October 14, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 14, 1921 |
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t ! n IU1 I
" ' "IN I L L I kIDS , ' " ' " '
I lITt.mlrflrl llrlfll igrlrlillliil ll Ill I I IU Dr, OIUVir,U DI i mllrl'ltl" I l-li'lrll'lr'i
I O U 1 lt,00 i u i v v lxo,0000A i/. A.sbow00,:. was given last, Sun<lay I FEDERAL COMMITTEE 111 l-. If l IX IX IV
• • Ior l¥1rs. Albert Benson, in nonor of/ I • ,
• DEMANDS - • Iher new bahy, by the ladies of the I I IATlil'J'i JI T]''N .41
i ............ i I neig hb°rh°°d. Refreshments ere/FORMER SEATTLE MAN NAMED' f flu U l'lm['U
i ......... .__ H_.._.~ _ L^ I lserved and gifts of quite a variety/ TO BOARD TO CONSIDER
[] 'l'Jl [ne l¥1tl-ltS eL Utt i were given to the baby. Those pres- ] TTTILIZATION OF UNRE
[] []loot were Mesdames Elias Johnson; / " . , "
. 1 fAlex Benson; Edward Jones; McGui-[ CLAIMED 'IRAC]S Speculative tides ebb and flow and leave their stranded
• 1 , "1|| • [gan and Hoke and Misses Krabben-| ...... ........ behind
[] I1 Ill [] ihof-t, -hv ( .......... .............. 1 [el,be. / washington, llnurs(lay,.. , UCI:. D-- "
1 -J [] II ., I I I,. A .mith-n,i nn, Alfiml n,1 |ltow best to utilize the logged-off!
............. <'-'" , " s a stleam o "
I I [] []/ / I I l -/[ 1 Emihvorth were in Shelion Saturd't," |lands of lhe country, the samp I It is the te dy • ', f sensible thrift and faithful ef-
• I[ m" I i| I ] ]n lll •1 " Miss Edna Kin,lrei of Harstiz'c |hmds and the arid lands not yet > re- i fort to legitimate ends that finally reaches the definite point.
1 l/ ! ?', [ [] I I ! I .'| I! 1[I 1 IIslan(i' was a caller "it the 5I 1 "|claimed by irrigation are suojects
• Ii I i I k I i | I P ! iS' II |Ill • i].:i.. .. ...- . ....... ,. .... [that the Department of Agriculture The quickest amt best shortcut to success ahvavs has and
l lms taken up in a more ext(ns vc s ' "
I /lM ' !l-/ I I At lie lake good weather prevails/ .... " .......... t--- ah'ay. ,viii be the century proved process of accunmlatmg your
! " -ill -J i. _ n and lack Plost has not made his i /]asnlon ulan nerecoiore oecre al'v • , .
• I 1.- il • " ' " ' ' ':' ' " ' ' : P" lW-llooe has -reared a committee of start b. saving and learning by that association and discipline
I l[ Ill I ipea ance as et; O. S. .... ifive distinguished scientists of the' to find your true and not merely speculative opportunity.
1 1 ll m i ur.. George. ,ionnson .anti l¥1r. laOUiS/(teprcn,cn .... "--" us'- cmni(ler,' ..... this entir(
1 i Wlss were Shelton visitors hist Sat-]m'oblem of land utilization as one in-'
I urdav ' v -
1 1 m,'" .. . . istead of unrelated and separate prob-
im h . im i nere were quite a numoer oI/lms i -,
hunting parties camped at Mason [ " • r is a' '
• LI • LRke Sundl " " s ' In the mind Of the secreta y ," I
• $1 t _ •1. , : y--really lor open .leason Jdoubt that it is wise at this time to LaL .alllk L.t t,JIIILUII
luon(lay. • . ". f
• . undertake to me, ease the ales o
I /l: I1 tr°uble/land under cultivation, because evi- Shelton, Washington
[] i .... ill [] . . < , " .t . y. . hlences are arising of a possible over-.
