October 14, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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October 14, 1965 |
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)ctober 14 1965
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAl--Published in "Ohr stmastown, U.S.A.", BheRon, Wash|ng on
flightln " SHELTOH
A l= '| R~ ~ H !1 = (Seventh in series ,of excerpts BBm B 1~ | i
,~ ' from diary of Mrs. Florence
ace(cite,J, New ~a[e La~er .wton,s 2./2-month trip to H~H ~CflO01
=. ...... Europe earlier this year) v
'~uiNE RHODES went fishing in their new boat ......... By BETTY CRISS gales Oct. 16 and a Halloween
R--Theannual Gzan" g.e Monday. Their catch, one cod. . June. 29-- LONDON BELr,'AiR, - ..... Lights lit np tho.•sky. Hootenanny• .Oct" 31. Ill between. ,
ght at Agate Grange THE FIRST FOOTBALL game Well I think tlus was the first and music filled the air last Frida rcguhu meetings are a tthe church
f0 " ~" ' ' " ~ Y on 5unuav evenings at ~ p m•
tt rl1 Saturday has been played.by } lo~l: was with South- time I evet" macle~ m~take.by be- n!ght when the North Mason var- .~ .... :' _ ~. ' .
ew daLe will bc an- side scn00L ], .'t ~eek, The Pioneer in~ too early. Y ur to me ., " , " ........ The l'~ortn 2dason-~equim game
a later time team lost. to Southside with a score Slaakespeare country Was to leave slay .pi.aye~.! t:nmr nrst llon.l.e ga~)e has been moved up to Thursday
• i " ' mornin at mgm A large crown nlleo the .' • • "
gram ,,,, ,~ ~,~ ..... of 18 to 6. W lham E. Smith new at 8:45 this g, so I had . ." . .... Hght instead of Friday due to the
rig last"~'~=~ ~,~=~'i'~" this year at Pioneer, is coaching breakfast early, packed my things t}ew .meacn.ers m capactty ~(w school holiday, which is a teacher
t SPeech,-~q~h~t'h'~'5"w~ the Lean]. to leave here in storage until to- 'opening. m,,:.~.n~.' al.~.a .me ng`nts "professional;' day throughout the
f--: --- ..... ¢ ....... , ............ ni(~ht and Look a text to were otnctaLLY cement.co uurmgist.~te "
~,ur the School Board. Hunung season, opening ~atur- ........ ** ~" ' , • . '~ t..~¢ ¢~,~, m~2 ~,.,~ ¢~,~ she,,, h-,'~ %-' .....
~aero a-n w ..... , ~¢,,~h .~,~r brin~s enthusiqstic ~oortsmen the place to ca~cn my tour The ~','~'=-~"":'.L::% ...... -"%" • ".Y" I memings held this week incmde
-.... ............. ~, o. •. •u • " ' ' o en but me Dgn(1 (n•ltl team an(J nla~oreues 3 ' ' • ' •
ed the Pioneer school to our thic~dy wooded area. Extra office wash t p .,.a bus across , ; , . ...... ~." [ M( nday evening s Board of Dire( ....
q ~led,~a cu~, ~,-,~ [ -~r~ should be taken by residcnh~ the street w~n "Shakespeare ~,:~s amo a trmuLe..to me occa~}on. I tors meeting, the first free class in
~" " "" " ~ ' ,, n 'inssuccess oI tins pto]e l,like
:cte~ ............ ] ..... ,:u n~ those hunHnc~ T~ mi(~h~ country writte across the front ' . .. " c: lPiloting and Small Boat Handling
~' I ...... :" "-" .. 7 ;" ..... o ...... ,,-- ~ " me ri~t-t ai~ ........ the successful completion of the I conducted b'" t'-^ ~"m ..... r" Pew
~USeth, County Commls" be ~'us[ Rs welt Eo Iorego those last seemec[ to .... thaL/~'s* 1 ...... U LI|e LUXI tennis' eomt,n last sl)rmg' Is' due to ' y m-. D*~' .t-~t. -
de a short talk at ti~e luscious huckleberries or that par- driver said 't', so I climb- ,, ~ . .:.: . •! . - [er Squadron to be held at the Ela-
ine spmnom coope~auon o(tween
~e teac ~ Licularly' colorful leaf,and stay ed aboard. " " ~ " I mentary school beginning at 7:30
hing staff wa~ ] ' . ..... school and community and thanks I n m and continuin&'for 12 succeed
Refreshments w e r e [ out of the wooos. The gums came and pieKea up .,~ ~ .... n... ~ ..... ,~ ..... an ...... ~ " ..... ~" ' "
L • • ] " • .and I was sur ,,~ ,, ,--u .... ..'~ s,e[t~, m, y on.-. t ing Monday evenings. The Belfair
~e f~rst ur d moLlaers I A new roof on their Spencer , the tinkers . e I was ~,ens who cont~tbuted man hems .
