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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 13, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 13, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IOURNALEDITORIAL Reefer madn Earlier this month PBS began airing Most medical users, though, it "Prohibition," a three-part, five-and-a- should be pointed out, aren't actually half-hour documentary film series di- using cannabis to get high or stoned or rected by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. ripped or messed up. They are eating or The series documents the folly of the smoking cannabis in order to feel nor- Eighteenth Amendment and its unin-mal, stave off pain or regain their ap- tendend consequences. The timing of petites.They are taking their medicine. the new series' arrival coincides with The people of this state voted in 1998 ongoing efforts by the City of Shelton to legalize medical marijuana. Thirteen and Mason County to make medical years later, the governor, the mayor marijuana use so difficult and compli- and his colleagues and the county cated that it is well nigh impossible to commissioners still haven't gotten the get high. memo. LETTERSTOTH EEDITOR Don't groups are responsible ston, for Commissioner of to spend your tax dol- Union Fire District No. lars wisely. I obtained6. As a fellow Veteran re-elect the the most recent budget,and longtime resident Fire District 3 has spent of Union, I would like to i mbent $12,245.50 of our tax dol- convey to my neighbors ncu lars for lawyer fees this and friends that to me, year alone to file suite he is the only choice that Editor, the Journal against the GCA. The makes sense for this posi- I just saw a very large original appropriation for tion. sign stating that it is a this year was only $3,200 Johnston, along with and as of Sept. 29, they the other two current conflict of interest for any member of the GCA to are in the hole 382.67 commissioners, did an take the office of Commis- percent. This lawsuit incredible job over the sioner for either the fire is because Fire District last two years addressing department or the Port of 3 changed the original operational, financial and Grapeview. It says that contract without GCA's legal issues that were left GCA members should not knowledge. Is this not undone, ignored and/or hold public office. Where a breach of contract, to overlooked by the previ- did that come from? change the original con- ous commissioners. Where is the conflict of tract, which was signed, As Secretary to the interest? Incumbent Mr. by both GCA and Fire Union Fire Dist. 6 Com- Allen and Mr. Hoopman District 3 in 2005? Themission, Johnston has are both members of the Fire District 3 we pay tax- been a productive and GCA. es to support is now using valuable member of As a concerned tax- some of those monies for Union's elected represen- payer of the community their lawyers to sue us, tatives who have worked of Grapeview, I am not the taxpayers. Where's diligently to craft, encour- aware of any local forum the logic? Taxpayers need age and implement updat- tin discussions regard- to attend the meetings,ed and crucially needed ing the upcoming elec- Port Commissioner Bob district-wide policies and Allen has been in office far procedures for continuing tion, but there are many political signs giving us too long as no one has op- district 6's quality and choices. Among these posed him. Glenn Carlson delivery of fire and emer- signs are a few asking will work well with thegency services. to re-elect a particular other two and get things I observed early on af- incumbent. When I at- done in a timely and ef- ter he was appointed by tend the commission ficient manner. He willthe Mason County Com- meetings for Fire Dis- save us money in the per- mission that Johnston trict 3 and the Port of diem account. Ignore the was able to quickly trans- Grapeview, there are re-elect signs for the port late the new policy deci- only a few members of commissioner. Carlson is sions made by the other our community in at- ready to serve as our new fire commissioners into tendance. Attendance at port commissioner, very clear action steps to Fire District Commis- be taken by volunteers these meetings show you hew these incumbents sioner Stan Catron has and paid staff. His suc- perform. It is apparent been in his office for 20 cessful policy transla- they have been there too years. It is time for him tions into concrete action long. I fear others will to be replaced and let steps has led to the rapid vote by name recognition new leadership take theresolution of several bud- without other knowledge helm. Experience does getary, legal and staff- of other candidates, not always allow for