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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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' -- , -i ........ ~ ...... ~ "; ,' ) .... ' - ~ ..... !oV:J s Hoo hve§eeting srhoo.! eoard Bob Milhr Relkes L,,,oo ,,pm,nN d y AtJ " H'ehS h l ]Ca tO*" TO F. a boy C)ctob() 6 ' ' . ..... :___' Og a ugnor i C 00 Mi'da N[ilk, r from Rayonier Inc, orporatcd )I'N IN ' v ' in * Sept. 30 has been announced by I)r. By -O,S .,ERCE dee," hnnling tl'lp Oregon. I Edw ,, L. I.,>v.n, M,ln,,:. er of tll ..... " ........... ORT The s vel n Nieimlson MrsL ~t ~,e~an a~eenv~,*~a~ ~0n HOODSP -- . Hood Canal Mr.'.E y ..... ~ ~ Olvnlpic Research Dtvi.~ion. Was born to Mrs. . • ' I • er, who was Arlene P.T.A. convenes M.onda.y evening Dess Italnes. M!'s:~.att.Kaalea!ldj The Mason County' PTA Coun- Bob started his career as an her marriage. ~'hi'at. tile ,Tun|or l-lign. SCIIOO].... Lilli-Mrs Max acnnnaL.or attenuea, the ] eflP" IS'• _,)o_.sorlllo,~1 ~'l~" ~ a "me, eL .,vo--ru electric|all in 1929 at the V~h/shinK- )errn,),,, ~,,,, .~' ~ ..... waup mothers wl|l serve refresh- Eastern Star hlnClleon last rues- [ e. ndid'ltcs" DlO~ranl at Evergreen Ion Pulp Conlpany at Port An~e- ...... .y .... v ........ t., ' ], " , • • ,, ," , , - tlliwau ) Corn l" , ...... * "~: . les. Ill 19::;7 hc w;]s lra|lsfevred : here learned lust ments. M~s. Nl.r a M,lh:l, hhl,umn, day ;it tile L.I ,, t e..' Im!~ flY[bclmol Monday n,ght. P~kel", , • ,. will have Ine llDral'y open I)uring Chit) IlOUSe Wiles till2 l.,lllnor Cnap- | ,i,h, ri,,,, ,,nn,lbinfo~ for Si,,q to tlw Sizelton l)ivL~ion of ]{ayoli- : ier where lie has sol red up LO l.hc 't'he U~ h2Sb:yKl'l;; thc eveninK Richard Bates will Let S,)cial club ente,'Lained tile Bel-[ t(,l;"St;l]o:)l-7;o~;l:;~.~ill-atp~al]"on are :_._.'.M)' a-')n0' ........ "~)'s'. g'i~e, inst)'ljction, on .ninth' fa r Chapter Social club. / [he ln'ogranl. present lime le~ld ele(~[ vivRill ~f Shelton. Mrs. GotL P.T.A. ~resident is .lira Lucas;Mrs. Hulda Carlson is spending] They include Richard Brewer i iln(l |.roll})h~ ,qht)olel'. l~ in Darmstadt ,,,ice presldt~n=t, Mrs. Bert Toler; some time at Palnarama City, Ls-[ and Les Joslin, for the position Bob nnd his wife, Rlllh, plan lo ,~ecretary ivlrs. VA a 1' I urllnqD' cev Cards aaaressed ill (are of ] now held b Mls Betty ~vtcClana- ! (:,nga:.o,e in conulle'.'cial fishing; (hlc- treasul'er, Mrs• Rodger Mahlen- Mrs. Esther Maury, lo19 West[ han on the board, ing the next year in the Westport dorf; parliamentarian, Earl Crumb Sixth olympia will reach Mrs. ~ Bo=u'd lnen]bor B Frankli]l are, it. and aflelwa.r(l ill Alaskan scholaz slutreasul ( ' Mrs ' " ~ I and , ' " 'P "- 'L, • Carlson. [ HeusLcn is oppose)J ill