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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 13, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 13, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• Prevention, Advocacy and Spe- ments outlined and funded by the cialized Services (PASS) will offer OCVA. a free upcoming training funded The training lasts four days by Office of Crime Victims Advo- and begins at 8 a.m. on the first cacy (OCVA). day (for sig~-in) and at 8:30 a.m. This state-certified, 30-hour ad- thereafter to noon. The class con- vocate core sexual assault train- tinues from 1-5 p.m. (except on ing program is designed to help Nov. 10, when end time will be new sexual assault advocates pro- 4:30 p.m.). It is held Tuesday mid vide responsible and effective ad- Thursday, Nov. 1, 3, 10, 17 and vocacy to survivors and secondary will be held at the Shelton Civic victims of sexual assault. Center, 525 West Cota Street in Training meets the require- Shelton. Participants must complete all This training is ideal for new staff four days to receive a certificate, and volunteers of communit:, sex- The training v~ill provide the ual assault programs as wq~ll as basics necessary to provide sexual other professionals or comm anity assault services including: crisis members seeking to expand their intervention skills, understand- knowledge of sexual violence. ing the underlying conditions that PASS's combined services in- contribute to sexual violence, a clude drug prevention education; mock defense interview, cultural community sexual assault i pro- perspectives, dynamic of child gram and family resources icoor- sexual abuse, suicidal callers, ser- dination serving children ofl~arn- vice delivery systems, legal and ing delay/disability, ages birth to medical advocacy and much more. three and their families. Thi~ has Olympic College Shelton November Information Sessions A practical nursing infor- mation session will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8 at Olympic College Shelton campus. At- tending an information ses- sion is mandatory if you are applying for admission to the Practical Nursing Program at Olympic College. If you plan to attend, e-mail nurs- as space is limited. A Worker Retraining In- formation session will be held fiom 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8. If you are currently coilectmg Unemployment Insurance, or have collected benefits in the last 24 months, are a displaced homemaker or were sell-employed in a declining field, you may be el- igible tbr Worker Retraining fuuding financial assistance tbr one quarter of tuition and books. Call 432-5400 to sign up tbr this session. The Olympic College Shel- ton campus is located at 937~ W Alpine Way. Office hours are Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. For more information call 432- 5400. Shelton High graduates selected as STEM scholars Shelton High School University Women STEMCollege of Science Tech- class of 2011 graduates (Science, Technology, En- nology has recognized Kathryn Myers and Norah gineetqng and Mathemat- Miss Myers and Miss Montoya were selected as ics) Scholars. The Western Montoya with certificates American Association of Washington Universityof achievement. Mason County DEM to host Skywarn Weather Spotter Training The National Weather Service willweather instrumentation. train new or veteran spotters, includ- The training is free from 6 to 8:30 ing interested citizens, amateur radio, p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20 at Mason CERT, citizen corps, and law enforce- County Emergency Management, 100 ment, fire, transportation and public W. Public Works Drive Shelton, WA works staff, on how to look for and re- 98584. If you plan to attend this train- port significant event-driven weather ing session please RSVP to Mason events. Spotters are needed, particu- County Division of Emergency Man- larly in the rural parts of Mason Coun- agement 427-7535 or email MCDEM@ ty, as well as among those who have been an undertaking by the board for the past four years and pro- vides the opportunity to expand services and funding resources to meet the broader needs of Mason County. The registration deadline is Oct. 25 with a 25-participant max- imum and a minimum of 10-12. A training confirmation and further information will be mailed. To register, contact Margaret Spikes at 426-6925 or Mason County AARP • . I dr,v, ng courses offered Pre-regi~tration is re- ans and/or spouses and quired for l the following dependants must provide driving cla~ses offered by some form of military AARP. | identification, including From 8~.m. to 5 p.m., but not limited to: mili- Nov. 11, the AARP driv- tary ID (retired, active- ing class will be offered at duty, guard, reserve), dis- the Mason County Senior charge papers (DD Form Center in Shelton. To reg- 214, American Legion/ ister, call 426-7374 (one- VFW card, dependant ID day class).| card, etc.) to the course in- From 845 a.m. to 1 structor when checking in p.m., on NOv. 21 and 22, at the class. the class Well be held at For non-military par- the North Mason Bible ticipants who are AARP church in Belfair. To reg- members, the tuition is ister call 275-9646. $12. For non-military, From 8:~5 a.m. to 1 non-AA P participants, the tuition is $14. p.m., Nov. 28 and 29, the class will bd at Mason Gen- eral Hospital in Shelton. The free tuition for military personnel is To register fall 426-5239. good only for the month During November, all of November. Classes are military ve(erans, regard- limited to the number of less of age~may take the participmlts at each class driving class tbr ti'ee. To location. For more intbr- enroll in the class, veter- mation, call 426-0590. | College Bound Scholarship applications available for students ]'he College Bound Scholarship Students sign a pledge in both in the seventh grade, but have Request a paper application by is a state program that promises grades promising to graduate until June 30 at the end of their calling 1-888-535-0747. college tuition for seventh- and from high school, stay out of legal eighth-grade year to apply Stu- Get an application from oul eighth-grade students who aretrouble and gain admission to a dents only need to sign up o: ice. Karen Farber, counselor at Hood eligible tbr t~ee and reduced-price college or university. To apply online: www hecb. Canal School District, by calling lunch. Students may start signing 1-877-5463 ext. 217. Look in my bi-weekly section called Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 13, 2011 ~q ~ ~ i i [iiiii!:ii~iiii!! i!i!¸ i: !::i!i!i! !!ii;ili~ii:iil ii~ili i ii!ii:i::ii:ii i! iii:i !i!:i ;ii i i;i iiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil;iiiiiii!i !!!i i:ii:iiiiiiiii !iiili !i!!!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!i i iiiiiiiiii i!i!ill i i!i i iii!i if! ;iii ii!! i ! ! i ! iii !ii i! ii !i: i i : i i ii ii ii i iii! ii ii i ii iii i;ii i i i i!i i!iiiii i!ii iiiiiii i i!iiiiiiiiii iii iii! iiii!i i iiii iii ii! iiiiiiiii iii i i !iiiiiiiiiii! iii iii ii i I , i~1i~i)!!iiiiii~!~l~il~iii~l!lil~l~lil!il~i~;i~:ii~?il:l~l~!i:l~l:!i!~i~lii~il~;l~ililil!il!li~!i:i!!~l~l~!!i~liii~iii:i!il:iiiii!!l:!i!~i~i~!:ii~i~i~ ' HealthVault oto MyMasonHealth.c( for medical historie m Our surgeons are very special, too. Experts at surgeries such as gallbladder, breast, hernias, colon, and more, MGH Surgery Clinic also specializes in creating a caring environment- close to home. Call today to make an appointment to discuss your surgical needs. Mason Genera/Hospital ,~ S~rgend CHemic I 1360} 42~-4142 1710 N 13~h Loop Rd, Shelton, WA GATEWA "A Looking Ag 405 S, gatewaychristi f CHRISTIAN CHILDCARE Place for Kids to Grow" or childcare that does more than imply WATCH your kids? 12 too. to 12 yrs. + Preschool lon-Fri 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7th St, Shelton • 360-426-5089 • gatewayccc.weebly.corn