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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 13, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 13, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Letters Continued from page A-4 encourage you to vote for the most qualified person for Fire Commissioner, Pc- sition 1 of the Union Fire Department, Tim Whitman. Whitman has over 30 years of experience in the Edmonds Fire Department, retiring as the assistant chiefi He understands the complexities of the fire de- partment both administra- tively and hands-on, plus Whitman has the support and respect of the volunteers and community. Whitman understands that a "long- term (10-year) comprehen- sive business plan" is more than a budget and EMS levy. He knows it should in- clude planning for facilities, equipment, personnel, train- ing and cost controls. He has a real vision for the future, not just a one-year budget, and he leads by good posi- tive example. Again, it is time for change -- we cannot af- ford to continue with our current board. We need someone who is willing to listen to the concerns of the community. We also need someone with good management skills who understands that control- ling costs is not running up high legal fees. We need good solid leadership with a passion for the safety and well-being of the com- munity and the personnel that provides that protec- tion. We need someone who will listen to the staff and volunteers and un- derstand their needs; that person is Whitman. He understands the serious nature of saving lives, pro- tecting property and the risks involved. place for tools. Troy Woodard Volunteer Fire Fighter Mason Fire District 6, Union Destroying signs is bad politics Editor, the Journal Whether fair or not, po- litical signs that are broken and left on the ground re- flect badly on the opponent of the candidate whose expensive signs have been shredded. I keep seeing Jack Miles signs broken and thrown on the ground. In my humble opinion this speaks volumes about the supporters of Dick Tay- lor, who seeks to replace Miles as a Port of Shelton Commissioner. It also makes Miles' op- ponent's campaign itself look a bit shoddy; suggest- ing that if the campaign were run cleanly and fairly, Taylor supporters are not confident their candi- date will win. Therefore, cheating, in the form of destroying the other candi- date's signs, will hopefully improve their candidate's chance of winning. I am glad the voters are smart enough to also be of- fended by this sort of bad behavior and trust they will not reward the campaign of the candidate who seeks to "win at all costs." Katherine A. Price Shelton Lack of fire service experience should be non-issue Editor, the Journal I agree with Mr. Park's comments (Oct. 6 letter to the editor) regarding the upcoming election for a fire commissioner position in Mason County Fire District 6. In my fire service career, I have worked for two elect- ed boards of fire commis- sioners, one board of county commissioners and one city commission. In all three instances, the majority of the elected officials in those positions had no personal fire service experience. What they all did have, however, was the ability to team with fellow commis- sioners to hire and manage staff with the skills, knowl- edge and passion for public service. Dave Johnston's appoint- ment to a vacant position as a Commissioner in Fire District 6 was an affirma- tion of his intellect and his interest in serving his com- munity. His lack of fire service experience should be a non- issue. What is important is his ability to lay out clear expec- tations for the staff he helps supervise, to give them the tools to do the work, to have the courage to hold them ac- countable for the results and to keep a clear focus that the people that they all really work for and are responsible to, are the taxpayers in Fire District 6. Dave Salzer Shelton Rich Editor, the Journal I am writing in support of Caroline Rich for Shel- ton School Board Director District 1. Over the years I have worked closely with Caroline in business and volunteer activities. She is the consummate profes- sional and has earned my respect for her passionate support of our community and school children. Be- cause of her demonstrated business acumen and nego- tiation skills, coupled with her work ethic and her unbridled enthusiasm she has earned my unquali: , fled supp0~ and: Vote: Sh~ will bring a much-needed breath of fresh air to the school board. Vote for Caroline Rich for Shelton School Board Director Dis- trict 1. Dick Taylor Shelton McCausland for the Shelton Editor, the Journal I have known and worked with Sue