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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I GES 'S: LTON--I A 0N' COT2 1 30URINAL--Pfiblished in 'tUhr sfmastown, , helt0n, Washln ' • Clntrh.s F. Colde, S I the home of his.a Mr. and Mrs. return from a Wel , duty with the U.S.. l|omecoming Set For Oct. 21-22; Tim Brown, Eh.etronh, s Techni,.ian Third many. He will soon Chairman, Naming Those To Handle Activities cl.,ss Franklin, J. ray,n,, USN, • 'by JUDV TURNER 2. The applicant makes a tape GRAPEVIEW--Our local grape f Da__DO,. ,A~lyN? I~a{A~!,~E son of Mr. and Mrs. ;Phomas D. plicants,NORTH MA SON HIGHo are .ttome-of a specified music, and it is withstlltsharveStapproximatelYof activitieSthe .affair.Were75CallerspeopleWOUndwere Ill)in Clayton,S~CengS jenJn(~ylnbgyt1~n([aal~l(~Y;~:t"Sr, and Mrs. Walt Clay- M iFLa:~at SedroNl~)iF:nWOOleY,at_ijlIFo aii~>with Na'valPayne Shclton.comnnmicationsiS serving Station,at U.S.~iMp U ||a, A u m.n,,Y0UR/i, ,.r] coming this year has been set for listened to by the dircctors of the Sunday with growers selling out as well as watching the ball games Guam, M.I. _~ Oct. 21-22, with the bonfire and group, to a steady ilfflux of buyers on with dad while the ladies occupy ,..- .. cal' caravan on Thursday and the 3. The student is notified how he a "pickem-yourself" basis. Stretch themselves otherwise. One espec- . G Naval Commtmications ~tation, ,**,~ game and . dance Friday. Tim did on the audition. The applicants Island vineyard owners Orville and lilly interesting outing was their :sand of its type in United States Brown has ...... uc(,n names as some- lnllst be s_uonsored bv a" clvm'. Looms Kager reported they were tour of the Olympia Brewery ('dining (qlairnlan and has been gr'o~ o s ' s " ' " s n£1'n o . .. - _ l .uch a~ the Kiwanis el out of grapes early in the after- where they were fascinated witil territory, providing communic.x- bu.'y ha 1 g nt asmgmnents. Lions. There must be boosters andnoon and, although the crop was the salmon ladders out in the tions support to ships of the Scy- The senior boys will handle thethe total cost, if a student is rhea- excellent in quality, the yield was park area. The younger Griggs, ~nth Fleet operating in the West- bonfire, the lettermen llave the c.n, is $590. small, possibly boca.use ~f a sev- who arrived in Grapeview Oct. 6, nn Pacific. car caravan and the Junior class 'The Ni ~ht of Ja .^ . ere frost early intim season, plan to spendaboutt~o weeks ,' e r o ' g nuary xu" has CWO lh,nry Palms, son of Mrs. dl tak ca c of the dance M rc • • Other growers on the island here, in all. baby girl born in Aberdeen Oct. 6. ~. ~ ..... ' . been chosen for this year's semor !Vlorence Palms, (3'.apeview, ac- es Lne osier acuviGes and selcc- ). -- ( ..... " .... completing operations last week Former New Zealanders, Mr. Mrs. Pike is the former Joan .... ¢ : - "- I lay. AUnUons nave seen held, cepted an award on behalf of his ucm ox c mr~ ncxc weeK. an" "i ~ ...... included Walt Eckert, Orin Buck-and Mrs. Harry Butler, were drop- Trenckmann. t~ ......... CI WilnG S or ,,lie leas roles are battalion ill lhe A',my of Nurn- J'ne tviarlne ~lology cross o[ B~,, r~,, ~s ~il wlo,,,,, T, ,~, m .... ingham, H. P. Hillman and the in'guests of the A. V. Richards, Mrs. Lud Rossmaie.r, Mrs. Ed- berg, Germany. He is mainienancc North Mason High took a field cr"~nd'~l~'n~" i~l:ell"~'~."'