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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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........ :ii¸ : ;:. 7.qth YEAR---No. 41 Published in "'Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington 22 Pages--3 Sections Thln'sdtty, October 14, 1965 Entered as second class matter at the post office at Sbelton, Washington, 98584 under Act of March 8, 1879. Published weekly at 327 West Cots 10 Cents Per Copy Two Shelton young people were could be found to supervise theI election. I FOREsTERs AUCTION---You have the bid, Auc- was a success. Sunday saw the biggest crowd and donated very well for the auGtion being held for ess for negotiations between th ]~~d ~~1~: a:~lYn-U;2is;;a,;::~ the third year, Kimbel said. He expressed his up- board and an organization repro-[ preclation to those who had donateo and those who ble~ber F.D.I.C. ~entinglaw the teachers provided in a] ~_rd_~ . program which trains older mentally came out to bid. Bud Hayes, LIIIiwaup, was passed by the last session o,| ¢~:~ o;%beOys in silvaeulture. Bob Klmbel, presl- the State Legislature. I --sptlonal Forsster that the auction awarded the new Remington rifle. I , HATIoNAL BANK of MASON Member F.D.I.G. _ i I I . m mm m H I I I I i I IIII I I I PRESENTS "A WIG BY ELAINES BEAUTY SALON' OCTOBER 27, 8 P.M. -- P.U.D. AUDITORIUM Donation $1.00 • Door Prize • Refreshments St. Edward's Women's A DECISION on advertising for bids Oil the Lilmoln School prop- crLy was held over until the No- vember meeting, Action on a requesl, from the ShelLon Education Association for the school board to conduct an election among teachers to deter- mine which o]'gknization they want to represent them in negotiations with the board was also delayed until the November meeting with the hope that some other agency reported in "fair" condition at St. • • Peter Hospital in Olympia where ~d ~ they were taken with injuries suf- r~ rm fered when the motorbike they ] were riding crashed almost head- ~! i~! on into a car Sunday. ~!:! William J Dewier, :16 son of :i!: ~i Mrs. Alice Sollars, Shclton, and I i! i ' Judy Lon , 15 daughter of Mr. , !; ~ and Mrs John Long Shelton are ~ ~ / ~i~ ! in tile mtenmve care sectmn of the I I 1 ~i ii:' : hosp,tal undergoing treatment for m ~ ~ i;~i severe injuries. ~ Mill levies for 1966 taxes were :~ , Both of the youngsters suffered ~ i certified by County Assessor WiN I compound fractures of both legs. • "o. • :~ OTHER INJURIES, according hs Burnett thlo week, setting theI i ~: ............... :: "' " used for the ' % ~' vo I:ne washington ~tate ifatrol, ~ mill lewes to De . oar-I ~ ~ were head injuries, a dislocated mus taxing dmtncts m the county l f 1 | ' '" ' ' " .... " • ] !~!!i m e t h'p, and a fractured pelvis and | The levy for city property own-] !~ i saeerum for Dowty and internal | • h. " ills fo" 1 ~/ [] in|miss, fractured ribs a ruptmed m e ers will .