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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 13, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 13, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASTERGARDENER I I I I I. The Best Family Restaurant Great Food - Great Prices 360-427-2393 -- HOURS-- Tues - Fri 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (closed Monday) Sat - 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Sun 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 116 West Railroad Ave (Mariano's Plaza) Serving lunch and dinner Tuesday through Saturday Full Breakfast menu Saturday & Sunday from 9:00 a.m. Beer f.ff wine available "1 Present this coupon and receive one free desert with purchase of any entr6e Limit one desert per coupon Expires: 10/19/2011 Cash value 1120th of one cent I I I .I FREE GOSPEL CONCERT There will be a FREE gospel concert with Mark Gray, hosted by GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 7PM on October 21't at the Agate Grange Hall. For over 27 years Mark Gray has been one of the most active and widely used soloists in gospel music• Mark and his wife Mary, travel twelve months a year all across America singing in some 175 churches, youth camps and Bible colleges. He has produced more than 47 recordings and his music is carefully selected to always exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and present the Gospel of saving grace to a lost and dying world. Whether singing a new song or an old favorite, Mark always sings with deep conviction. His music is sometimes heard on Grace Baptist Churches Radio Sunday School Hour on KMAS between 8:30 and 9:00 Sunday Mornings. There will be a voluntary love offering collected and a free dessert fellowship following the concert. For more information call 360-462-1611 SAVE THE DATE! Halloween is creeping up on us! Fir Lane Health and Rehabilitation is gearing up fbr our 12th Annual Community Halloween Bash. Monday, Ocr.ober 31, 2011 from 6 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Come join the fun! Bring the family for games, face- painting, haunted green house and trick or treating for kids 12 and under. Parking has been generously provided by Olympic College, Shelton Campus. Hope you all have a Spooktacular Halloween! ...hetping people live better Fir Lane iiiiii~iii~ii~ !i~ii!~iii!i~¸ ~t~tlt~t~t t Courtesy photo Master Gardeners Sybil Jones, left, and Evon Masteller stand wi h some of this year's bounty. eners to sell pumpkins The WSU Master Gar- deners of Mason County will be selling pumpkins 1:o raise money for the 2011- 2012 Catalyst Park Food Bank Garden from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Oct. 15 in front of the Sage Book Store in Shelton. According to the Master Gardener Founda- tion, the garden has sup- ing vegetable seeds, com- post and fertilizer for the next growing season. In addition to the food What: WSU Ma ster Gardeners of Mason County bank garden, Catalyst Park has 12 community- raised garden beds where members of the Shelton community have grown their own vegetables. Master Gardeners plan plied the local food bank with 110 pounds of fresh vegetables weekly through the spring, summer and fall months. The money raised will go toward buy- on adding up to 10 raised beds this spring. Sybil Jones, a garden volunteer, stated";othat the pump- kins being sold are a va- riety called Rouge Vif D pumpkin sale Etampes, or i~inderella pumpkins, and c~n be en- joyed as jack-C-lanterns, a pumpkin pie or ir pumpkin soup. The Master Garden- Social Security, Medicar( HEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER , .... , 2430Non~13thSt~eet'Shdton,WA98584 ~ topic sc 360.426.1651 ...... :: O.MP cCO LE6 : s,o,,oo _ : __ /: ] ers will also have recipes available on how 1:o prepare fresh pumpkin or freeze it for your Thanksgiving pies. Sage Book Store is located at 116 W Railroad Avenue. 3 among hedu ed for library meeting There will be an infor- istration, will provide an Lewis-Mason-[ mational meeting at the overview of topics, includ- Area Agency on Shelton Timberland Li- ing the future of Social Se- formation and brary from 10:30 a.m. tocurity, survivor's benefits. Office, who will i noon on Oct. 18. This meet- retirementand spousal the low-income ing is open to the public, benefits, from Social Se Juan Cavarrubias. pub- He will be joined by assist low incon lic affairs specialist from Merridee Anderson, as- in paying their the Social Security Admin- sistance specialist of the drug plan prom 'hurston prescription co-pays and Aging In- the Medicare Savings Pro- ~ssistancegram from DSHS to help alk about pay for the Medicare Part subsidy B Premium. curity to Space is limited so e seniors please call Merridee at Medicare 427-2225 ext. 101 or toll- rams and free at 1-877-227-4696. SHELTON FIRST BAPTIST Grace Baptist Church ~iiiiiii !!2!i!! Contact us: Mailing address: ... for the faith oftheBospd ~i ~o Box 1025, Shelton, WA 98584 ~[ " Phone: (360] 462-1611 ~[ ~:~**,:.~.~ E-m,aih pastor Sehool i "°"°me": 10 w o,olo.or Sunday ........................ a.m. Sunday M°ming W°rship '""' 11 a'm' ~~ List~non Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.~,~ KMAS 1030 AM Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..... 7 p.m. ~:~¢ Sunday 0:30-lO:OOam Agate Grange Bldg. 0n Agate Loop Rd. I t Send~ 9:30 a.m. 728 Railroad Ave. CrossPoint Service Traditional Service , A ....... temporary service A .... Iradaional servke that begins at ~100 AM thai begins at • Praise Band • PraiseTeam t 0145 AM • Contemporary Message Choir Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Chfldcare both services ~4 NEED WEEKDAY CHILDCARE? ~ ~? 360-426-5089 "~ ~' Sunday Services 9:00 AM [ Celebration Service 10:30 ArVl I Celebrdtion Service Attended Nursery Children's Classes 4:oo ,'M [ Galeway to Recovery Child(ore Provided ADD RES~ [ 405 S. 7th st., sheltorl PHONE 1360-426-2758 WEBSITE ] ~.gatewayc Faith Lutheran Church A Christ-centered Church Shehon United Methodist Church ~ :~. ~b~m -urae,o~/ shel~on Call 426-4412 to place your ad 3~o 426-8461 • Sunday Mornieg Worship 9 + 10:30 am SiJiiflav Sci:9,;[ fo; a~l age~ • Ni~l)tehurch 6 pm ,1~, w eNiJoad Ave • Oominge La Iglesia Bautista 6 pm Servico er E:sp~fio: • Wednesdays 6 pm Youth Church, AWANA K :; Adult C asses Jueves 6 pm Mt. Lutheran, ! .......... 830 a.m. Christian Education. Traditional Worship ............. 11:00 a.m. Office 42( www.mtolivesl" St. David's of Wales EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place where all are weh'ome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. ): 15 Conversational Bible Study Office phone: 426-8472 Refreshed- Rest0t - Renewed in Rivers oiGroce Sic# 6 p.m, Worship for Senior Center • 826 ~ ~ Railroad Ave 438-85i New Community Church of Union Sunday Gatherings ,,'