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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 12 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in :CChr{sfrnastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, ], d I¢ !' q i= !r 1 N E W --- N E W --- N E W I ! New personnel, new equip- ment, new color at DEAN'S STUDIO this fall. Behind the flurry of paint brushes and all the Senior Class traffic at DEAN'S, you will find.that he is bringing the area a most exceptional 'change- of, pose' In Professional Portraits this.season. DEAN is featuring salon backgrounds for the NEW 1965 LOOK---whether for groups, children, couples or individual portraits. Come in and see us--or phone 426-3272 for your Christmas portrait sitting now. .... (Paid Adv.) HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: I. An outgoing envelope Rudy to mall t~ out customerl, ~tll corn* Your piny mime and addrue 18 In up. per left hand i~Ol'nelro 2. Detachable form stome detmcheo )'our statement, or* der form, collection notice, dues, etc., •nd Inserts check in pocket of return envelope. Detach. • ble flap. provides customers with a ncord of expenses. District Garden Club Meeting Is Held In Tacoma The October 5 Capitol District Garden Club all-day meeting in 73rtt'~amt --was ~t.[efioJo" by seven members and one guest of the Shelton Garden Club. The overflow attendance of 325 1 at ~he Top of the Ocean heard .a short talk on hortimfiture by Dr. Leo Campbell during the mor- ning session. At noon awazds in horticulture and arrangements were announced with Shelton Gar- den Club receiving two red and one yellow ribbon out of five en- i tries. In the afternoon members were most impressed with 12 lovely arrangements made by Mrs. i Franz Neihammer, one of the out- standing flower arrangers in the Northwest. i The club will meet at 1:30 p.m, next Monday in the home of Mrs J. C. Bridger. Mrs. Henry Hans- meier and Mrs. Percy Kennerly will be tea hostesses. A guide car will be at Evergreen Square at 1 p.m. for anyone who does not know the way, or members car call Mrs. Craig Eliot at 426-8337 Sunday evening for directions. Mrs. Eliot has asked any mem- ber who can spare a book on gard- ening or flower ,arranging for a gift to the Shelton Library, to bring it. Chrysanthemums or other flowers are to be brought for ar- ranging.which Mrs. William Hen- derson will judge. / $. Return envelope 4nustomer folds edde down and t4Q|S, NOW | in I '~ envelope has be- come • return en- velope, reRdy, fo2' m speedy, as.curate ~olum lnvel0J~ Iretura to ¥oub i i Ideal for i Savings Accounts Statements Past Due Notices Personnel Inquiry Contract Payments Fund Drives Mail Order Selling i Mail-Well Retumelopes are available lm the following colored papers: White ]VIail-WeU and Pink, Green and Goldea Autumn in Glowtono Stock. Mail. Well envelopea for your every bu lnes: need I Candidates For S .hool Board to Speak Monday Mason County PTA Council will sponsor a "Meet Your School Board Candidate" night at 8 p.m. next Monday in the Evergreen auditorium. This is not a regular PTA meet- ing but is being held to give the public an opportunit,y to meet the candidates who will be running for the school board. Each candidate will give intro- ductory remarks and there will be a question and answer time. Beauty Tips To Be Wig Show Feature A wig show will be sponsored by members of St. Edward's Wo- men's Club at 8 p.m. Oct. 27 in the PUD Auditorium. To be presented by Elaine's Beauty Salon the show will give many new exciting hair beauty tips. Door prize will be lovely hair- piece. Refreshments will be served. Tickets will be available for $1 at the door or may be purchased from any member. CALIFORNIAN ARRIVES ON CANAL FOR VISIT Karl G. V. Johnson of San Fran- cisco arrived on Hood Canal this week for his annual visit with his brother Fred and a friend, Alma Jarstad of Jarstad Creek. Mr. Johnson just returned from his 12th trip to Sweden before making the trip to the canal which he has been doing for the past 30 years. He first came to this area in 1914. CYO TO SPONSOR DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT There will be a CYO dance