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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 SI-r JTON--Nb 0N COUNTY JOURNAI --Published in "Ghr sfnmstown, U.S.A.', Shelton, Washington Thursday, IN A New Boy Scout Handbook l Kathr Mell, ,~. ~ ~ ~ ====':=::==:="=,V=*======='.'= and Mrs. Arthur,. O ~ ~i:!i.~i):i::i~l!!~!:::~!~ii!iii~iiiii::::::~:::: iii~::~iii~iiii!!i::::i::i::iiii!iiiiiii~! ii~i~iifi!iiii~i~!~!#!~!~!~i~!ii~!i~i~!~:!~:~i~::!::!~::~!~ [ has been ~ ,qected a f . ~ |ti:::,~iii/::::::}:',!!i~:{ii~::i::i~i/~!::::ii!i::::ii ::::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::i}::::::::: ::::till:::::::::::::::::::tlilll: I the Pacific Luthel !~:~:~' ~:~!!!~!!~!!""~ ~::!!~¢":~i:~!i~'! ~ i::ii !~!;~i::i~:iB i ~:.....:::~. : iL... ~ concert band ace0 ........ ~ ...... ::.":~*'~,~:'l~.::!,i::::': :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .~: ~*:::'~. ~.. - ....................... ?::'::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::':' ::'::: I uus~ where one pmces the acco- mime nnemen Miller Marshall Cougars moved inside the Climber ~r~th~n will Di ~ ~'*" ~.~.~{~ ~"~.~.:~'~ ~~"~ lades after Shelton s raft 14-0 and Swmher m the secondar 25 twme m the first half but each . . .:.~:::~......¢ .::~. ~ .... ~ ~ .... Y ' Y" ~ Saxo hone Memb~l • . :: >: ~::.~:~.~.~. ~:~ :~,~!::::~,~.~,!~... . .~:.. . . . . . P . .~.~gf' .... ~,.:~.~..:.~....-~: ::.: ..... Olympm League vmtory over Cen MARSHALL scored Shelton s hie mtercepted passes brought • f au [~ :. , • ............................. ~ ..... ::. I ~ after a series o Read Behind The ~ ~~~ili~ ~~ I tral Kitsap last Friday would test first touchdown, and the first of the threats up short. Carper made Tliis being National Newspaper Week, what more ap- ~~~~ ~ [ the wisdom of a football Solomon. his varsity career, at 8:40 of the [the first theft, Swisher the second. propo moment is there to delve beneath the surface o.f ~~~ ~~~ I Does one salute the offense, second quarter when he caught a l In the second half Central cross- I"""'"'~. your hometown newspaper and discuss briefly some of its ~.~~~ ~~ J wh~ch rr;lul?d ~Po2fl:etY~hr:slosa:te; 10-yard pass from Archer in thc led midfield twice without seriously ] Ulfl~lUll~|;I i........... l~Jnrr~ ~nrl ~hor~'J~ ~ ~~~i::~ ~~}/l::~i::~i::::ii::ii?~ [De' g ' " . end zone. This was the seventh threatening the Climber goal, be- I nuIl lr.l,! ........ " ......... ~ ................. . ~ ~.~E~~ ~~]i~ili/!ii!i!ii~ ] brilliant runner Mike Johnson? touchdown Archer has scored or ling stopped on downs in the third I -A~-~--~aI i For example, do you as a reader judge the importance ~ ~~ii~~ ~i~i!ii~i::~ / Or does one tip the hat to the passed for already this season I quarter and on incomplete passes I L~'~,(~l~'] • • . • ~ .........:" ..~:~:~:~ ~11,~:.:~ ~ " ~::}.::~,!,~:~:~ :~.::~ .......... v= == ...... of a news. story by Its headhne? Probably, and certamly ~~~!i :~i~,:~::::::ii~;~!!~::~i~!~i~!ii~. [defense, whmh blant~ed a club This was the 12th play of an[m the fourth. [ ~,.'