October 14, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 14, 1965 |
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@ITELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in ';Ohzistmasto 2n U.S.A." @heIton,
-Legal P bii tions .....
u ca Legal Publications a • USE
...............................NO. 385 ¢,xeeliiion issued out of and under th'e
NOTICE AND SUMMONS IN seal ef the Superior Court of the State
of Washington, in and for said Court- "'~"
,,,,.,N,,,Y }ty, on ,h,, 0ti, day of ug.st ,,: F Resident M,
NO. 49 upon a judgment rendered ill said ormer
IN TIlE SUI:'I,]I'~IOtI ('OURT OF' TI:IE Ctmrt on the J0til day of August, 191;5,
STATI,] ,)l,' WASIIINGT()N I,X)R in ,'avtw ,,f C'oust C,'edit Ser,,ice. At,- Di I T
MAStlN ('OIINTY. WASIIIN(VIN)N. a .~fignee, for .hi(lgnmut 0red,tots, John n acorns
Mnlfit'ilml C, wporldi,m and one of theAaro and l!]rne~hl. Aaro, his wife and 'w ,, ".~ ,," , ,y ¢,, ~ne .. ,', ,. ,' ,,,, .. , .,, "¢ , , . ', :~ . • " . tel" sergeant of 30 years with the
. • *brl,* , s. ~ t, ' ' ' ~ • t| 4 U ' % ' i l ql U l • '" • l " •
' ' z r t:~:( ' ,'(i ' ~ i' { qY , ,r,, "' (e S + . , },,r. L ( [last liT(. yells while teal earn- g.S. Army tie had lived ill Tac, o-
q ~ N " . II ,,I ' ., til } ) I ! t.¢~t l)*' l u) • . !
c I { ' ltj'l.(wl"nn It k,)wn| uv I t' i Wining(. 1 Jr.,x. y ,,)st ..tl t l,[, right, tith ,'lXld inter.- Ill~S. , st u orkers, httvo, been lagging ma Lhe past five years.
• '-" ' ' ~ ~ ',t f .~ t l I ~d{' ,' It ( e ~i 's n at ( is be,und Increases in productivity
!",:, ':'Jr l:arv'~:l ~,l,~ ilr',l.~litl{i ill tits,,, :>~,l:~rt:: tile fo'llow(hg 'dcm:ribed p'roperty to according to'a Labor Department He was born Sept. 21, 18,¢t6 in
~vtv',)r 'nnv nov* th.,.e,f " suiisfy .mid jodgment, to-wit: ..,...~., Kewaliee, Ill. Mr. 'l~rernont Inoved
• " "'~ " " " s ............ 'l~,e.., .,*o 1 ol~ 33-'H Bh,el¢ 2 t'loodspori and ,n~uuy. to Shelton
in 1939 and lived here
ii!!::!ii!i!!)lli(!jiii!i}iiii~'t'Ji)ii!iiiil~ii~ii ~iiii~~ii~iiiiiljil]i!i~i ~~i IuntilHe wasm°Ving tOemployed Tacoma inby Rayon,or,1960'
Inc,, from 1946 until 1957. He was
a veteran of World War 1.