I *~.- .-. "~ ~e .... ", ...... - .... '- ~* noon we smn,~ed for l"n~h "z . " • Y. . I Fire Dept.'Auxiliary meeting Oct.
.. ~-e troy walkers last I ~aKe caom was the accompusn- u J~. ~ .... :__:.3:.v . ..u ~; i of labor plus those WhO contrim~t- / 13 at the home of ~V~rs John J,qm-
,ere Ray's mother, Mrs. [ ment of the Bernard Luhrs last the laflzes KCpL ~[cntzonmg z.t was ] ed financially The spaghetti din- i .... e~, .~.~-tt~n ,~ '~¢¢i .... "m~,
~er and Eric Mitchell ]weekend. a "one-a~y ~;our , so I said "no, I ner sponsored by the Elementary I ~::~'~',~,,~:~"~":'~+~,~"~,e"~;~' ~-~_
ale ' • we hays and sta over- ' " ' ' " • ....... " .... '~ ......... ~, ......... "
.0aver, B. C. In Can- THE STUDENTS at Pmneer:I have t _ : Y [PTA, preceding the game turned[~a.M.snn C~oDnfx, Pn~f Mnt .....
In_ y was thezr• legal will," in a zew weeks, once again" = night . Aft~r._hmch_I g.ot in touch [ out to be a great success, also, m' ] -A~n~h~tl,m ~ """ ......................... in R,:,m,r]an no+: .... 1'~
ag holiday, enjoy a hot lunch program. Since [with. the gmoe and_ sue was so GEORGE WASHINGTON'S ANCESTRAL HOME IN ENGLAND [fact more than anticipated in that ] sLa~.t~n'~'witla"abt~'~c]~eon"at".l~2.~
re four other hblidays [this week is National School Lunch |upset, as~ wa~ o~[ me wrong pus. Sheltonlan Florence Lawton Visited it During Her European Trip l some late-comers had to be turned t.. m A~so *l~e '-'e* 1° -'^e:inZ'~*
:all on Monday This is Week it is well to compare the |It was l~er tauit .~ts sue sho~fld * * * * * away with regrets and apologies ~'.~;.~...~..t= ~,.;,°~'~i7~:~
F'^,a Couple of years ago, I modern school hmeh program with ] .nave cau.g.nL u..=c.u~fieL ,1 elm)'| as Gray wrote his "Elegy in A leer the baptistry a large stone was the years it has become quite a I when the food sin[ply "ran out." ] ea'l'*~'~let:~s~s'te~•~s ...... ¢ ......
give people a long ] the lunch fare of other years. With i lose anytmn~, .=~ wfts.a race trip, Country Churchyard". Saw the brought from the hillsides of Beth- I forest. It is quite a showplace and I ChaiNP- EVENT¢ ¢..- the BVF ~ ~ mh. ~;.:~;~.;~,',,.: ..... +¢ .... ¢ ,~.~
;hOliday time This idea ]a new and larger kitchen soon to but I stoppeo Zonte?tr~uord at the pew where the "~Villiam Penn fam- lehcm and hollowed out. The whole has made quite a fortune, groups of t~he BelfairlJa;tist Co~- Jr ~Sr ~I'ig~h'l~l'~A'is'sc/~ed,~le'd for
mrown around in the ] be completed, students will be I Shakespeare ~. . .a p.m, and ily worshipped and where they are city center has been rebuilt and [ This whole country is the rich- [ munch, Oh,,r-~ a~ *~,~ C~l .... i. ] .~'~,', .~. .... a ...... ~...~. ¢. ,~.~'r,.¢.
war • 1 ' • will ick u me ngnt rou to , • - .~ ............. ~,,,v ........... ,-~ ..... ,,,~,-. .... ,~=~-
: al years Amermans served a hot men, whmh consmts P P g P . "buried Also saw Thomas Gray s looks much hke ours at home• We eat farming land in England with ~,,,~,,¢,,,~ ~v~ w,n,, ,~ v,,,,, ~,~ ~ ,~,q~
.~.enbmental about days [ of a well-planned menu, Mrs. Myr- I mghL tomb, Before you enter the church- saw the statue of Lady God~va, I ~ brick factory in the center which I .............................................................................
~1l a change. I tle Benson will have this important [ THE ROOMS HERE are allyard you go "thru the Litch Gate. naked on her horse, only covered i turns out 4 ~to 5 million bricks [ -- ' .........
~era and their guests I job. named. Mine is "Robin Goodfel- i During a funeral the coffin has to by her long hair. i a year, The guide said "just smell ] .,~! I~ I~
, [ low•Some of the others are J remain 12 hours outside the gateOne d,av we saw Dickens "Old I the rich hard smell of clav" I've / ~1~1~1 I~ I~,y ~
Puck Flute, Pease Blossom Sir to be sure the arson is reall dead ~ ~ • "" V
i I , _ .• , I P Y Curiosity Shop and the house of ] always heard them say ' there willi ~ ~~ ~I]P~
• llilk JIpIIllIll~l~lki~ l i Toby Belch, Desuemona, Cobweb, I before he can be taken in and the Elizabeth Barrett and Robert I always be an England" and now] M~.~n~'~
~~i~lm |JI~ ]i Quince• i funeral held. ~ Browning• And the tower of ton-II kn(~w what they mean. n ~ ~li~~~r Ih~14~li~
~m~|YB~mI~i~[~ We went th.r,o u g h WilliamI On the,way out sawroad calleddon. Too many ahead of us to.see I WE SAW John Bunyon's statue. ~ ~,~ ~ lU ~
,-- .... ~,. ..... ,,=i~ ShaKespeare's mrmpm.ce, saw oldlPinckneys x~oao ann woncere(~ zz Um L;rown,aewem PUt we stooa DYlHewrote,,Pil~,rim,sProo-re~,, We/ ~~l ii • I~irJ.~
rnwrnmML- I ]timbers on the beamed ceilings, a I it could be tack's ancestors• So thn little roped off area where the i ..... ~ .... ~'~,~ ',,m~,o: ~.] ~~'~i ~.~
IqllOR 'l:lJV :filRg ,,little cradle,, very old furnishings[very many strange names: a. car's pul~lic executions were held--Anne I C'o'ache's'~inn,~'~,,~Thc'"~l~'ur~jull,'s] L ln~ll~'~~'v
~mvvm • v~mmm = but authentm, they say Wooden hood zs a bonnet the trunk m the Bole n for one The Tower zs ,, , ~
I] .. : • ] ', , Y, • ]Head Inn, 'The Porridge Pot" | ~~r ~1~
floors (uneven plan~s) but felt boot, iL has tyres, and of course guarded hy whiskered guardsmen, andwe stowed nn f~r~ cuffs° ............ ~ .~.[ _~~ ~r~tl~
Pi ~ A D A M]r,~ solid enough. Saw the house where burns petrol. A road has bends, called Beef Eatera. /"Rose & ~rmvn" u,h~v~ *h ..... ~ ] "~'~. ~ ~$~'~.'~O~
" '~#lLIL~l~tl~lL. he. and Ann_ hved and raised their not curves,, ,and ~sometimes.. "acute. Todav~ we went to Caxnbridge/_. ed zf" we wanted-" ~ "zt---~'ek ~o'r~'whi't'~ |. bla .......... t_. , "'*'4NNUAI-twv
..... . and saw the chapel and school the. An ...... r.~ .~= _ ='-.
children Drove the way he went bends' Every so often tnere m a n / ~ fh.t. ,sr~= (h~ ¢.,,,~ t~e ,,TTo '[
to court Ann and to and thr0u h si n "La B " That is a rest sto ............. °
.. A = -- . I [ - , g [ " g Y" Y . " P dining hall with the tables all set-- [ lay |
tluaKer one her cottage (really a houSe)we ~ ' for tired, drivers• to,sleep .... a bit•..plain boards and benches, In War-n/ They graze mezr .... hogs like eat l/ ~t"- " ' ~-~
re" $1 10 On the way here l assed[ The policemen 'boomes, can rick we saw a place called~ tle ins- ~ "" -- -
~" ' I]Blenheim Castle where Winston|you Lluv" and "dearie" and in- "Friends" (quakers) 14th can-l- _Lean of feeding .from a| [ ~ •
NOW ONLY, 79¢ per yd. ] I bYal?e~clL£oS~aL~;o!U~ LU:uVbeOhVaer Lwhi~hg~Let~ter~;aldve Do ] iCeli:!~n~ije~eP~w~.m~g!ltm~.' ~ini~ysiarag!J] / #ec,al Savings on demonstrators,I
, , . g ., ' " ,, - ward all men regardless of color The cows are mostly Freztan,' Hol"
A------m---- / They said it is rent and tax free about' All over I see Players, race or ereed'" and ':Do vou try/o+~ ................ "[ /rentals, floor models used organs [
AIbl.;UIUN1 /I to them. It is in a place called/please , and finally discovered zt to make a stran~,er feel at home| , . ] ] /
, , ~,, ~" I m so grad I Tinted Madam
1 69 Woodstock zt Ks a brand of cigazettes A brew m n
rag $ . [ ' '. ' ', ' . -a o g you W ' '' Lowrey Brentwood $750 00
--- ii It is beautiful rich farming| cry named Flowers has .as its ale- ," , , , [ ausaud, s Waxworks. The fl'g "meal ] to% , . ..................................... ),00i
- :~1 1.11 ] country all the way out past the ] gan "Pick Flowers". I thought it 3ul" 2 Frida- ] are ~eautiful. The Chamber of Hor-] ] Lowrey Meritage ........................................ $1350.00 ]
.... lon eat and ..... nether named Cour ~ ~/rms ts awful the Hall of Mnrors/ I ,
NOW ONLY , er d I airport and has the g was imrists A " O R --~ " "• " '" "
a p y • ' " . ." ,, N OU TOUR today we went hilarious I tarts a" • Lowre Lmcolnwood ......... $1400.00
- I U : [only 6-lane highway m England. [age admomshes one Lo Take +h ..... ~. ~.,,,i,,,~ w .... +',ran ...... ] . . - s d tl zua dora and] [ L0, y ..................... . . ).00 [
re are thou " ~ vv s ~, -"~ " • ~, met a la(ly whom I couldn't et by
ale good 3 days 0nly... Oct 14-15-16 ]Past ph, ces where the . ;-.[ Courage . - ..... o' ne "by the" c ty'anh is like'a| Ever.. tim I o* .... ...... ]Lowrey Holiday Deluxe ........................ : .... $700.00 ]
• /sanes of houses and apartments[ WE WENT TO THE mty oz .....,~_.._,.., ..................... ~ ~ .... vv ....... ~ ~"~ u'u/ / /
..... p~tr~, w~mur~u~;e ~ v~ry mgn nat, too I said 'Tin or "
w~th chimney pots hke a forest on Coventry, wlueh was terribly dam- . , , s ry , then I no- .
