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Cody Williamson
wins his third meet
this season
The Shelton boys' cross country team accomplished a first
for the season last weekend.
The boys' team took first place at the 31st Hoquiam cross
country invitational on Saturday, Oct. 8, its first win of the
Sophomore Cody Williamson won his third meet of the sea-
son and freshman Darius Burke won the freshman/sophomore
race for the individual title, head coach Daryl White said.
This big win came for the team just days after competing at
the Stadium meet against Olympia, Timberline and Stadium
on Wednesday, Oct. 5. The boys also peformed well at the Sta-
dium meet as well, with senior Nathan Morgan, junior Zach
Taylor, senior Kyle Cloyd and senior Skylar Core finishing in
fourth, sixth, ninth and tenth places, respectively.
The girls' team had five members finish at Stadium, with
sophomore Lindsey Nicolas the top female finisher for Shel-
ton. Nicolas completed the 5,000-meter course in 32rid place
with a time of 24:35.
At the Hoquiam meet, only junior Bonnie Casper finished
for the girls' team. Casper came in 71st place with a time of
The team has just three meets left with its next one, the
Narrows League Championship, beginning at 1:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, Oct. 19 at Ft. Steilacoom State Park in Lakewood.
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The Shelton boys' varsity cross country team won first
invite on Saturday, Oct. 8, its first win of the season.
at the
Photos courtesy of Daryl White
Hoquiam cross country
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The Shelton boys'
and girls' freshman
and sophomore
cross country teams
gather together to
say a few encourag-
ing words to each
other before their
race at the 31st Ho-
quiam cross country
invite on Saturday,
Oct. 8.
"We ended up winning the tournament," Beck said. "We
By EMILY HANSON ' We kind of overdosed got a lot of people playing time and didn't worry too much
The Shelton volleyball team brought home one league y b i about our position."
victory last week. nil for the Beck said that Ernst had a great day serving.
On Wednesday, Oct. 5, the Lady Highclimbers defeated k d kind of overdosed on volleyball for the weekend,"
Mt. Tahoma on the road 25-9, 25-29 and 25-14. wee o" "We
!Beck stated.
"We beat them pretty easy," Steve Beck, head coach, As of press time, the Lady Highclimbers had not yet
said. "They were a little weak." the game well," Beck said. !played against Olympia on Tuesday, Oct. 11. The team's
Beck described the match as a "game of aces" because Since the match was nonleague, Beck started the eve- ilast three scheduled matches are: at 5 p.m. on Thursday,
the team tied its aces in a single game record with 25. Se- ning by having his second string play the first game so iOct. 13 at home against Stadium, at 6 p.m. on Monday,
nior Lolly Jones served 10 aces, junior Courtney Hanson they could get more experience. Oct. 17 at South Kitsap High School and at 6:30 p.m. on
scored six aces and senior Caitlyn Ernst scored five aces. "We were up at one point 19-13 in the fourth game and iWednesday, Oct. 19 at Bellarmine Prep.
"Mr. Tahomajust couldn't take serve receive very well," then hit a bad stretch," Beck said. "It was a great, fun ! "We have a good shot with both Stadium and South
Beck said. game to watch." :Kitsap," Beck said. "We need to win one of the final four
Ernst and Jones each pounded down six kills while Jones racked up 14 kills while Ernst scored four kills games to advance to the post season. If we win two of the
Hansen scored another four kills, and served seven aces. Beck said the team had a total of 16 final four, we'll have a better position in the post season."
On Friday, Oct. 7, the Lady Highclimbers lost a non- aces against Port Angeles. With Port Angeles hitting the : Beck said he thinks the team has been playing pretty
league matchup against Port Angeles in four games. The ball a lot against the Lady Highclimbers, the team hit its well.
team lost the first two games 8-25 and 13-25, won the third season high of digs with 57. "If we can keep moving along, we have a good shot of
game 25-19 and lost the fourth game 22-25. Finally, on Saturday, Oct. 8, the team traveled to Yelm advancing to the post season," he added.
"Port Angeles is a very big, strong team and they know High School for an all-day tournament.
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Page C-6- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, October 13, 2011