~ ...... ~ " ' ~ whmh had not scmed less than headline writers make an effort to have this be so. ~J[ ~~~l~'~ ~iiii~i':i~fii~:!iii~ii!iii:;i~ ]" ' .... ~ of its rev 81-yard drive which started on the I Chief Clayton ran his string of ~ ~~ ¢~=,,~,'~' +~-,-' ~-¢~- into th- choice of a headline for ~ ~~~ im~ii::i'i~i::i::~ / mar t.oucnoowns m a y ._ Lpj - Shelton 19 after a Central punt. { successful try-for-point placekicks I ~ 7~1~ ....... ~ ..... ~ ......... - I~l MIr~:::'~il~[:~i~!:"..~ ~'~i::.~ t ions ~nree games ana nero ~t to a A-- ~ncomnleted ,,ass o~ +~.n~+~ ~, ...... + ;i~ o~. ~ , ....... ,.., I ~~lg, i a~y particular story--the effect or interest ]t has for th ~~~1~1~ ~~:.~1 /net of 111 yards~ ...... o-c ................... I -I1||~ • ,, ,, • ,,. ,, ii! :i~::~ili: .... : • ~ aown nan • ~ eu me tsougars to Dy DOOung DOra extra points. greatest number of readers, Its newness , Its importance ~ ~~~ ~~ ] Beats me, neighbor. Take your kick. Marshall contributed 41 of [ Score by Quarters I relation to other stories of the moment, sometimes its 1.~~ ~ [ choice. ....... the 81 yards. I Shclton .................. O 7 7 0--14 | ~" ................. m ~~~ ~ 2aa~er ot mc~, ~ ever mere was . " interf r .. / Central Kitsa" 0 O O O 0 I lengtn, anG omer lesser more SuDue iactor~. . . ~ . .... / ~ • .... • .... "^-* *~-' ...... it A pass e ence penazty[ . . ~ ...... -- I ] Yet, when it comes right down to the hard New colorful cover for the .thezr nrst k nowteage or natUreor |~=-uu~-~::'~°~'~"°'~°nas~inlae .erue =,,,~ ,~= ~ ~ a~ainst Central which gave Shel-] Toucnoowns: Shelton -- Tom I , • lance f a news slur de ends seventh edition of the Boy Scout lore.nrsta!a, proper respect z. [ C .... e- Some rose out=of=obscur ton a first down on the 15 instead| Marshall, 10 pass from Bill Ar- I '~===~=,~ core:the rea! impor , • o • - Y P Handbook, out September l~,menagozmeun}tea~}ates, ana /~un~[*~,~ ............. ~o~ :..o~" of a third-and-eight on the 23 was/cher; Bob Miller, 1, phmge. [ ~l~[~[l[OI Ol~ zne reaoer s personal view.point. ...... sires the flavor of Scouting which a wide range.or .Know-now sup- | ~t'~a~'s°onV'earTi~rUoccas~ons~~ ~- helpful on a play on which Swisher [ Conversions: Chief Clayton 2, I ~Bl~t~lll| | "l'ne most important story in toaay s Journal to ioot- serves all boys With this new pmmenung sonora courses. _ . [ ~-- - : .... ' "- made an almost impossible catch / kicks. | ~rl~ll~l~ 3o ll r and Tom Marshall isn't in column 8 on ~ mn the Bov'Scout Handbook Bearing the subtitle of ahand- [ L~ o~ o~ense--'rommy Mar- , " • t TEAM STATISTICS n " ball stars I b M" le " " ed't' - ................. ~-- ^:,:---shi.~ 1 shall a slender 145-1b ~unior who RON LeBRLSH, wbo later left | ....... I i lDl~| A~AI[ / n !ili°iil g ~lttoduce~i milliom o£ boys to lea ~ • - ' th la f• " Net yds. gained .......... 196 84 : biggest event of the year, and it may be true that their en- customed to the b~ght glare; M,ke reer~_on t h.e inn[ntheP~riYe ~omha| Passing ...... 2- 7 3-16 of that tea or ._--- ---- --..-- ...----,o I iIUarper an~ ~ip rurvis' a pair °t yara °uL "ur s ~] ...................... ] a~~: t, ll'e future happiness hinges on the success ...... • Intercepted by ............ 2 0 3umors w~th hm]ted varmty ex- ran for 19 yards on two optmn . - inner or )art SIMPSON SWING SHIFT , • ,' • d as Yards gamed .............. 