastback coupe with matchlng saddle tan Hlback bucket seats, per- formance V8 engine, 4.speed transmission, turbine wheel covert, radial tires, tlltstaer- ing wheel, power steering & only 13,000 mites. A must !ee, No. JDN.002. List prlce$4S95. '77 FORD MUSTANG Arctic white 3-door fastback coupe with burgundy custom cloth bucket sea-ts, 4 cylinder economy 4-speed transmis- sion. AM radio, factory air conditioning, rally gauges, sport mirrors tinted glass, styled steel wheels & only 28,000 miles. Extra nice. No. 5137-A. List price $3995. ,ODA,", *3477 PRICE ONL Y '398 oo oow. (or Less) 0N**'119 =+ MONTH (or Less) 39 Mos, APR 12Per cent Def, Price $4506.52 HERE ARETHE REASONS WHY YOU CANBUY AN OKAY USED:VEHICLE IWlTH DENCE FROM CAPITOL e • CHEVROLET-HONDA. a thorough 1. and body 0 The written results of the 66-potnt Inspection and any repair work performed ore post:J on the window of iach used vehicle, €learly disclosing the vehicle s condition, prior owner, usage and mileage. e Our used vehicles ore warranted to be in the con- dition disclosed on the. posted certificate. If some. this ) be as represented, It will be of the vehicle's sales price e A;llberol 12-month/12,000.mile limited warranty is available on most used vehicles. ISN'T THIS THE RIGHT WAY? JOE VINCENT Shelton home phone: 426-5994 WALT WARING Shelton home phone: 42t.111 Yl 12, 1978 Shelton-Mason Journat Page 29 I I