Ill a ~ ~*i P~ i ............................. I ....... • ............. he "a'"-- vely" old and Vel'y beautlful, z vet Uced she was dressed exacUv likel I Let us prove.. "IHr LOWR]:a ORGAN is the e slcs ' " i
LOp /'k t~ll 1 II 1 H~,y LUI* t~at.xl J•~[~l[/. ~,~[~([ 1|| L 1 | ~.~ll'~ t, W~bL. ~L k* Ll|t~" , • " ~ - * a "
• ' • " dec~ded at last why I never found a ' ' to ]a of ] • ,
K XDL _X IThey bur,, coal Only /, [dr.l was in ruis but they havc ..o ....oo:.,=- .. ....... / I I ,y • t
7~ of - n I was m d only then reahzed tt a lnmsscal mstrumcnts
l~ m, ~ • • ~..im~ /landis centrally hcated. ] built the most beautiful modernno'ba~,~'er~sh~o~'on'lv ,;~'l~e.~n~.n~,]~vas a mirror 1 was sashaying with.] / I'.:~?] ]
~t ' • , " v , a s I ielt so embalzassed but everyone
oad 426-8665 / YESTERDAY WE ~ENT to/one I have ever seen It ts for ............. I ...... ' | ] __ ..-_~.-~ I
.~ ,,. ........,..,.,.._ /Stoke Poges Ch,,,'ch, where Tbom-]all chu,•ches, and called United, ar~r,,~:~ss~gr~sa,,runs" ~'ar.,ng ,orS|was so busy laughing at them-| I IF _ im ,
=- ............. ' .............................................................................................................................. " the] se ves no one saw me. ] ] "°'"'i
The guide tool, .s to see loave in the mo, nin for A ,, 'OW., ,
~: ~ --~ Cambridge Amerzcan cemetery] sterdam Will wriLe a~ain from| ~ t~'~~ ]
i| ~~,..~:~~';~.~,~.~.~&~..:~'~ ~.`*.~`~z~:~i~`~!~i~i~!~!:~~`W.'.~ @~1 whcre therc are many many thou-[ there ' ° ........ / ~ /~ ~_ / ]~-~P~ ]
~. / burn Abbey owned by the Earll - ---- ~ ' i'
i: ~ ~ :"' ~ --, -- 'i .,~*~ -----.= i i | and Dukes'of Bedford It consistsi ! JOHNNY'S
of 3,000 acres, with a high brick . "~-- "~...f /~
• ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ [] ~ [] i i ~ ~ ~ ~ , / is a zoo where deer were grazine:[ ~_4~ ~~ | 't il " ''"~
, ~.e~da~l~d ti~lI 205 Cota Open Mon., Wed.& Fri. Evenings 'Till 8"3t26 4302, ,
........ WINTER TIRES, o " "
~~ ~~ * la9Odtractor.typecleatsb:jlwtdeep bitedeel~ i ~,~ ,4"JruL" ~la/=X~hiV~A. 41hhlllMlh ILila~le,~lll~u ~Nk~/~~'
~~:~1~= ~~ puh you through S . . _ i ~/~4. /111~ VITIi~ ~ll~r~i~ /r~/,IJrl[ ~ll~ul~J~l~ ]~1~I ~A~%
~~':'~J~'i~ ~~w~r, * Des gned to ~et vou through even at Turnp kb. !
~~ ~~ speeds. , . | AND TOY CENTER
i~~~ ~.~ • Tuf.syn, toughest rubber ever used m Goodyear I ~'
.... ~,~ ...... tires. J' (HRISTMASWONDERLAND
i~ 2 FOR
:~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ / ~ • RACE SETS • TRAIN SETS ~
~~i~~i," [ , , ~ ~ [ ~ "k GAMES -- ANIMALS -- GUNS ~k
~lll 'ii ~ 6.00/6.50 x 13 black tubeless plus tax. / ~
~~~lll i Other sizes equally low priced. , / ~ MODEL
I / B~TS --- C:RS --- PLA:ES
Oo '!c'!Zv'=o - TOYS TOYS TOY$
~N~ve On tires--and then get the ~ ............ ~ __ ~1"~ l~u~ !~ / ~LK~.
lneels to match Saves mounting and H W=NT ONLY " =ae.. /
.emoun" "v D o lar ....... '-'=°' ..... B / FOR ALL AGES FROM 6 MONTHS TO 99 YEARS
_ tnn.. ever. season. All ._o u
1N] EQlrlRE],, / LAY ""'"' " HA"IIH$
,,es available. "., ' . ' " ee" e ee '
E x,' /; AWAY (A SMALL pEP0$1T') , &T°ySh°p
, ...... ................... .... ' ...... ;-- unw ' OLDS YOUR GiFT TIL CHRIHTMAS .z =o w, co,,,
SHAI, -ELLIS( C0 """ ""
I . "-- ' • .'.:'.9+. 9 • • "
Front & Grove 19th & ac, Ave. 5th & E Main ~:~ , k~
SHELTON TACOMA PUYALLUP '11~ ~.. ~.,~.~~j,.~, ~,~...~~~. ~~.~ .j~.,~ ~ F~J~