23 27 ~I': l l Y" penence; Dave Gunter, 3umor tac- plays whmh starte intended It doesn't take a very dmcern•ing mind to find Tlnl~t Ilfl; IHii I~iilil[ II ...... w L kle letterman and the Mendenhall passes. Totals.. ~onet yards . ......... 219o lllo Here's dl stories"m every edit" "on of your Journal that con- =~.~ V|_ | ~..x~- .~k~ I ~viem~°:~ers .......................... ii ;Itwins Bill and Dave who play Shelton missed, a first qnarter|"~i~a~os~ ........................ ~ ~ I[ .ademonstmti0 .u=.v.o.= +~;,, ,~,.,~,~,,I o~,,,~+;^, ~,d .,=r~nd,,,~ imnortance Combined ~or Hood Canal I| ...... "":: ............................. . 7,[ side-by-side in the interior line. I score after moving 58 yards fol-1 ... .. " ................... : ...... II o umnu,,ou~-~0; :?'"_" ................ ': ~"," 7":'Y"--7:_"__f'_ ...... Oak~ ,a aad ~Udes are ~ hr. and I]~m ~o: z .......................... ~ ;I And on defense--Jon Arm- I lowing the opening kickoff, but a| ~uvn~sa "":::~"::~:'2~ ........ a-z~.~ ~-~ I i lite XL Chain (to two or more people) lOCKed in a paragraph un- ¢0 rain. later and plus 3•0 ft. it ~-'in J~enaers .......................... ~ el ......... ~ .................................................... . ~u .. . ............. • . .,v ,,,,,,. ,.~., =,,- r,-* ,,.-, .-. I I.,,-_~ ...... = 7 91 s~rong, a snm Junior ena WlI:n a |,~l.rl sown pass w~.u ~---y ~.u urn| o,.,~m~, = ~ ~ ~ I1 . . __,~ YVUUUWUKII£ ~ z~ z ~ 0 20 O OO m~ der a tiny_ headhne. ~~l ............................ __~4 n°"eo for followings, the t-~"i~skin, I drive blew un~ on the Central eight./ .............................. " " ~0Uf I~01ar0 A boyleaveshometostartatourofdutywiththearm- .~ ...... ..... |Dry Shed ......... ;:.':;:'"~.":7:".'_2_.11[who seemed to be in on every| CENTRAL'S VAUNTED offense| INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS II ~f~.r~?:~nl~ l~rltu~y~ u~ ±o 1"4-1 n ame 1~111 l~atLersuIl ~u ,, .......... ' "g g -- "' ....... he second half ~never -ot u- steam against the~ Shelton ~m ~mnma mu~ ~,u services nappens every flay, Deeome.s a rouune ........ I .... h series--Ken Knight 526 | omer ~acme m ~ ;I ,. . / ...... i m . ,. • . " . . ,ow . ............. z:au a.m. -±.u ~. x~s s " Dave Cox and Dan Barrom, senior I determined Shelton ~e~en~ers. The ~usnmg: t~.~ yg y~ nyg iv. h0 SU I ]aS~ brief notice tucked away on an reside page under a stand- ,~,,~ 9.54 am 11 2 ft ] * * * / | Bob Miller 11 39 0 39 3 5[[ the supply ia~ ing head. . ......... 17o 2 :::::::::::::: 3;15p:m: 6:9ft:l rMvill:ed40(BiBll:aTtt~s~2 J2618~;I ~ |Scott Swishe'r"::::::14 50 11 39 2:8 II that ex -light wnen you reaa (lo you picture me parents, melr High .............. 7:59p.m. 10.6ft./DY . ( . _ P ..... ;i ~ /Bill Archer .......... 6 38 10 28 4.7 [i ok.,. o_ ,0 hearts torn, thelr minds in a turmoil of worry, yet trying to Saturday, Oct. 16 Wll lal • ! ffa, l¥ mWi |T°~e/~ar~harll ...... 759 , 11 :=::=:= be cheerful as.t!;ey their boy goodbye?o t .... one m]s k 2h .............. ................... 3:.29 m. f ./Mixers 3 (Ken Knight 526), Hcm-'I ~~l~'a~g I I il " am~l ~;~ ]Sk!p Pur;Psr..::::::..'" ~ ~ ~ 2~ I.~" ][yk:$aver?:~:- you I)mture vmtner urgmg son m p s p ..... ~.o~.. m 7 4 ft [l°ckers 1 (Don Paulson 455). [ -~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~ ] Chmf Clayton ...... 