~s --"'."- St. Charles Winery. The Winery's Friday after'noon. Tile Butlers, who Ward Valley and Mrs. Elvin Heal'- ffficer of the 1st Bit., 22nd Ar- tip to the salmon fisheries at m-stcr, wiliYb i oUra r grape crop, in a switch from pr:e- now live in Everett, had driven ~ng were hnlcheon guests of Mrs. Hoodsport .... Oct.. 8: This. . class.., thef anfl~; zu.-^~'~e~er: LYMertm,:'~:'~F'~reacner';" "' at? ~;ious years, was shipped east of down with friends to look over Watson Ross at Oyster Bay Fri- battaliontillery' whiChMnterialreceivedR e athed i n1965e s s seconfl m ~ne s~ute, is rummy or.. s .... . ....... ' ~,;he mountains, to the Alhambrasome property in the Rocky Bay day, ' " iota on m the narltea fllrectoz juniors and senims who are in- " .... Wine Company .at Selah. area and were able to reserve a Awmd during ccremonies recently terested in doing work outside of SENIOR CLASS officers met The Sarah Eckert Orthopedic few hours for the Grapeview visit Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmaier MARINE PRIVATE GARY D. at Pinder Barracks. Palms, a 1949 classtime They~ve alarmed more with Mr. Hurlbut to discuss grad- field trips, including one to the unties .announcements and Gnild sponsored a successful Game and a lively exchange on the com-and girls of Shelton spent Wed- HUGHES, son of Mrs. Gladys E.graduate of Shelton High School, '~' Ifll'] Night Saturday at the Firehallparative merits of driftwood iu nesday evening at the Lud Ross- Hughes, Shelton, was graduated is married and lives in Nurnberg.- ocean ChOOSe two sryms to present the NeW Zealand and Puget Sound mater home. . Sept. 16 from Marine recruit mIN' The" North Mason Music Depart- class with. attendance. Co-chairmen Mrs. Bob was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry training at the Marine Corps Re- Engineman First Class DWIGHT meat has been honored by recetv- At 1'.30 p.m. Tuesday, Joss Battles and Mrs. George Lewis A little culture was added to are the owners of a new red cruit Depot at San Diego, Calif. L. PIERCE, USN, son of Mr. and _____-i !• ing two applications to the United Wind, comedian, gave a perform- States of America High School ante for the whole school. Admis- were assi~ted by Mesdames Jubie the lives of several Grapeviewites piclcup. They were Saturday hmch-During his eight weeks of lares- Hicks, Myron Polk and Lee Whir- Sunday when they attended the con guests of Mr. and Mrs. Them- skied recruit trainin~ under vet- Mrs. Dwight H. Pierce. Shelton. Band and Choir. Out of 700 ap- sion was 25 cents for ASB card hey and all were gratified by re- Community Concert Association- as Rowe, Shelton. eras non-commissioned officer returned to Yokosuka, Japan Sept. 80 students chosen holders and 50 cents for those who sponsored performance of the Ta- MR. AND MRS. Wayne Evers Drill instructors, he learned 20 aboard the tank landing ship 'n W for the concert band, and 40 are don't have their cards. This is Orin Buckingham and Jubie Hicks.coma Civic Ballet Company at ningand atfamilYthe ElvinSpentHearingSaturdaYhome.eYe" smallonet fighting,arms marksmanshiP,and methodsbaY'of USSseven_weeks~¥hitfieldof operationsC°unty' followingwith the L~ H r I[ chosen for the vocal group. The just one of the many benefits ofDoor prize was won by a delighted the Junior High School auditor- Mr. and Mrs. Cmt Sell and self-protection, as well as receiv- Seventh