McCausland for several years and she has feelings for the students in the Shelton School District. It takes several years to get to learn about budgets, curriculum, facilities, etc., and by retaining McCaus- land; you will be retaining a leader that is already up to speed on these issues. There are four non-high districts that feed into Shelton High School and McCausland has worked diligently to get these dis- tricts together in annual meetings to make sure that they all are working together for the betterment of the students in Mason County. Also, she has attended many area and state school district meetings in order to enhance her knowledge on school pro- cedures. This is knowl- edge that only a seasoned school board member can provide. Although I don't live in her voting district, I would like to recommend a vote for Sue McCausland for the Shelton School Board. Dick Parrett Shelton Arcadia house fire under investigation By EMILY HANSON "I just want to give a strong thank you to A Tuesday house fire the volunteer force that on Arcadia Road is un- showed up," Seals said. der.investigation. "We had an engine com- At approximately 3 pany from station 58 in p.m., the back bedroom the city, district 13 and of a house located atMason County Medic 1 6571 SE Arcadia Road all respond. There were was found on fire when 17 firefighters on the the homeowner ar- scene and they were rived, predominately volun- Tomi Giles reported teers." the fire to which Fire Seals said there are District 4 responded,currently 29 new vol- "We had it under unteer firefighters go- control probably within ing through initial fire- 20 minutes of our ar-fighting training. rival," Assistant Chief The cause of the Greg Seals said. blaze is still under in- Seals said the ma- vestigation by the fire jority of the house suf- district. Seals said the fered only smoke dam-Mason County Sheriffs age, since the fire was Office is also investi- contained to the backgating the fire. bedroom. As of press time, Ma- Seals said no one son County Sheriffs was home at the time of Office Chief Deputy the fire and no injuries Dean Byrd was not were caused by it. available for comment. Shelton fire destroys car and motorhome By NATALIE JOHNSON Mason County Fire District 4 and 5 crews re- sponded at about 2:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon to a fire on the 1500 block of Madison St. in Shelton. Two firetrucks, two ambulances and several com- mand cars responded to the fire, which destroyed a fifth-wheel trailer and a small car in the backyard of a 1570 Madison Street home. No one was injured in the fire, said Mason 5 Fire Chief Tim McKern. At this point, the cause of the fire is uncertain. "Chief [Mike] Patti is here, he', the Fire Marshal for the City of Shelton, and I'm sure he's asking some questions," McKern said. Prescribed fires slated Five.managers ac Olympic National Forest are set to begin their, annual schedule of prescribed fire activities that includes two sites in Mason County. The local fires are slated for the South Fork of the Skokomish River at the Dennie Ahl Seed Or- chard and on Forest Service Road 2350, one-half mile from the junction with Forest Service Road 23. Both sites are located in Mason County. Prescribed fires are planned ignitions designed with specific objectives in mind. They are imple- mented only when environmental conditions such as wind. fuel moisture levels and relative humidity are favorable. Safety, for firefighters as well as the public, is the top priority at every prescribed fire. This year's planned ignitions are pile burns de- mgned to reduce hazardous fuels. The fires may be- gin as early as this week and continue as late as November. depending on local weather conditions. The fires will be monitored closely by qualified per- sonnel. Local authorities will be notified prior to ig- nition and kept informed throughout the burn. Residents and visitors may see or smell smoke and glowing embers may be visible at night. Smoke may settle into lower elevation areas, particularly at night and in the early morning hours and area residents are urged to use extreme caution at these times since visibility may be impacted. II She!ton-Mason Country # .... :": i!! ,. ! ii ~ .......... § f Shelton-Mason STEEL • Colored, coated; different styles available • 30-year warranty against fade & chalk • Great for barns & houses • Reduce long-term maintenance hassles • Steel wall systems also available % ROOFING Craftsman® 4 Pc. SAE or Metric Ratcheting Wrench Set Each wrench has two sizes of jaw openings. Combines the speed of ratcheting with the easy access of an open end wrench. 2301778. 2301786 /Sa \ ~ ~.~a~i.i,, ,/ \