[] " " - --]II [] It IS reported that Miss Ethel ]production in agriculture, due to tim
1 .. -- - - -.. -- ' i Chapman was on the sick list Mon=iinabilitv of foreign markets to buy. ! i I I
• - -- -- - -. , •lday • |Nevertheless, the secretary is not .-
• /-._ : : - - --tl- • • I Messrs. Alex and John Benson used Iconvince d that his doubt is "well foun- _ ....... ]
l I[]l] I i' I Saturday to do their shopplng inided, and he has'established this new,PlIilEBREI} II1E I "
• t/L " \\;lB/t' I I shclt°n, land comprehensive inquiry to deter- --v., _ .......
[] %k//£] %,XJ [] Madrona School. /mine the facts, ln lllfllqP II DIW
\\; '-=i II ' / The personnel of the committee .of i[lllll rixuril_aDLr, ' l TTM'III=']
. ,o. " " i Far est and llP',,L,k
I I [oxo-. o, s.--, o .-, *o. If, ve mdcates that the W. " . IN .[-]flRT T[r! E
• ............ , , , ,,, •., qx. I'oi ax.s tt Aom /particularly the Pacific Northwest, as, ,.,**,,,,-- --
I 1 invest[ "atlon of the Chevrolet 490 co,, so was- /will be understood and will not be AND..
A ersona g ............... .. , ..
... A personal investig:atio.n of the Chevrolet 490 I
/the subjects of discrimination. One MASON COUNIY IARMERS ARE ....................
1 al tna nls ]s ne row- I1 No.rc ,s 11[ [ 1 , ]- G J v l S "l" h i/of the five scientists is Prof. Charles WISELY GETTING OUT OF |II|.|||N| MKrFRIfiI.%
• • ' • " ' ] " " " " " " O il lie &illi£ 1%ll &|&ILK a SA&li&llMiliJ
• • • . • |in conformity with and pursuant tn an V• Pnpel, agrosto]ogist in chmge f ,.IHE SCRUB• CLASS'
1 he American mar- i <,i t,,o lloard of tTounty Corn-|foreign crop investigation of the Bu-
• _ * . .... • t miss|criers of Mason County, %Vashing- / ........ € Oltint In(h, str,, A member - .. - FOR vur,, nt**rv
o u on I .,:,,u . ' "• " • • • sires will ay Ior ,i,,ix, ualix uvl
it n, duly made and entered p t leir • . , • . . That puleble(I P .
I ket. I records on the 10th (tay of September, [of. a pioneel Sea.ttlefam, lly, P}o.fessor themselves in a short time was dem- LET. ME FIGURE ON
• li1921, directing the Treasurer of Mason ll'iper grew up in eaue and in tne __:L.._:i_ '.,=__-*l.. .x *he ,lnlrv ex- VT xvvm tnr
• mxan+ 11 ooln. •lCounty, Washington, to sell the lands, latmosphere of the University of un.lv.cti iccuily u. "-11off- t xA. ,viaam
• 111{2 llltYlb U. Fn UZIVLUZU ttl llUb 11 UUlittlll- l]llerelnafter described, acquired for tax-iWah;,enn n¢ ,-bioh he iu a n'ad- ension service oz u)wa ,a,e ...-
• • • • " es by Mason Count).. the uuderslgned .......... e,---, ........ in production data secured on her(is
]as such County Treasurer on the 15tl{iuate. Subsequently, he was a mere- , ...... F .....
• " "" " " 1 the Y bet, 1, . of ber of the faculty of the State Col- . . " r duc Will Also Saw Your
i 1 da of Octo 92J at'the hour " wim. scruv ouus anu uitu purevretis, •
best qualities of the ear one must ilde in it, fee 1 o'clock am at tile front door or]le e at Pullman but for a number of showing the difference in fat p o - T, nn or,tr
• th c'ourt house in Shelton, Maso Coun- " em lo ' tlon
ty Washln,-ton will offer for sale for| years past he•has been m the P Y xxm ........ h,. h,,ll ........... ,,t
aan ollhan - licash to the highest and best bidder atiOf the ueparcmen oI Agrlcultui.e m .. ;o X ....... h ..... 1 .... ;n
.LII &All t, (:IIL k£%* l..4tIOlllll.l t ed lan I ll;l:ee ' x.. , a " .
