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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE ,26-4412 plush many $4.75, esdays $7 yard Fall Cedar s. 426-6479. Save now, 6" )ur ceiling. the walls and 426-3027; B9/21-10/12 Honda XL 500 miles, Phone clover and in stack. $71. FOB $85 at iday R, H • sell /19 families: free time, just to offer. re Repair ing and Atlas studded 2 used )s, $15 r12 bundles for size bundle. in. lesk, and-tiques. Engine Irs " 1 ,/ For Sale EXCELLENT CONDITION Bundy clarinet. $95. Call 426-8605 after 4 p.m. M10/12-19 1969 BSA 650, $500. Small sawmill, $1,500. 426-9129. W10/12 SPECIAL EVERY Friday -- men's shirts 35c. MCCFA Thrift Shop. 123 South Fourth. M7/27tfn BARK FOR landscaping, 15-60 yard loads. Call Skillman's. 866-8812. S3/23tfn DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes, at rock-bottom prices. Kay's Draperies. 113 South Second. K3/4tfn l NEED A passport picture? See The Photo Center for instant color passport pictures. 426-6163. 124 North Second. P5/18tfn ANTIQUES AND old furniture. Open every day, 10-6. Shelton Furniture Repair. 426-1858. Route 1, Box 168. S3/2tfn HAMMOND M-1 organ, $500. Portable Vox Continental organ with Leslie 825, $650 firm. Steel truck canopy, fits long, wide box, $50. 426-8224 days or 426-3159 after 5:30 p.m. G8/17tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon. 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn GOOD QUALITY oat hay. $1.50 bale in ton lot. Phone 426-8856. R7/27tfn ARE SPRING greens invading your fleshtones. Start the new T.V. season with a new Curtis Mathes T.V. from Conley's. Four year financing O.A.C. First and Alder. 426-5528. C7/27tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture. 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn HAY, $1.50 bale. McDonald Farm, Kamilche Valley. 426-3740. Mc8/24tfn GEARMATIC MODEL 8A winchdrum, new bearings, bands and seals, $500. Trash burner, white enamel, $100. Small airtight heater, $35. 426-3702. S10/12 ready rtes. ar 275-3011 tfn TOPS s Will travel. boat Your boat or sea. intrnent ngs tends OWner as, Shelton tnce The Carpet Layers Custom installation caq)et, vinyl, tile. $2.00 a yard. 426-3763 Rt. 3, Box 406 Shelton 6/9tfn Sailmakers- Upholsterers. Marine; auto, home. Your material or ours. Customizing -- restorations. If it is in canvas fabrics or vinyl, we can handle it. Also, industrial aprons, tote bags, vests in stock or made to your order. Boat tops are our specialty. Skelton, WA. 98584 426-2521 8 miles out on Bremerton Hwy. No. 3 tfn For Sale JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn MAGNETIC SIGNS, custom made, all sizes. Advertising and printing specialties. Jack Leimback. 877-5733. L8/3tfn 1-YEAR-old king size wooden headboard, $75 Bicycle built for two, $40. 426-3"144. YI0/12 LITTLE HARVEY food dryer, 6-tray, 15"x17", UL listed, 1,000 watt heater plus blower, safety switch, harvest gold or avocado. $149.95 each. Dist Earsley Company. 877-9707. E10/12-11/2 OSTERIZER BLENDER, serving cart, footlockers, lamp with leaded glass shade. Phone 426-4138. D 10/12 T.V. STAND, nice, on rollers, $25. Washing machine and dryer, Whirlpool, 2 years old, gold, $375. Older typewriter table, $15. Hanging lamp, smoke color, $35. 426-5851. $10/12 BEDS, CHESTS, tables, living room furniture and antiques, other items. 426-2752 after 4. B10/12 BLACK ANTIQUE piano with carvings. $300. 426-9117. N10/12-19 m USED WASHER and dryer. $100. 426-6766. L10/12 FOR SALE 'Sears 30" electric range, automatic timer, like new. $225. 426-5998 after 6 p.m. E10/12-11/2 MEN'S 10-speed 27", French design, $60. Boys 26" Schwinn bike, $45. 426-3286. F10/12 FOR SALE or trade for car: 2 C.B. radios, 1 base, 1 mobile. Astroplane antenna with 100' coax. Frances whip with 12' coax. $300. Will sell separate. 10'x12' tent, make offer. 