~ 6600 in . I 966, ~ ' ., " last ear e ~ • spleen and severe shock for Miss i | compared to 48.75 y . Th ~/~i • ~on i ~ increase comes in the 14 miUs I ~i ~ ', Thge accident occurred about ' the Sh 1 f~ | s ecml leviesfoi e ton ] [] P " {~ B 12:10 p.m. Sunday 1.3 miles west ~'~ .... School District approvedby the i~ i of Highway 3 on the Batstone Hill voters last Ma and a part of a • • I Road when the motorbike ridden n Mrs Rod Werber er cou le came here in 1918 to ole'ar the land and " " ''~ Y ) • " " a d . Y • g P • in • • • by the couple collided with a ear of the grape vines in the vineyard establish the vineyard and later the w ery. Their millincreasem the State collee- [ i i ; ............. : • • - -~ ~ arwen oy Jonn 1~'. wetsglver, ~nel- Inds their w nery in its picturesque winery is t~e on y one still producing in Mason tionfor public assistance [ i ~: ! . . - :~:,~ toll. shores of Picketing Passage The County . . " . " . . The state levy this year is 4,2 I The State Patrol said that the rival of the grape I and establishing himself in a min- used in the winery now come from mills compared to 3.75 last year. i Weisgiver car was eastbound on • ' ' h ~ . ~ • :~i the Batstone Hill Road and the this ~ast week the ] inr. ~ob Werberger sent for the I the Sunnxside area in t e Yakima TIlE LEVIES for the city coun- . - , " ' ~" ~ ' li ' " , ~ .... ] [] : rnotorbfl~e w e s t b o tl n d on the grape and wine in- girl who became 1 s wife when Valle3 ty current expense county road [~ [] : ,.. d • ' 'n him ' " . ~" . wrong side of the roadway when tdecreasing nu'mberlshea!'mv~ed~tm°aJnv whe,:e~l~Y hadI Eve,, thoug:h they ale boti, pa:st districts, and intercounty librarS I | I the collision oceured on a curve. en my one winery[ m.e~ m ~e m l~t native Aus" " [ 80 Mr. anti ~vn's: vvclj)c,ger ~aKe remain the same ~L 16, 8, 10 and[ i 1 Dowty and Miss Long were first • r r elgn~ wmcn [ m,gratecl n'o " s~rm. [ an active interes~ .ill tne operation 2 resne(tivelv, , g. [ • :f~: t taken to Shelton Gen, e, al Hospital 7 ated. [ After the explosion closed the [ of winery and vineyards. C.H. All excent two of the county's[ i ~ for ,-morgencv trontm~nt nnd H~on ~n_ery, on the shores ] mine at which Werberger was em- [ grunert, winema:~er :or Li~e oper- rural fi~'e ~'ist~iicts are levying {he 1 [] i I transfe~-red'to St~'i~e'~er" .......... • ~age across ~rom[ployed, the couple came to Mason]atien, sees to the processing of usual four mills Two (iistricts ] ............. , ..... ~ ~ ...... +^ .~:^ :~;.:.~,~ ....... a, is the sole re-[County in search Of property and]the some 25 varieties of wine ~,'n. ,. ~ a~ ~,~ ~_~,~vi~w 7 7n'[ MARIe IS HER~.---Mario Leo,, cen~er, ~neiton s pictureo is uuane ragergren, (left), who will be I ~a,nas~ ~^2,,~_ ,,~y?..ef, y~: in the county with [ ~,,-~-d the site on which the ],-h~h are nroduced at the winery .~-s-, -.~? .st=~- .-~-=~- ..... ' .":~' / Foreign Exchange Student for this school year, Marie's "student brother" since the Olavi Aho fam- [ was aDou~ ezuo ~ne ~tate z-alter nraer of St (~harles [ ~'~'~nd~_`_~` = ...... v~n~vards, ........ now .~tsnd [ "'~='~'~. - ~ ................ " er e " ~" nave. sp.ecmt" l.evtes" Dy [ wasted no time gett ng s gned up for classes after ily with whom Marie s Iiv ng has no ch Idren of ] said. Tile Dowry motorbike was a a wines zrom tne wmo t4 r wm inert voters wmcn are oemg COl i total loss ,tretch Isl d at . . " . " .... " " his arrival last Thursda n ht Frida he dis hool a e ari i ' ' ' "an [ ....... sLatted cl [ .... h t Washm . , [ y g • y, - so g • M o sa d the trip from his home in ~ • xn zgzs tney earmg ery are sore tnroug ou g leered thin ear dhambr& Wine Co,[ ........... [ .......... "- - y . " • . . ] cussed his class schedule with Chet Dombroski, Italy to Shelton was quite long: "1 think the classes [ ----~ • [ the lancl ana estaDnsnmg tne vine- [ ton wim ~eattle area one mrg- All port districts excep~ ewe are / [r ,~ht~ counse or at Shelton Hi-h and si-ned u- will be different her= *~- ;- ,*~' .... ~.^^,= ,, / ..... 'e ..... |yards In those days, prohibitionlest customer, collectin~ the two mills which they ] for~his' classes and be-an scho~l'Monda,,~ al¢~ M~rl" ~-mmento'~ .......................... /Ill| |r| *|| ~E "m L 1 • ' ' ~ * • ~ jo .~* ,**v ..,.~ v vv ...~o w nery was es- ,1 ......... |was the law of the land and the] Werbenzer has taken a keen can by law colleet. Thetwo, Grape-] ~~ .[W~r~|ITB~||| wrmlrp¢ ,,y we~oerge~ ana ne ards went m o "~ o h • • VlllSlkliaii • • II llllm~ ,R .... " ~. ' ._ ]production of vi y " " t ]interest in community affairs and view and Tahuya, do n t ave [ ....... [ ~norc]y. azter, muon tna~ sametne [ grape juice, which found a ready ] is a ,.nast-nresident,. of the Shelton levies, this year. ~ |,-_ _. _ _._ ,- • .... , ,. . ,. , , , lasees [ b-~- , ..... ~+;...]ma.rket, particularly ill the Graysl~ham~er of Colnmeree, served a,s The school district levies range[ LoBrrarrs I/^BBn+~ %#h~| [ |A~ IN • rle Harbor area, Werbetger recalls,president of the Mason County from Grapewew, Harstme and = UlIL g inthevinevards/ IN THEDAYSafterthewineryiF°restFestivalAss°ciati°nf°rthe Kamilche s14 to the 36.10 or the/_ _ . .... I Y Y /Ut txoenenceso , • , f If |n Ooun| FrMa ~l th~ ,~;~.v,/~.~[ was established in 1933, Werberg-[first :14 years of its life and is a Shelton district. Others inehtde Ta-[ ~,PtP ~2~' /4@i~Pt~' I m~. _ ~ [ There will be no classes for[ I- W^:;_~ L:: .... a ..--Tier recalls, all of the grapes used/charter member of "Keep Wash-huya, 1890; Southside, 15.50;|r ~d~/• ~1~ ~,tlJll / |'I=,,~A..IA ~=.A=sm [Mason County School students Fri-] ~. ±he crop o~, " . " ,/ ,, " " '" " ' ' d ", : a " .~d " ' came from local vineyards. Har- region Green . Grays Harbor D]strmt 137 19,[ 'X'a~hin"~'" ~a ............ / ~|[U~LU ~I|UUU ] ay while teachers ttend profes-[ a A ~m s White Dlaznond[ . [ • . ,) ~.. • | v,~ ~v,~ ~ ~ ~=~ ,~uu ; [ ,. . • . . . .. lm e loducer ~ Mm M Knl ht 0So, Kamflehe, r smnal me(tin s m va~mus parts A .aDllVe "he v" stme Island was a 'g p" ,:¢. g., - - , • . .... ~ g .... . meyards was ~'" ' ...... NorthMason 2980'Recreatmn Commissioner James 'of the state aM this year Wer-/with the Pickering area ,and / ~qonee*, zz.6u, • , • / .... , I .... / I- c- -".. ' ! Gra,.eview area contributing, their/ ~ I I ~ I !and Hood Canal, 24 /Whittaker of Redmond announced ~1 • i s / The informational meetings are| ~use o~ me warm, .~ ' ~, " . ]sharealso [%~h~| ~/~,.~r~ m All of the school lewes above[this week that several contracts mane ~ |~Tlnn /arranged by the educators and| ~ ................... ....... : ow a " " " Y g ' ' ..... 1 " t " n ' ---~ :;: : ,t,r [to thecity to t~tke tobs in factor-/UlSCUSSeS .~.,c~ which cou d have lev,es/ At Dosewallips S ate Park the .~o~,~,, r~,,oo,,,,,~ a .... ,,t,o~ a,a~ i. ,, .... ,,-= a, lned ,~- ............ d| ies and ofrices [ i i lus }'eat', but, are not asking for| conLra~t to build a comfort statmn .......... ~, L.Am | ~"~ s~aP~ '~" , + " • ' os os n 1 5 w ward h meeung oct 'l maae ilnal pla31s ;:::~:: '~,~i:i~ rtr. ~¢.,~ ..... ~A4 Ma~t ne the ~,vnno~ which are[ .- • . [them are the Mason County I4 ,-|c U g$ 3,8 0 ass edtot e • r][~f~ flUH! JIIJ / ~e;~t'".° ".~, ..... 7.".