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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o u nty bids Waste mnd three Mason A. 78.M.'00 ton, OPeration Mason Public Box reserves the and all bids bid deemed to the ITY 10/5-12.19-3t )!TO RS COU RT rid of. next to Legal Publkaflons OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. In The Matter Of The Estate Of WILLIAM ZELINSKY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Personal Representative of the Estate of the above-named deceased. Each person having a claim against the deceased must serve the claim on the undersigned Personal Representative or the attorneys of record at the address below stated and must file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of the Court within four (4) months after the date of f rst publication of this notice or within four (4) months after the date of the filing of a copy of this notice with the Clerk of the Court, whichever is the later, or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. DATE OF FILING COPY OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS: October 11, 1978. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: October 12, 1978. PR ISCILLA ZELINSKY Personal Representative FRED D. GENTRY Of Bean, Gentry & Rathbone Attorneys for Estate 320 North Columbia Street P.O. Box 2317 Olympia, Washington 98507 Telephone: (206) 943-8040 ]0/12-19-26-3t NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 5000 SUPERIOR COURT OF tqd pddiati0.s WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. ESTATE OF LUCY B. TRACY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the above entitled estate; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, on said Personal Representative or G. Lee Raaen attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice, or the date of filing of a copy of this Notice with the Clerk of the Court, whichever is later, or the same will be barred. Date of first publication October 9, 1978. Date of filing Notice to Creditors October 12, 1978. Raymond D. Tracy Executor of said Estate 23450 S.E. Strawberry Dr. Boring, Oregon 97009 /s/G. Lee Raeen G. Lee Raaen Attorney for Estate 110 Cherry St., No. 205 Seattle, Wa. 98104 10/12-19-26-3 t Reading and writing Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and wnting an exact man. Francis Bacon To criticize One doesn't need to be a cook to criticize the cooking. Samuel Johnson are itches lon 426-4582 426-3657 ' GrQpevlew '1691 |briton Inty l SPraying Directory" Want action? Call an expert to help you. Floor Covering * Expert Installation * Large Showroom " Notional Brands * Convenient Terms Viking Floor Covering 111 W. Cote Sbelton 426-2916 Floor Covering "'* '--LinOleum--'Carpeting '' -- Tile  Formica Rex Floor Covering Mt. View Pit. 4b2292 Insulation Old Construction New Construction Authorized Borden's Insulspray Foam • Blown Cellulose • Fiberglass Energy Conservation Insulation 1811 Olympic Hwy., hlton 41&,1118 Insurance Tired of shopping? Let us do it for your Auto- Home-Boot.Life.Heolth.Suslnels.Prelerred Risk? We locate the lowell cost.lnsuronce Is our only business. Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency 117 E. Cote 421k117 Landscaping Ornamental gardens Native gardens Rock gardens m Lawns Irrigation systems Landscape design lldmrds Greener erelnle __ ATA Horticulture 4N-gqrB House Cleaning ' Need your house cleaned? Dial Peaches and Clean House Ckmnln I gervlce 426-1816 after S p.m. Lighting ' 00gcho tder • S u%'g%w,%%o,w%% PH. IR,3365 UNION, WA. 98592 GREG LINDER TH IS SPACE AVAILABLE $1.80 per week Masonry " Fireplaces " Block Foundations * Any'thingwith Masonry John Klmmel Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Music I Imlp/!