• ai* laxx*o aixu uwl ,,.v.,o. l isaid sale the following descr b, ds/this city. Anoner on ne corals o, % "'" .72"".":"?. ":". - ,,.., ,_.__,^a ^_ ,._
• • situate lying and being in the CountY/is Dr Geor¢e M Rommel. chief of creases in milk ana outterIa¢ were mm cacu ., a
[] ...... , __ a_ _. .__ __ []l of Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: |*h imnl l,h.lv,, rl;,;¢n, oF .h, obtained from the offspring which B¥ near Shelton
I Let us demonstrate to ou me wonoerlm rlmng ii Lots One_(•,. Two (2). Thr. (;'):i::.::;:--:'-2.==?'€:.'.;'<::-" :: in most cases were nearly eoual to
SO te new model." Letusfdehm°nstrate t° Y°u ne won(lerlm rlmng
• • Y 1 x,'our t). Five (5), Seven (7) an ......................... ra .... . t" "
.ual Eight (8) of Block *'A" Lots One (1) |Rommel at one time was manager of twice the produc ion of the dam.
q ............ ||to Eight (8) Inclusive of Block "B":/the O. R. & N. Company's experi- Where a scruh sire was used on a
• l l.and Lot.On.e (1!, to.l.ght_.(8) inclus=|mental farm at Walla Walla and, good cow the decrease in production OIUIMI ILnTD
• . lye o loc "u', au in tne ra or ..... . • half th llUl|
1 llt'l Il,,r • • l'll I McReavy's Supplemental Addition to]hke Professor Piper, is well acquaint- in the offspring was nearly e Dr-ll
• rlu L* ='l "l' • • / | =" I IUnion CLty, Mason County Washington, led with the problems of the Pacific amount of butterfat and two-thirds Manufacturer and Dealer
• 1 [l[J ell 'll .L 'h,Fll I 'JL,a,i,k-'J'JL,•,j llaccording to the recorded plat thereoflNorthwest less milk.
1 . llll ................... l[ln tle office of the Auditor of saLd I " A cow with a record of 4,438 SHELTON WASH.
]u°YneasnUm%%d and official sel] Native of Missouri pounds of milk and 190.3 pounds of
• I this 22nd day of September, 1921 ..... ! butterfat was. bred to a purebred , ,, ,
I ADA C CLOTHIER The chairman of the committee is .... ........
..... o ouu. 2is a resui ot mls maung a '
.. • I Treasurer of Mason County Dr. L. C. Gray, agricultural econ -
[} Phlhp Horn and wife to Shelton Washington. '/m;,t ;, hr, ,e 1..,t n,nrn;r i, cow was produced whose record was ll.aamma llmm
"'"a ESTATE P o 00ldg Co, w d W inches of E 9-2S-10-11-1t. / t'leoteeof'arnTt'manageme-n['in-tle 9,008 pounds of milk and 308.2 pounds . .m.mt., a......i _,
-- 30 ft of lot 3, blk N, David Shelton's . 2.^ ' de-rtment Dr Gray is a native of of butterfat. Another scrub cow mn ,|eh ]
Real Estate Transfers furnished 1st add. to Shelton, con. $10. lozc- o a.t om A. : Missouri and has been professor of w h- a record of 5,469 pounds of ,.
h Mason Count Abstract & Lucam w. neam ana w o "rnomas xOt Z'TrrXol I, oi economics in the University of Sas- milk and 247.5 pounds of butterfat • t.IttONABi., wmm.m '
b.y t eom an Y O Overland, w.d. ne se 32-19-3, sub llilITlixllllIOm I katchewan, in the University of Wis was bred to a purebred sire. The " -"" [ ....... +,-,
Title C p Y , - - " . • • '
• 't" & ont con 10 " • • offspring of this matin was a cow PHONE 41.
,r ..... -1 wife ot Lucie Cal- o M C "' 0 $ " . i . In the Superior Court of the State of conmn, and the University of Okla- g .
kins w'dse'se'se 31 20 4, con $150 F.E. McFarland to Anctrew . Washington for Mason 'County. , homa Since 1919, he has been with with a record of 9,870 pounds of milk D.E. BARRE'rr
' ° -- -- i " " , "';. .'lThomson wd n sw nw 33-21-5, In the Matter of tile Estate of ADAM th Denartment of A,riculture and 415 5 pounds of butterfat These
risen F 'lxle anti wile o v , ERWIN COWAN Deceased -- " -- " " • " " - '
AIM°rw Todd, w.d. ot 4, hlk 110,1con. $10. ........... Notice is hcreby' glven timt n. T I Other members of the committee were typical .results of the herd.