10  portable T.V. with stand, $50. Citation portable sewing machine, $75. G.E. roasting oven, $20. 426-7583 weekdays 6:30-9 p.m. Weekends all day. P10/12 BUNDY FLUTE. Cost $175 new. Used 4 months for school lessons. Sacrifice, $100. 426-3021. $10/12 WESTERN SADDLES, one 14" seat, one 16" seat. $125 each. Excellent condition. 426-1172. W10/12 Dale septic tanks dozing gravel otto field For Sale FIREWOOD, MIXED' fir and pine, in Hoodsport area. U-haul. $25 a cord. 898-2807. R10/12 POOL TABLE. $60. 426-9886 evenings. R10/12-11/2 LOFTY PILE, free from soil is the carpet cleaned With Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer. $2. Coast to Coast store. C10/12 FREE ONE gallon of root beer to Peter K. VanderWal, 1109 Northcliff Road, from Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mt. View. A10/12 1 MINI canopy for sale. $100. Fits small pickup. 426-8059. P10/5-12 1 YEAR old elegant dark pecan dining room set, table, 6 chairs, 3 leaves, matching] china cabinet with interior light. Excellent condition, $750 complete. Hutch and buffet, maple, new, ideal for smaller living area, $150. 426-1904. D10-5/26 HAY FOR sale. $1.00 bale. You haul. Call weekends 426-4598. $10/5-26 FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE white dryer, $60. Brand new woman's 10-speed bike, $80. 426-3353. J10/12 POOL TABLE and accessories, portable typewriter. Call after 5 p.m. 426-4747. P10/5tfn HOUSE OF Lloyd toys and gifts. $10 free merchandise for holding party, plus more bonuses. 426-7410. R10/5-12 WHITE FIBERGLASS tub and shower combination. New. Sell for $130. 426-1317. W10/12tfn APARTMENT SIZE washer and dryer, bronze, stacked Frigidaire. $110. 426-9524. D10/12 FOR SALE, butcher block top kitchen table, 4 chairs, 2 leaves. 426-8538. G10/12 EASY RIDER small truck canopy. $225. Call 426-1521. W10/12 SEWING MACHINES service and new machines at less than big City prices. Central Sales. 877-5798. C10/12-11/2 SEWING MACHINES, Elna open arm, used little balance only. $149. Central Sales. 877-5798. C 10/12-11/2 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, boot, draft, grates and screen. Burns up to 22" wood. 426-5707. C10/12-11/2 AIR CONDITIONER, $75; tJas wall furnace, $75; pipe threading machine, $125; 9 mm S&W, $150; cap and ball pistol, $75; miscellaneous. 426-4892, 426-3491. W10/12 Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate, 426-4227 tfn FOR SALE HAY Beautiful high.quality grass and clover mix. No tansy. Never wet. Large bales. $1.50 each. EY GARDENS backhoe service Call Bob Brewer, AL PLANT SALE 2oh €. pine 426-4936 • .. Named Variehes-- IIHOOODENDRONS 42b-15OO Wholesale Prices NC)ur= 10 to 5, closed Mondays WE CAN FIX IT! , Brinnon, WA 10/12-19 Auto Body & Gloss • Wire Welding • Fiberglass Work • Complete Paint Jobs • Custom Pin Striping • Body & Frame Work • Vinyl Tops Installed • Sun Roofs Installed • Auto Glass Installed South First St Picnic Donut Tree L Weekdays 8:00 o.m.-5:00 p.m. FOR WEEKEND ESTIMATES CALL 426-9020 6RMB11]NE CORIIO RATION Concrete Building Materials * Pipe * Sand & Gravel * Masonry * Crushed Rock * Septic Tanks * Ready Mix SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON At the end of West Franklin. 211 ltfn SAND '"c, GRAVEL For the finest in: SAND GRAVEL CONCRETE SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Radio Dispatched Trucks LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/15/tfn Used Cars DESPERATE, MUST sell 1970 Ford Galaxie, fast sale. $850/offer. Evenings, 426-3091. Y9/2 ltfn 1971 FORD /4-ton pickup, 4-speed, trans 55,000 miles. $1,650. Call 877-5561. B9/21-10/12 '69 FORD van, 6-cylinder, new tires. $700. 426-1733 evenings. H9/21-I0/12 '78 OLDS Cutlass station wagon, loaded. Will consider partial trade for early '70s pickup, station wagon, or 4-door sedan. 426-9061. B9/28-I0/19 1970 FORD station wannn Country Sedan, heater, excellent tires, AF ps/pb. 877-9232, 877;5228. M9/28tfn 1971 DODGE 4x4 pickup truck. %-ton, V-8 318, Warn hubs, heater. $,500. 