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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT EL I I II I II II I III ' ............ ,WHF.t IS ,S'nNO'00 .... ...... - .......... " ........... , i; ...... ii THE MASON COUNTY JOUIAL i ii ii iiiii ' ' """ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 192I === : = ===== ='=== = = =======-_ LATEST MILLINERY MODELS SELECT YOUR NEW FALL HAT From Our Complete Stock Latest Shapes, Colors and Materials SHICK'S MILLINERY I age. WHEN IN OLYMPIA STAY il AT THE WILLARD HOTEL :::' ;!;I ;!.l .!., MRS. CARRIE DIGGS :!;# Prop. .* I !1 • 10-28-3t *. I , Zhe merchant without keeping'] books, goes into bankruptcy, how about the farmer who doesn't keep accounts, now. l Mrs. B. Hardy and daughter are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McClure. Juanita Hickson spent Saturday af- ternoon with Emma and Ida Hense]. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Luther and daughter Eleanor spent the week-end with Mrs. Luther's parents at Algona. Mr. Whiteaker spent the week end with Mrs. Whiteaker at the teacher- VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR DISABLED SOLDIERS RED CROSS STILL KEEPS THE VETERANS ON ITS LIST OF ACTIVITIES Not only is the Government, through the War Risk Insurance Bu- reau, caring for the disabled soldier who needs hospital care, but under the Federal Board for Vocational Training, approximately 80,000 men who, by their disabilities were thrown Me-o-my, I I] ;-; . , .. : .  :': L' :,- how you'll take to a pipe--and P.A.! Before you're a day older you want to let the idea slip under your hat that this is the open season to start something with a joy'us jimmy pipeand some Prince Albert! Because, a pipe packed with Prince Albert satisfies a man as he was never satis- fied beforehand keeps him satisfied! And, you can from bite and parch (cut out by our exclusive pat. ented process) are a reve- lation to the man who never could get acquainted with a pipe l P. A. has made a pipe a thing of joy to four men where one was smoked beforeI Ever roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert? Man, man--but you've got a party coming your way I Prinea Albert is Mr. L. P. Adams and Homer Adams made a business trip to Silelton Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elson and Ida Hensel made a trip to Montesano Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Hall and ch]hlren spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. E. P. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Ar- nold Johnson and Mrs. C. Chappell spent last Wednesday evening in Shelton. Mrs. Whiteaker and Miss Arnoh] made a business trip to Shelton Sat- out of their former occupations, are being re-trained for self-support, and an average addition o£ 5,000 o month are entering upon this line of educa- tion. They are scattered among some I 2,000 colleges and other institutions I throughout the UnitedS tates. More I than 3,000 have completed their / courses, and have gone back to their I homes ready to take up life as self-| supporting individuals with useful-| ness and happiness in store for them. | Training is not merely oftered to t the men by the Government but they are sought out by the American Red prove it! WhyP. A.'s Talk about a cigarette flavor and fragrance and smoke; we tell you it's a coolness and its freedom peachf 00RIN00E ALBERT the national joy smoke sold in toppy red bass, tidy red tin#. handsome pound nd half pound tin humidors and in ths ouund crystal glau mtdor with • pongs moistenlr top. Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reyno|d Tobacco Co. ' :t/lntou-Saloa N,¢, MANY STATE AUTOS DODGE THE ASSESSOR urday. Cross and persuaded of its advan- All members of the Dayto Commu- tages. To a large number the oh- nity club are urged to be present at stacles in the way of accepting train- the regular meeting, Saturday eve-]ng seem insurmountable: They do ning at8 o'clock, as important busi- ness is to be taken up. Ethel Kirk wa.4 on the sick list last week. We hope she is better Taking the smaller number (180,- 514), it is shown 43,343 automobiles and auto trucks hid out on tim as- SEPTIC TANK COST LIGHT That it costs no more to build a Comparison of the fl rues corn not understand that tlmy are on- "' ' "g " " ........ n", th to titled to eamnongni:ian 'ln,qn t'lw piled by Sunervisol / of Taxation ,h, sessOrs; on ept. 30 there were 46,- sepuc tank m nee cou n'5 an • :.kl ,,_U L..--, .... --.--.: ...... ;--''' Milton That'che-' and *h ....... :"_'.' 401 known not to be on the personal connect with the sewer in many cases blllle Llley are recelvln ]ns[rucLlon   v t: ft:uf(I,'S oi nor are they free from tlie hauntinl the state hcens department indicates tx o[Is, AS an avmage, valuatmn m the mty, was shown by Mr. Daw- , o "' , .  .'" more than 43 00 • ol z7o.48 was place(1 on nese cars , , worr5 ,-s to xhat g to bcome of . . . , 0 automobiles and b the state throe xxas a lo s o- a " d$ of Grays Harbor countv, who re- their" families v'hile they are away I'a' ° trucks dodged the county asses- Y • -, .^ s I 'p: norts th ..... h a .... +,, a,,,+ r ....... Then thoro ,.0 '+h ,,.l,,, e +: ]sots nis year  " proxlmaely .]z,uuu,uuo on personal ,- .... ,, ....... -y -, ........ ,:.. :4. --:; -. .... ,,. ...... s ..... ', I There were" '*vlv ........ property values and a direct loss of that it cost him $55 to buihl his tank. IatllllleS nemsetves. 'oreseeing all =--,*-*. ULOIllODIIeS • ' . . these difficulties h, l,,h,.o r .....  land auto tcks reported bv the'asses- revenue to the state on personal taxes In the temze(l account labor was the • .....  ............ /sors At the end of lO2O +ho =, next year of about $175,000, which b]g factor, costing $30, plumbing u,eu u once eo ne amen(an e(lhad'issued 180 514 li -  ;-" Y."" is equivalent to about 1 10 of a mill conections $9, conmete $8, and ravel Cross for co-operation in nrovidin,(. . censes or nose ....... -. , • . : ..... " ' g • ,-; .......... - • , , olwo 'classes of mator .,oh¢.. n,, vtotor vemele ngures also snow a $1. It r,.e na(t nad the time to have ,,t prSonal serrate anu along no v ..... ,o. ,.. • -, " . tSet 30 of this .......... (hscrepancy between the number of  clone the work hnnself the actual cost hne of post-war activities has the l,P.'. year me number was licenses and th ^ numb^r ta --^a i ...... , .......... • " • .aO J.,O g g 2kgO. VUUI(I lli£Ve oeen mucn less organization found more necessary] ' ' i " and satisfactory work. During the/,--., last six months nearly 90,000cases I[ ---== ................. " ........ =- ............................................ of this kind have been handled by  .......................................................................... [I the American Red Cross. 'l From November, 1919,'until July  /' ]kT CI • ls 2912olan tfh:n2oera n iRnedra?r?:2 [ uur Ixew onowml! of t ..t -- ,1, O which an appropriation of $375,- Your car is not complete without an S & SPOTLIGHT The Light that Shows the Road Acknowledged the best on the market• Let us put one for you today• Price now $9.50 at Needham & Clothier THE AUTO ACCESSORY STORE SHELTON, WASH. r 1"1 alloweep 00ovelties 000 was made. Something more than three-fourths of this was turned over to the Federal Board to be loaned to men who had actually entered train- ing. The balance was expended by Division offices of the Red Cross in loans to men while their cases were being investigated or to aid in 'care of their families. The total number of loans made last year was 32,495. More than 85 per cent of these loans have been repaid. For the other soldiersthe boys who went overseas never to return thee Red Cross has performed a last service by sending photographs of their individual graves to the next of kin. This branch of post-war ser- vice was greatly appreciated by the ,relatives of the fallen heroes. Sixty- five thousand, five hundred and thir-I teen photographs wepe mailed out l and only two thousand have been re-} turned "marked "Unclaimed." I PROCEEDINGS OF THE [ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS / (Continued from last week) Saturday, October 8, 1921. Board all present. Delegation from Victor appe:l'ed before the Board asking that the Vic- tor Road be built. Commissioners advised that they Would ]0ok over this road. Claim of damages to car of Mrs. Doris Fortnum, on Navy Yard high- way near Belfair Gas station, pres- ented by her atteorney, Aklen C. Bayley. M.vd and carried that this t matter be ferred to Mr. Lewis,] prosecuting attorney, for investiga- tion. GIRLS' FALL COATS ================================= ================================= Is Here at the New Low Prices l Hearing on the Victor Road held ;lat 2 p. m. Moved and carried that l this hearing be continued until Mon- We have a big assortment of Pum kin lday, November 7th, 1921, at 2 :p.m; _ P Lanterns, {'l Claim for $100.00 on the Soldiers Orange and Black Balls, Candy Boxes, Masks, /Relief nd presented by the Post W E ARE SHOWING a very complete line of Girls' Fall Coats at Halloween Crepe Caps, Cut-Outs, Crepe Paper, {I Commander Moved and carried that • i'/mis claim be allowed. ' prices far below former prices. A visit to our store will not be  Hearing on closing of the Anderson regretted if you are thinking of buying a girl's coat. Decorated Party Sets, Place Cards, Tatlys, Post z road held at 2:30 p. m. Moved and Cards and favors. , , @ carried that this hearing be continu- ed until Monday, November 7th, 1921 ; at 10 a.m. I PLUSH COATS • In prepang for your Halloween  $ ,Commissioners' special time allow- e. as follows: . . I Plush Coats, ages 4 to 16 years, at $13.00 to $15.00 : festivities dont forget that we 4 s. w. Blanton, $38.25; Win. E.I : Daniels, $31.40; W. A. Hunter, $37.50. [ can supply ttiese goods.  Commissioners' regular time allow-[ ALL WOOL COATS ? ed as follows. . ,  X Win. rE. Daniels, $26.20;; W. A. I All Wool Coats, some with fur collars and cuff, all sizes ; Hunter, $38.20; S. W. Blanton, $41.60. The following funds from the fol-I 4 to 16 years, at . . . . . . $6.00 to $18.00 , lowing funds were allowed: [ i Road District o. 7 ........ $. s.5o/ All New Stock and Best Models Current Expense .... ... ..... 803£2 / uroaiStat rY Sh i ....... =°°° t THOMAS O 'W ' Road and Bridge .'........;.:' "88.86 " . . • ' . , . • J o lop e 'NEILL .'. Shelton, ash op :::::::: lWOad District No 4 • . ' . • ....... 374.70 t . , " : In&gent Soldier Fund $10000 . .. '..; ,.'.'..: .... .: . ,. ...... ..... , .% , , •