^. v ' :.e .,, 1,d- cMI h11 lf} and aran vlcbuire o uanlel luCulre, Baker, the administrator herein has'are C. F. Marlbut, a famous geolo- . A goo(l nlgn grade jersey cow
v . ...... a, .v-.-z, _=--- ,- -'€ lots 1 2-7-8, b[k 10, Townsend filed his final report and petllion for is t who for several years has been t wlth a production record of 6,582
) S 1" ' "
ptn lots 23 and 24 blk lOZ, as i e • . distribution in the above entitled eslate . ' • " • " . • •
pounds of milk and 313 ounds of
.......... "- """ ^--tended add. to Union C]t', con. $1. and notice is further "-ien that Satur" In charge of soil survey lnvestga-I , P . a m ram,
orniW.[m;iwfpililte;!!) :triCe TWO ",_____.._'__,,,,,INED FOFRRKIML INIRG i;:::::il:!t:!eTii:7i;ii:::ldSi:!iii 7::taeit :rh'e 2s:!alnt°fuSlit:(i ?tla::s ! Ta;itp°e!(iuad sbtUuT::t}; W. He
,hl '::h w d lot 7 bll 105 -- report ancl petition for distribution The department s announcement of • . M 1[' U
;; ..... 7.7' " .'^" ' Daven,ort Oct 7--Renorts from when and where any person or l,ersous the undelaking of the new work I These figures show that no dairy- lVJ II ][1
union I con u. v , • • r , Interest m ).
Y, . • . ed ay apl .ar and show cuuse , • ............
"r,, A t; n,l lfe to A1- Harrmgton yesterday were that C. wit the nraver of A ,,*,*l .... says that in appointing the commit-Ima.n can afford to experiment with
.......... (. W . . _ • . _ sJd ,) .......... • , • • ." •
• * -'" " "P ...... w o-° .T ,,a,.o,,T .... { .n(. I ,t ...A Owen, rnllots .should n()t be .ranted" . tee,, ' Secretar.. y Wallace ,suggested. , r ordinary. .slrcs .slnce wlth the low
neus Vlosner anu w, w u se n r
"P ..... " " of Snokane Industries airnlane itness the imnd of D. F. M, right, that as basis of the work to be un- prices of purebred sires the differ- " lt4rgTrlD,
±v'-c°n,-¢xvk., .a ,,,we ÷^ o.^, wer: ar'este4 near Harrinton for ffudge of said Sui)e,:ior Cou,:t.. and l.h.c dertaken, careful consideration should ence in production wilt soon pay the ,,vaxa:ao
**a. . ,.,. ,, ......... v o.c- " ' " " " d seal ot sale c;ourt nreto afflxeu this be devoted to the country's resent bill - TTTInnwTinm---r
ton P O. Bldg Co, w d W 30 ft snooting (lUCKS Irom a plane, an 7th day of October, 1.t21. , • , • P ' I 'l'
^ .u \\; '.; hm=, ,a" were fined -€10 and costs before a STELLA C. JENSE. crop proauction, home consumption me recent census showed that
,, o, , , ,,,, .....w.• o .o ..., v lerk of said Su crier Court ' ." • " "
........ ^--'--*-- ma-i-tra*e C P :. andforeign demand, relating the land onl. one purebred sire exists for
t $10. marnngon magis . (SEAL). 10-14-11-4-4t now under cultivation to present and every 200 cows, which is a very Ciuars Tobaccos and
"- near-future demands. II; seems to small margin, .
the secretary that this study should High Grade Candies.
• be followed by a more careful su,ey Wise eo le seldom all "h f .... A ..... :,:..-- .
and classification than has yet been s_,._/ . pep . . _. low them- rtul t *xnunultauli ,
made of lands which c-- b- ), ...... ht .e,ves co oecome (usappolnea. wnen ,^*,+;nc nnAa
una ..... lth,t;,. ;,, .. ,,, ..... n t lngs do not go to suit them they P -
"1 "& . ....... either find the remedy or make it
one con(liElons necessary o make l con i ..... ,r. , .....