1 I 0 1.0 ' it-- take it I10 event until he has gone to college, and Dad with his dreams .............. 1(}'1 ft' [ -- [ | Passing: pa pe lnt. yg iv. I m _, crumbling, his mind with visions of boys maimed and dying ..... -:t 17 " "/ --ESEARCH | MR. & MRS. LEAGUE MEN'S CITY LEAGUE /Archer ............... : 7 2 0 23 .286 ][ ] in battle yet full of pride for the boy who has said, in effect, Low .... "4~:28"a m. -0.7 ft.) ............. W L [ . W L 1 W L| ,. Centra! Kitsap [i ~m~--m~m~;;~ "I want to do my part. I'm needed now, I don't want them High ":~'.~'--~--~-~12':16 P'm" 11.3 ft./Silva Foxes ...................... 12 4 [Eacrett LumPer .................. 13 3 |Beckwith Jewelry ................ 12 Ru nm.gL. 1;cb yg 3'1 nyg av~ [[ ~ , ' • ft • 12 4 t~rapewew t~rocery ............ ±± x J&J Service .............. u ~ ~-~ -~ .......... ~ ~. u ~ x.~ to have to come after me. I ll go to school when I ve done Low .............. 5.46 p.m. 7.6 .F / l~Iamtenance ...................... . ..... | Pro, de R~Mtv 11 5 | ~ ...... ,...'{{"~2::~ ~ ~| Chri~ Thnr.~,n .0 aoa o ,. Hill( ,, High .............. 9:44p.m. v.ozs.]Water Boys .......... ~ ........... v-/.z u-/2~l .... .................... ....... ° ............... "| ..................... II we. my duty• n ct 18 Wood Birds 9 7 J & J Serwce ........................ 8 8 Wilson Company .................. 8 7 Rmk Berg .......... 6 25 0 25 4.2 We BerYl Every bit of that drama is packed into the few I .... " .... [Acetate Aces .................... 8 8 [Allyn Shell ........... 8 8,Motel Timbers 7 smMike Kendall 4 10 0 10 25 II weI'. Me day, 0 • $ • • i .uow D '3~ a.m.-u.'~ i~. - .................. " ................... " ...... hnes of that story under the standmg head, and ~ ~,~.~. .............. ~'o~,,.., ~ _~¢~ / Pin Curlers 8 8 1GriffeY Constructmn ......... 5 11 I Simpson Timber 7 Dick Frender ..... 2 0 11 -11 -5.5 II Phone 41~ ..... ]--,s-' ................. e .................................... ~ 12~ Sharer's Diggers 4 8 40 & 8 Vulture 13"5 ............... 6 9 Bruce Mowrey 1 0 2 -2 -2 0 you can read all|here if you read with your ira- Low 7"10urn 71ft /Fourfowlers .................... 3~ ~l ~. • =. ..... ="7. .... .^~ " ............. |~- • """ - - ' I[ ~a~l~R0~8~[0~ • -• , . " ............. ..'.. -" • .'^ ~.'m ...... ,^. ~ 14 m r~zgn games--~'ae r~omnson ±u~, m Shaub-Ellison 3 121 ~-assmg: pa pc my yg av Im :::-=::,,,.., aglnatlon. L Higtt ........ l~:x~ p.m. v U ......................... ~ Oln t ...................... t .... - o ;. ooX i i ~etaste~t Selltnl~, • • ] ) • . High games--Juhe Coleman 1 , . . H~gh games---Dan Wilson 257, I 1 And ]t the on y l lace you will read it. Your home I Tue lay, Oct. 19 [ ....... '1 High series--Mary Peters 443, Is-it | Mowrey ............ 4 2 0 15 .500 I 'ln" o'woddl • ' I f • =,u,J ~ .......... , town newspaper, the Journals by many other names of ev- Low 6"44 a.m. 0. t. - . " ......%" ..... 4t Eldon Todd 551 ' " " Kendal'l 5 0 0 0 000 ............ _ ~_~. _" ............. .'. ......... ~ Hign series--Jude t~omman ao ,I / High series--Dan Wilson 591 / ............... ere town in tne Colin|re is tile only ~no intereste enough I rllgn .............. ~-:~.a p.m.a±.o ~. I ......... | -- I b • / "~ ' ~' ~ " ~ ~" 21 m 6 0 ft~ua t~lsune OOz. ] . ] * * * ) .... on 0 Low .......... 