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Shetlon, Belfa"
The United State Drug Enforcement tablets and unused pharmaceuticals should medicines for non-medical reasons -- a rate poisoned by medicines found at home.
Administration is sponsoring the National be kept in their original containers. Even that's among the highest in the nation. The In addition, safe disposal reduces medi-
Pharmaceuticals Take Back Day from 10though the receptacles are secure, citizens abuse of medicines by teens often results cines in theenvironment. Large amounts of
a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29. are encouraged to remove personal infor- in medical emergencies, fatal overdoses or powerful medicines go unused or expire and
Two drug take back receptacles are avail- mation from the containers. Do not put sy- long term addiction. Most abusers of medi- the way we dispose of them makes a differ-
able to the public 24 hours a day seven days ringes, needles, or loose tablets in the recep- cines, including teens, get the drugs from a ence for our waters and our environment.
a week at the Mason County Sheriffs Of- tacle. Loose tablets can be placed in a sealed friend or relatiye -- not from a drug dealer. For years, the advice was to flush drugs or
rice, located at 322 North 3rd in Shelton, and taped plastic bag. Safe disposal also reduces accidental poi- mix them with kitty litter and throw them
and at Mason County Fire Protection Dis- Properly disposing of unused pharma- sonings of children. Unwanted medicines in the garbage. Flushing drugs sends them
trict 2 headquarters, located at 460 NE Old ceuticals is a good idea for several reasons, left in the home endanger our children, directly into our waters, harming the envi-
Belfair Highway in Belfair. Prescription drug abuse is the fastest-grow- seniors and pets. About half of the 37,000 ronment. Drugs thrown in the garbage are
Citizens can drop off unused pharmaceu- ing drug problem in the country. In Wash- phone calls to the Washington Poison Cen- available for others to take and use, and can
ticals at these locations at anytime and all ington State, almost 11 percent of teens use ter concern young children who have been still get into the environment.
Tahuya woman appointed
Port commissioner
STAFF REPORT Harle has had a home in Tahuya
since 1999 and has been a permanent
The Port of Dewatto swore in Moni-resident since 2007.
ca Harle as the port commissioner for She is a self-employed professional
Position 2 on Sept. 28. musician.
Mason County appointed Harle on "It's really an honor," Harle said
Sept. 20 after the port was unable to of her new appointment. "I want to
find a replacement to fill the position do this in a respectful way and I
left vacant by Commissioner Robertwant to make sure I get off on the
Stevens' death on May 10. right foot."
Author to speak at Belfair church
Richard Lemieux, au- 'Friday, Oct. 21. Everyone the streets of Bremerton.
thor of Breakfast at Sal- is welcome and encour- There is no charge.
ly's, will be speaking at aged to come and hear For more information,
the Belfair Community him speak about how he visit breakfastatsallys.
Baptist Church at 7 p.m., lived in a van in or near com.
Continued from page B-1
made by calling the Bensons at 426-7803.
They understand that plans do change so
non-reservations are welcome as space
allows. There is always seating on the
porch if need be. Late calls are still ap-
preciated as it helps with table setup.
Thanks again to Kathy Bykerk for
a copy of the Women's Club meeting
on Oct. 6. It was held at the Commu-
nity Hall with lunch being brown bag
fare. Lucy Dike was the inspiration for
the dessert. Lucy was a long-time mem-
ber of the Women's Club and she passed
away recently. Pam Wood had a lovely
chocolate and white sheet cake decorated
with Lucy's name on top. The host-
esses, Joye Robinson, Judy Baker and
Pam Wood took advantage of a fall color
theme to decorate the tables with gar-
lands of fallen leaves and attractive place
mats with cross-stitch designs in oranges
and browns.
Bob Bonnett, who lives on the island
and is a retired architect presented the
program. In his retirement he has found
a passion for wood turning and explained
to us how he takes a section of a tree and
turns it into a beautiful bowl for either
a useful or decorative purpose. Bob has
been turning wood for about two years
now and will be selling his bowls at our
Holiday House November 26.