Fleet. steps in applying are: having a Student Body card, so little girl, Kristi Seiners and' other ium. Thoroughly enjoying the de- ~h0 e0rd lightful interlude were Mrs. Walt daughter,Margo, were weekend ing [nstruction in military drill, During the seven-week period, 1. The director of the music de- all those Who' don't have theirs ~'inners .included Mrs. Lea Soule, visiters history and traditions of the Ms- Whitfield County participated in F,EV=a=6,a. partmcnt recommends a student, yet, had better get on it. who might,, be. considered 'the' ton, Jr., Mrs, Clem Hell, Georgia relatives. Mrs. Sell brought her rise Corps, and other academicOperation Piranha, an amphibious ~~Nisi ~ winner for the evening, coming operation launched against the up with a prize twice after re-do- Clayton, Debbie Milner, Jani~ Peg- small brother home for a visit subjects. Any little'iagY' sating her first winnings to thereba and Kristi Seiners. here. -- Viet Cong. lmrch or breezeW~ Mr. and Mrs. James Freden- Coast Guard Iqnsign Laurence Interior Communications Tech- FI,I~X.O-GI,ASS' cause Also lucky were Mareeila brag of Hoquiam and Mrs. W.S. Just cut with sh Westberg, the Reichman's son Dick, Asmund Rindal, Georgia 0ensus T~ Ask " Jacobsen of Aberdeen were Sun.. It. Seiners, son of Mr. and Mrs. niclan Third Class Locater E. Syt-over screens. d~y dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Somers, Grapeview, hassma, USN, son of Mr. and ]Virs. sunlit room,''I td). i Elmer C. Sytsma, Shelton, is serv- healthful Ultrl AU (~lass ," , , , Furniture Repair ~ Clayton, FredGivens, Leah Rindal, Ed~[i0n Qu0sti0ns Elvin Hearing. penetrated into virtually unexplor- ing aboard the attack aircraft where the childxe ' Myron Polk and Dean .Bucking- Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaiermo- ed regions of the Arctic Ocean, carrier USS Hancock, operating winter long-oi~u Expert Installation Repairing and Refinishing ham. "Black-out" went to Phyllis tored to Cornelius, Ore., and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy 480 miles from the North Pole, t Ge; JIM PAULEY, [NC 0n All Types of Furniture Lutz. . The hopes that parents have for out of Alameda, Calif. Hancock The regular monthly meeting ofthe education of their children, and Trees and to visit their aunt, Mrs. while participating in oceanogra- rccently returned to Calif., follow- clear FLEX-O-G the educational plans young pod- • SMITH FURNITURE REPAIR the Sarah Eckert Guild will be pie have for themselves will be ex- James Neer of Oberon, N.D. phy research operations aboard ing seven months of operations tod0%0nfuelC.? 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-3926 Mrs. Ernie Adams and Dan Da- the Coast Guard Icebreaker North- with the Seventh Fleet in the plored in the Census Bureau's Oc- wind s '' " years at~ f~e~r 2!4 So. 2nd, St' 426-8577 homeheld FridaYof Fredthe Treasurecollins. IslandTime. tober Current Populati{m Surve" via of Enumclaw and Mr. and ' We. ternPaeffm that included glass. On y or l~ ' as usual: 11 a.m. r,,.~,^r m,.~_.,~ .... , ,,.^ ,-, .... ~" Mrs. James Rossmaier and girls The Northwind has made ocean-] four months of combat air opera- local hdwre. R,,rou,, ~o~i~,.I ~elo~ ~t ~,~tl, ot ~neiton spent Sunday after- ograpmc stllales at: l~lOl'e than ±us • • ' GRIDIRON DEVOTEES from ~"=~'~ *,a,a,u~u, ~,~ L,v ,~v,~t,~ ............... ] tions over North Viet Nam Hair Dresser I Grapevtew had a choice of foot- .