8: p .... ' , , , Shell 3 (Juby Hmks 469), J&J 1 • | to record these hal penlngs, so significant to some e yet s .... , ..... unlnlportant ~O I;ne vasl; numbers, an(1 give tllem tne a~en 0 57am 88ft ~u~ ~ ~ "~ ........... ' 1 ~ m ' ' -High "' • • • " .... " ..... ~:= . -^1.')don Todd 551), Griffey 2 (Wayne/a 002 lean ga e by his Wilsonl ~1 tion they deserve. Low :JJJJJJJ:::JJ~ 7:53a.m. 0.6ft.(~kay°n~t~e:s (TN2t~ez~s4~n ;~r~s[Robinson 459). Others postponed. / Company entry, featured men'sl J!~: You dent need the television spectaculars to fill your High .............. 3:08p.m. 12.0ft. [. '~om Mat-e 448)• Curlers 3[ ~- [city league bowling achievemcnts] ~-- .~'~1~ week with drama, suspense and emotion• It's all there in Low ...._: ....... 9:15p.m. 4.6ft. l Julie Coleman 454),' Fowlers 1[ SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE ]V~?]ndoay~n.iDgaht" Theom~ch r~ulut~:/ ~g~.L /,~ your hometown newspaper every week if you read with dis- HWh l'nurs' .' lUa.Cr 9 3 ft |(Beth Brown 392); MaintenanceI W L l lliSon %' (Ed H,;rd 519')" Beck'l , ,m, ., -- cernment and imagination, between the lines and behind the Lo ; .............. 8:55a:m: l:lft: 3 (Bud Ristine 557), Boys 1 (Jul- 1Mill 3 .................................... 15 5 [witi~ 3 (Bill Wilson 58"5), Simpson1 In wasn]nmn. headlines. ] High:::::::::::::: 3:48 p.m. 12.1ft. [ian J~rmsscne a~. [ ~vI°a°ers .... : ............................. i~ ~ | 0 (Dan Cormier 532); J&J 2 (AdeI r. ,r ~" .~ ,t,~/~~ Low .............. 10:02 p.m. 3.2 ft. ] ~ ] z .................................... .o o i Kopperman 487), 40&8 1 (Gale Al-I anDr fff~lT ~l IEffl~l~N? I ------------- I LADIES' TRIOS |~nop ........................................ ±~ ~[brecht 571); Prepp 2 (Bill Fred-I .~= [~wm w ~mm~k~'K~ W L ,,oggel's .................................. ~ 12 son 558), Timbers i (Bert Demers Play It Safe, Hunters I ... . I . o, [ ngmcors .............................. I .... I beer s nn _ r J-~V2 ~'/~ • ,:u oo). v vmn~wmnm ,, B&J a I; Rmlroad 6 14 thlnting seasons opening this weekend for deer, upland I Weather I~]~ io s .......................... 10 "6:1 ................................ [ [ : .... " -r ' ' ' " tistics onn '. ........................... Insulating Board 6 14 ~ , ' h]rds and m]g ato T waterfowl brfng go mid the ] Icily Center Motel 9 7 | H, h am - =er =ant / ...... , .... / for ood taste [] ' • ' ' ~ " " " " ............ 8 8 'g g e--t.ew ~ g • I~IMP~ON WOMIZN S LEAGUE 1~ | ' which show conchlsively that the majority of hunting accl- ] High Low Prccip.[Cottage Cafe .................... | High series--Floyd Lord 571. ] . ./ . . . " ' '~ | dents" could have been prevented through the practice of|oct. 7 .................. 69 49 --- ]KMAS .... ....--- ...................... 8.LI ° • • ]T,,--ho,. flflfl ?"" Oct 8 76 51 Northwest J~vergreen ~v~~7~ She 4 (Re Pet| 540 Lo ers ........................................... Q ....... the rules of safe gun handling. • ................ -- • , """ "' P Y Y ), gg Insulatin Board 9 i] All studies pomt out that carelessness 1S the prime/ [Rarn~.c b'" 4 12 "] [Loggers ............ 7 5] " il ..... Oct. 9 ................ 