The new members on the scholarship
committee are Jo Ewart and Sandra
Herndon, co-chair and Kristi Hitchcock,
Della Rogers, Jan Irving and Rose Benz
Jackie Pate commented that these
scholarships are very important. The
scholarship her daughter received from
the Women's club has made a big differ-
The Community Hall is about to get a
new commercial refrigerator to replace
the very old and unreliable one we now
After discussion the group was asked
to vote to donate funds to assist in pur-
chasing the new refrigerator. The vote
was unanimous and the Women's Club
will give a generous donation.
Patti announced that the board mem-
bers would chair the Christmas Lun-
cheon this year, which is their gift to
the general membership. The Harstine
Island Women's Club sewing group will
meet at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 25 at
Donna Hamilton's home.
Robert Burbridge
Robert (Bob) Burbridge, 81,
died Thursday, Oct. 6, at his
home in Shelton. He was a res-
ident of Shelton for 10 years.
He was born May 10, 1930
in Pleasant Township, 111. to
Delbert and Edith Burbridge.
He graduated in 1947 from
Phoenix Union High School in
Phoenix, Ariz. and earned his
associates degree at the U.S.
Naval Supply School in Geor-
gia in 1968.
He served in the U.S. Navy
from 1949 to 1975 and was
....... .... discharged
: ~ : at the rank
~ i~i of O-3/Lieu-
..... Bur-
~Jtied Bev-' !~gi~ii~ °~!~ bridge mar-
~ erly Ruth
McCally in
Robert Rono, Nev.
Burbridge on May 21,
lowing his naval career he
worked as a production and
logistics manager for Super-
scope, the then parent com-
pany to Sony and Marantz.
He later traveled the world
working for Global Marine
and several offshore oil com-
panies. Before retiring from
the work force he worked
with Coach USA operating
tour buses. His family shared
that he enjoyed that job and
his most memorable trips
were transporting wild land
firefighters to the many Cali-
fornia fire locations.
In the 1950s and 60s he
was know for his driving skills
in the Sprint and Midget rac-
ing work. As an early member
of the U.S. Auto Club, he trav-
eled throughout California
and Arizona returning home
with many awards and tro-
phies. At a time that he was
recruited to race at Indianapo-
lis, the U.S. Navy transferred
him and his family to Guam
ending his racing career. His
hobbies included fishing,
crossword puzzles, woodwork,
cooking and all around handy-
man. His family said that he
attended all of his grandchil-
dren's sporting events and
was an avid "High Climber"
He was an active mem-
ber of Mason Fire 4's Angels
Group, which works in con-
junction with firefighters to
maintain their safety at large
He is survived by his wife,
Beverly Burbridge of Shelton;
sons Raymond McCally (Patri-
cia) of Curlew and Robert Bur-
bridge (Jill) of Shelton; grand-
children Kyle, Kasey and Karli
Burbridge of Shelten; sister
Marilyn Spencer of Clermont,
Fla. and many nieces, neph-
ews and cousins.
He was preceded in death
by his parents and brother
Richard Burbridge.
He will be inurned at Fort
Rosecrans National Cemetery
in San Diego, Calif.
In lieu of flowers and gifts
the family asks the commu-
nity to attend a Shelton High
School 'Tiigh Climber" sport of
your choice.
Janet Lee (Frost) Cupp
Janet Lee Cupp, 73, died
Friday, October 7, 2011 at
her home at Mason Lake in
Grapeview. She was a resident
of Mason Lake for 11 years.
She was born November
29, 1938 in Portland, Ore. to
David Frost and Olive (Reed)
She married Allen Cupp on
January 25, 1956.
She was
~ involved
in the
Club in
Belfair; Ma-
Janet son Ben-
son Club
Cupp and Mason
Lake and
Des Moines
Dance club.
The family said that she en-
joyed sharing her talents and
expertise with young and old
Her husband Allen Cupp of
Mason Lake; son Brent Cupp
of Mason Lake; sister Sally
Klink of Bend, Ore; niece Kris
Jolma of Winlock and nephew
John Tschunko of Bend, Ore.
survive her.
Her parents preceded her in
A memorial service will be
held at 2 p.m. on November 12
at the Mason Benson Center
clubhouse, 5971 Mason Lake
Drive, Grapeview.