~.~i~-~'~'~'~:,~'~. ~':~'ll~ ~'~ noon at the Edward Valley home.positions, and is continuing her ~ Aut: Repairing i For:EXverlenced Beauty ]]ball contests last Friday evening ~-";~.'='~..~Z ~:\~::-:_~'.2% ~.~..Z.~.7~: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cash and work on a track line westwardll I ' NIaJor Overhauls | Service 8n-c~*llz~on ~nf ] ] with some electing to view the ............... children of Everett spent the from the roland of Severnaya Zem- ] | ................. .,~ ............ n~.nt .~rn~l~ h ..... h,~ .... ul h~ weekend w~th their folks Mr. and ye to Franz Josefland, along i;he [ ] K~;~=~.~ ~||I [ • Brakes & Ignition I Razor Cuttin¢, ~i scoreless outcome of the Shelton m October about s~uuu~ ~mu.- ' " t " , ,~ •r*-" ........... . .......................... - .... ....... .-... GOLD, [ • Welding & Tune-upsI -_.__, = I I Junior High Blazers versus the u x cm y a u z aau o~ - ~' • ~ •~, interviewe-" "o "1 n~ 'n .... h Mrs. Max ~asn f-.rcuc L.;I cte ,, - i~.~=,=r.-- -. PAT WALKER of Seattle spent I Special Winterizing | MILLIES BEAUTY SALON ['Washington of Olympia Bulldogs er selected areas of the country . . --- II HOLDS IN HEAT , I ED'S SERVICE I ....Next .'to Barber Shop II battle in Shelton, the remainder : • the weekend with his folks, the ~ , t @t during the week beginning Oct. 18 ........ " Fireman Gerald G ~Vest xI~ ][ A . , .... **~ Y~~ -~t I 112 W. Cota 426-39926 | It#zo ulympio Hwy. N, 4,26 :.511 I travelling to Silverdale where The question on educational ~arl wasters. " .......... 0 ~ "" • - " " they cheered the Shelton Hign- . " ..... Mr and Mrs Earl ...... d son of O. E. West at Matlock II : avesupt04us0nluel pmns will apply to SChOOl children -- -- " "'~ • ......i- servin~ with th~ ~o,onth WZ~ li -- , . _,o .7,~e~; '/~1~ I| • climbers on to a 14-0 victory over *l ....... h ~"~" ~_t.^.., ..~^ m,..gvanoaaugnter Sl)ent Tuesuay with ~ " ~, ........~ .......... ~a ~-t.~ / ~/~'£| Bakery , Hearin I Central Kltsap. A chance for a re- ~,f~si ""'S"~ ~ ....... ~.s~.. ~,}e. relatives in _m .......... ....... in the Sooth China Sea aboard the ]1 ~c~'¢e'~~ I~ ~r~mm~~mm scnoo attenoanee questionsWlU attack ~ir~r"f~ ...... ,... Tro~, ,-,... _, , ~ a - . ~ ~m,,'~.~ ~ ~ i i-"~~#va m ' r ....... _ • .11 hash of both games was provided, " Mr and Mrs I C Ford drove ' ~ ~ ~t ~ ~t~,~ ~ ~uraa m m m~ m mx, mmrl~, mm ~m. ~ . ~ J Fresh Baked Bread - Cakes -[ • ~are_~y.ffnecK ]/ ~ollowing the events, by Eke and cover enrollment at each level of . - ' ' " " Sea I~ I i ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~-"'"~. tovancouver Thursday to bring | Doughnuts - Rolls- Buns- ~ • ~:.~an-up__. -- .. i l Ann Eacrett at a Koffee-Klatch ~.oCh°JlersionC!Utd:fege ~oUT:TeaSrCh°~1' their aunt M~s. Myrtle Myers Coral Sea has been operating i I ili~l I_l ~/A~ ~v 90~ • Minor & tdajor l~epalrs~ o e r . ~ , ..... • [ Cu:,tom Baked Cakes [ [] aeld in their Stretch Island h m as well as other facts about them, home. for a. wmt. She ~s staying longer, than any.combatant step I I ] ~ / ~~--- |Ca! C~! end T~~ [ HI'S BAKERY' I STARKEY'8 HEATING ~ ~nd there was hardly a lull 'in includinc~ the number of-ouIw wits her sister, Mrs. J. R. Stag'.e- currenuy aeploye.a wl~n ~ne ~ev- II I ~ i~l~,a~l "~-~_'~ ..... , | Oly. Hwy. NO. (Mt. View) J Sales & Service ]] he conversation throughout the people ~vh0 dropped out l~efoz'~ ton this week. , .... enth" Fleet and engaged in ]~ | ~'~._ ] ~~ i [ ,~~ I[; [ 614 EIIln0r 426-4673I~ i;vening. Guests were Julie'Stock fini]ahin~ high ~oh~ ~vn' ann Mrs rier~er~ ~renmcy- nearly au naval air support ann I ..... ! I =a~~=:m_~ ! ! ~,_ - _ ._- _! ! i- 426-31799 . ' " " " ] Walt Eckert, Walt and Salli clay- Innui~ies'~ma~iC~ it." the October el' Jr. and family spent Sundaystrike missions in Viet Nam since ]l ~ :~ I I ~--~ I~ ]~on and Howard and Murial Sore- ~oa~?