October 14, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 14, 1921 |
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I/wrote A sto.v AND
County correspondence Is NOW tic.
. ] o o!. The average citizen has as much
- curiosity to ]mow what is in the
Mr. Bryan Rauschert came home round as ]1(! has in what is over-
from Olympia last week for a few head or under (tie sea. The following -
(lays. While here he helped brother h)g ()1' the two great bores made by -"
Theodore dig spuds. He returned to the Standard Oil Company to test -- Call 631 when in need of anything in ore"
Olympia on Saturday to be there for for oil on Pacific neach, ll be of 2-- line, and we will send it out by the first out-
school on Monday. interest as showing what was found[:
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and family of 1,000 feet deep: The log was secured I = going mail.
Seattle, are visiting with Mr. L. Rau- by tile Montesano Vidette.. I--
schert and son Teddy. The first well in section 8, town-I = Registered pharmacist in attendance at all
! As the s'ummer tourists are about ship 20, range 12 west, was started !-- ilIles.
R'one, the Dew Drop. Inn is closed June 30, 1919, and finished or aban-t---
for the season. Mrs. C. M. Baird doned April 7, 192t, drilling 200 davs
and son Charles, Jr., are picking and reachi,g a (12pth' or 3,s0, re& _= Augustine & Kyers and" Canterbury candy.
huckleberries for a change. The log shows surface sand and _=
3h"s. 5i. E. Brink went to Olympia gravel" to 95 feet; from 05 to 165, -- Agent for Eastman Kodaks and Nyal's
last Monday on the launch Merry Wi- "yelh,w saml, streaks of clay;" next -- family medicines.
dew for a shopping trip. five feet, "water, sand and gravel." -
Mr. Ed. Cl'omquist went to Olympia From 170 to 1,008, "sand and sticky ---- _
last Monday on business and then blue shale," streaks of shale, gravel, ---- --
stic.ky blue clay, and sandy shale in---- FIR DRUG STORE -
went on to Tacoma to visit his sister. This is Mrs Ohve Phllhps of I.o successi<m• From 1,008 to 2,132, blue _
S. Hansen went to Olympia on Ang('l(.s Fzvc years ago she was shale, coarse gravel with streaks of --
Monday with the launch Merry Wi- I,,>¢)T Then she wrote a sU)ry that shah:, l,'rom 2,132 to 3,120, sandy __--- "John L. McKenzie, R. Ph. G.
(low on bu'dness. "bmugh) her a prize W))h )!e shale, tough and hard, sticky shale, --_ -
Mr. L. Rauschert went to Tacoma money she I)ought a rural roomn)g brown shale and sandy blue shale. SHELTON WASHINGTON
last Wednesday on the mail boat house She has prospered until now From 3,120 to 3,805, the end, blue i
Soya. she has a great apartment hotel, and and brown shale, hard, sandy shale,
Judge Britton has laid aside the is well on the way to a fortune oi a quitting in "sandy blue shale." N.ot f||l|||||||l||||||ll||||||m||||ml|m||||||||
hoe for a while and has gone to Ta- minTeD a rock or bouhler or water was en-
coma on business expecting to be countered in the long bore.
gone for a couple of weeks or more. ALCOHOLIC HOME BREW Tile second well in section 16, tovcn-
Erick Adegar(I has returned to his ship 20, range 12 west, a short dis-
tance from the first, reached the
farm after spending a couple of NOT LAWFUL TO MAKE depth of 4,120 feet, where the drill-
months at one of the nearby camps.
Mrs. K. Sund's new home is look_ ers,u* o** o Truck and Transfer
ing fine now since it has been shin- MAKING OF NON-INTOXICATING practically a duplicate of the log of
gled• the first ,veil from top to hottom.
