October 14, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 14, 1921 |
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rDAY, oCrOBm 4, 92 MASON COUNI"Z :romr, tsAGB
I[ I I I ...... I fill '
... .t00cal an .#. Persona CONTESTS RIGHT OF WAY
Harry Bergeson, the young son of
i ------ Mr. and Mrs. Hans Bergeson, of Har-
D||lll||||||lNf stine, met with a painful accident
last Sunday while making the trip to
W. A. Johnson is a business visitor Our fall rains seem to have arrived Shelton on his motorcycle. A cow
in Seattle this week. after a month's delay, disputed the way near Agate and
with the proverbial perversity chose
Mrs. Frank Potts anti son were Ta- Miss Earline Kneeland has been to cross the road the unexpected way
coma visitors on 'Saturday. confined to her bed for the past two and young Bergeson was forced to
weeks, take to the brush. In the fall he was
__ thrown against a log and a snag
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Reed were Se- A son, Donahi Walter, was born to penetrated the fleshy part of his
attle visitors over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. 1,hank Crosby, nee thigh, going ahnost through the limb.
Mrs. Brent Auseth, of Agate dis- Kathleen Fairchild, in Seattle, Octo- He wag brought to the Shelton Hos-
trict, was a Tacoma visitor this week. ber 11th. pital and his injuries treated, a piece
of wood nearly six inches long being'
Mrs. Hattie Morgan, of Dyaton, The Shelton General Hospital main- removed from the wound. At present
spent several days in Tacoma this tains an average of sixteen patients he is getting along nicely and thank-
week, returning on Thursday's boat. under its care, and Supernitendent ful for his narrow escape from more
Miss Liverson and her corps of six serious injury.
Judge A. W. Frater of Seattle was nurses find themselves with plenty to
an over Sunday visitor at the home do in caring for their charges. BIG DOLL AND OUTFIT
of his daughter,Mrs. Chas. R. Lewis. The steamer S. G. Simpson will be
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Miller and off the run next Menday for the an- IS GIVEN TO "SHUT-IN"
children, of Arcadia, spent last Sun- nual overhauling, leaving Shclton
day at the Puyallup Fair. Sunday morning, and not returing Visitors at the county fair took
considerable interest in the handsome
until the regular trip from Tacoma (loll, cedar chest and baby outfit
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Otternmtt were Tuesday afternoon.
taking in Tacoma and tim Puyallup " which had been prepared from do-
Fair aturday and Sunday. Although a large number of hunt- nated materials and was raffled for
ers have been scouring tim woods in the benefit of the fair funds. The
Mr. A. C. Bayley left Wednesday all parts of the country for the past lucky winner was Mrs. Herman Wy-
afternoon for a brief business trip week, a Comparatively snmll number att,, who promptly turned over the
to Seattle anti Mt. Vernon. of deer have been reported brought whole to little Mable Paulson, a
"shut-in" suffering from h!p disease.
T. P. Fisk was a town visitor from in thus for this season. As many of the invalid's youn$
Kelso over Sunday, making a short Walter Christian of Camp 5, and friends had taken tickets for her ben-
trip to visit his brother, am Fisk Herbert Johnson of the Potlatch efit the same end was reached
and family, camps, were admitted to the Shelton through the gift of the winner, anti
Mrs. Arthur Govey left last week hospital last week suffering from in- she is an appreciative recipient.
for imr old home in Menaslm, Wis- juries caused by jumping from the
consin, expecting to remain about logging trains in motion. MEI)AL OF 'HONOR 5 LN
two months. Fallers aml buckers have started TO ATTEND CEREMONY
work at camp 8 of the Polson Log- IN HONOR WAR DEAD
Major F. C. Mathewson is back on ging company of Hoquiam, and the
the job in the Simpson Logging con]- remainder of the crew will begin in Washington, Oct. 10.--In accord-
pany's office, after about two months
a few days. The company has seven anee with an Act of Congress pro-
of enforced rest., camps operating, besides a railraod riding for the burial of an unknown
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jacobs, of Ka- camn fifteen miles north of that American who was a member of the
milche, were among the visitors to ctiy. American Expeditionary Forces, and
• who lost his life during the WoFld
the Fair last week, they spending G.C. Angle was called to Tacoma War, tle war department intends to
several days visiting relatives and Wednesday as a member of the fed- extend an invitation to all living
viewing the Fair at leisure, eral grand jury, but happened to be holders of the Medal of Honor resid-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weinel and a "tail-ender" and was excused from ing within the continental limits of
children took advantage of the fine service this term of court. The the United States to visit Washing-
day to visit the Puyallup Fair, and bulk of the cases before the federal ton to participate in the ceremonies
report a fine showing and a gleat courts now are those' of bootleggers referred to on November llth.