66 50 .01 Maims .............................. 6 10 0 (Norm Castle 534); Mill 2 3 g .................. . not ~n . 65 33 ~- _ ....... le Be_ s ................ ~Lewis S~r~'ea~t 55~ rr~r~ ~ (~ cause of hunting mishaps. Loss or injury to human life |Oct" 11 ............... 67 38 -- IHigh game--Irene Spoon 174.[~eese 5~~. ~'nrdneer~3 "(~en]ACcountmg ............................ 6 .~1 • " " " ................ " ." " er Olsoe484 .... ~, . - " r~esearcn ................................ o z through such a cause is especmlly tragm. ]Oct. 12 ................ 66 45 -- ] H~gh series--Gig .. , ~ .'lRobertson 561~, Railroad 1 (Floyd|Purchasin~ 5 Thesesutdles show that theacdcI ontaldtscharge I Oct .................. 13. 59 51 09 r[ Split pick--Day|as. • • ~aesaro-~.| Lotd 571~., Loaders 2 ,tRa-~ Phil- t Olympm" Plywood~ ............................ 4 8n . ~ of firearms accounts for a high number of acci- I _ g _ _- ....... • -~ ........ . , , -- H!gh game Ahnda. Greeul 208 Odd Balz 7 10 1 (Jane wni~e 483); Purchasing 3 Readm s a~e for a 24 hour pe g 2 5 , boatmg or baseball swlmmlrlg or t~nrJ ...... 4 , in er Olsoellips Min32 (Lowen Man-IEr~g'ineering ................ 2 • • |oct enaing aL ~ a m. a~ repu~ t.z~y ,~,~z , s 'ning Dz~) ........................ dents. Self-inflicted injuries run h0gh though aocl- +~,, ~-,,onier Inc weather ~La-]484) Bob s 0 (Maggie egg 406)il " / . -- ' Y ;I _~_a.~.~).,~.-~. .~1~ au 4 Cot H]gn set Pat Pmzzsh 541 • dents c sed by apparent excutement and a mo- It|on t KMAS 4 (Irene Spoon4 5), 21 MIXED FOURSOMES / -- " [ ~l~t~f~J~-~r(f~~~-~ m ntary disregard of common safety rules run ] " ]tage 0 (Shirle.~ Weaver 395);] t _ ---- / l/[J[JS"l~g~.~W/l;l~k~',~[~[/J~---~~'~" higher. ]. pp . .. ,,_ lf~Je3~~ ~/Jea~MHa~rt~ueln]bt66)~Ey; ]Strippers ................................ W ~.lE,~r~;;~g 40 IPatblPea~.~]nSh 5~1~;I ~~ ,.1 Reduction of hlmting accidents is in the hands of the / 0rN lflaIK / ~.....;~,o 3~ eVirc, inia Dundas 424)', ITwisters ................................ 12 4 ] Lumber 4 (Lil Dale 516), Plywood[ " ~ __ ~'-r--_ ~11~ '~'~i~ .......... t ~, Ah Kits 7 9 0 (Jeanne PeLerson 484), IBP 3 hunter, and it would behoove every sportsman to keep this| R . ,~ p [ Mamie's i (Ellen LeBresh 359).'1 "- • . ............................... [ • ;] ~ --- - ,~'~,,~.1~_ ..'~fl in mind 24 hours a day as the 1965 general hunting seasons [ rroHees uu cars / , , , [ what'_s .Next ........................ 7 9[ (Phyl Zie.gler 510); Accounting [ ..~ °* " open Saturday. ] A prolific stalk of corn is grow-] tIOUSEWIVES LEAGUE ]Timber Duei~s ................. : ...... 6 10] (Phyl Collins 478), Loggers After- -ara--] .... A 18 h~les it'll In addition to the usual cautions about careful driving/ing in the bacg yam o~ ~ne ~nute| W L [Board Busters ...................... 6 10| (Nancy Beckwith 435~ | ~'~-~i:~ .... -y a7 ...... , , and removing intoxicants from his supplies, hunters should/Skaar residence, 1224 Railroad/ B&W Marina .................... 11 5 1Knock Outs .... :::::::::::::::::: .... 4 12/ ................ | ~ settle down on a soft chair in " " : ' ' :: m M and ask permission before hunting on private land and hunt ................ / Split picks ---Ruby Homchick 5-] Strippers 4 (Henry Cook Jr [Team ][[::::::::: ................ 4~,2 71/2] • "-" _ 1 ot r ac 8 10 Helen Cottrell 2 7 S lw 533 Busters er Tea afterwards wzth the zestful taste oE bee with a 1 due courtesy (y ~ tions may decide whether the / " , - , Y "hi ), o (Morley Prepp -/ i h "an~ ....... :: .............. 4' 8 1 " , landholder chooses to leave his land open to hunter use oxympl~ ASk ] Fonzo 5-7, Billie. M.odz'ow •5-6,I nan 559).; Tw!sters 4 (Don Knu.d-/_ H g g~.._es2-=_flean Temple 175,] .) l~f~v~ : Shelton 14 Central 0 n x~orene ~tevens, ~a;m -wazser,[sen a~x), J3a~z 0 (Gayte Wen|z/t~ene .vv un~ ~90 / UNITE~ R.TaTI=~ i~ml~1~ll/l~e_¢l t~en~.nt~m~. ~*: ..... ~" , : ' each 3-10 451); All Kits 3 S lvia Fonzo Hign series~Jean Tern le ............................. ~-~ Here s hoping you get your deer, duok and/or Eas.t 23, North O .... | ' * * * |513), Ducks i ,,(yr -,- -oft/Gene Wehunt 5o5 P 45°'1 " • v r'orE 2~ngetes ZU, -'~outn U , ~,,-=-s~ ,, ,~-= • -- bird, Olympic A ] Deans 4 (Betty.Dean 477), Mei!]515); Next 3 (Iva Cook 445),/ ~ ' ...... ' "" .o=,.~..~~o'~'~;a~ -~,~a .~---~'~'~uim 0 [ 0 (Hazel Hansmemr 417) ; B&W11 ou s. t~andy Karshner 447). [ llmm~,mmmum m ...... -- ........... Port Townsend 40, Forks 0 [ 3 (Norene Stevens 446), Canal[ -----.__- 1 ' 1 Marina 1 (Tillie Sherman 375); BANTAM LEAGUE WO.IN A INUU ANU WUKO$ °cl*ps46 . 2as°n0n ]Bucchel 3 (Billie odrow 424');,I W ,/ rllli, t _Z-L_ ,__,. __.. Best means of learnin is throu h exuerience, but often North Thurston 13 Lau~hbon 6] Union Sqrvtce 1 (Vera ElliottI Team 1 .... 3 0m l• • -- u • • ~a i nT Trio n~nu nnmm ma ........ g, , g. 7 • ...... .~ ,~ ....... ,:,..~ ° [416); Ball's 3 (Vera Bishop 457),lTeam 7 .................................. 3 0| n=m~ ~m =~~ Ul UIG U~bh bUU t! In me case o£ saie arlvlng l:rle lesson is a I;raglc one. ".'2 %"..':':'=~X" "" . / Waterwheel1 (Virginia Dundas I'-eam 3 ................................. - .I U • • • • • • •., t .. 1= .... ~,~ ,,' ~'oster 13, wnlr.e rtlver '¢ ~ .................................. z x i :.~:'.~':"¢ Most drivers fail to realize the risks involved when Sumner 7, Fife 0 J ), -ITeam 6. .................................. 2 1/ .,,, ,, r ...... Team a "~'~~'u'l ~ ' , • " " ethel 13 Peninsula 0 - .--. 1 2 ~ they g~ve the gas pedal that extra httle push or start rote B ' _.. ] ]._--om 5 ............................ . o/ {~,, ,,;,,;.,,,~:::~:,:,,, ~ ~~--~ / • . ~en~= ] ' / .................................. ~ ~/ :!i i~:~:'"~' "~'~k>;'~:::~ " ~~/~~ ' a corner a httle faster than usual. Only the tragedy of an Whitc Pass 32, Montesano 20 NATIONAL EDITORIAL Team 2 ............. 0 3 ~::!i~!~:i~::i:!~:~:!i~t ..... ::':~ .............. ~:, ..... accident can truly bring the message home. Elms 5*0, Ocosta.13 Team8±.:_.: ........ =':'": ...... : ...... .0...3 ' ......... Ymm 21, Rocnes~er 0 / ~1 U ~ %ff'~ ~"/ n~- ~-mes--vic~ie l~iznDez zz-,| ..... '~.*.'~:u~ I ~:. I ~~!~ "those w;ao are more cemy aware ol proo- St Martins 26 Raymond 6 / ~/.?--~ ~[__L_~~-s ~-] ~-/ /Mike Bac 143 | ........ ~:"~~?;,g:~ ~'~'.~,~ [ lcm than most are the ambulance drivers and ~o- Southwest | ~ ' : ''1 H~ghsenes---Vickie Kimbel 211,/ ii),i;;~".:'.i~N':!