IIank Hanson had his buggy out on FRUIT JUICES NOT INTER- They are twins. The finish of No. 2
Suuday for a trial. Carl Blomgren FERED WITH was in "sticky brown shale with
,vent along as his guest, streaks of hard sand." There is
S. Hansen went to Vaughn last Recently numerous inquiries con- little knowledge in either log unless Moving Tonnage General Hauling
week to get some lumber for Mr. cming home manufacture of fruit it is worth knowing that 4,000 feet
Cronquist's launch. "uices anti the law and regulations and better en route to China there
Bob Johnson came home Saturday governing such manufacture have is not a drop of oil, and doggone Prompt Service Right Prices
evening to see his family and re- reached the Bureau of Internal Rev- little soil or anything else, ex'cept
turned to camp Sunday. enue. For" the information of the sand, gravel and "sticky clay. It can Green and Dry Fir Wood For Sale
Mrs. M. L. Hoke was visiting" Mrs. public on this subject, as well as the be said that the two wells are the
Hansen last Monday. She brought production in the home of malt li- deepest bores in the state and the
quor or so-called "home brew," the most costly. They settled the oil JOHNSON & WIVELL
a lovely bunch of dahlias to the post following statement is issued by the question in Grays Harbor county and
Master Adolf Hansen (lid some Prohibition Unit: probably in Western Washington. It
PEERLESS hauling for Mr. Fox last Saturday Non-intoxicating fruit juice can be iwas an honest try.
and in the afternoon hauled wood for made in the home. Intoxicating wine, PHONE 161, SHELTON
Bob Johnson. home brew, and distilled spirits may Some people often wonder why
MARKET Hansen is harvesting his apple not be made. their neighbors dislike them so much,
crop. wo. humlred gallons of non-intoxi- but they are too wise to ask. '
The weather man is sure giving us icating fruit juice may be manufac-
IIII • • , • • ,
some dehghtful weather. Guess he!tu$l:axgfe?tbYch::o;foanilt[r:V 1
is trying to square lumself for last Revenue
BACON, Per lb. ------- Tins tax exemphon prowmon has
summer. , . . . . .
20c been the source of confusion The .
"----'---- "* ]effect of this tax is not to allow the
VICTOR ,,manufacture of 200 gallons of in- 611UMbelS Etrolo
i toxicating wine free from restrictions
@ j of National Prohibition Act, but
Mr. H. E. Taylor marie a trip to
Seattle Sunday to visit his wife, who
is employed there.--E, S.
Mrs. Itenry Droscher visited Grant
school Friday afternoon•
Mr. and Mrs. Cehdal from Olympia
are visiting (heir'(laughter, Mrs. A.
P. Zumwalt for a few days.--I. S.
Mrs. J. E. Jones visited Mrs. Bert
Benson Sunday.--H. J.
"Mr. and Mrs. O. Metcalf spent a
pleasant evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. Duffy.--H. Me.
Mrs. Munro visited Mrs. Droscher
Sunday.--E. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer: Wiss visited
relatives at Agate Sunday.--H. J.
Mr. J. E. Jones was a visitor at
the Rausehert farm Sunday.--H. Me.
Benny Kline has been absent from
school a few clays getting glasses fit-
ted in Tacoma.
Inasmuch as our column did not
get into print last week, it might
not be out of order to announce, at
this late (late, the arrival of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lantz
Wiss, Phebe Jean, as she has been
christened, and her mother will leave
the hospital for their home the lat-
ter part of this week.
LeeDs Zumwalt was
in Olympia
one clay this week to have glasses
Miss Martha Alder and Dr. Beach
paid a visit to Grant School• Most
of the children were given clean
bills of health. No communicable
diseases were discovered•
We regret to hear of the injury
sustained by Harry Bergeson of Har-
stint while motorcycling here Sun-
day. Striking a cow, he was thrown
off and fell upon a stiok which pierc-
ed his thigh• Ernest Anderson found
hmi and rushed him to the hospital.
6o To The FirDrug Store First
I tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllj
i GoT ' , !:
0 The Fir Drug Store First -:
/---- -'---- .... -:
[- re1'. Chome Candies, Medicines and your nre- -=-
_-- scnphons. • _=
PICNIC HAMS, per lb.
20C @ Miss Dora Sisson ,vent to Olympia,merely to allow the manufacture of
• " ,, 200 gallons of non-intoxicating juices
on Tuesday wa launch Bubble to].