his bid for i waters, l)m'ing lhe shtek part of Go}'don Diekmso!l; , Joe ttuntley has moved his trail-] re-election by James Barrom and I lhe fishinK season, Bob will con- ~~ A .matl}me.wu} p.e snown at tile er home to {he Millo Diner A_UlO Valentine Sienko. i tinue to operate his eleetz'(mk; i sa.les a,nd rcpLlir service'~ ill Shcl- ~i}} i~:ooUsl)ort sciqool the afternoon oz (~m.t Wolcome back to ore" nai~rl~- Each of the candidates will dis- ton. ........................... In nn r [~ oct. 23, beginning at 2 p.m. There bo"l:ho¢,¢i" ~lo-e ...... o-- cuss their views on school prob- • i::::! will be a charge of 25¢ for chin ', " ...... .---- 'UMC if:::: dren under 12 50 for .hilnior High Attending,the, ur~e::.ofi_he.Am-'e'~e meeting is being sponsored ',~ ' :i:1:!: ' ehool r. arantn t~ouz'~ *, ~WCL'uven Tnurs- • I vo " ,~| ][~|~. ~ii~and High s , 70 for adults ............ ~.~; .._M~ ~+ ~.- ...... ]by the P'IA Council to lae P' tels ; ~) ,~ | | |~ [] t[i~The picture is a Dean Martin-Jerry ~Y evenm~ ..... ~ ..{.~..~.~ ~;a~,,=, ] become acquainted with the can- -- % Mrs 13eSS rlmi**~ a~tu Iv|IS ivlaEue [k~,..~,--.~-- i >.LewiS feature, "At War with the Bacidund " didates :['or the school board "ill /luuEv ::::::! Arn~y , followed by cartoons. * " - ---'"l~ "'" ]tile Nov 2 election. ~||V~m~ ::::::::~ Frank Gray took his Sunday MISS LUASI~ KILBOURNE/ __j .............. | Flv Rod Olden i iii:ii Scho,,l class of third and fourth of Port n olos ,s s ondill this)-- , , | bsolu,., ....%1,. ,::}. grade boys on a field hike to the week wlth~er parents, Mr. and',~ -- 0~' i|~ LIG'Hq'ING I .ea,mgex ...... ' . ounty Bud isapartof | ~-7"OUrT:-"~I1 7". ..... :i:i:!:j:..:, .......s~in°~ ..Oil Co0neb'. Creek, a,,t ........ tho ~,nr= Mrs• Fred t~ilbourne and helping till survov xrn,r~;::i~ pet' end of Lake Cushman Sunday her mother 1 e Hood Canal | l ome decor] ~id~,,~,-","^,$~,~':~', ::::::i afternoon. Bradley Bearden, Jim- Real Estate office• [ . i ~. ~:~:(~ which is I ~'~7"'"Y ......: i:::i[ wic Viger, David Bolender Chrm The oil stove ill the Hoodsport ~::v~ezaror%°r~ iiil ~..dNickVrohnosandCraigGrubb Post Office exploded Sunday ~te Annrnvai | oltonnot i I r, iven the I '~, ," ............~::!::iii really enjoyed tile outing throwing soot all over evcrythin~ ]~~ r~|~'~m /I il'nportance i aew ::i:? ~ - " • • - ' " " "-• ' ---- ][ it :dlouM i !i}i Gary Bearden 1 s back from Wallace Hanson noticed tlle snlol(e. -~ " .......i--" i[ have. 1)~ffe(,- | ~.:.,.~::!::;:?, Schoolat San Diego Navy Base. and notified Mrs. J. ~V. Goodp.ts- The Mason county [i tiv(' ltvhting ] ~ii:~ tie is now BT2/c on tile USS Con- tel', the postmaster. [ Friday ai)provea .a.ouut~t w~.~~ ~i ~~i~ atld,.