crowd, and dope peddlers, with a few offend- Hohters of the Medal of Honor
ers against the postal laws. who accept this invitation will be
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stalnaker, ac-
• companied by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H.F. Edwards° examiner from the consideredwill followaSthe°fficialremainsm°UrnerSfrom whOthe
Roberts.on. and Mrs; Arnold, spent state bureau of inspection and super- Capitol to Arlington Cemetery and it
Sunday on a trip to the Puyallup vision, is engaged in experting the will be necessary for them to arrive
books and checking over the business in Washington not later than the
Fair. of the Various county officers for the
night of November 10th.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Weaver of past year. Mr. Edwards says he Holders of the Medal of Honor who
Middle Skokomish were visitors to 'finds little out of the way in the furnish their addresses to the Ad-
Olympia Monday, accompanying their smaller counties of this 'class, as the jutant General of the Army will re-
daughters, Isabel and ..ilene, who are officers usually keep up their work ceive further information on this
attending high school there, and the county boards are more subject, as well as on the subject of
careful in the allowance of claims
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Gilbert and against the county, traveling expenses, etc.
children were visitors Saturday on Great progress was made on the PRESENT LYCEUM COURSE
business matters from Rainier, where new post office building this week, .
Mr. Gilbert is in charge of the the pouring of the concrete wails be-] Season tickets are now being sold
schools. . ginnmg with a f, ll crew Sunday I for a winter lyceum course of five
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clothier drove morning to take advantage of the lnumbers which are to be presented
to Puyallup Sunday and saw the fair good weather. Two and one-quarter [this season. According to the lyceum
but the few Mason County visitors days were required to complete the lcommittee the numbers are of un-
were lost in the great crowd of over main walls, with the aid of an ele-lusual merit this year, four of them
25,000 people in the grounds, vator and a Fordson tractor. A few [bein musical anl the fifth, a car-
days are required to complete the toont,: ,.t
Mr. and Mrmith of Hoods-roof framing before the upper !walls ..... : ...... "
port are on their way home after can be finished, and this depends on POMONA GRANGE MEETING
visiting for several months at Wy-
oming, Pennsylvania, according to the weather continuing fair.
word received from them this week.
The Pomona Grange will hold its
LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA regular meeting on Tuesday, October
W. E. Daniels and family were 18th, 1,921. ;
among the Mason County visitors at FOLLOWING WEDDING •
the big fair Sunday, and they were Miss Esther Carlson, daughter of AGATE GRANGE DANCE OCT. 15
kept busy taking in the side shows ---"-
as well as the big tent. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carlson of this Agate Grange will celebrate the
city and Mr. John A. Roles, son of opening of the new addition to their
Mrs. Mark E. Reed left the first Mr. and Mrs. A. Roles of Little Rock hall with a big dance there on Sat-
of the week for a trip east having were quietly satired at the Method- urday, Oct. 15. Music will beby
been called to Culver, Indiana, by ist parsonage here at 9 a. m. Thurs- Stenger's Four-piece orchestra of
the illnes of her son Frank, who is day morning. Members of the fan- Olympia. Chicken supper will be
attending Culver Military College. ily and a few close friends were se,xed. Tickets $1.75 including war
present. Following the ceremony the tax. 10-14,2t.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Luther and couple left for a motor trip to Call-
daughter Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. C. fornia where they will spend the Tanlac has the largest sale of any
N. Smith and daughter Barbara spent winter. Both are well known and medicine in the world. Over Twenty
last week end at Puyallup where the/ popular locally and leave a host of Million bottles have been sold in six
visited relatives and attended the friends who extend their best wishes, years. No other medicine has ever
Fair. approached it as a seller.--Fir Drug
"" Store.
: Allan Bell, the young son of A. L. LEGION WORKING ON
Bell has been seriously ill for the See the assortment of Masks and
aSt week having suffered a relapse ARMISTICE DAY DANCE Halloween Novelties 5c up and up
|lowing an attack of scarlet fever, Journal Stationery Shop.
At last report, however, his condition The committee in charge of the
was considerably improved. Third Annual Al"mistice .Day Dance
will be given by the Fred B. "ll I,.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.
IonesomeMrS" ChaS.in herD°rmanTacomaWaShome,getting Wivelland Post American Legion at the][li A
Earlwin hall here on Saturday, No- THE GIFT SUPREME $
came over on the boat Thursday to :vember 12th, are working on their
spend a few days with Mr. Dorman, plans and are confident that the dance
who is employed in the machine shops will be the biggest of the year. The
affair is gvien on the day following
at Frisken Y. i Armistice Day so that everyone can
Green Watch
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Steckle spent attend and have Sunday to rest up.
several days this week at the home
of his uncle, Charles Saeger whom STR. SIMPSON LAID OFF ---- THE MOST BEAUTIFUL
he had not seen for fifty years. The -------'- --
Steckles, whose home is in California, The Str. S. G. Simpson will be laid TIMEPIECE IN
are on their way East to spend the off the run on the outgoing trip on AMERICA
Monday, Oct. 17, 1921, on account of --
wntr...,__ ..... !,__,______ ............ I ...... t. - drydocking. She will resume her I S This store is a chartered agency
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Graves and regular schedule from Tacoma the IM for the Gruen
Mrs. Allie Ahl of Eldon, were town following day.
visitors Wednesday and report the I Shelton Transportation Co. Ira N Wood
state crew still at work With the 10-14-It.
steam shovel and making good pro- ---
press on the Olympi'c highway near O, E. S. DANCE, HOODSPORT E JEWELER
Eagle Creek. The Elinor"Social Club O. E. S. i Shelton, Wash.
Mr Frank Srmerly of this ]will give a dance at Hoodsport Hall
city "is in St. Peter's Hospital in[on Saturday, Oct. 22nd. Music will miillilillililllllillilil|[lilillilillililili}!lll
serious condition having passed!be furnished by the Harmony Fivel-" ........ ::=:
through two operations. His brother, lOrchestra of Shelton. A big crowd
A. Saner and sister, Mrs. A. H. Me-land a lively dance. Plan to be there,
Kenzie made the trip up to Olympialtoo. 10-21-2t 00s00ealn'n
to visit him on Tuesday evening. [
Tanlac, the celebrated medicine, is
Mrs. Jean Todd Fredson was in now sold by Fir Drug Store. AND
Olympia this week attending a meet-
o, oo. 00ou+ +r00o00eo. " a s00rucLin-
ents with the state official. They RECEIVER ASKED FOR
were called together to digcuss the COOPERATIVE VENEER CO.
forty-eight specific duties assigned
to them by the school code, and ad- Olympia, Oct. 13.Two suits were General Transfer Work
vised as to uniform methods of oper- filed in the superior court Tuesday,
ation in school affairs, one by the Capital National Bank Green and Dry Wood
against the Olympia Box & Package
Dr. E. A. Rich and Harry Deegan, Company, a co-operative veneer 'corn- cut and delivered to or-
of the Tacoma Clinic, were visitors pany which has been operating a mill
in Shelton Sunday, both on a fishing soulh of the Northern Pacific Depot, der. Now is the time to
trip and they spent a few hours with and the second by the company order your winter
the latter's mother, Mrs. Frank Wil- against George W. Hutton, H. E. Van supply.
ley. While here, Dr. Rich visited his Arsdale, W. A. Ftrrington and Frank
patient, Mabel Paulsen, and noted B. Meyers, former officers of the
that she was making fair progres company. =---'-----
toward regaining the use of he] The suit by the Capital National Kneelandgl',ett+
limbs. Bank asks that a receiver be named
...... for the company as' an insolvent con-
Tanlac, that celebrated medicine corn. A.C. Kneeland Chas. Getty
makes you eat better, feel better .The second action is over_ the sala Phone $01 Shelton
sleep, better and work better. Sol( f the stock by former ocer s of the
'y FJr Drug Store. + :Ompany: ...... : ...... =::='= ::
The "Hot Dog" stand at the Fir
M. E. CHURCH +" which was operated by the High
School Alumni netted the sum of
Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock. $142.51, which has been turned into
Preaching 11 o'clock, the Memorial Building Fund.
Evening services at 8 o'clock.
Preaching at Skokomish first Sun- DISTINCTIVE XMAS CARDS
lay of each month at 3 p. m.
Prayer Meeting 8 o'clock Thursday We are prepared to furnish those
evening, new Engravo-style Christmas Greet-
The public is cordially invited to ing cards, any sentiment desired and
these meetings, with names added in the same style
W. H. Thomas, Pastor. at prices little more than plain cards.
]or individual, family or business
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning service 11 a. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6:45 p. m.
Evening sewice 7:30.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:30.
All are invited to attend these ser-
greetings they supply a need. .See
samples at Journal Stationery Shop.
Needlecraft Shop.
Hemstitching and Picoting,
Ten Cents Per Yard
Mail orders solicited.
We carry a large line of Art
And Quick Repair Shop
[Successor to Fred Hansen]
Bring your shoes to us
for a neat job of repair-
ing quickly done. We
are here to give you
real service. You'll find
our prices right.
ii i i
Addison Self, Pastor.
St. Edward's Catholic Church.
On second Sundays first Mass is at
8:00 a. m. and second Ma at 10:45
also in Shelton. On fourth Sundays
Mass at Shelton at 9:00 a. m.
Send all calls and messages to
Rev. John Maher, Lacey, Wash.
Olympia, Oct. 13.--Mrs. Martha
Kirkendall, 71, passed away at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Rilla Mc-
:Fadden, 916 Adams street. Tuesday.
:She had lived in Olympia for 53
Mrs. Kirkendall was born in Han-
cock county, Illinois, on Nov. 7, 1850,
and crossed the plains in 1851 with
her parents and brothers and sisters
by ox team, settling in Albany, Ore.,
where she lived until 1868, when she
removed tq Olympia. She was mar-
ried to Nathan Kirkendall Jan. 26,
1865, in this city. Mrs. Kirkendall
615 Main Street
Mitchell Hotel, Olympia, Wash.
[I I
]m'mW OOKB
A big selection of new books at the
Journal Stationery Shop.
I Ill
All chihlren like candy--but
they love ours. And the
popularity of our delicious
confections is not merely
with the chihlren. It is to
be found wherever grown-
ups know candy values and
like pure candies. Our candy
is so pure and wholesome
that it is really good for the
child to eat. Our p}'ices sug-
gest economy.
was a professional nurse.
Funeral services were held Thurs-
(lay afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Uni-
ted Churches, under the auspices of
the Rebekahs, of which she was a
member. Rev. T. H. Simpson offici-
ated. Inte]Tnent took place in Ma-
sonic cemetery.
There is nothing nicer for
your home or as a gift than
a hand-colored enlargement
from your favorite film.
The cost is very reasonable.
Several fine samples of our
work are on display in our
windows. Come in and see
us about one for you.
Heckman Bldg.
Shelton Washington
We are REXALL Store
Come in and get a Fifty-cent jar of
with the purchase of one 50c box of Face Pow-
der Jonteel and one 50c Compact of Rouge
Three Famous Beautifiers for the Price of Two
Prescriptions Our Specialty
The Shelton Pharmacy
Rellabl, Drugit
Show starts at 8 p. m. sharp.
Saturday, October 15th
From the celebrated story by
Charles Dickens. See Fagan,
the Artful Dodger, Bill Sykes,
Nancy and others in this great
Also a
and a Pathe Review
Sunday, October 16th
She'd invented an engage-
ment and set her wedding date.
All she needed was a man. A
farce comedy that is just full
of laughs.
Also Sunday: Episode 12 of'--"
"The Purple Riders"
The great western serial
Wednesday, October 19
Goldwyn presents
"Prisoners of Love"
A Special Production
Do You Love
Your Family?
If you do you will protect them
by taking out a Life Insurance
Policy in the Prudential Insur-
ance Company of America.
• Shelton, .... Wash.
Latest Fall Arrivals
Include Merchandise of Exceptional Value
...... ;:" ,.'1'4J2£2. .+,% .+, +,,, ............ .
40 inch wide, per yard .................. $1.50
Ladies' Armour Plate Woolen Hose in the heather shades,
ribbed or plain wea,e. The correct hose to wear with your
oxfords. Per pair ............................ $1.25 and $1.75
Linen finished Indian Head 54 inch and 36 inch wide, per
yard .......................................... 50¢ and 25€
The latest materials for the pleated Sport Skirts in plaids and
stripes. No two patterns alike.
We have just opened a complete stock of the Gainsborough
Nets. These nets are made of the finest grade of genuine
human hair, are full size in single strand cap, or fringe shape
double strand, also cap shape, which means double strength
and wear. All colors, at ........................ 10€ and 15€
iiii i i
McDonald & Company