BACK BONES, per lb. spend the day. Iree of tax. btileage C00rtainty
,.Mrs" F. M..Sisson and Miss Marion [ Section 1 of Title II or the National
mson were pleasant callers on Tues- [Prohibition Act in effect defines the
C (lay afternoon at Mrs. Chgs. Kertz [term intoxicating liquors as meaning
Little Maud Medley is quite sicl¢lall alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, gin,
- the present week with fever and is/beer, ale, orter, and wine, regar
unable to attend school.
less of alcoholic content, and all other Car Owners want more rubber on the tread when the wear II
EAB'Y ])SEvIC] Mr. anti Mrs. g. Dahl were pleas- liquors fit for beverage purposes,
antly entertained on Tuesday evening containing one-half of one per cen- hardest; more gum between cord plies to perfect a resilient and
II00zh & Ch.10ck Shdt0n, Wlh. at the Thompson home• turn or more of alcohol by volume, powerful carcass. And they want a ciatitleally constructed Non
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and daugh- Section 3 of said Title provides that:
ter Helen were guests of the A. Zan-
"No person shall on or after the date Skid tread with all angles and contacts to resist skidding and gi
del family, at Allyn, on Wednesday when the eighteenth amendment to tlre traction. Firestone Cord have met these detnandJ
evening• the Constitution of the United States the ear owner
' Mr. and Mrs. K. DaM entertained goes into effect (January 17, 1920),
at their home on Wednesday evening, manufacture, sell, barter, transport, Read Letters
8HELTON INDEPENDENT Mr. and Mrs. Kertz, Mrs. Esther import, export, deliver, furnish or BeIo--.-
Auto Stages Morgan and Mr. Vaughn. possess any intoxicating liquor ex- - " 0 9 Ml|ell
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sisson an, eeptasauthorized:in this Act, and all ,,,,R, ecolll 29,oo, o t_o,57,0
......... , , children came up to Mr. and Mrs. the provisions of this Act shall be ....
Halyor DaM's on Friday evening for liberally construed to the end that Cord Tires built the FL'atone Now and then they are emph
a pmasant little surprise. Mrs. Sis- the use of intoxicating liquor as a way could not fail to produce aized by uustml htances such
son brought along a cake to go with beverage may be prevented." The mileage. Every day, from all
TEMPORARY the delicious coffee which Mrs. Dahl same section provides in part that: over quoted Ilow. Performarlc¢
Daily Schedule as
hadr ? godMmei • the country, come the word that lke them demonstrate the ultJ.
Leave Shelton--Leave Olympia always serves to her guests. They "Liquor for non-beverage purposes 10,000, 200000 or 80,000 miles are "
8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. at:he Skene home oBn " ....... and wine for sacramental purposes Illltt, po88tl)ilitle. O[ Fh'itono
3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. i te ed,
Ha(r= Bernhardt ...... /C p , vered and possessed, .t.t$.|.tt llMmm IIq&,ll,
Y Je recently Ior • . '"
but only as herein prowded, and the FIrtoa. The & Rubl
Tacoma where he will enter school, " ' I.konv,!. lSr.nch.
[I having finished the school course at ommlssmner may, upon application,
jacnonviIl l*rlda.
Temporary change in schedule I I me vau(hn l-Tic, h /ue permits uerelor * * * * ,, See- Oentlemen:
i __ • , • • , '
..... hen 29 of said Ttle, Imposing penal-
and increase ade necessary by I Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Dahl called [ti . . . . .d,--
. I submit h.etvtth the hlstm'y ¢4 • lit4 b lt.¢e to that might be lntermt
detour via McCleary. i at Bernhardt's on Sunday ft ...... es for vmlatmns of the Act prowdes to_y__ti_r=. T.M, tire hg m 7.,000 mi the mil I oltlmd from the |t Of
• • ........... m ar as folio s ....=- rmTuam tt ,€ tmm. "ae am J' Ctd tram cnajll DIse coupe. The
and m the evem.ng they were wel- ,,P...7, ,,,__ w- .......
]mieage to each ttr. "-''" ant tire wat over,.
THROUGH FARE $2.00. come guests at the Kertz home thi . ,e penames provaaea in ins WU. abot 7,000. l . .
........... :,, s ac against the manufacture of tln you til tr th 00o 1. The ..€a
mr. anu rs. Henry Dan/ oI Allyn li-uor --itho,,* ..... :* o . 1, $ remm'kable recom. 41 ,"lVil .,._I e. rolltd up I rlleagq
Leaving Shelton from Ho,l were dinner tuests at the ..... + " . - . ,, v ..... ohall not It J| empecltlly unutual '",V l' 'wlllm $41501} ald
home on Sunday. v ........ apply to a person for manufacturing • line, the owner to V 1' ldh
non-intoxicating cider and fruit juices e f ,tv_o,drlvey: H..ow. dP / cut ©o..mderably b
eIton. Phone 421. Mrs. Morgan and Miss Annie of shall not be sold or delivered except t:oprelnltlott.. Thetlce "Ut IIID cnatM. Tle tWO lt
Allyn were callers on tris side on to persons having permits to manu-
Leavtllg Olympia Sunday. v qU |lOa |It not Yet ltlUl A T2 t[ru hay* gOSH l)tt
Mr. Willers is entertaining several fa'cture vinegar.'
8till In I¢ood tlittol
from the Olympian Hotel. gentlemen friends this week who are No. 601. o r®td. ! am JL thn.. ! n._u
40,000 mllea om eac/
here on a hunting trip. OTZC TO CIgEDXTORS photoifl v.
THOMPSON & DUNBAR Mrs. Gee. Curtis and daughter In the Superior Court of the State of
ore" I,te over. lit thai |ltbdo tire IIg !1 our Cord Cord wnl be my
Owners and Operatolal Clara will leave next week for Index, u= r,__ oaly FIvmne retoure. and expel, choice for the futuro.
; Wash., to spend the winter. The Washington for Mason County, in m .,, ce can luvide this qmdlty at this Archi H. Bull,
' tea'cher and playmates of Clara are Probate. lcL $31 lSslle Bldg.,
- Mlnneapolht.
very sorry to lose her from school. In the Matter of the Estate of JULIUS
• =======================, Andrew Nelson has been on the JENSEN, Deceased.
sick list with a bad cold for a week. the undersigned has been appointed and
has qualified as executrix of the estate
SPECTACULAR PLAY NOW ON or Julius Jensen, decd&sed.
TOUR BREAKS RECORD All persons havtng claims against
I am prepared to furnish Despite the fact t---at ten dollars the deceased are required to serve the
estimates for the construe- was charged for the opening night same (supported by claimant's affidavit,
tied of buildings of seats of "Aphrodite" in New York as required in Section 108, Probate
last winter, and in Chicago, where Code) on the said executrix or her
,WOOD at the Auditerium h,s massive spee attorney of record..t the .ddres. bo. CORD TIRES
CElVIENT tacle recently shattered every record low stated, and file the same with the
Clerk of the above entitled Court, to-
for receipts in the history of that gether with prbof of such service,
BRICK or mammoth playhouse there will be no within six months after the date of
increase of prices above the regular
Le me know your require- scale for the opening performance the first publication f this notice, or
o ,pnromte" at h
ments t e Metropolitan same wtll be barred. OLYMPIA AUTO SUPPLY CO., Olympia
Dan Anderson Theatre, Seattle, week commencing Date of first publication will be 0- MALLORY MOTOR CO., Olympia
October 30th at 8:00 p.m. tober 7, 1921.
The same tremendous cast, number- MINNIE JENSEN, L.E. TITUS, Olympia
ing more than 300 and gigantic pro- Executrix of said ]gstato.
CONTRACTOR & BUILDER duct/on, which thrilled and fascinated Address: Belfair, Mason County, Wn.
New York and Chicago theatregoers, TOM ALDE1RSON, r
Shelton, Wadl. will be brought to Seattle intact, re- Attorney for Estate. " -
quiring as it does a special train of Address: 610 Nw York Block. Seattle, "
11 cars for its transportation. Washington. 10-7-28-4t