=| ............. ~'-"" ....... /r I |][- - -- I pital District, PUDs 1 and 3 and| V¢interburn Construction Corn- for ~ membership dinner meeting[ ~ [ ~:/~)~":~ IIems |the Belfair Cemetery District. |puny, Port Townsend. This facil- O.ct. 21in the An~_e Bui,idin, gmu.1-I #E / ]~ ' [:::!~)~::i:i~ te* .~' ' 1 _ . .-- , ,-- . / •~'~ 1" I ~ /ity will be built in the same area ttpurpose room. The droner wfll[ ~l}#~l~g~ ~,#~t~ ] ::~~,ij!~::!i!~~ tt ~to t°o,'~e;ma~Ye[ ~ll~'~n T,~ 14 ad ! The Shelton School Board after ] ~Jt / a~ / ]of the new camp loop which will start at 7 p.m. I E E~E#~J~I ~,wt~ • ~E ~ ........ "1 • &#EEEE a ~,#E E~.~ ~,# [ .................. si~-- on ~ number} • ~m~ RR~m]~t~p] provide 4G new trailer sites with Speaker for the program will |F; ~ ~~ ^ [ [ " . " . , ~,ll~illLJ~'/ l full water, sewer and electrmal be State Reu.. Paul Conner, Port i:: / i, -- • -- • | ', "~" ] /connections J P Kvinsland Con- An.~eles I Te t S ores )~~ ollowed the same of items held over ~ctmn on most ~ ~, . [ ~IE~ ~11#'~#'~ ][]~11/~[ of them until the November meet- [ .,, . m~ [ struction Com"~tn-" Port Town s • [ ~, ~' ~ |l~.~~~~ ! It' "Y' S .~ g at Ravensdale,| ~t~a • ~EEW ~'E E Iv~] in~" when it mct Tuesday night [ ~~'nJfl~ !]-~ , ~ond .... '.~,~d.d thl. ~t+ ..... " .AL'o on the agend~ will bc the [ Five students at Shelton Hi~zh[m~~~ ~t( )~6amm~nehexpl:d[ ~ | The board did approve the dis-[ •IT|~LE#I~ a~l~L~ [tract in the amonnt of $30,222.50. a°s)Pct::~io°f~bdY ~J, ca;o~.t~°rnthebjne~ ISch°ol have been honort~d w~:h '~ :U~:~ h~ ..... ' .g" ] ~ ] trict joining the Washington Inter- T .... [ He also reported that as a re- af',:o~ +,, +h~ m,,~.t,,,,~ ,,~ ~-~.~ [ Letters of Commendatmn tot their ,? re.. me ~rom miner| ] scholastic Activities Association. / I-- IF"#- .... M ]sult of three other contracts Lake [ high performance on the National i/~[~*~ anct winer op- ~ , . ~)UILLy ~ ~lt,~,l Ul~t,l'lt¢l.* . I~W.. t31 V¢I," - .• . ". • . ,. , , Y | ~~~ | with Board Member B. I, rankhn[ ~ [&,l~][~J~ i Cushman State Park will have 51 ~-,,,,.~ "~,.~.,,.~ ,, ..... ~ .... "~ +~^ ,~s ~Meut Scholarship Quahf~mg lest : .... ~~ n. ...... ] ~~~ [ tteuston voting no. I4euston stated [ ~ ]new camping sites, 30 of which soc'~,~qo'n"~: m~el~'b'e~.s \'~.'l~ ,~.l'a'~.~o[ (NMSQT) given last spring. They "~ in tins country ~ -s ~. v - -. ~.__.____[ ~~~~ [ that he was voting no on the issue[ Because of the shift of this[will be trailer sites with corn- at+~nd ~cl~-ol ~'~ministra*ors an~]are antong 38,000 students across | [ because the board had had no ex-[week's Higl~climber football game [plete water, sewer ~nd electrical .u~.. ::.=~^~..~u, .... " .,+~.~ ~...~"| the nation recognized for scoring ,.._ ] i planation on the question. [ to tonight, the regular monthly | The Peterson Electrical ~.~ w,v~ =.~ ~,~u ,,.v,~=,, w ,~- [ in the top two percent of students • ~ / | q,h. district has been a nlember[membership meeting of the Shel-[Company, Bremerton will install~.u . . . ]who will complete high school in • '~ [ " ~ ........ ~ ,,~*¢'~ "~ar, i~tlnn w{~ioh o-c,x, .... / ton-Mason County Chamber of [ a lorimarv electrical'line eostin~ THE GROUP was zormea at a 1966. The Commended students -- [ . ~. ..... [ ;=,e;.sch~o~last:~c" .... acti'viics ~'for'-'~ [ Commerce has been postponed un- I $4 ()46 to t"he new camp loop which meeting of directors of the coun- ranlc just below the 14 000 Semi- .~,.,~, ,,,,~,~-.,' • "~'" ' .... ' ' .... t s scnoois c wnich thos res - • ' u.