October 14, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 14, 1965 |
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1.a :COTJ'N Y ffOURNAL -- Published in ' he/ton, Wa ,hin. 'ton
, ::2
g Oct. 15
Dale Shore of Vancouver, Wash. hunting there is, which is confined
doubled up with 11-5 and 9-4 sinto the Kamilche and Skokomish
vet's Saturday while Mr. and Mrs. valleys for the most part.
N[erle Schuller of Seattle as a team
brought in a pair at 13-4 and 12-0
Friday• fieation in advance of the opening
Bill Kuhr entered his 13-1 silver shooting day.
in the Simpson salmon derby. It TITUS, THE western Washing-
was taken Saturday. ton W, aterfowl hunter is given a
Don Gfllman of Oregon City had duck season opening at noon Oct.
a 12-4 silver Sunday, Sam Totten16 and running through Jan, 9.
of Olympia a 6-7 Sunday, Bob The duck season each of the Cas-.
Manning of Olympia a 15-4 Sunday codes opens on the same date b~lt
and George ~ldv!dgq~.0f,.Aubprn a runs, through Jail• 23~sligHtly
11-8 silver Friday. Ray Haskins re- shorter than last year.
ported two searun cutthroat Fri- The goose season, statewide,
day. runs Oct. 16 at noon through Jan.
* * * 9 except that brant hunting ex-
CHECK YOUR NEW tends from December 3 through
WATERFOWl, I~EGULATIONS February 15. Jump dates on geese
In action of the Washington in parts of eastern Washington
State Game Commission meeting persist as in recent years.
in Olympia last week, 1965 water-i Shooting hours for waterfowl
.fowl hunting regulations were ad-ihunters in the State of Washing-'
opted within the season frame- ton are one-half heur before sun-
work given the state by the U,S.rise to sunset---as shown in the
Fish and Wildlife :Service. 1965 Bird Hunting Pamphlet soon
Due to the U.S.F.W.S. frame- to be distributed--except that
work, which the Commission has duck and coot hunters in eastern
to follow, the 1965 seasons again counties only, may add an extra•
present a v~ry complex pattern, one,half hour to the sunset clos-
and the Washington State Game ing time.
Department is urging all water- The shooting of wood ducks,.
fowl hunters ~o do some studyingcanvasbacks, hooded merganse,'s,
• of dates, limits, and duck ,dent,- and Ross's geeseis limited and
hunters should learn to identify
t)m ! "" Hi, Brother!"
pal" "Hi, Uncle!"
p !" "H i, D aug hter !"
I!""Hi, Sis!"
happy relationshipsl Whether
live near or far, call anyb__0 ody
ontinental U, S., except
a.nnytime today for no more
one dollar. Three minutes,
to station. Ready, set...Ca_ lll
Northwest Bell
Pert,of the Netionwide Bell System
; no more than 25¢ each,
', . ,
these species and be familiar with
the restricted bag limits allowed.
And, .the .t~king of mallards and
is also restricted•
IN EASTERN Washington only,
nallards are abundant, so the bag
limit of six ducks a day must in-
clude at least three mallards. And
the hunters must have six mal-
lards in the possession limit of 12
ducks allowed for eastern Wash-
ington only.
For practical purposes, the east-
side hunter should remember that
one-half of the ducks he shoots
or has in his possession must be
ON THE WEST side only, the
daily limit of ducks is five, and
the possession limit is also five.
Of the fiv.e birds, no more than
three can be mallards, pintails, or
a combination of the two different
To get further acquainted with
the 1965 dates, hours and limits for
waterfowl shooting, the hunter is
urged to study closely the 1965
official game bird pamphlet which
will be in the hands of all license
dealers well in advance of the sea-
son opening on 'Oct. 16.
Taking a big step to make the
regulations more understandable
'to the hunter, the State Game
Commission adopted a new sched-
ule of shooting hours for the 1965
bird seasons• The new schedule
gives official shooting times on a
weekly basis--rather than having
legal opening and closing shooting
hours change a minute or tm, o
oacb d y.
