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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 13, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 13, 2011
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File photo The Mason County PUD 3 commissioners, Bruce Jorgenson, left, Linda Gott, and Tom Farmer got gloomy news on the status of the Radar Ridge Wind Project during Tuesday's PUD commission meeting. PUD 3 gets grim update on Radar Ridge By NATALIE JOHNSON shutdown time every year during ear- At this point, few would argue that ly morning hours, mating seasons," the project can successfully be cam- Mason County PUD 3 got an up- said Matt Samuelson, assistant pew- pleted and Energy Northwest is look- date on the status of the Radar Ridge er supply manager for PUD 3. "They ing for a utility or private developer Wind Project last week -- which con- want 2,400 hours." to buy the project in its entirety. Un- firmed their worst suspicions. Samuelson said Fish and Wildlife til then, the PUD 3 and other part- Project partners Energy North- also asked that theproject partners ners are looking for a way to distance west, PUD 3, and three other public set aside $10 million to help the mar- themselves from the project, includ- power utilities in Clallam, Grays Har- bled murrelet and would only agree ing not continuing the lease for the bar andPacific Counties once believed to a five-year, rather than a 25-year, Department of Natural Resources the project could be permitted, built permit for the wind farm. (DNR) land designated for the project. and operational by 2011, but due to "To invest that kind of money in a "That's the real question, does any- seemingly endless delays mostly from project that you're expecting to have a body want to sink any more money environmental concerns, the project 20-year lifespan - it's stifling," Samu- into the project," Samuelson said: has yet to receive permits, elson said. The project partners have until No- The PUD recently learned that Samuelson said Fish and Wildlife vember 1 to extend the lease. environmental interests, such as the also wants project partners to install The PUD 3 commissioners are cer- Washington Department of Fish and a radar detection system for the birds tainly not willing to sink any more Wildlife, would seek what the PUD that is currently only in testing stages than the more than $300,000 they describes as unprecedented mitiga- in Europe, in addition to another the have already spent into this project. tion measures to protect an endan- partners have agreed to. "I think we can call it a failed proj- gered bird, the marbled murrelet, "There's an obvious effort to make ect," PUD 3 Commissioner Linda Gott from the wind turbines, an example of this project if nothing said. "It's aggravating but what can "We offered up to 300 hours of else," he said. you do?" 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Bremerton ~..~ Keeps the Air Ctean 40 Hours Clean Burn Woodstoves ,, 92.2% LHV Efficiency 0 10'/o tax credit eligible Bear Mountain FireBricks $235oo Based on 3 ton purchase, otherwise slightly higher 48"X48" HEARTH PADS 2 Tile Colors or Corner Reg. $399.99 Stainless Chimney Pipe 6" Metalbestos Kit ....... q~O~ (6TKIT) ~ 6"x36" Cap, collar, flashing, ~&~ £t inln* support, 18" adapter,...4~~' ~'..~,'Z[[~ 1115UlaL~U 6 ft, insulated pipe, 6" Liner Kits Sf4" 15 Foot Kit $335.00 25 Foot Kit $385.00 1100cc Wood Burning Stove Painted black with.large ,, • . viewing area 1 98!,, A member of a cleanup crew at last Thursday's 14th Pacific Coast Shellfish Grower's Association Beach Clean Up brings in a load of tires. I~P'~1~-°rtable S he!lfish growers clean up the Sound' w'n°°w' -- I Wall Mount IPellet Heate~iiiiiil ~ ~l I 24,ooo BTU Model #~4'00 ~1 ' y JOHNSON ed the biannual beach clean- tide. Divers must to have spe- dump trucks. We ve also got- [ Se.4°~n~is_~t(:~ ] ups in 2005 to see how much cial certification to recover ten over a thousand tires," I I Last Thursday crews from beach litter was coming from garbage from un, derwater, so Lentz said. I Reg. $14gg. I I installation materials included [ the Pacific Coast Shellfish local shellfish farms. What the association s crews onlyThis year, clean-up crews ] 30# Hopper Automatic ignitor ] Growers Association con-they actually found surprised pick up surface debris, found a lot of dirty Styrofoam, I Heats 250-750 SQ. Ft. I tinued their mission to keep them., Lentz said crews gener- a material that presents a Puget Sound clean. 'We re actually not find- ally find items such as plastic problem for the association. Twelve cleanup crews, to- ing very much from geoduck pipe, bottles and cans, about I have not been able to taling 58 people from eight farms," Lentz said. 50-75 tires per cleanup and find anyone who. recycles dirty Styrofoam," Lentz said. While the program is de- signed to simply help clean up the Puget Sound, members of the Pacific Coast Shellfish local shellfish farms, cleaned Of the 37 total cubic yards used fireworks. up 65 miles of beachfront in of trash crews picked up on Because of tides and the only a few hours on Thursday Thursday, only 2 cubic yards way water flows through the as part of the group's biannu- were aquaculture debris,sound, debris washes ashore al beach cleanup. "That's very low. In theon Squaxin Island. Lentz "We want to be good stew- past we've averaged about 16 said crews have found every- ards of the Sound," said percent aquaculture debris," thing from recliners to TVs Linda Lentz from the Pacific said Mary Middleton of the on the island. Coast Shellfish Growers As- association. "We get some weird stuff sociation. Crews also collected 5 cu- from there," she said. Crews came ashore to bic yards of tires and four Over time, the trash really dump their hauls at the Ar- bags ofrecyclable cans. adds up. cadia boat ramp in Mason According to Lentz, the "This is our 14th time do- County and also at a location clean up crews focus mostly ing it ... In the last 13 times in Nisqually. on beaches where debris we've gotten over 800 cu- The association first start- washes ashore during high bic yards. That's 80 10-yard Wb n ! i l ! ;i!ili!i i!!ii!iii!! iii!i!!iiMiiii!!!ii!!i!i i!i!i!iii i; thi~ read~i !!¸ 060) 426-4412 Growers Association say it is also an educational opportu- nity for both shellfish grow- ers and the public. "This has been a good guide to our growers," said Dan Cheney of the associa- tion. "It's good insight for the public too - a lot of this stuff is getting on the beach, they might be a source." Shelton-Mason • COMPUTERS • CELLULAR • CAMERAS • CAMCORDERS • LAPTOPS • WYO.WAY • CORDLESS PHONES • MOTORCYCLE • ATV I JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS Call 426-4412 anti-worry insurance-I f I I h regular ad in ] the Journal! 1 County Journal-Thursday, October 13,2011 - Page A-3