~,~ --,_,,~x~.,u,u LI* I = [ ~~~|numbcr of years This is the first|Ill next Thursday mght, secreta ry[~s being built by Byron Rockstad YL . . ~ a . e p " fmahsts announced last month, [ / 'eat" that t~he governing bed of/.Rudie Oltman bulletined all mem-IConstruction Company, Tacoma at enc'vote.o unammousiy to form the Clyde Brown, the school's prin-I Grant Wo~dl-~---hhas written a NI ht association has askedYfor oersearlythlsweek., a cost of $35,894. The contract to association. . . eipal, has announced that the C°m" ] hook shout his exnerienee dut:in; g ~.h..,,~ hoard a~)nlnv.! ne ~ ,~i~ The program for this October build the new comfort station fa Officers eleccea are Barrie ~,~ d h,d -a ;~, ~, A tn,~ /~'~. .~ ~ "-.- • _---0 / • -] " [ - ...~.ode s~ ents al~ -.ld~ ..n.... - , " ", ~' ...... "~ .............. 1 •• lo-.nonl:ns oi lnlprisonnlent nl ~i~t'. membershin lit H~o n..t [ sessmn w~ 1 originate with those cility at Lake Cushman was alsoStroud, Pioneer, president HerD- sen Larry Lutz Lois Mac.elssen ] ..................... d membe*ship has been a roved b attending, b mg an open end awarded to the Winterburn Con- elt Brehmeyer Jr., Ma~y M. Richard Rme and David Roller. [~ ..... c,,,,,,~t,, ,-~,,~ ...... m .,,~,. ' PP Y ' h' ' • • • " " • ' • ................. ~ ................. " he school administratmn YP Y J " n Company, m the amount g P " hn M t er les'de t e m w mh an sub ect a mere st~ctto Knt ht, wce temdent, Chmles S t '" " " 'shes t • " . Jo . S alnak , p" .1 ,nt of rtty ]n 1962 after his release bet w~' o bring up willbe of $14,450 Jackson, Southsido, secretary-trea .... " ) AMONG TH E ITEMS which the Natmnal Merit Scholarsh~ ,, od Canal youth .... " ! throWn open for discussion. *~' -_____ surer and Dick Rasmussen, North ...... " ....... ' ~P His book, Reported To Be ele nelo ovet until November t~orpolal:lOn sale lnese scu(lent:s , Sunday afternoon| w • ~" .~ " . . [ Some of the topics expected toI ACHIEVEMENT NIGItT Mason, and tester Spilseth, Shel- _ .... : ..... ~..; ..... : ..... " .... I Alive', has just been published by were a lop0seo lice1 I0 teacnei s uze uc**.~ ~u~.~,~=u ~u. u,~n OUL a night in the[ ~~~~i~ _ P '. ~ '_ "_ . :' ]come out will be the adviseability[ The Annual 4-H Achievement ton, trustees. _.~ ............. ~n~~ ...... L .... "[ Simon & Schuster and consists o£ contracts co De USeO when a teach ~Lanu,.~ p~.v,,,~ ,.t: ,.,. --c qua, centrated search[ ii[~i!i~ ~_~ ........... ~ " .'] of a county-city building for this lNight will be held at the county The purpose of the association ~¢,,~.~ Theirs is a not~hl ..... "[ 377 pages of Lhe s~ory of wnat r el , LnI'uu~II ~ulnmel COUISeS, ets ,z"'~ ..... cement agencysI ~.] *~ ................ " _. ~ g... | comnmnity, athletic and physical [ fairgrounds Saturday evening, Oc- is to provide the means to more ~'~,~ ~,,h~evement .... , [ nappens co n~ee men zrom a .zu.m e(lUCttt, l(Jnt~l Ul ~UlLSwnlcD entlue tlon fie .... . moo educa ld facilities at the tober 16th starting_ with ..~roun_ efficient mana~,emento of .... ~h~ ~ehool ....... . . . . . . . /t:en~ury socm~y wnen. mey. ~an m- ' Tweet, 12, sonl .......... him to_ .e up a step on the sal-/schools, Christmas decorettions,/sing and election of 4-H officers districts, and comnmnication with In a r~gmous competffmn hke]to the hands of primitive tribes- ert "weet Pot I ary the pas , tills haS| future of the r,..,....=_, U..use | at ".^^ ----- ........ ,.,,.- -, o,^,_ _= ~.~ .... ,;.. the ~vieri~ ~rogram, ~s unavolcl-| men just converted to commllnism, s , been Y resolutmn by the flnanc, able that many fine students will Tnne Ma azme m ~ts October Rue, 13, son of[ Again Heads Drive ..... , boar.~ ............... ~etc. A -.~ !al report by treasur-]awards will be at 7:30 followed Washington State School Direct ..... • ...... ~:_::,::,. ~..[.. !g .., .......... n Rue left homel ---------- ~,o,,: .. y. ~.~ propu~u rmcr/ er Ken ~reoson is also on the/bv a 4-H ,~,;oc, ram The nublic is ors' Ass~o+~ .... n .... ,. ..... ¢ mms oemg nameu ~m~un~t,ty~? ,.,s| ~ ~ssue, g~ves the WOltKm ~O01{ atn~,,,, / ..... ~woula emmnate the necessity of| o~.~nda ]i.~+,~ t-~, • ,- +h~ l~;:~'~;=~'~" ................... a narrow margin. Nevertnemss,/a lenl~thy review and describes it ~d-n];~lt duringi.:L°l~tn~e sec.on~ year :nmsucces- a resolution on each individual|'[~ -- ' ........ ___._.___. . " ..... ~ ....... the student in this situation is|as "6iun-t, jolting and thorough". .- . ~,~,,, n ,., ~u~ = "'"' '~"' ~"~'" teacher, very cauable and deserves gener- / ,., ,.,.., ...... lot return, their " ' " ' o eout fund" ' ' ' "~ Y¥OIIKlll was ca Lulea n l:ne the Mason Court! I ~r~ne tihne ]~n:ot:alcoBt~ty,S according The ~'equcsts for transfer of stu-~ • . . jR e~S:~cognition for his distinguish-[Laotian tribesmen PMay 15,Y1961, Sunday morning[ +~ r~.l. x~r~ ......... [,~iw direct- dents o other districts were held| r'~#~ ~ ~ }~ ~EI~ "" | the day following the signing of '-torts" | or of~tc'ru~at~e*fC'ommil over until Supt. Robert Quiggle| ~lJ ~ tl tJ•• ~~ "The Connuended students h:~ve|a cease-fire agl~eement in Laos, ~'8 office con-~-i • • -.~ ' ...... • had an opportunity to meet with[ considerable. . • ability,, whi(h. .should|when the. heliconter,. .in which_ ....~*, Jumpers JeePi ............... The drive will open w,~n a ~,~ -, the parents revolved' to explore the] ~ . ..-------___. ............. ..~ be developed through further edu- ! was flying with three Americans ' oil reaK ast 'ruesoay act . ~0membersauntv,fr°ml~Ph~l a mce'~ yell LU:~ Or).... ttnnuune~u~ ..... C~, o~rr"a reasonsm for the transfer requests, i ~ | ~~)~,~ ...... catmn.' They dese!'v( every encour-and a squad of Laotian right-wing n C .... ~ ............. " --n -he requests came from Mr and i ~ | . agement, and their promise is soldiers crashed. Wolfkillwas on a W" ' donnson is cnau'man oi: tne cun- . . . • ,~.~ ..... , . . . . , . , *th nine jeepst~.., .... ,. ,~ ....... ~ ,,d ~ther Mrs.Wtlham Cltappel, wbo want i ~ | ~~ great. They ~ep~esent an ]nlpo, t- p~ctu~e-tal¢ing asmgnment for ~st in the search.] ............ "'."~ ............. to send their thr-ee children to i ~ I ant intellectual resource which our NBC at the time a t "ck arrangements. " , ,, " P o ted by D~ :1 ............... r Mary M. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. i/ ~ | ~ natron needs. The three Americans were held ~on Cou~tY;e ] ceP~refO[~eCa~lo-b~ckSisil~u~,!3ft~nCwes the' s'i~gn~Chc:,e~,clt~[':s n];~st ~::t:rg ~ honte addresses test scores, untie- (3f t!m newYwolfkill book Time p'ess e[whe t P" P " "- . , the final datc on which a teacher ipated colleg'e rnajors and career says: 'For those who believe in office, to the] or must be contacted at. some late~ can ask for a relcasc h'om a con- ~': intentions of the Commended stu- the need for goal nten to resist eftorts, time. tract. ' dents to the same college.~. (Continued on page 3) =m m m