i The Rev. John Butterfield of Ta-
'a,~l 'h , d " :,i" a ," "t'ifi~:t i ' o" de in- ty. ,,," s,) n,uc{, tirol'eel as may be - P " ' y, L-CIO " coma officiated at the tuncral serv-
(lu,.m'y issuvd ill ,li~' ',qHfi-" e ianecessary to satisfy ,said judgment, Research Director Nathan,el Gold- | ice which was hold at 1 p m Tues-
bo,,k form trod dated the 17th day togeih,.r with. attornv's fees. re.iciest, finEer commented, il day tntheBatstone Ftmeral Home TATS UYAMIH~
of September, 1965 by tile 't*reasurer eosts an(t m¢!reaseo ,,.oats,` m_at!] ,-,;1 ......... • .'" *s*n~ e,~ea~ ~s
...................~,l,/ 1~,1 .u ;,~ t'(tl ltv~Vlt'.l .... ' .)ii at ountlng [o tile sum,)., el six nunur((l { r01.n8.tile resin, or tile S[uc/y, 13y Je-
Execut,ve Producer H{
a t i::;~,ued to tilt: .mid Mason County [lljilty ~even and 0./~l)0 DoUa£!~, plus A, Mark and Elizabeth Kahn I
Park. Screenpk~y by,JOHN '
fin ..... t , s(.~* a m :. unis.' dot, sad owing i lionSilmiff's, coats anu uoms• )I ~uouea- I of the UIIlce....... or t'rouuetivity and
for taxes n e if! and , very lot, tract, , , ast ~ Teehnolo ic 1 • , Surviving are his wife, Phyllis Pr0duc0d and D,tecle
or parcel of land herchmfter more t . Said sale will take place, at..the E l_ g "a Developments in the | Tremont, Tacoma; three sons, I[~IINI00LOPBIEIVI$1
p.'~rtlcularl, y dese ....... 'ibed and set forth ~ user of the wourt ~ouse at ~tn & ~me Bureau of Labor StattoH-~, 'W~"
said armunt being set out opposite :in said County and State and will be "ears in the current issu~~ - ] .. ...... • Charles F. Ream, Olympia, Harvey .~
each particular descrpton and being let public auction, for cash in hand 1~. ....... e ofthe : ..... .....-~,'+*:' "~" ' I A. Ream, Shelton and Jack D. - .......... --
the anlotlnt due and deI nqu mt upon , to lhe highest and best h idde},. I uepartmentai monthly magazine, ' ~ I Ream, Tacoma; and six grandchil-
( ill pari (ular ( l traet o • parcel i Dated at Shelton wa,'m, tills 28th Monthly Labor Review i ' , : ' •
dren. "
tu¢ ~i)( t~ y f)i axe~ fll ll( Idly )' S¢IJt( lb¢l 1q65 It re-lesents - • . l
: " ': ~: .... : : ~ ~ ~ ' "' p ' strong zactual en- ; '
year 196(I for which said Mizen County I •D. S. CLARI.£ ~. . I dot ..... ,, oo, ,, .... ,. ' I --
clahn.~, ,'lght of :'o'eclosu,', as wll I Sherff of m!d t:ounty "~ ............. ~om~mger ox , .... • Rites Friday For
In,~i'c specific:ally appear by referet!ee By Mildred Co.r!klin,,. Deputy .. Ithe need for more rapid increases i : ' :. ". . . I
to eaehpartidtdar description nereln, i 9/30 tt,/.-,~-z,-z~ at lin wazes and frin-- h~ngflt~ in nr i•: ; : ' " • ,
i,, ,the with all Interest costs and " -° ° .............. " Vmla Vredenburg
~~' ~ ...... ," '~ i ' aer to make it Possible for work ' ,
I ( salt, ~s ih ,r*t n up t , anu i~ 'us { g I 5"1 , ...... . I
the' 1711 (la~* 1~'~ S~iiTi~]~btTi'zi19~;~{ (al)rd- I :NO'UIPI,~ OF NOA~I~(I (IF FINAL l ers buying power to catch up with i: I A former Shelton resident, Viola ~i:(~
ti,. !,.., o. , i ., ." '_ :_/I A(fo'U'NT ANI) PFTI'£1()N FOR }the rapid rise in productive effi- ' :. : .... ,
i 'a,(, t Whom o' wl c I sam pr({- '' , 1' ' • , ' • ~i'edenburg, died Tuesday in a Se- ~~
er,y is ar, sesm'd being set forth with [ ......... .DI~TI~BITI(J.N .......Icmncy. ! " ._~ . i~J I
attle Nursing home at 76, She had ~~
e] ,('hpo,|)'ll'tlclli"r~t.( ngdeS('rip|i°n's[tuated aiii]i of~vl~ast)nSatd { '~'~-~'~',~T~X~I~t~'~'N,. , ,. ~" X'~ rate'lheof artcilethroe tenthSh°ws .a drop. at the :;,t¢¢~t.~l...2~,~||l~r]]]~H_ _ _| ~ i lived most of her life in Seattle
c, t,,,ly' :4talc ,>f W,.~:qnngt ,, and be- Z()R THE COt:NT¥ OF MASON., ]_ ...:_ .- s ot oneper cent Fi#//ltAllllilitllll i illlli I but had been a resident of Des
lng Illlli',! IJal'ticuhirly 'described ,is l,~yT,..~7{~vLttt)~E,=2? £,ae J~s]aie ot /.a yea,' in average unit la~or costs ~/J/////dliliil:lH:lll ! / I ........ ~~
f,.li ,ws. t-wit i~,o/~,~.n~ ~;~,,,,~..~. ,~eeoa~eu. a'ar-' in manufacturing in the 1960-1964 Y///illlllllilltllJ I Illl I ~roines the past ~lve years. ~ne .
...... I~oH :1 ,.~otlce is neret~y glv 'n t.al .., .Y was born Jan 29, 1889 in Albany,
(trlglual Cerili]csie NJ. 1,. -- ",' IA Sc;haulsnd exe(~utrlx of tile estate[PerlOd. .< : " , Ig : [[li]itl I Wilt I N¥ " GET A -
U~i'~i,l~lT~'r i~e u'~ a,~se~Et~ ~ewt~~ of Dorothy G~'aves. deceased, hasfiled] Wages and fringes iri Lhe.~ame lY~Ailmtl~tllII~ ! / 1
..~ ~. ,-) ..... is:. ~a q,.~n ~, N ,with the Clerk of the Superior court lperiod rose at an annual rate ^* I~hl~il~lt|~l~liili~aa~ ! iia.,m - /vlrs. Vredenburg was a member If you COl; t
.,. ,-lo,¢e t~oau. ~e ....... ,~. "'cres' of said County and State her final . , u~.' ; : ,
nloreRanga 2 W.W.M.,or ,ess. YearC°ntaining"in t;ertiticate40a~v~u,' I-~cou-t_= ._: and ~nctition_ for --distributi°n ,,~[3"3 per._ cent, substantially lower FJlfll~til i ~ I of ~the First Baptist Church of large group,
• ..e,'~''';¢'~...c-~-..... ~.~.o..¢°° n~ lOt sale estate; ana that ~'riday, the/~nan me average rate of nearly 6 ~III]I~I[IUH~|~|~ ] m~n I Des "Moines and of Madrona Bar- startling an(
.......... 129th day of October. 1965. at 10:00 a.m.. ,per cent over the "reviou .... * ~~•u~na~ • ~m - racks Auxiliary of World War I would emerge
~n.ignal Certificate ~o. z ~ot~ ~, I Departmenl No 1 of Maid Superior//wax ears Thv . ?. v~,o~- ~B~IIlIlIR|~B~lllIilii~HF'| ~ ll Veterans, Shelton. got around ..to
page 228, lhm 6,, assessed tuJ Eana. R. /beenC°Urt at Sheltln 'in sat£i County "ires y, e proauctivlcy in- . The funeral service will be at That fact: far
: ." .' . '-huly flx'ed IJy our Superior ~ourt/crease from 1960 to 1964 at an an- ~|llll~ B ~ • 11 a.m. Friday in the Batstone take time for~
Itoshm 'J:ax 902 being more paiticu
lm'ly d'eseribed as all tideland of the for' the eettlement of the said final |nual rate of 3 6 per cerlt was sub -- -- " ..... . .................
s ,end (ass in front of Government account at which time the Court is t • ' " ' Funeral Home with bnriai in the checkups.