iill 1 l O III P'°IH;aH:ln::rA:: ::°W;arms as ventheyenl;are.<0. De Satlsnen. wlwl l;ilem Try our fresh
" .t,*em., o, t, o=,,. -,wo. roasted peanuts
"The suete s,,r ' merit, e¢o, OqLUir by Jkot Of IDOl
clu;ic t;'-,.i' "ia<;'e oul<Ll: ,,..,. ,.,..,., ,,1,, o, . a.on
....... L 0 r, ,we{l; Oount7 ffotnal, of Shelton. Walr.
suitable 1or irrigation, swamp lanes ton, for Ootober 1, 19al. || II 0]']
which can be reclaimed by drainaze, 11 n fflll ! g
and the cut-over timber lands of the state of Vtashington. County of Mason. llll • ille lldlilullllui
, • • I3efnre me a Notary Public for the
%t00ons, studying., the ,tat," county at oresaid, 00erson00i,y .,, ....
- ver la (is con•inerauon %VIII De appeared Grant C. Angle who ha'Jing 11 Ilt &2lly JUt3£$
given to their possibilities both for been duly sworn, deposes 'and 'ays that
..... , ..... -- lie is the Editor of the Mason County
CUll;IVal;lon anci ior reloresmlon, lournsl "an ....... ' -
II , • , , Q Lnc IO]|OWlng IS a grue
At the present time a little less statement as re¢,uir-a - i,,
th " " " " ' ' ' ..... " .....
an half the total national area is Timt tile publishers are Grant C.
We worked on Camels for years before we put them
on the market. Years of testing--blending--experi-
menting with the world's choicest tobaccos.
And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manufactur-
ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos
are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette
that can be produced.
There's nothing else like Camel QUALITY. And
there's nothing else like Camels wonderful smoothness,
fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA-
That's why Camel popularity is growing faster than
A better cigarette cannot be made.
We put the utmost quality into
in frowns, and only about one-quarter
of the total area is improved land.
Many persons, deceived by these
facts, assume that there is an un-
limited reserve supply of farm land.
Such is not the case, however, by far
the greater paz of the 1,000,000,000
acres not yet in farms probably can
never be used for the growing of
crops, and that part of the reserve
land which may be regarded as po-
tential farm land, can be brought
into use only at heavy expense for
clearing, drainage, irrigation or fer-
"Population increases; land area
does not. The acreage of improved
farm land per capita, for instance,
has declined at an ever-increasing
rate since 1890. By 1950 the total
population, at a normal rate of
growlh, probably wilt be about 150,-
000,000. Tliis would require an ad-
dition of 243,000,000 acres of im-
p.roved land if the present per cap-
ta acreage of improved land is to
be maintained.
Rate of Expansion Important
"This situation presents the na-
tional problem of how best to use
drainage, irrigable, cut-over, and
lands of inferior quality that hereto-
fore have been rejected" as unsuitable
--whether they should be brought
umler the plow or reserved tempor-
arily or perinanently for forests or
"The rate of expansion of our na-
tional area also is an impolant fac-
tor for consideration. Despite the
impending demand for a large ex-
pansion of the land basis of Ameri-i
can agriculture, there are many rea-I
sons why we should consider" most
carefully before encouraging any I
considerable expansion of land under
cultivation during, say, the next three
years. The shrinkage in the volume
of farm exports, the many indica-
tions of a probable increase of agri-
cultural imports into this country,
and teeetnpsrhETAOINetaoinshrdl
and the present depression in devel-
oped agricultural areas raise a seri-
ous question as to the wisdom of an
immediate policy of stimulating the
expansion of farm aereage."Seattle
Angl & Sons; Editor, Grant C. Angle;
lusiness Manager. J. Eber Angle, all of
Shclton. Washington.
That the owners are Grant C. Angle
Robert C. Angle and J Eber Angle. all
of Shelton. Wash.
That there are no mortgagees . or
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 10tli day of October. 1921.
Notary Public.
Shelton. Wash.
Log[ed Off Land
For aaie in this County to Actual
Settlers on easy terms. Price
$5.00 per acre ad up. Write fo
map giving all iREormation.
Weyerhaeuser 1imber C0.
Tacoma, Wuhiagton
Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Bruslt,
Picture Frames, Curtain Poles mad Easels. All plumbing
guexateed as to work and material for one year,
Lumber and Shingles
and tapered, SIDEWKI LUMBER in 6 ft lengtlm,
ff desired. CEDAR BE, K BOX LUMBER.
Shelt0n Lumber & Shingle Company