877-9232, 877-5228. M9/28tfn '69 CHEVY V2-ton, p/s, p/b, good tires, good shape. $1,350. Semi-camper with heater, fair shape. $350. 426-9182. G9/28-10/19 750 FORD cabover truck, 17' bed, 10x20 tires, 5 & 2, 90% rubber, real clean. 426-3735. DI0/5-12 1955 FORD complete, $100 or parts. Evenings 426-9970. W7/27tfn 1969 LTD Ford station wagon, needs body work. 390 motor. $300. 426-7021. B10/12-11/2 '69 CHEV %-ton, LWB, 6-cylinder, 59,000 miles. $1,375. Call 426-5638. D10/12tfn PRICED TO sell. 1972 Ford 3/4-ton, 4-speed transmission. $1,650. 426-9886 evenings. R10/12-11/2 DUMP TRUCK. '64 Chev. Lots of new parts. Runs excellent. $1,900. 426-5591 days or 426-2384 evenings. B10/12 1975 DODGE Dart Sport, automatic P.B./P.S., A/C, 360 V-8, low-low miles, excellent condition. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P10/12 1975 VW Rabbit, 2-door, 4-speed, 4-cylinder, make us an offer. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P10/12 1974 MONTE Carlo Landau, automatic P.B., P.S., A/C, swivel bucket seats. See to appreciate. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P10/12 197.3 FORD F100, automatic P.B., P.S., V-8, low miles. Runs and looks perfect. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P10/12 1970 CAMARO 3-speed, V-8, low miles, in excellent condition. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P10/12 1977 FORD Maverick, 4-door, white with white vinyl top, automatic P.B., P.S., economical 6-cylinder engine, only 13,000 miles, just like new. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P10/12 1975 FORD l%-ton van, 351 V-8, automatic, radio, dual tires. Call 426-6631 after 5. P10/12 Used Cars %5 PLYMOUTH Satellite, good engine. $125. 426-7641. KlO/12 1962 FORD pickup, Vz-ton, good tires, good mechanical condition. 426-1812. T10/12 HUNTING SPECIAL: '69 Ford V-ton, excellent body, includes canopy plus Kawasaki 350 motorcycle. $2,295. 426-7594. M10/12-19 1963 VW van camper. $550. 426-3628. R 10/12 1960 T-BIRD. $1,500 firm. 426-3375. K10/12 1967 CHRYSLER 4-door. Very clean. $650. 426-6372 after 5 p.m. T 10/12-11/2 1974 DART Swinger, excellent condition, clean inside and out, 45,000 miles, small V-8, automatic, P.S., tape deck, good tires. $2,850. 426-1408. C10/12-19 1969 REBEL station wagon. $500 or best offer. Call after 5 p.m. 426-8893. M10/12 1962 BELAIR Chevy, excellent condition. $500. 426-7075 evenings. P10/12tfn '76 CHEV station wagon, like new, many extras. $3,600 or offer. 426-7480. M 10/12 Garage, Yard Sales FLEA MARKET fourth Saturday monthly, 9-4, Lincoln gym, Shelton. For display table reservations call 426-2910. D8/31 tf n i I  LEA MARK E T, second Saturday monthly, 9-6. Potlatch Women's Clubhouse, Hood Canal Lions Club. H9/28tfn MASON LAKE-Benson Lake Fire Auxiliary Rummage Sale. Friday, October 13, P.U.D. building, 10-3:45. V10/5-12 GARAGE SALE, furniture, shag rug, stereo, lots more. Friday- Saturday, 10-5. 1702 Holman Street. Y10/12 GARAGE SALE -- Many like-new items, baby furniture, floor and carpet cleaners, exercise equipment, lots more. October 14-15, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 603 South Ninth, Shelton. A10/12 BASEMENT SALE, odds and ends, clothing, furniture. 10-4 Saturday. 430 Wyandotte. M10/12 GARAGE SALE Friday. 1212 May Street. Antique couch, $70; 66 Dodge Charger, $1,350. 426-7319. S i0/12 THREE FAMILY -- patio door, stereo/radio, slide projector, roll-away bed, gun cases, clothing, miscellaneous. 1210 Dickinson. 8 a.m. - noon, Saturday. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Sunday. More added Sunday. W10/12 SALE STILL going on. Kitchen Queen oak playpen, wicker bassinet, newgoodies daily. 10-6 every day. Cabinet Shop, 3% miles north of Hoodsport. 