;'L . ,~ "-- - "" "" "~;--~-e 2 " ' " . , .... ,etantiallv hi~her than the 2 4 ,,e~ GRAPES ARE RIPE--Mrs. Victor MmKler of the Mrs. MinKier saia ,nat 1,bU0 pounds of grapes were
J~tJt 3, Sec. 12, TWp, zz in., ~a~ ~. asked to settle sues account, ttlsuuo-| ~ ~ , v - te ..... Shelton Memorial Park. Mothers keep
of 30 29 fen Aga area clips a jUlC bunch of ra es from one acked out of the five acre v ne aid Sunda the
W. W. M. with a frontage ~ 'n ute the property to the persona en-{ t average rise for that earlier Y g P .P. . Y . Y,
lineal chains more or leas. Year i titled thereto " and disct~axge said ex- period, the ~rtiele sa of the vines on their farm.The vineyard was first day it was opened. The grapes go into grape She is survived by one son, children. They
C(ltlii(at¢ 1960 Certificate $6298 "rlx , , . ,, ys. oened to U Pick bus,no • • • Douglas Vredenburg, Des Moines. out the ,,Monde
;''" ~ ;•" , ' • • ecut .. . . Th~ b~f~nlnv nf fh,=~ ~ff~..= P " ss last weekend for the Juice, jelly and other uses. Mr. and Mrs. Minkler
Ort lnal Certificate No 3 Roll 2 Datedthis 28th day of Septemlaer ....... .,-~"-.' ........ ~ ............... -- plaints" from %.1
g , ' " -' - .,' .... ' {of ~rowfh fh~ ~+¢mo ..,.+~ ..... Istart of the picking season. Mrs, Minkler said the have had the vineyard in operation since 1950
page 265 lille 3, assesses to Aureua lsea, ~' ---" ................... "~°' cro this ear i of exce ti n II li w t v r " Kozlowske "With their phyi
O. i"mkez:. South 1 acre of E~ Nl~a~ TECKLA VERMILLION . [resulted in a rather distinct break p . .y) s p o a y good.qu.a ty. be- hen .hey_me e.d.o..nto the property with. the vine-
jo.n pharmacist, tb'
NW]A NW'sl Sec 34. Twp, 23acreN., Deputy Clerk of Bald Superior itn ....... fh,~ ~;.~.H...~.~,. o='~¢ ~,,=+" .... ~u~uw~r*" -- cause ot tne .... warm, sunny summer. I"lCKIng in a yaru alreaoy estaollSneo, iney grow island I~e{le C~ 1 -- -- .. one-two-three h~
Range 3 W.W.M.. contain).ng 1 ...... , ~,- Cm=rt. _ _.. [*,o,,,~ t .... ~, ~*. ....... Inumber of vineyards in the Grapevlew area which and Concord grapes.
mm'c or less. Year In ue.runcate .tues. o ~eary, Meyer & O~eary /--~, .... . ............... ~. Iconduct a U-Pick business are already harvested uccumbs AtBut what ha:
Cerliftcate $3.28, Attorneys foi' Executrix --../ one O~ the factors involved, the l " "
. ,,tlficate No. 5Roll 4 12 National ~anK or t~ommerce J~lag 'article sta ............ i A graves,de service for John A. ~'"~'l~en?up?
Original C~' ' , ue~, ,~ a urop in tne re-
page lfi(l_~in,L 11,. as~e~r~tld~v~e~l~ Olympia, Washington9/S0 10/7-14 8t [portion of production and maPte- [ |1 .... L'__ in ....... I_ ~-.--J ----I-- • -- -- I_- -- -- 1I ~ • Kozlowske, 76, was held at 11 a.m .... " .... d e
=*'* °' .... " ........ 'or nnspe0[! Kepalr Wednesday,... in the Shelton Mem'- all lt tneright, why°'
: narsune rerry lg gryOOCK on, o,a~ Park with Rev. Eugene ............ s Tl
Knautz officiating. Mr. Kozlow- pn~j"~A'~j