~ ..... + ~ .... ,~+; ........... at the I C Ford home the first retaliatory stzike over II I -~"~.~.?._~.__li~.?'~'~:-* I Ih,,h~,*-,-W I I' veated thnt aho,,t .~t7 rotll~nYo," Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hopkins of North Vlet Nam m F ebruary ]i ~ ] ........ I| ] l~ Land. ennin I,rs from Grapeview and George .... ....... '~v ......... ~urvc re .... . -. ~ ,, ....... ,~.,,,,, Beauty ' ...... , ..... a .... ~ "-----'~'-'" | ira.lloy, Bob and Donna Sund, Har- - .............. ~'~'" ' ' a ainst th D~ " ' "l ....... I • Lawns rockeries, trees e " sons five to 34 years old we, e Tacom~ and Harold Hopkins of ~g' c mgHo~ml~tarysup- | .=--W~ ].~V~ ~!~]|||~2 ~|~Y,~o I • Complete Hair Care i , " ]old and Merle Wilson, the 'C.,ec " .......... l" d~')~ " .............. ' .......... enrolled in school or college at~inclton were ~unaay tinnier gues~:s P ~ ~1 u~. | shrubs I * Wigs- Wiglets- Switches [ • To soil tilli .... ] Crows, Bob Nolls' and Frosty that time, an increase of 5.4 mil- of.Mr, and Mrs. R.E..Bradber}'.y. -------- [i .... P.lus Such Other Winter ] rotect0 i . Merle Norlnan Cosmetics I ,. • o p, , ng, leveling [ Kochs, all of Shelton. " ..... : ~vtzand Mrs rietoert Iteun ] • Free Demonstrations [.~. Free E•timates . I Out from Seattle this past lion, or 11.7 percent over the Oc- "" ' ' n,~r,,-~ora ~ ~T ~ ~,~ ..... ,o I| ,, :~ober 1960 enTollment In those spent Saturday in Seattle with Mr "~.f. .... :~. " "~"='~' U. ..... %,~, ,o II ' ' ~:~ " '~'~':' " ' | ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON | SUNSET LANDSCAPING ~[weekend to help Orin and Ethgl ...... • and r " • vls~nng sis parents lvtr. ann 2ars ....... [ Herbert Baze 426-4718 Buckingham finish up their grape four. years, kindergarten enroll- visit~a ,~,." f~;, ,~: Albert Lord, Shelton on a 30-day ] Aluminum W lidovcs • Stor ] 6th & Laurel 426-4582. , harvest activities were son and meat increased 18 .percent; ele- "~'he"~ ="tlo i)*t~n''T ,' "~" - leavc fronl his duties aboard the II . mentary school, just under five • "; "' '' USS Coontz ba~ed in ~an Die,~o I| family, Dean and Billie with percent; high school, 25 percent; joyed a lovely stay nnd hmcheon .... _ .... _._. ~' ~' IJ _. , __. Piumbin~ & .__ youngsters Becky and John. Theyand college 'or professional scIIool, at the home. of M~s'... Frank Mat.- I| ~ftPm ~Jlrt/]~x~r ~!~'~ Chiropractor , e~ . --"--'~ e~ , I were,hardly able to cope with the ] • Office Now Open h ~ For All Types of ~ ~udden and nnexp~cted onslaught 30 percent, r wezeUSka near SatsOPtne r¢lvetsldeThm'sdaY'Club L~d]esH°StS MIA/lCand JameSM~s MR'EAhb°tt'A (it sonh ofl ]| ,.. ~xa,a v ~ ll[IJ~l~.