~::i:';i' ~ .... r Long 21, Olympia 0 | Chuc~ ~tent~ 262. ' ~,.i%. :%:, ....... ~:! hcemen who must attend all semous accidents. Vancouver i Hens|am 0 / ....... / • i • " ' a :::::::::::::::::::::: 12 Hudson s B 6 These men carry a pwture of each mishap m their Kelso , -. Y | I m , • • - • Others ~; ........ :i:ii:~ii):.~ik..N ~ raids, and they w sh that others could see u kat West Bremerton 20 Bellar / ~l I , " . .~:::!!i!~ :i!!.".i!ii!iiii::~, inside their heads, mine o | I / i If the police and sheriff's offices could gather a collec- E e g;ee;61 ar ent;alia | / | hen of pictures of serious accidents and show them to reck- Stadium 27, Morris 6 / - ~a~ ~ N~ / ~~~~ ..... ,~ut never ..~i ........ less drivers arrested for varmus offenses, we mlght be able | I 1 / to reform some of these drivers before they become a statis-HarrSTUDENTGWirthAPPOINTEDjr, son of Mr | ,matched " ' ml tic, Reports on the results of the use of these pictures in and MYs 'Harry G. 'Wirth, 1914] '-1i / ..... " • 1 ...... ~.i:~'i.: other clues Is ver encoura in Jefferson an Eastern Washington I 1 l/ ~i~ i ~.~ " " Y g g" Sta~e Coi'lege senior, has been apl [ ]~~ I For the driver who pushcs .his luck, but does nointed to the finance committeel | Pair01 4-wheel drive .............. ,,. ;"2 ie ' " ... uven urean spor,sareyourcallmgnere,. , of the EWSC Assoctated Student , tough, powerful I not get caugM, there is another means o roy|din " " " vehicl • ' • f P g w r e fez you Powez ful 145 h en me ruth a,, example ,o illustrate ,he danger--simply place a Bc:yg°Vs?nel~:t.'H!i~,thsc~h{~;?du n;t ° a eS ebm ; ords streams: climbs up to g gdes, yet Cl wrecked car in sight el drivers majoring in psycnoiogy at EWSC.I Flexible Spiii | +-"o or four . on the high ay. For added power a transfer i . • . .w wzteel qr" " • " ". In some area +h- s .... ;.o r,F ....... [ ather Insoles, Tract,ion-Tred ] n.tsun -. lye m any gear. Big room for 7 adults. Coil ,hl been in a wreck has been left near the scene of the accident _.. IIb fBER. SM,E ...... ~1 Cathie, Crepe Wedge 8ole~ ] ttardtop or SofL "lolls most advance design 4-wheel " Tne ~towen t~age sam, ,~,uuul . ~, -~I~ | __ sis lvlo¢lels avanaoie as a grim remmder of the tragedy. There ]s no means of board feet of old growth Douglas| ,'* .... ilm i [ ! - r -"-- .... m " sults of thi re r • • fir, is among the sales of timbcr easurmg the re s p g am, but It certainly can- tn he h~lcl hV the Denartment ANt / 1 r 1 I IIIJ Tuke If fo not but help to g ve passln drivers a httle food for thouuht Natural Resources during Novem: I ....... / m •'m .,,-. More than one nerson has undoubtedly iven it a ber. The sale, located 12 miles westI i l/il / ,. r ~ ~ ........ of Belfair, will be aL the Port Or-I n ..,, ......... o495 00 Y thought and eased off on the gas pedal, chard office of the DeparLment ofl " "'" " "--i-- ,|all la.-,..-- / $- ' ! RAY S RAMI|LER DA NaLutal Resomccs Nov 30 I I If certain individuals cannot remember why they should ", " / Mnnn flUl: L t:t m/ 7 SALES & SERVICE drive carefully, then we should keep constant reminders be- __ [ |'llba-h|l ~ ~ , f __ /I | 616 Legion Way • Olympia ............... , ~t. |,outs unzversity, ~zo., was1Operated and managed by Christensen s or ~noes, Bremerton [ zore mere. (n' aoey ew8 2' mes) , founded in 1818. / ,, i HI ~ |