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Michele Lund and
Thomas-Mitchel Briggs
Megan Michele Lund and Kyle Smith of Davenport.
Thomas-Mitchel Briggs of Shelton are Both Megan and Kyle graduated
getting married on Oct. 29, 2011, at from Shelton High School.
the pavilion at Sentry Park in Shelton. Megan is employed by the Shelton
She is the daughter of Mike and An- Valley Christian Childhood Develop-
gie Lund of Shelton and he is the son ment Center and Kyle is serwng in the
of Dodie Heggie of Shelton and Ronald U.S. Army.
League of
to host
Group will focus on
federal government
in education
The Mason County
League of Women Vot-
ers (LWVMA) will hold
its monthly meeting from
11:30 a.m. to noon on Oct.
18 at Olympic College
Johnson Library in Shel-
The program will focus
on the role of the federal
government in education.
Guests will be Kathy
Haigh, Washington state
Representative: Shawn
Lewis, from the Office of
Superintendent of Public
Instruction and Joan Zook,
former superintendent of
Shelton Pubic Schools.
The National League of
Women Voters has under-
taken a study of the federal
role in public education.
The study focuses on the
role of the federal govern-
ment in education policy
making, with consideration
of common core standards.
national assessment, equi-
ty and funding of it.
The LWVMA has de-
cided to participate in this
study. The October and
November meetings will
be focused on national and
state roles in education.
All interested persons are
invited to attend.
Salmon bake to be held at Schafer State Park
The Friends of Scha- park more than 50 years $7 toward event expenses. Pass sales goes. directly to-
fer and Lake Sylvia State ago. Potluck items are alwaysward keeping Washingten's
Parks (FOSLS) will hold a FOSLS revived the tradi-welcomed, state parks and recreation-
traditional salmon bake at tion two years ago as a way Washington State Dis- al lands open to the public.
1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22, to build support for state cover Passes for vehicles For more information
at Schafer State Park. parks. Members of FO- will be required ($10 for the or to reserve a spot at the
The Olympia Salmon SLS will provide salmon,day or $30 for 12 months) salmon bake please call
Club started this tradition side dishes and beverages, qnd are available at the789-9953 or www.TheScha-
as a charitable event at the Guests are asked to donate park. Money from Discover ferStateParkTeam.org.
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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, October 13,
MGH Foundation schedu!es Fantasy Forest event
Mason General Hospital Founda- fers another free event that is open to tion and Hoffman Construction Com-
tion's annual Fantasy Forest will be all. From 2-4 p.m. isi Senior Day Tea, pany. This black tie (optional) event is
Nov. 15-19, at the Pavilion at Sentry sponsored by Alpine Way Retirement from 6-10 p.m., and features a gour-
Park in Shelton. This year's theme, Apartments, with entertainment, door met dinner, silent and live auctions,
"Midnight & Ice," provides a holiday prizes, cookies, coffee and tea, plus a a no-host (cash only) bar, raffle and
atmosphere with free and ticketed raffle and gift shop. From 6-9 p.m. is gift shop - all in the magical setting
events for all ages, in a wonderland of Father-Daughter Night Out with din- of Fantasy Forest. An Emerald table
decorated trees, ner and dancing in an enchanted for- for 10 is $1,500 and includes a limited
The festivities begin on Tuesday, est of trees. The night also includes edition ornament for each guest, pre-
Nov. 15, with Fantasy Laugh Facto- a silent auction, raffle and gift shop. ferred seating and personal wait staff
ry, an adult night out with live com- Tickets are $30 per Person, with reser- for your table. A single Emerald ticket
edy featuring comedian and ventrilo- vations required. Cooper Studios will purchase is $150. A Sapphire table for
quist, Justin Ver Burg. Sponsored by offer portrait packages from 6-9 p.m. 10 is $1,200 and includes an appre-
Dynamic Collectors, Inc., the evening From 9 a.m. to 31 p.m. on Friday, ciation gift for each guest. The single
includes a buffet dinner and no-host Nov. 18, is Deck the Halls, a holiday Sapphire ticket price is $120. Cooper
(cash only) bar, a balloon extravagan- bazaar. The bazaar is free and open Studios will offer portrait packages for
za, raffle and gift shop. It starts with to all and features ~he sale of hand- the Gala from 6-9 p.m.
cocktails at 5:30 p.m.; followed by din- crafted and commercial gift items for Sponsors for the 2011 Fantasy For-
. i
ner from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and the event the hohdays and beypnd. It also offers est event include: Program and Ad-
ends at 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $30 per a no-host lunch with door prize draw' vertising - Christmas Village; Gift
person and must be reserved in ad- ings, a raffle and gift shop. The week- Shop - Heritage Bank; Co-Memorial
vance, end is launched wi}h Dance Fever, Tree- John L. Scott Real Estate; En-
Fred Finn/Finninsula Feunda- featuring Swing Fever Band from 7-11 tertainment - Cellnetix Pathology &
tion will sponsor a fashion show and p.m. with live music, dancing, appetiz- Laboratory; Volunteer Village - Tay-
luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., ers and a no-host (cash only) bar. The lor Shellfish Farms; Travel Voucher -
Wednesday, Nov. 16. It will feature dress code is casual elegance and tick- OAC Services Inc'/C°nstructi°n Man-
a collection of historic wedding dress- ets are $35 per person, to be reserved agement; Raffle Sponsors - Peninsula
es, a gourmet lunch, raffle and gift in advance. Cooper Studios will offer Credit Union, Mary Anne Munson,
shop. Tickets are $40 per person or portrait packages from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Skookum Rotary Foundation: Oyster-
$400 for a table of 10 and reservations The Candy Cane Carnival for chil- Fest Dollars at Work, MASCO Petro-
are required, dren from 10-11:30 ~.m. on Saturday, leum; Forest Star -Bob and Melanie
Following the fashion show from Nov. 19, is co-sponsored by South Appel;RobertW. JohnsonPLLC;Prov-
2-4 p.m. is a free community open Sound Radiology. Children's activities idence St. Peter Hospital; and Shelton
house, open to all, with a raffle and and Santa are the main attractions, Health and Rehabilitation Center; and
gift shop. The evening includes family along with refreshm?nts, surprises, a Steven H. Bowers, DDS, PS.
game night from 5:30-8 p.m. The en- raffle and gift shop. T~n dollars admits For reservations and tickets, call
tire family can take part in an assort- one adult and one child; with $4 for 427-3623, or go online to www.Ma-
ment of games with surprises, dinner each additional guest. Portrait pack- sonGeneral,com/2011 fantasy forest.
I . • • -- --
and a chance to win a door prize. Tick- ages from Cooper Studms will be avail- html. The deadline for all ticket pur-
ets are $5 per person and must be re- able from 10-11:30 a.m. chases is Wednesday, Nov. 9. Tickets
served in advance. Midnight & Ice concludes on Satur- are transferable but not refundable,
Community open house from 10 day evening with thel Gala & Auction, and reservations are not confirmed
a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 17, of- co-sponsored by Hiawa'tha Corpora, until payment is received.
2011 i