~[~r JIL]kl~k,~ ] • 323 Franklin Street ] | Plumbing & Heating |] af cals Sunday afternoon but fi~- The customary monthly infer- " " '" ~ " • ". " v. .... bb)., S c-]| ] Phone 426-8060 ] ] try [I ally managed "to unsnarl the tra - mation abou.t employment and un- -- ............. ton, has arrived for duty at Goose I _ _ . _ [ Hoodsport Plumbing & Heating[I fic jam, finishing up in.fine fash- employment will be gathcred in -- ~ AB, Canada. | |,~(j,,],-,~-,,~,~ ~ ~[~[,-,,,4]L,,~ -~ ! ] J.L. DEBBAN, D.C. [ I ....... Phone 877-5505" [[ ion,-well ahead Of sehedule.' .... ... October, and ~ number of families ,-; ~---~,.~~1[,~, Airman Abbatt a radar repair- ][ llL, LilOL[1Ull TT t:~t~Ll[~ ,IL l | g-n,onn 2-6 closed Thurs. ] [ R. C. Snyder HoodsDortt [ Howard and Murial Somers were will be asked about their plans to J ,~| ~~ ~'~ man, p:eviously served at McC'hord ][ s , , , , ! I_ - 'pleased last week to hear the buy automobiles, honses, and ms- ~ ~ ~ • t ~t • ~t..~F] AFB, Wash. He is a member of I] " " • news that. daughter Liz had been Jor household appliances during ~ ~ I ~-~~ the Air Force Communications [ ~ I~R~,,m~, ,, I,,m,~nPR I~ [ C r ~ ~ leaning Se|'vicc, . Printin eleoted President of W-Key, a the next few months. Similar ques- | ~'~ |~~___.~.-- Service wllich maintains and oper- l| ~'~L~|| L,ur~|~JlP[t[ r' | tions on consumer buying inten- ~ ~ Vi~i|l ales a global system of air traffic ]| "" --"~ ~ '~ Weekly Service to Shelton [ . ~ ....... . [ sophomore:women's scholastic and ,, U • . ~.atmn rods and ...... -,, ,~ [ • Quality Work ~]activities honorary club at the tzons are included zn the survey ~'_-~ W~k~U~|~u control navi~" : • , c~m ]] (:04 HILLCREST P • J anitor Service ] I " , ! University Of Washington. four times a year. ~_--_~'~ ...... - mu.nications for USAF. . | ,, • Ruk - Upholstery Cleaning ] [ of All Kinds ~l' Miss Susan Pogreba was a .................................. "-'- ..... Complete Line of Suppllcs I ! II ~uest speaker at the first Fair ~~ ~~:~ :~ ~ ~ ~~'~~ ~ ~ ~ I DON'S JANITOR SERVICE i i THE JOURNAL ][ i:Iarbor Grange meeting of the sea- ' ~ ~ a. 2103 E. 4th, Olympia 362-1367i ] 227 Cote Phone 426-4412]1 son held last ~ihurSday evening , . I ' , I at the Grapeview ~scho01. She re- ...... ported on her stay at. the Pan. Rental Ser--i-'-, handle Lake Grange Youth Camp ~.~~ Cl amng Service , v , .... ~ , last August when ~he and ~V[arcel- , Carpets-Wall to Wall r il A,m0st Anything Anywhere [ la; Westberg were sponsored by :l"t.-'a: s C'upreme: ] Floors - Stripped, Polished ] ] Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps ] Fair Harbor. The two girls at- Windows - Walls - Upholstery ~ | Folding Banquet Tables i tended for severaldays along wlth | "SHELTON'S OWN" ] ] & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. [ 150 yoUngsters from all over the ] CLEANING SERVICE CO. ]] LEW RENTS [state'. Susie was Very enthusiastic It out! Brand-new hardtop froin I Days 426-8138 Nites 426-4376 ~L | 2216 E. 4th, Olympia 857-7781 ]thankedi abottt ' ~hethe encampmentclub sincerelya forn a ,/US_ Old smobileT, ' " " choosing her as a representative. Contracting Sand, Gravel .... • Top Soil • Peat Soll • Custom Tractor Work Johns Creek Sand & Gravel 426-3552 Norm Anderson Corrective Shoes . Shoes .... I EDWARD'S for Children ] I WOMEN'S .