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Mason County's script for "word of mouth "
Page C-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, o, 2011
MGH present 'living
well' he Ith program
Anyone with chronic! ed on Olympic Highway
medical conditions caniNorth, next to McDon-
learn to manage themi ald's.
more effectively and im-i The program is free
prove their day-to-dayIand open to anyone with
life, at Mason Generalichronic conditions such
Hospital & Family ofclin-I as heart trouble, lung
ics is offering a six-weekI problems,chronicpain,
self-management work-i arthritis, migraines --
shop titled,"LivingWell."i or any chro~ic disabil-
The class goes from 10!ity. Workshop topics will
a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Tues-i include: managing your
day, Nov. 1, and will run! medications, controlling
every TUesday throughi pain, exercising and eat-
to Dec. 6, in MGH & FC s! ing well, dealing with
Learning Center, locat-i depression, .managing fa-
............ J
tigue and communicating
better with your doctors,
family members and oth-
ers. Family and friends
(over 18) of those with a
chronic condition are also
welcome to attend.
The workshop is free
of charge but space is
limited, so advanced reg-
istration is advised. For
more information and to
pre-register please call
Terri Gushee, R.N., BSN,
Chronic Care Services at
427-9596 ext. 3512.
Melissa Louise Fos~ is a Western must complete at least 14 graded credit
Washington University hon~r roll recipient, hours during a quarter and be in the top 10
Foss, of Shelton, was named to WWU's percent of their class.
summer quarter 2011 honor roll. Those students who also maintained a
To qualify for the hono~ roll, students 4.0 grade point average are indicated.
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WSU to
launch Rain
WSU Mason County Ex-
tension will be launching a
new volunteer-training pro-
gram aimed at reducing and
treating polluted storm wa-
ter runoff in Mason Coun-
ty. The program will meet
on two Thursday evenings
scheduled for 6:30 to 9 p.m.
on Oct. 13 and 20 at the Port
of Allyn building. Pre-regis-
tration and a simple appli-
cation process is required.
The new "Rain Garden
Ambassadors" program is
for volunteers who want to
learn to help themselves
and other residents identify
opportunities for preventing
storm water pollution. Rain
garden ambassadors will
learn rain garden basics,
how rain gardens protect
our local water resources,
local resources for resi-
dents who want to create a
rain garden and appropri-
ate plant selection for both
success and beauty in land-
Volunteers will also re-
ceive coaching on presenta-
tion skills.
Once trained, the am-
bassadors can choose how
to help the community, by
either providing brief pre-
sentations to educate local
community groups about
rain gardens or by helping
individuals with rain gar-
den questions.
Rain Garden Ambas-
sadors will also have the
unique opportunity for
hands-on learning and com-
munity outreach by joining
a volunteer effort to plant
new rain gardens in Belfair,
All trainings are free and
many tools and resources
will be provided to the vol-
For more information
or an application, contact
Mary DiMatteo at 427-9670
ext. 689 or 275-4467 ext.
689 or via email at mary.di-
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