877-5860. C10/12 STANDARD CANOPY for GARAGE SALE in Log Hall on foreign pickup, $225; '51 Ford 6 Buck s Prairie, 9 a.m. -4 p.m. Put pickup, 24,000 on rebuilt, 6,000 on by Priscilla Club. Hunter's on new transmission, had stroke breakfast and lunch, October 14 can't handle it. Sacrifice $950. and 15. Breakfast 5 a.m. - 12 '72 Super Beetle, 4,000 on p.m., lurich, 12 p.m.- 4 p.m. rebuilt, new brakes, McPheason Buck's Prairie Firehall, half-way shocks, generator, steel belted between Shelton and Lima on radials and paint red. $2,150. Lost Lake Road. Put on by 426-6830. E10/12 volunteer firemen. F10/12 Plymouth . Dodge Plymouth . Dodge Plymouth ¢3 r- =-i O 10 O €3 .¢: O O, O. YOUR HOME TOWN DEALER CHRYSLER--DODGE • PL YMOUTH THE 79'S ARE HERE Everything from the Omni and Horizon00to the Prestige Cordoba VISIT OUR DEALERSHIP NOW| 16 1978's left in stock at fantastic savings! PAULEY,44OTOR$00 PHONE 426-S$48 Front and Railroad 426-$548 iPlymouth . Garage, Yard Sales Wanted MULTI FAMILY garage sale, MATZUTAKE MUSHROOMS Saturday 9-4, 125 North 8th, (pine mushrooms). Will pay top McCleary. Well pump, black and price for fresh mushrooms -- all white T.V., ceiling tile, couch, arades. Please deliver to Kirk Co. dinette set, clothes, dishes, toys. Brush Shed on State Highway 3 D10/12 in Allyn. Open every day 1 p.m. - 6 p.m:, Northwest Trading 17' SABER Craft boat, trailer, Corporation. N10/5-11/23 65 h.p. Merc, sewinq machine, typewriter, G.E. mixer, chair TIMBER OR timbered land hair dryer, miscellaneous, wanted. Call for, free estimate or Saturday 10-5. 104 Emerald offer. Query and Sons Selective Lake Drive. 426-7658. A10/12 Thinning. 426-7058. Q9/14tfn SALE: HOUSEHOLD items. STAMP AND coin collections sporting good.% fabrics, draperies, wanted by collector. Call luggage, electrical app[rances;, 426-8001 and leave message on clothing, much more. Saturday, answering machine. P9/21tfn October 14, 10-4. Union Firehall. Coffee served. C10/12 WANTED TO buy used exterior door with window, 30 inches in GARAGE SALE 526 Holly Lane, width. 426-9397 weekends or Terrace Heights. House plants, evenings. D9/28tfn clothing, miscellaneous. Friday-Saturday, 9:30-4. L10/12 FREEZER 20 cubic feet or less. Call 426-5834 evenings or M U LT I- FA M I LY, davenports, weekends. S10/5tfn miscellaneous furniture, homemade crib, washer, T.V. WANTED -- OLD English sheep stands, Fairbanks Morse shallow dog. Need not be purebred. well pump, aluminum roofing, Reasonable facsimile acceptable. shotgun, clothing, knick-knacks, Must be good with children. much more. Follow signs to south 426-9397 after 6 p.m. D10/12tfn end Stretch Island, Grapeview. 426-2288. Saturday, Sunday, WANTED: SMALL portable 10-5. T10/12 typewriter. Call 877-9434. C10/12-19 BASEMENT SALE 1 day only, Thursday, 10-4. Desk, $35; D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, 7-piece dinette set, $150; recliner, Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. best offer; chair, $10; toys, We buy poles, piling, stumpage clothes, miscellaneous. Free and land. 426-6350, home phone items. 619 Cascade. G10/12 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn GARAGE SALE, furniture, stove, refrigerator, beds, curtains, WANTED -- MATSUTAKE pine miscellaneous. Saturday, Sunday, mushrooms; top prices. Ask for 10-4. 1213 Franklin. B10/12 Min Okano at Coin-Op Laundry. O8/24tfn WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any' -----------------------------------=J mix of fir, hemlock, pine or. cedar. Minimum 3% inch top "'help Wanted diameter. 25c each. Call Versapanel, John's Prairie. -----------------=------------------v 426-5571, for specifications. CENTURY 21 Real Estate the V7/28tfn number 1 sales organization in the nation has an opening in the CEDAR LOGS or timber Shelton office. If you're not wanted. Highest prices. Scheller earning what you would like to, Brothers Lumber. 352-3178. call Jerry Smith, 426-3363. S6/15tfn C9/28tfn BUY BEER bottles, 30c case R.N. RELIEF 2 nights per week, delivered, 25c if picked up. Call good starting wage, fringe after 5, 426-8569 or 1619 benefits, apply in person. Fir Laurel, Shelton. A5/18tfn Lane Terrace Convalescent Center. 2430 N. 13th Street, WANTED- CEDAR saw ogs, Shelton. E.O.E. F9/28-10/19 green second growth. Call for current .prices. Versapanel Inc. PREVIEW REALTY has 4;'0-5571. V10/14tfn openings for experienced hard working sales people who wish CASH FOR all cars, trucks, to join an innovative office with bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up a progressive and generous services. Scrap and metals of all commission program. Call Mary kinds. Newsprint and corrugated at 426-9748. P9/21tfn cardboard. Mason County Salvage. 426-8626. M7/15tfn HELP WANTED, cooks and waitresses- 607 South First Street, WE ARE now buying white pine aide Lumberyard Inn. Apply in boughs. For information call person. O]0/12 275-6257. K 10/12-11/2 WANTED: TOY and jewelry  demonstrators. $50 reward for Work Wanted the name of anyone who tries our C&B program for just 6 evenings!  =-=-=__= Just 6 average C&B parties give our demonstrators free $250toy HANDYMAN, QUALITY work, kit, plus $200 or more in cash reasonable, no job to small, free commission. $50 reward for each estimates. Evenings 426-091. home you glve us that tries us. y9/21tfn How about yourself?? Call Sue, 943-8765 or 491-1849, Olympia. PAINTING, FENCE building, hauling, quality work. Call M10/12-11/2 426-9021 evenings. P9/28:10/19 WOMAN WANTED to babysit DEPENDABLE, LICENSED l.year-old 3 days a week. child care, my home, 3 years and 426-8665. A10/12 up. 426-9939. J10/5-26 CHRISTMAS TREE workers LICENSED SITTER would love wanted. 426=4451 days or 426.2306 evenings. D8/17tfn to have 1 more, age 4 or more. 426-3814. A9/21tfn REAL ESTATE sales -- Your WILLING TO do housework, chance to be an independent days. 426-1137 after 5 o clock contractor. Sell under a working evenings. R9/21-10/12 contract where associates receive 100% commission after minimal DO YOUR clothes never fit income is earned on 50-50 split, quite right? Altering, ladies and Only hard-working, full-time, licensed agents or those children tailoring, and men's undergoing license exam school shirts. Prices reasonable. Call before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m. will be considered. This is not a Pride Mutoli. 426-8665. new program but one which has M9/14tfn been tested for over ten years. Call Reid Mitchell at Mason County Realty for Interview. WILL BABYSIT in my Spencer 426-4486. M8/24tfn Lake home, infants to 5 years old. 426-1578. G10/12 EXPERIENCED PART-TIME waitress. Apply at Heinie's. H 10/12-11/2 ='*-------------'---------------'' BABYSITTER WANTE.D in my Instruction home Monday - Friday. Two -_-_.------________,_ children, full time. Call 426-7506 BEGINNING PIANO lessons after 5:30 p.m. P10/12 offered, your home or mine. Teacher, graduate of Washington BABYSITTER NEEDED some State Music Crafters Program. mornings, .some evenings, 426-5807or 426-1449. school-aged children. Call I-9/28-10/19 426-6170. P10/12 Auctions Wanted -------=---=---=: AUCTION EVERY Saturday '------------------------------------ n I g h t, 7 p.m. B r i n g i n WANTED: 1955, 1956 or 1957 consignments for quick cash. Ford Thunderbird, and 1965 McClearly Auction & New/Used, thru 1969 Corvalr. After 5, McCleary, WA, phone 495-3541, 866-2652. Olympia. C9/28-10/19 495-3454. Virgil Reading, Auctioneer. R5/5tfn TIMBER Public Auctions Wanted, timber. Held every Thursday and Cash, contract or Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at the exchange for Tropics Ballroom. Shelton, land clearing. Olympia Highway 101, 866-0866. WYNN'S SERVICE Cliff Nichols, 275-3222 or after 7 Auctioneer Dodge Plymouth * Dodge Plymouth 275-2qMI4 ". .n Thursday, October 12, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31