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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 12, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 12, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o. ' Mason 00ake MeanOer00ngs Red Cross ers classes The American Red Cr ss is assistance to disaster victims. offering community service 3. Disaster feeding operation. classes October 12 on emergency All three classes last about assistance to disaster victims, one hour each. - 0 In the wake of California's The classes are being offered air disaster it is a good time to to Red Cross volunteers, other get our community aware of agency staff, community leaders what may have to be done in and the general public. Our community in time of a The classes will start at 6:30 disaster, p.m. in the Great Northwest The three classes being Bank Building, 500 Pacific, offered are: Bremerton. I. Disaster services. This Anyone interested in these class gives the basic information courses may register by calling about the Red Cross disaster 377-3761. program. Knowledge of what a MAI LBOX STOLEN A mailbox, owned by Mrs. Dean Cloud, Twanoh Falls, was stolen Friday night, according to a Mason County sheriff's report. 9's FAIR HARBOR MARINA disaster is and its effects on people and the responsibilities of Red Cross, governmental and non.governmental agencies. 2. How the Red Cross chapter renders emergency I Chevron ON CASE INLET • Open 7 Days A Week • Monthly & Dolly Moorage • Gas & Oil • Fishing Gear • Bait • Pop • Ice • Hot Sandwiches • Mini Grocery • Bank Cards Welcome 426-4028 or 275.6417 Senior citizens, 5’ off each gallon of gas. DAVE'S BELFAIR ARC0 STATION Clip Coupon & Bring In. Good Thru October. • BelfairAuto Parts • North Mason Towing, 2 Trucks Reasonable Rates 275-3211 m.m m_mm_00 BOO, S.O. LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE 426-1731 Shelton I I ...... Texaco 275-2861 Allyn & Belfalr I • TIRES • BATTERIES • ACCESSORIES We can take care of a//your car noedsl 275-2077 S Minda & Buck Church I % Watch For GRAND OPENING GLASS FIRE SCREENS CUSTOM MADE 41 SIZES & ,41 PRICES much like tire Pacific Northwest with the exception of all the fields of heather that grows wild there. From Wales they travelled by bus to Scotland and arrived at the palace in Edinburgh just shortly after Prinde Charles had Legal Publications NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS TAKE NOTICE: That TONI M. SMITH of Belfair, Washington on July 24, 1978 under Application No. S 2-25011 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from an unnamed sprinq in the amount of 0.02 cubic feet per second continuously each year, for domestic supply. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within Nlb of Section 17, Township 22 N., Range 1 W.W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objectiions, protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA 98504 within thirty (30) days from October 19, 1978. 10/12-Z9-2t Masonry * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything with masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton Gary's Auto Repair • Complete auto repair • Motorhome repair • Foreign car repair  FREE Pick-up _L-,7- & Delivery l/j / Appointment i =llillliliI Jllii ill . NEED RIDE FROM BELFAIII TO TACOMA. Monday thru Friday for day classes at Bates Vocational School. Cull any time 275-6056 WANTED MATZUTAKE MUSHROOMS (Pine Mushrooms). Will pay top l)rice for fresh mush- roos--all grades. Please deliver to the Kirk Co. Brash Shed.on State llighway 3 in Allyn, open every day from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. NORTHWEST TRADING CORP. i i * Fireplaces • Accessories e Complete Line Masonry WANTED BEI00AIR FIREPLACE SHOP, INC. Use of pumpkin 275-6165 patch for preschool . Across from Parker Lumber learners to pick and Belfaw Leonard Hohmann buy own pumpkins. CALL 275-6968 Huckleberry Herald Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday thru Friday News and advertising copy deadline 5 p.m. Fridays. For your convenience there is a mail slot in the door for copy. Office located across from Belfair Texaco in Belfair. • .ao. REX-ZANE RUDEr ........................... Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............. Advertising Manager We now have Office Telephone 275-6680 RCA FACTORY service parts A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason in stock. Lake, South Shore and North Shore. 275-6244 Illim! i i Page 2- Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - October 12, 1978 and lola i)feifer who spent 25 days travelling in their motor home. They first went to Minnesota where they enjoyed visiting Clair's three aunts, but the 104 degree temperature made them anxious to get on their way. They travelled on to Chicago and visited lola's niece and nephew for four days then on to The Dalles, Wisconsin. They enjoyed a boat ride down the Wisconsin River where lola had a great time gathering rocks to bring home. She collects rocks fronl Each state they visit and displays them in her garden at home. The next stop was Rapid City, South Dakota to visit lola's brother. They particularly enjoyed visiting the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota which is covered on the outside with ears of fresh corn. They stopped in Nebraska and then on to Great Falls, I built a new home in the Paradise area. The Petersons' oldest son, Steve, after having been on tour in tire eastern and southeastern part of the county for a couple of years, is now living back in ttfis area again and is playing with a group, "Matches" in the Seattle-Tacoma area. They are presently performing at the Rodeway Inn near Tacoma. Jeanine's mother, Mrs. Kimmel, has recently had as her guest her sister, Pat Roach, from Albuquerque, New Mexico. For residents of the Mason Lake area, the fire district here is now a class eight district, not classnine as it has been. The new classification will result in a reduction in most fire insurance rates. The next meeting of the MBC Club will be held at 8 p.m. on October 12 at the clubhouse. New members and new residents are urged to attend. Tahuya Talk By LENNIA CATES -- CR5-2245 Up to now it looks like "Blue Bird" weather will prevail for the upcoming deer hunting season. This past summer while driving in the lake areas, ! observed many deer blissfully unaware of their, fate - on a plate. In line with the above, it might be a good idea for mushroom and berry pickers who have been very active of late to don bright clothing, or stay home until the season passes. Might as well go hunting cuz fishing has hit another slump. They are out there jumping like crazy but apparently just knocking the eggs loose before heading for the spawning areas. I understand smelt are being taken on the South Shore. A few were seen under the Tahuya River bridge so get your treble hooks out and rig up your jigging gear as this is the month for them. Bobble Thorniley of Olympia hosted a lovely baby shower for Becky Merrill at the Tahuya Firehall recently. Becky and Frank are expecting their first any day now. Former residents of this area, the couple now live in McCleary near where Frank is employed at the Satsop Nuclear Project. The George Cooleys are back with fond memories after a Caribbean cruise. Ditto the Wickershams who vacationed recently in Spain and Portugal. Deep sympathy to Glen I Schatz whose brother in California passed away after a short illness. The annual spaghetti feed at St. Nicholas Church was again another huge success. Their popular silent auction will be held on November 4 and any donations you may have would be greatly appreciated. We hear and read so much on the slow-pokey mail deliveries and can now first-hand confirm some of these sto:ries Our: granddaughter on a tour of Europe witha national performing organization, known as All-Student Groups, USA, air-mailed us a card on July 17. We received it almost two months to the day, September 16. "Did you fish with flies?" "Fish with flies? Yes, we fished, camped, dined and slept with them.' 1979 CHEVROLET 3,4 TON PICKUP Legal Publications McElhaneys00! wedding ann! Many friends u gathered together  to help "My rtt McElhaney celebra wedding armive[.Y The couple s Cindy McElh Jones, Mrs. I son, Larry, anq Judy, planned a Sunday af open house. The couple the Belfair Church by the Haugen on For the record Mason County Fire Protection District No. Two October 2, 9:55 p.m., sudden illness, Old Belfair Highway, transported to Harrison Hospital. October 2, 2 p.m., brush fire investigation, Razor Road. October 2, 10 p.m., brush fire investigation, Razor Road. October 3, 2:35 p.m., head laceration, North Shore, transported to Harrison Hospital. October 3, 4 p.m., bums, walk-in, transported to Harrison Hospital. Open 7 Days A Week, Mon. thru SaL, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday, 8:30 to 7 p.m. Sunset Beach Grocery South Shore 275-2500 Reid Realty October 4, 10:56 p.m., back October 8' pains, Mission Creek, possible non-transport. Lake, October 6, 1:04 p.m., bee October sting, North Shore, District Eight sting, k-in, returned ambulance. Harrison October 6, 11:45 p.m., hip injury, Belfair, transported to DOG FOUND Harrison Hospital. A light October 8, 3:51 a.m., injury possibly accident, North Shore, found in Washington State Patrol arrested, lot September 25. Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt B&D Contractors, Inc. CR5-2195 CR5-2113 D & G TREE SERVIC| TOPPED, TR IMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Grifley CR 5-2117 LoU BONDED LICENSED JESFIELD CONSTIt INSURE0 CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE wORK P.O. Box 377 Benfoir, WA 275-6684 Jim Belfair Electric 275.2020 O We are franchised General Electric Dealers • Discount Prices • Factory Service • Teratt • We take trade-Ins.. _ Free delivery & normal insta latlon. Bonded & Llcend Electrical ContractorS ' Special Contractor Pricing. Closed for VacatiOn Oct. 14th thru Oct. 22nd NOIITII NOTICE OF HEARING .1[. Notice is hereby cliven that a .. Public Hearing will e held on October 25th at 7:30 p.m.. at  Cold Weather the sales office at Tahuya River .. Valley for the purpose of adoptln me 1979 budget of Mason t.ounty Fire District No. = Is Coming. 15. Copies of the proposed budget may be obtained at the . sales orr,ce. -- So NOW IS Faye Palino Chairperson Mason County Fire District 15  The Time . ToWeatherize -- GENERAL AUTO 2Y$-2111 ,, % mile w. of Uelfair State ss, body sde mouldm Full foam seat, tinted gla " " gs, v duty shocks e below eyeline mirrors, hea Y , xtra v duty power bra capacity rear springs, hea Y kes. - " nk, power steerln . 350 V8, auxiliary fuel to " g, AM es Gauges Full fact radio, 950x16.SD tir • ' ory equipment. Suggested retail s7567e4 Sale ,63310' Price Your Home. hot water pipes. Consider storm doors and windows. Put an your 41. on y, ,ur lit wa er tan t. Replao the filters ii yotr furnace. Anti kt .. damper closed when it's not in use. • X" These are all inexpensive ideas you ca n do y urs df, and th y cc n t • X" you. And save energy for our region. Mason County P.U.D. No. 3 urges you tt pick t,p th, t conserva ion I toE • i Mason County P.U.D. Here are a few suggestions for avoiding needless waste of • X- bills. Weatherstrip the doors. Fill up gaps in your window edges wit on your hot water tank. Replace the filters in your furnace. And keep These are all inexpensive ideas you can do yourself, and they can all save you. And save energy for our region. Mason County P.U.D. No. 3 urges you to pick up the conservation habit. It P ayl;