new ing issues that had been Information in the ideas and technology toplaguing our fire district paper is often one-sided, be put to good use. Elect- for some time. The commission meetings ing Nancy Montgomery For the first time that of both the fire district will bring positive andI can remember while at- and the port are the best clear change to our fire tending monthly fire com- place to know how our department, mission meetings, John- taxes are being spent. I Fire Commissioner ston and the other two urge all taxpayers to at- Glenn Hoopman was ap- fire commissioners have tend commission meet- pointed in an unusual demonstrated a new and ings. Next meeting for the manner without any an- energizing transparency fire district is Wednes- nouncement regarding anand openness by provid- day, Oct. 19, and the Port opening for that position, ing Union residents de- of Grapeview is Tuesday, No one had a chance to tailed and itemized draft Oct. 18. We get no min- apply and there should budgets, as well as criti- utes at either meeting, have been a posting cally needed revised man- Yes, the fire district does for that position. Mikeagement and operational put them on its website, Creighton has attended policies, for the public sometimes months af- most fire commissioner to review prior to their ter their meeting. They meetings and can see adoption. are not complete, as one there is a need for newHe has been open ideas and positive change and positive at pub- must request for the see- attached portions of the in commission leadership, lic meetings, and has minutes. Most impor- which he will bring, maintained his profes- tantly, you will not hear sionalism and dignity the public comments or Judith L. Berry in spite of personal at- discussion from the com- Grapeview tacks from a small mi- missioners and fire chief, nority of previous staff and fire commissioners It appears many decisions are made behind closed Retain Dave who either resigned or doors and not in public retired. Rather than ig- view as required by law. Johnston nore any issues he has There is no other way to been requested to pro- give your input or find vide a response to, he out what other concerns has communicated and your neighbors have re- Editor, the Journal addressed them openly garding our fire depart- I am writing to offer and with honesty both ment and port. my wholehearted support verbally and in writing Both commission for retaining, Dave John- with no loss of content or context. What I have hoped to convey in this letter of support for Johnston are the intangibles, from a local resident's point of view, that I think the ide- al candidate must possess to successfully perform the duties and responsi- bilities of a fire commis- sioner. I truly believe that Johnston has these quali- ties that we need here in Union for a fire com- missioner, and that he should be retained as a fire commissioner. Thank you for the opportu- nity to communicate my thoughts. Ed Binder Union Vote for Caroline Rich Editor, the Journal I would like to urge you to join me in sup- porting Caroline Rich for Shelton School Board director District 1. I have had the pleasure of do- ing business with Rich for the past eight years and have found her to be intelligent, a great listener, an innovative problem solver and super energetic. Her passion for this community is evident in her extensive involve- ment with Shelton Ro- tary, exemplifying their motto of "service above self." We are lucky that a person of this caliber has decided to share her talents in service to our community and Shelton School district. Vote for Caroline Rich. Kristy Buck Shelton Vista is truly Editor, the Journal In response to last Thursday's letter, "Vista Oncology needed..." I would like to say and emphasize, the following. Vista Oncology -- both clinics in Olympia, Lily Road and Black Hills Lane, as well as the Radi- ology Department, Capital Medical Center -- saved my life. I was diagnosed with a rare, very aggres- sive form of prostate cancer, neuroendocrine carcinoma. From Sep- tember to May, driving myself, I had to brave the elements, wind, rain, hail and snow, often in dark- ness, to reach my daily treatments, chemotherapy and/or radiation. During last winter's snows, I was involved in a hit-and-run accident. I wasn't injured, fortunately, but my car was seriously damaged. Ironically, this life being saved b3z Vista and Capital Re brilliantly prot staff members same time, nee out by some re caring and pro sured driver. many patients ton who were t treatment at t] time as I, all v people, some o: were really too dure the trip tq The unforgetts sions on faces, between fear a had to have be way connected distance travel sure they, and Oncology to teachers