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Healthy Living
Free Health Text Messages Available for
Pregnant Women and New Morns
Mason County Public Health best protected from flu when everyone
encourages pregnant women and new around him or her gets a
moms to register for a convenient parent flu shot.
resource called Text4baby. Text4baby "Every mom-to-be
is a FREE mobile information service and mother of infants
designed to promote mother and child needs to know how
health. An educational program of the important the flu shot
National Hlealthy Mothers, Healthy is for the whole
Babies Coalition, Text4baby provides family's health,"
pregnant women and new rooms with said Judy
information to help them care for their Meehan,
health and give their babies the best CEO of the
possible start in life. National Healthy Mothers, Healthy
Text4baby messages are on topics Babies Coalition, "Text4baby is allowing
ranging from prenatal care, labor signs us to share important reminders in a way
and symptoms, nutrition, breastfeeding, that women find convenient, as well as
safety, baby's development, and more. easy to understand and use."
Recently Text4baby added messages Women who sign up for the service
related to getting a flu shot. Vaccination by texting BABY to 511411 (or BEBE
for flu is critical because: in Spanish) will receive FREE text
Pregnant women are at higher risk for messages each week, timed to their due
disease and death from the flu. date or baby's date of birth. For more
Pregnant woman with flu have a information visit the Text4baby website:
greater chance for serious problems for http://www.text4baby.org/
their baby, including premature labor The Mason County Public Health
and delivery, office is located at 415 N. 6th Street in
Getting the flu shot while pregnant Shelton, and can be reached at 427-9670,
helps protect babies even after birth (for extension 41o.
up to 6 months). Healthy Living is published on the
Infants under 6 months are second week of each calendar month. For
particularly at risk for flu, since they are news or advertising on this page, please
too young to get vaccinated. Babies are call the Journal at 426-4412.
City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which v~ewed at shelton.petfinder, three years old
includes vaccine, wormer, cpm. Labrador Retriever mix,
spay/neuter plus $10 city li- [ The hours are Monday female, one and half years
cense, through Friday from 11 a.m. old
New dogs are brought in t9 4 p.m. The shelter is closed Shepherd mix/Lab, male,
all the time. Call 427-7503 or Saturday and Sunday. three years old
visit the shelter at 902 West Current listings: Husky, male, four years
Pine Street. Dogs may beLabrador mix, female, old
Freckles is an affection-
ate young kitty. She has
raised h~r family and is
ready for a loving home. She
will be a little shy at first.
She enjoys attention and
will share rubs and purrs,
kitty play and happy me-
ows. Freckles is looking for a
sunny windowsill, daily food
and water and a safe warm
bed. She would like to have
a forever home and family
of her own. Freckles would
really like one of her friends
to come too. For informa-
tion on Freckles and other
indoor-only kitties call 584-
0594 or leave a message at
About Hearing Aids? Then,
Den't Buy A
Hearing Aid.°.
Befere Trying Our New Perseeaa
Hearing Device, RISK FREE!
So tiny,
no one will notice
During our open house, we are offering in-office demonstra-
tions of our new personal hearing devices. These are a
unique solution for those with not just hearing problems, but
also, people who have trouble understanding conversation.
Discover for yourself without any obligation if these remark-
able products can help you or someone you care about.
m~ m m m m m m m m m r .. ,,:
(off binaural Blulink II K220 Hearing System).
The Blulink II Hearing System is the most advanced
i teohnology we have ever sold. Blulinkllisa I DURING THIS EVENT
revolutionary NEW hearing system, that in quiet or
noisy places,improves speech understanding and
telephone communication like never before.
~avings expire October 31. 2011.
fm m m m n m m m ml== m m
Try any hearing instrument from
us for 30 days. If the hearing aid
doesn't improve your hearing,
simply return it for a full refund.
Regular Price I
This tiny hearing aid slips right
into your ear and is virtually I
hidden. No volume control to adjust. I
Not valid with any other offers, discounts, coupons or prior sales. I
Exolres October 31. 2011.
Quality Hearing Care
Financing Available, O.A.C.
We accept most insurance,
Labor and Industries, Federal,
and most Self Insureds
Discounts may not be combined with any other offers.
previous purchases or insurance benefit program.
Aberdeen Longview Port Orchard
Centralia Olympia Belfair
Shelton Ilwaco Raymond
Hear Your Absolute Best"
Hearing Care Centers
Benefits of hearing instruments my vary by type and degree of loss.
Consult your Avada Hearing Care provider
Inc. 37Q
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journa - Thursday, October 13, 2011
Rory is a Burmese mountain dog/
husky mix, approximately 5 years
old that was found alone and starv-
ing at one of the local state parks.
When park rangers picked him up
they contacted us and we were more
than happy to take in this deserving
dog. He is gaining weight, his coat is
shiny and he is ready to find a family
that will love and take care of him.
To meet Rory send an email to aap-
dogs7@msn.com to set up an appoint-
ment. To see other adoptable dogs
looking for their forever homes visit
!2 %
November 15, 16, 1 7, 18, and 19. At The Pavilion at
Sentry Park in Shelton. Tickets on sale until November 9.
Wednesday. November 16
• Fashion Show & Luncheon
Sponsored by Fred Finn/Finninsula Foundation
Exciting fashion show with a gourmet lunch, gift
11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Reservations Required
$40 per person or $400 table of 10
shop & raffle.
• Community Open House--FREE Event
Beautifully decorated trees, gift shop, & raffle.
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
• Family Game Night
Spend an evening of old fashion family fun and competition with an assortment
of games within the elegance of beautiful trees. Includes gift shop, games, prizes,
dinner & raffle. Also enter for a chance to win a Door Prize!
5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Reservations Required
$5 per person
MGH Foundation also acknowledges the following
sponsors for their support of the 2011 Fantasy Forest
Event: Program and Advertising -Christmas Village,
Gift Shop-Heritage Bank, Co-Memorial Tree-John L.
Scott Real Estate, Travel Voucher-OAC Services, Inc.,,
Construction Management, Entertainment - Cellnetix
Pathology & Laboratory, Volunteer Village-Taylor
Shellfish Farms, Inc., Raffle Sponsors - Peninsula
Credit Union, Mary Anne Munson, Skookum Rotary
Foundation: Oysterfest Dollars at Work, and MASCO
j"'~, %
For reservations and tickets, call (360] 427-3623 or go
online at www.MosonGenerol.com/2011 fontosy_foresLhtml
**Portrait packages available for
purchase, Offered by Cooper
Studios at these events: Father-
DaughTer Night out, Dance Fever,
Candy Cane Carnival and Gala &
Auction, A portion of sales will be
donated to MGHF,