Memorial donations can be
made to Northwest Children's
outreach at Belfair Center,
P.O. Box 1604, Lake Oswego,
OR 97O35.
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton is handling the ar-
Virginia Jean Hase
Virginia (Ginny) Jean
Whalen Hase, 65, died Oct.
1 in her sleep at her home in
Maple Glen.
She was born Aug. 31, 1946,
to John and Mary Whalen in
She met Wally Hase while
working at Boeing. They mar-
ried and
~1 moved to
' Everett.
The mar-
..... ~ riage ended
• ~,~, i~ ~i in divorce.
~:i~ Afar the
~~ moved todiv°rce she
Shelton to
be closer to
Virginia her folks in
Hase Belfair.
Until the
clinic closed
in Belfair, she did a volunteer
courier service for Mason Gen-
eral Hospital, transporting the
lab work to and from the hos-
pital six days a week for many
• The family shared that ev-
erybody loved Ginny and she
loved everybody back. She also
loved her pets Cuddles the cat
and George the fish.
She is survived by her fa-
ther John Whalen, her brother
John Jr. and sister Mary Hol-
She is preceded in death by
her mother Mary and sister
Katie Carlson. Remembrances
can be made to your favorite
Walter James Rae "Walt"
Walter James Rae "Walt,"
79, died Tuesday, Oct. 4, at
Capital Medical Center. He
was a resident of Shelton for 53
He was
born Dec.
10, 1931,
in Fargo,
N.D., to
"John Rae
and Hel-
ena (Bartz)
Walter R a e
Rae graduated
in 1950
from Irene
S. Reed High School in Shel-
He received additional
schooling from Jet General
School in Amarillo, Texas;
Jet Engine Aircraft School,
Chanute Air Force Base in I1-
hnois; six months in London,
England; Barksdale Air Force
Base in Louisiana. (headquar-
ters of the fourth air division
SAC); and engine specialist-
conditioner 376 bombardment
He was a member of the
U.S. Regular Air Force from
1952 to 1956 and was honor-
ably discharged at the rank of
SSGT and awarded the Na-
tional Defense Service and
Good Conduct Medals. Prior to
the Air Force he was in the Na-
tional Guard.
He married Dorene Stevens
in Shelton on Aug. 17, 1963.
Rae was a self-employed
auto mechanic and owner of
Rafts Service for more than
20 years. He worked at Camp
Grisdale as a mechanic for three
years and the Washington State
Department of Corrections as
Plant Mechanic Supervisor and
locksmith for 18 years until he
retired in July 1995.
He is a member of St.
Mark's Lutheran Church in
Rochester; former member of
Mr. Olive Lutheran Church for
1948 to 2010 (president, vice
president, financial secretary,
trustee, elder, choir member
for more than 50 years); for-
mer member of Shelton Morn-
ing Star Lions Club; American
Legion Post 31, Shelton and
retired public employees coun-
He enjoyed mechanics,
building and making things in
his shop, fishing, hunting, gar-
dening, camping, travel and
attending sports events for his
He is sm~ived by his wife
Dorene Rae; daughters Be-
linda Armour (Cal) of Phoenix
and Brenda Thornbrue (Rick)
of Shelton; sons Joe Rae (Barb)
of Shelton and Martin Rae
(Kathy) of Bellevue; grandchil-
dren Calvin, Tiffany and Josh-
ua Armour, Kevin and Steph-
anie Rae, Max Rae, Angela
Thornbrue and Alex Olson;
step-grandchildren Chris and
Shawn, Sarah and Amy, Brett
and Tyler; great-grandchildren
Hunter and Payton; brothers
Jack Rae of Dufur, Ore., and
David Rae of Spokane.
He was preceded in death
by his parents, sister June
Baughn and brother Russell
Gene Rae.
A Celebration of Life will be
at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5
at the Pavilion at Sentry Park,
190 W. Sentry Dr., Shelton.
The family requests in lieu
of flowers donations may be
made to St. Mark's Lutheran
Church, P.O. Box 10000, Roch-
ester, WA 98579.
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadine is 2pm the tuesday
before publication.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, October 13, 2011 - Page B-7