Lemke's Service ................ 11 9
Clary & Clary .................... 11 9
Shelton Rec ........................ 11 9
Rainier Beer .......................... 9 11
Olsen Furniture .................. 9 11
Lucky Lager . ....................... '6 14
Thurston Beverage ............ 6 14
ttigh game ........ Jess Perry 182
High set -- Dolma Colenum 505
Split picks ..... Mary Helen An-
derson 5-10, Willa.Mills 5-8-10
Ritner's 3 (Bobble Barnett 462),
Lucky I (Alice Longacre 321) ; Rec
3 (Donna Coleman 505), Beverage
1 (Helen Leonard 410); Olsen 3
(Jess Perry 484), Rainier 1 (Mary
Helen Anderson, Dot Barnaby each
437); Clary 2 (Betty Renecker
393), Lemke's 2 (Peg Bloomfield
Wr L
Darigold ...................... 12
Ming Tree Cafe ..... :::::::.....:11 5
Ogden's Radio & TV .......... 10
Richfield Oil .......................... 10 6
Mann Real Estate ..............
Kelly s Furniture .............. 68,108
Eells & Val.ley .: .................... 4 12
Jim Pauley Inc ................... 3 13
High game--Virg Fuller 200
High series--Virg Fuller 494.
Split pick---Necia Plews 2-7-8.
Darigold 4 (Virginia Fuller 494),
Richfield 0 (Marg Tobler 456);
E&V 4 (Ginger Brown 369), Ming
Tree 0 (Peg Bloomfield 467); Og-
len's 3 (Phyl Collins 491). Pauley
the past couple of yeats.
That staLemcnt smoked out the
fact that Vi McGee had put to-
gether a 630 just a month ago in
the women's city league• Some-
where along the line comlnunica-
Lions broke down and news of her
feat never reached Ms•
So, let it be hereby recorded that
¥i ~[eGee blasted out a 246-170-
214 succession of games on Sept.
14, 1965, for her 630 to|&,.
There was [~ such success in
Tuesday night s league rolling,
however. Results were: Lumber-
men's 4 (Vera Lowe 432), Mot-'
gan's 0 (Vi McGee 481); Drug
Center 4 (Bobble Barnett 498)
Millo's 0 (Jo Hein 414); Sunbeam
3 (Mildred Daniels 445), Hotel 1
(Lois Albrecht 404:) ; Hoodsport
Lumber 2 (Verna Johansen" 373)
Bettman's 2 (Marge Bent 391).
Rent! Rent Rentl
NEW :$1
Per Month
Free Lessons
Johnny's Music Box
205 Cota 426-4302
1 (3can Ashley 359)• Mann 3 Open Men., Wed. & F,'i.
' Evenings 'THI ~:30
(Toni Hall 442), Kelly's 1 (Ollie
Nelson 466). " .............. =
--~"--'7" := :7 :, 7-: "-. -, ---L. ......... ;,;;,,7 , ................................ .---- 7 ........... ~--
TODAY--- Ends October 23
iOI4K| I~Y~0Lt $ Q0¥[IINM|N!
Hunters again will find the gates ooen
and the welcome mat out at Simpson Timber
Company land in the Shelton Working Circle
when the big game hunting season opens this
Along with this welcome goes our Wish for
your complete success, whether you seek deer,
bear, elk, rabbit or bird.
We wish also for your safe return from
your hunting expedition. Hunt with wisdom,
drive with cauition.
We ask only for your cooperation in pro-
tecting forests, property and your fellow man
--be he sportsman, woodsman or logging
~ruck driver.
With the exception of new roads too soft
yet for travel and a few other roads where
active logging is being conducted, all Simp-
son roads will be open. Even some active log-
ging roads will be open. On these we ask that
you watch out for men and equipment.
A few dry, hot days could create fire
dangers in the woods, although this is not a
condition of the moment.
By protecting timber you also protect
Shelton - McCleary - Olympia
Founded in Shelton in 1890
Douglas lVir and Western Hemlock
Lumber, Acoustical, Insulating and
Hardboard products, Plywood and