~ Warlnill i ~:21'~-] i ~ ~ ~ ..,-',,-" ..... ~'~ Bremerton . - • ...... . .. [ w'~s balancea at $41Z,O~1, u~ mtxtze ..~,:a,.,.,: ,- .. . • Mommy morning u,e w, ,',ie,us,. 0.,~ .... :,,.,~" ........ rrived at in the [| ~.~ .~'i~ and beauly, | ' ~vn's. aonn t~neemna is visiting hon . ,qlimnev fire 'it the~., .~ .... .,~,,.'e ................ . .... . .......... "" " v .... e , " , n the bud et ~CL. 't. || ~t~°" .~t~ dramatizes I her dau hter, Mls. Sharon tarter' , o Itoods orL hearing o ..... g ..... ,.. ~,~., gorltxr C~nlif Y lust nolth f P ' I The budget wnlcn was approveu I/ ~ ~ and hig'h- i " t~R'aANO'M~R'S'-'Steve Johns en Marsh Ells of St. Mary's, Idaho, [ Friday was unchanged from that |[ ~i,.~ lights your [ • . ." ........~ ........ ~" is visiting old frzenus in Lower l~resented at the Oct. 4 heaving ]| furnishings, makes your home I tortalneu Lne t::'vuxtntE OX UCt O lie He a i "- .... ..... t' ................. ' Skokomish Va ,y. r "wed last which had cut budget requests /I more livable. I ~, :~:%ii: ::: ~ ~ nonormg tne. u~u~.ter s ana son- -. ~ ---' ex*'ects to re--- ~ ' ......... *~ make it ~'~:~!] in-law's second wedding annbver- . ...... Y~.,~ [some $~8, ~-rA'rg 4-H FAIR--Jane. Joan, and Jean found Freddm 4-H'er [] But remember - the first pur- I ..... ~:~:~:; :~,,.~:.~::,~*.~ ........ .~v~,~, ........... balance .... " ....... /I pose of all light is functional, I ~~~l~ sary Present were the honor ................... "• ~ ..... ~'^~ Chair one of the more interest ng th ngs to look at in the 4-H building [| You need general illumination I ~~l':!ii!!:~:~ ~ i and Mrs John hris walt ~bmmons juuge or the & suggesuon zrum ~v,~,,. - ie re th ' t f ::::::: :::~ ....... guests, Mr. • C . . at the State 4-H Fa r. These ~ut s a e triplet daugh ers o ,.*:?~} :':::/: i • Skokomish tribal council reLurned man Harry Elmlund that part of " *fa r l! (provided in some rooms, like] ~~~i~!:!~i;*, r , and son Raymond Paul, lV[rs. Chrbs ..................... ededfor Mr and Mrs Norman Troller, Shelton. They via,ted the ::~.~.:~:~!:~:.;!:i:~i~ii:ii~::': >~. ]great-grandmother, Mrs. Marga-~unuay trom montana wnere ne ~ne zunas wnlcn wm u~ .*:~ • .. (Continued from Page 1) || tlie kitchen, by built-in fixtures). I .................. .,:::~ii~i~ii~,~ii~:::,~ ...... 'z-el Cagey of LaConner Mrs. Eve- flew to ,~attend a convention for[ a repair job. on the Ha[3t~ec u beISlandob- ~irthTt~elc~i~d~hew~;dwael:: ::m~ P;:tianSg a(~tl~gaitreaTan~°~. ' ~W:n ?~e; fyingthe excesseSbook. For°f bad,thosethiSwhoiS aseeSatis-the |[ |] yourY°U needlivingb,~lanCedroonl --- directlightinglightin || i l n Nes lie and daughters, M:rs trzbal 3udges. Ferry. ~.n the spring_ ..... dwft~ Jean are four years o d now, but it won't be ong before they are ...... ~::,~+:~:,V.::~i~::~i~: