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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L )etcher 14 196 H LTON--MA ON COUNTY 30U1RNAL--Published in ' r$,fmas own, ghelton. PAGE 11 b I E, editor and publisher, is senior member of the with more than 31 years service ranging from cub out of college through news editor, advertising Lnd junior partner to his present responsibility as co- President of the incorporated partnership. He first ~ember of the staff in 1934 when Grant C. Angle ure hangs on the wal in picture above) was still ac- or of the Journal. Mr. Angle founded the Journal in YOuth of 19 years and continued to be active in its af- 1937. The only other editors of this paper have been for about one. year, J. Eber Angle, son of the found- ~t seven years through World War II, and W. L. "Wiff" about five years immediately after World War II. Years in the position, Dickle is second only to Grant length of service as Journal editor and publisher. AL FORD has been Journal news editor since mid-1962. He began his journalistic career in hisnative SOuth Dakota, came to the Journal after a stint with the Tri-City Herald in easternWashing- ton. He handles all news copy except social and sports and is =n charge of page 1 make-up, as well as most of the photography. AI lives near the Shelton airport with his wife and five youngsters. ?2 DON ADOLFSON, as Journal advertising manager, holds one of the key positions on the staff. He has been with us only since last January. His home is Spokane. His duties are concerned entirely with advertlsingmsales, lay.outs, writingi recording. A bachelor, he lives at the Lawton Apartments, A 'DEE' JOHNSON is senior member of the distaff side of Journal family, having begun her affiliation with this newspa- in August, 1947, and iS office manager and head bookkeeper. als~ reads copy and handles employment of the mailing crew h gathers every Wednesday afternoon to prepare the weekly for delivery. Mrs, Johnson is a widow who lives at 408 street. MARY KENT, if she were on a baseball team, would be called a utility man, for she does a variety of tasks which keep the cogs greased and wheels rolling at the Journal. Primarily a proof read- er, Mary pinchhits in the bookkeep~ing department and does much of the billing, circulation records, and classified advertising. She has been a member of the Journal staff since mid-summer of 1957. Mary lives with her husband Red and daughter Sharon at their new home at Spencer Lake. MARJ JAcoBSON has been society editor of the Journal since the fall of 1960. She is a 1~40 graduate of Shelton high school whose two children have also graduated from the same halts of learning, one now attending WSU, the other married and living in Long Beach with her two small children, Besides her duties as society editor, Marj alsohandles photography and special hews assignments. She and her husband, Russ, live at 1748 Stewart street. / THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON IPAPERS OF THE UNITED STATES: pride and pleasure that I participate in this traditional tribute to newspapers. taken for granted, America's countless daily and weekly papers have g ardians of her time-honored traditions and eloquent spokesmen for ideals of her freedom-loving people. Taken together, our nation's Constitute the world's most responsible and effective organ of current us to safeguard the freedom of our papers to inquire, to criticize, to views and to stand as s entinels for the public wherever the pub- is being transacted. Newspapers and their readers are partners in if we fail to defend the freedom of our press, we neglect our own. that Americans everywhere wholeheartedly join me during Na- e VSPaper Week in high recognition of the indispensible role of. our free the everyday life of our beloved nation. LYNDON B. JOHNSON President