and their no diology's confidence in the current essional board and the board's was, at the lack of partnership to rly taken carry out this mission ~kless, un- alarms me. My observa- )ably unin- tion at a recent citizen here were meeting where the board from Shel- was clearly closed to any ndergoing criticism of their policies m same and procedures was also ~ry dear very alarming. "whom Hence, the Coalition ill to en- for School Board Excel- Olympia. lence was formed. ble expres- oscillating Carolyn Olsen ad hope, Shelton en in some Coalition member to the ed. I'm certainly Leopards I, would roll t the red carpet, or at least strike up the band, tqwelcome~a,~ l- UUI IlL a much needed, full-time, completely equipped and chan~e staffed Vista Oncology -- ~ clinic here in tbwn and additionally, a~adequate their spots radiology facility. I'm cer- tainly not the ~elf-pitying Editor, the Journal sort, but I often wonder if the abandonedland abused pets in Mason ~ounty re- crave more attentmn than the increasing umber of our citizenry ~ he bravely face their varfi,us cancers. Let's make it asier for them to fight tMs disease. David V ~aine Corliss Shelton Several ..... community members are the coalitic ,n trnal ~o recent ditor: "Who rs of this Editor, the Jol Regarding t letters to the are the memb mysterious co .lition?" I can't say that it is myste- but I ca~ say that rious, we are all citizens" of this great community genu- inely concerne~l about the Shelton Schoo~district board and its ~lecisions. I have always been a proponent of"If I am not happy with what is hap- pening, it is Ul~ to me it." Sev- y members ,ffee and coming • ganized to ideas, new is time for to help change eral communH were having c~ discussing the election. Wee: encourage ne~ perspective. It change. It is tJ at our school new eyes. Car, and Sharon have offered that. Our missior support a prof functional and me to look istrict with fline Rich ,naldson do just is to ssional, efficient school board ill partner- ship with com:nunity, staff, families,J students, ensuring that goals, visions and initiatives best sm'ving t~e students of the Shelton~School dis- trict are met. Listening Leopards don't change their spots as the old saying goes. I take excep- tion to Mr. De Capua's letter to the editor. This is not the Dave Johnston I've known for nearly 15 years. Johnston's been consistently committed to delivering a good product He's honest, trustworthy and considerate of others. During this time, I've witnessed his involve- ment in our community and his willingness to help others. He's a mem- ber of Rotary, past presi- dent of Skookum rotary and past chairmen (GOO) of OysterFest. He as- sists other service groups including Toys for Kids Plus with fundraising and by donating his la- bor. Johnston is the real deal when it comes to car- ing about others. His influence and guid- ance in managerial situ- ations is exceptional and appreciated by all involved. Johnston is a stickler for open process and communi- cating with the public. He's financially conservative and believes in accountabil- ity at all levels of govern- ment, by all its members, paid or not. Normally I just read the letters to the editor, but in Johnston's case, I'm com- pelled to write this encour- aging letter for everyone to read. Vote tbr Dave Johnston, he delivers for all of us. Dr. Gary Olson, DVM Shelton Veterinary Hospital It is time for change Editor, the Journal As a volunteer firefighter at District 6 in Union, I See Letters on page A-8 USPS 492-800 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason County Journal, EO. 8ox 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mailing address: RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone (360) 426-4412 • Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason Shelton-Mason County Journal is a member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $37 per year for Mason County addresses, $51 per year in state of Washington but outside Mason County, $61 per year out of state. Owned and published by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc County Journal- Thursday, October 13, 2011 / Jesse Mullen, general mgr. Advertising: | Dave Pierik, advertising manager Newsroom: Harvey Morris, ad representatwe Kevan Moore, managing editor .... Aria Shephard, North Mason, ~nronto~me~..~ .~.. environment, reporter ~.,..,..~....~.:,~, y.,.f, :keeper Natalie Johnson, reporter ~largo~ ~na, ~mu~ tion ~.J/IL, I%~I. %,$61.1 [~1~ I I IClIIIU Emily Hanson, sports reporter . )m Adam Rudnick, copy editor supervisor Composing room: William Adams, graphics Koleen Wood, classifieds/legals Becky Corr, typing Pressroom: Kelly Riordan, production manager Travis Miller press operator