_00 Mike Gibson L For oll your needs In mutlc, 4.4 Painting Licensed and bonded. No job too smell. FrH Estimates. Interior  Exterior J. D. Company 426.7567 Recreational Vehicles M & M RV Center Recreational Vehicles Supplies -- Service -- Repairs Custom Canopies Prospecting & Clam Digging Supplies 2335 Olympic Hwy; No. & K Street 426.5101 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE $1.80per wk Rentals Shelton's Complete Rental Storet Tools & Equipment for Homeowners & Contractors Sorden's Rentals 121 Olympic Hwy. S. 416-1e91 oofing BENT NAIL For all your roofing needs. Call 42k.Wi7 Secretarial Let the "OFFICE ASSISTANTS" Do your work. We do: Typinp , BookkHping, Income 8, State Taxes, Mimeograph Printing Suite No. 4, Govey Bldg. Shelton, 42t-71N aughtering CUSTOM FARM SLAIJNmliNO $IS per head. J&T Northwest Slaughtering 426-8615 evenings. Upholstery J Specializing in 1 I AmnmaC.A I I mAV mAtUreS / I Tent and tarp repair, furniture too. / I Free estimate l J  hl, I29N at,.;,e; / ITuml.-Fri.. 4-9 p.m. Sot. 10 o.m.-4 p.m.i I Aaes up00l,00 / Construction  " ..: ........ --= //LIIIIwaup Bay - \\;\ II///C7,.1 Bullders. / .. I I Custom CabinetI-Remodelling 1 r p-0.m*xl-,Ulli-,-p 1 L Landscaping ideas given by extension agent if you have a very monotonous stretch of landscape, flowering bulbs may be your answer. You can break up a large ground cover planting with drifts of daffodils, paper narcissus, scillas or tulips. Because of the reliability of bulbs, even the most inexperienced gardener will be able to plan for special effects. The bulb you plant io October is a perfect flower that has only to be placed in cool, loamy soil to grow, says James Freed, Mason County extension agent. Because of the delicate grace of spring flowering bulbs you would not think of planting them where garden conditions are rough and tough. Yet, time and time again, daffodils, scillas, snowflakes, and other bulbs have succeeded where more robust looking plants have failed. The flowers of these bulbs will show up where you least expect them. Slip a few crocus or miniature daffodils into an irregular crack between paving stones, and scatter a few seeds of white or purple alyssum for spring flowers amJd fading daffodil foliage. One of the most difficult cultural practices for bulb gardeners is knowing when to divide tubers and how to care for the bulbs, he said. Motorcycle helmets discussed Should motorcyclists be required to wear helmets when driving on public streets and highways? Should required helmet use be restricted to newly licensed cyclists? What about education? Is completion of a cycling safety educational program needed before a person can apply for a motorcycle endorsement to a driver's license? In recent weeks, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission has received many letters concerning motorcycle helmet and education laws. Valid arguments have been presented on both sides of the issues. However, most of the letters are from members of organizations which traditionally favor one side or the other. Few comments have been received from the general motoring public. The commission wants to hear from the average motorists on these motorcycle issues. Comments received from the public will be collected and presented to the state legislature, which probably will be faced with motorcycle helmet and education bills during its 1979 session. : Address your comments on these issues to: Motorcycles, Washington Traffic Safety Commission, P.O. Box 1399, Olympia, Washington 98504. Gary Mohr in Pacific Navy Personnelman First Class Gary J. Mohr, whose wife, Jacqueline, is the daughter of Floyd and Alberta Warner, Shelton, recently participated in exercise "Fleetex 2-78" in the eastern Pacific Ocean. He is assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Constellation, home ported in San Diego. The 12-day "Fleetex 2-78" involved more than 14,000 personnel, 36 ships and 250 aircraft from Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Designed to provide essential combined training in naval warfare operations, this exercise took place off the Washington, Oregon and southern California coasts. Missile firings were conducted at the Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, California. i i i i -- Ourtla Matlma -- The most expensive TV in America and darn well worth it. €ONLEY'S TV & STEREO CENTER lit and Alder 416-1118 [ Daffodils (Narcissus) have the reputation as the best spring bulb. They are sure to bloom, increase in numbers and rarely fall prey to pest or disease. Even gophers, a