-- Rad Cross--- | Regular or Correotlve | | Town & Country---Cobble• | We guarantee all Children'a | | MEN'$ --- Florshe]m -- Weyen- I Fittings I i berg---Huah Pupplea--- MILLER'S SHOE DEPT. | Red Wing ;-- Currin Green, 1 II. MILLER'8, .SHOE DEPT. Draperies, Custom Made Tire Service R,oad building - Bulkheads Fills and Excavations Bulldozing - Dump trucks STACEL CONTRACTING CO., INC. Hoodsport, Wash., Ph. 877-5312 DRAPERIES & BLINDS • New OK Tires Custom Made • R~ealYping For YOUR Home • Used KAY'S DRAPERIES OK TIRE STORE Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 H Drugs .... • Helena Rubinstein Cosmetics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY 5th ? Franklin PhP. 426-3327 Travel .... • Air - Rail . Steamship • Bus - Hotels - Tours • No Extra Charge For Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 42p-4134 Electrical TV Service I • Radio - TV, i • Fairbanks-Morse PumpsI ] 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. | I • Phonographs ] 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 ] ] o CB 2-way radio I Electrie Heating I ] LEROY'S TV SERVICE L • Westinghouse Appliances I IMr" V,ew Ph. 426-317= Floor Coverings Upholstery I • Linoleum I I I • Tile KEN'S UPHOLSTERY • [ • Carpeting I • Formica 1612 Divis!on I REX FLOOR COVERING Phone 426-8185 Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 ........ ~,, -. ;: u #~" " ' '~" Mr. and Mrs.. Orin Buckinghara will host a social evening for the Fair Harbor Grange members Oct. 21, Whictl wilr f~cure a potluck supper. Sales representative for Purdy Realty, Julie ,Stdek announced Monday that State Superintendent of Public Instruction Mr. Louis Bruno,• has purchased the former Ed Milrer- residence .on ' Tz~easure Island for a summer home. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bruno to our community. MR. AND MRS. AB Wagoner of La Centre spent la'st 'weekend on Stretch' Island as guests' of Mrs. Wagoner's brother~ and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Glothlin. They drove up on Friday With' friend, Mrs. Lucille McAllis- ter, who stayed at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Richey. A dinner get- together.for all the guests, in- cluding Mrs. Richey and George Pickell, at John and Emma's high- lighted the visit Sunday afternoon prior to their departure. Earlier in the week Faye Richey, with Mrs. Lucflle Latham of Pot- latch and Mrs. Esther Garland drove south to Coos Bay and a vis- it with Faye's niece and children. MrS. Dick Cavanagh, Lois Lynn and Johnny. They returned home Thursday. Lloyd Richly has recently ac- cepted a position as sales repre- sentative for Santa Rosa Winery of Sunnyside.:'He w~s .'fcrkinerly employed in this capacity by the St. Charles Winery. The Grapeview Mothers' Club held its October ~neeting last Wed- nesday afternoon in the school lunchroom~ Newly,elected presi- dent, Ernestine Nieklaus, intro- duced a discussion of the Hallo- ween party for the school children and Oct. 29, was chosen as the date. A Thanksgiving basket will be given away at a Game Night to be sponsored by the club in November. ' VISITING WITH the Edwin Griggs is their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grigg with 15-month:01d Jennifer of Galeta, Calif. Norman:who is on yac~tion ~rdn~ [he Santa Barbara Post Of- k. t= ,] "Brand-new" means Cutlass Supreme--the luxurious four.door hardtop that just joined the '66 lineup at your Oldsmobile Dcaleds! Longer. Wider. Smarter. Smoother. More posh, more powerful than any Cutlass before it! Sound like the sassy new Supreme might change your ideas about low.priced cars? You can bet on it! At your Dealer's ... LOOK TO OLDS FQR THE N EWi JS MELL GHEVROLET Q0., I ST & GROVE