number-one enemy of bulbs, pass them up because of their bitter taste.The bulb can be planted from early to late fall in deeply dug soil. Add no mature. Ordinarily there is no need to add fertilizer at the time of planting. Plant the bulbs in a sunny location. You can place them against a background which forces them to face the walk or any other vantage point. Usually the depth of planting is :2½ times the size of the bulb. Plant the bulbs eight inches apart so you will not have replant for two or three years, Freed said. Dahlias: Dahlias grow best in a bed by themselves. The soil should be spaded deeply two to three months betbre planting. Never plant until the soil is warm in the spring. Dahlias must be lifted every fall. Separate the tubers immediately after lifting clumps in the fall. Dust freshly cut surfaces with sulphur. Imbed tubers in a box full of sand or sawdust,and store them in a cool dry place. When you cut the tubers make sure each tuber has an eye. The eye is always on the stem at or above the point where the root or tuber joins it. If eyes have receded to such an extent that they can't be recognized, roots can be sorted later in the spring when eyes start to show. The tubers should be planted in holes six inches deep and three to four feet apart. Place the tuber in the hole with the eye or bud pointing to the stake you will drive in the ground for each plant. Tulips: Give tulips full sun. Plant 2½ times as deep as the bulb is wide. You may plant deeper in soine areas of Mason County to keep the bulb dormant during the warm winters. Bulbs may be planted from early October through mid November. It is often wise to buy yo'ur bulbs in Septembe and store in a refrigerator (40-45 degrees), or in a cool basement for one month. Gophers and field mice consider tulip bulbs a great delicacy. You will have good protection by planting in baskets of ¼-inch wire mesh. Tulips look their best when planted in groups four to five inches apart. Place bulbs at the same depth to insure unifomuty of blooming and height. With just a little care and planning, flowering bulbs will provide color from early spring to late fall. If you need more information on any flowering bulb call the cooperative extension office (426-4732). Call 426-5336 or write: Box 88z CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fdrmwnt & HI 426-1295 Roman G. VIderp0ol, Pastor HOME PHONE 426-1485 Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship... 11:00 a.m. Evening Service ..... 6-00 p.m. The family worship church FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 East Dearborn Pastor Lewis Wysong 1 1:00 a.m.eCORRIE: THE LIVES SHE'S TOUCHED" A Billy Grahom Film 9:45 o.m ........... Sunday School 10 a.m. Wed.. Prayer & Praise Time 6:30 p.m ......... Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Wed ....... Bible Study The Church Where No One Is A Stronger i Shelton Christian Fellowship 825 West Franklin 42k.2755 s.nday !0 a.m ............... Bible Shaty ! i o.m .................. Worship 7 p.m ............ Home Meetings Thursck 7 p.m ................... Worship UNITED METHODIST CHURCH G and King Streets Dr. Ludvlg lsklldsen, Minister Sunday School ....................... 9:15 a.m. Worship Service .................... 10:30 a.m. Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Connection & 12th Streets Phone 4lt-2BeS Priesthood Meeting .......................... 9:15 a.m. Sunday School .............................. 11:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting ........................... 5:00 p.m. Sixth and Railroad Saturday. 9:30 a.m. -- Sabbath School, 11:00 o.m. -- Hour of Worship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Tim Oalloghor, Pastor 426.9601 COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH The Friendly Church Disclpllng the saved to abundant life and reaching their world for Christ. 10 o.m. (6th & Railroad) ..................... Sunday Service & School Evenings .............................. Home Bible Study Fellowships Daily ................ : .......................... Individual Dlscipllng TOM BARWICK, PASTOR 514 Dearborn -- Office 42t-elM or 4-S!1 Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 E. Wyandotte Roland Huber, Pastor Sunday, October 15 Sunday Worship Service .................. 10:30 Sunday School ........................... 9:15 Potluck dinner following morning worship Bible Study .................... Wednesday, 10 i _• I Faith Lutheran Church ALC Pastor: Kenneth Robinson SUNDAY SCIIO()I ............................... 9:00 a.m. W()RSIIIP SERVICE ............................ 10:30 a.m. 1212 Connection St. 426-8611 I II INSURANCE • Property • Casualty • Commercial • Auto • Mortgage • Life • Homeowners ANGLE AGENCY Dick Angle 4th & Railroad 42111r/2 i q IF YOUR CHILD IS A EDWETTE Shaming Punishing Scolding AND DO SOMETHING TODAY TO STOP IT! Believe itl Bedwetting can cause enormous psychological problems lasting • lifetime. In fact, Bedwetting itself can last a lifetimel Our FREE BOOK- LET has helped countless thouseds of children and adults end bedwetting. (when not caused by organic defect or dii). Protect your child's future. Phone or mail for this valuable booklet TODAY... no cot or obligation. Has Helped Kids Uke Yours For 28 MCG • dlmin o Addresl Pfle I11. CRO Ltd Stamford Pro#emlonai Cente City Stitl__ ZO 770 Wdch Rood. Suite 154 s..,,., ,, PMo AltO, CA 94304 Phone A,,,  I,,  • s 0.*,; (415) 720,G381 To qtlldify for booklet, €oupo mull be filled J CHURCH OF 001) O.W. lABaN, Pastor i  last "F" St. 426.9SM Sunday School Hour ..... 9:45 a.m. I Morning Worship ...... 11:00 o.m. Evening Service ......... 6:00 p.m. (Wed.) Family Training Hour ................ 7:00 p.m. I I Mt. View Alliance Church Washington & "J" Sts. Sunday, October 15, 11 a.m. The Lord Supreme Multi.Media Sunday School ................. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Service ......... 6:00 p.m. Family Night (Wed.) ..... 7:00 p.m. Rnv. BERT LINN, Pastor Pastor DENNY TYAS, Assistant Pastor 426-3294 * i Northslde Baptist Church 12:1 W. "€" Street Pastor, Roy. Kenneth P. HerrlnI 426.qle:r/ Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ....... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed .... 7:00 p.m. Jolua lOVes yOU -- we de, tOOl S.I.€. First Baptist Clmr Sth ind Cote Downtown Ihelten October 15, 1978 "A Purpose For Our Prayers" "Distinctive No. ! The Scriptures Our Sole Authority" Rev. Jerry Hamilton, Pastor 9:30 a,m ........... Sunday School *11:00 a.m ...... Morning Worship 6:00 p.m ..... Evening Gospel Hour 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Meeting *The Morning Worship Is broad- lst live over KMAS, 129e kc. First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 ALDER ST. SHELTON. WA. Sunday School 11:00 o.m Church 11 'O0 om. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7"30 p.m. READING ROOM -- 302 ALDER Hours: 12 noon3 p.m Tuesday thru Friday li CHILD CARE PROVIDED DURING SERVICES FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia & Lake Boulevard Kurt Hordenbrook, Minister Bible School ........... 9:45 a.m. Worship .............. I 1:00 o.m. Family Service ......... 6:30 p.m. Wednesday  Home Bible Study end Prayer  7:00 p.m. St. Edward's Catholic Church Father Michael Feeney 426-6134 3rd & Pine Masses -- Saturday ...................................... 7 p.m. Sunday ......................... 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. i i i  Episcopal Church Welcomes You St. David's 4th and Cedar, Shelton Sunday 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. St. tSarmoln's Main Street, Hoodsport Sunday, 9 a.m. 426-8472 come As You Are 426-2268 i I i I I i u SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1521 Monroe Street M.A. Younglund, pastor Rick Vickery, assistant 'qWe Share Because We Core" PRESENTING THE CHRISTIAN SONS From Paonia, Colorado Sunday, October 15, 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship ......................................... 10:50 a.m. Pastor Vlckery Speaking Wednesday, Bible Study .................................... 7:00 p.m. Misslonettes Thursday, Youth Night ...................................... 7:00 p.m. P__ , , I I , Jl I i '  I Thursday, October 12, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 37