from 9 p.m. till midnight this Fri- day in the National Guard Arm- ory. Admission will be $1.25. All high school and college stu- dents are invited to attend. Attire will be school clothes. OES SOCIAL CLUB Welcome Chapter No. 40, OES Social Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Juania Potter for a 12:30 p.m. luncheon Oct. 26. Transpor- tation will leave from Mrs. Hack's. LEGION DINNER TO HONOR PAST OFFICERS Past commanders and past pres- idents will be honored by Fred B. Wivell Post No. 31 and Fred B. Wivell Unit No. 31 at a 6:30 p.m. dinner next Tuesday in the Memo- rial hall. There will be entertain- ment after dinner. Those planning to attend should notify either Commander Mel Dob- son or President Mrs. Rae Melcum. DICIiJNSON, MAKO VOWS EXCIIANGED IN SEATTLE Mrs. Georgena Dickinson of Vancouver and Frank Mako Sr,, Shelton, were married Oct. 4 in a :double ring wedding rite in Se- attle Chapel of the Chimes. Dr. Martha Bailey perfot'med the service. Attendants were the bridegroom's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Marjorie Mako, and his sons Dean and Frank Jr. Galaxle 500/XL 2-Door Hardtop to quiet This switch is to bring you music of your choice on Ford new stereo tape player This is for automatic speed control This is to alert you if a door is ajar This is to lock all doors with one much This is to remind you to fasten seat belts This controls 4-way flashers for emergency roadside stops This swings the Magic Doorgate on wagons out for people. Doorgate also swings down for cargo Take this reversible key and test-drive one of the world quietest rides Ford for '66 is a quiet world of push- button luxuries and options. There's a new Stereo-Sonic Tape Player option--provides over 70 minutes of uninterrupted music. • Optional Auto- matic Speed Control for foot-free cruis- ing. = A Safety/Convenience Control Panel option lets you lock all doors with one switch; provides 4-way flasher sys- tem for emergency roadside stops; has panel lights to warn if fuel's low, a door's ajar, your seat belt's unfastened. • New station wagon Magic Doorgate (stan- dard)--swings out like a door for people and down like a tailgate for cargo. New, exciting models- See the Ford 7-Litre series with a 428-cu. in. V-8, standard, the luxurious new LTD's and sporty XL's. See your Ford Dealer for a test drive. PRODUCTS OF AMERI@$ lm , l P#oPJ yc MUSTANG. FALCON . FAIRLAN£ • FORD • THUNDERBIRD 501 RAILROAD AVE. SHELTON, WASHINGTON CANDLELIGHT SERVICE FOR WINGARD, SEYMOUR NUPTIAL MR. AND MRS. White flowers decorated the A1- ki,Congregational church in Seat- tle for the candlelight service un- iting Miss Lueinda Jane Seymour and Donald Joel Wingard in mar- riage Sept. 18. The Rev. Leroy Calbom, minister of the church, and Rev. Robert Albertson, direct- or of religious life at the Univer- sity of Puget Sound, officiated at the service. LATE SUMMER WEDDING RITE The Faith Lutheran church was the setting for an evening wedding Aug. 24 of Miss Janice Morford and Stanley Linn. White rosebuds blue-tipped carnations and green- ery provided the floral decor for the rite performed by the Rev. ,. Carl Carlsen. Music was provided by Mrs. Ron Larson at the organ. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Leslie Collins, Shelton and William Morford, Vashon. Mr. and Mrs. Sbanley Linn Sr. of Shelton are parents of the bridegroom. Given in marriage by her step- father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of lace and tissue sa- tin. The lace bodice was designed with a scalloped neckline above an A-line skirt encircled with a band of !ace: A crown of pearls held a sn.oumer-length veil. She carried a bouquet of white rose- buds and carnations tied with pale blue streamers. Miss Vlcki Cope, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. She was attired in a street-length blue ~Ol'O- cads dresswith matci]ing slippers and carrma a nosegay of rosebuds and blue-tipped carna'tions. 921~e groom was in full dre,~s bhleg His brother, Dick Linn was l~iS bcs~ man, Seating guests were Sloven Cope, cousin of the bride, and Gone Hildebrandt, cousin of the groom. A three-tiered weddin~ cake decorated wzth pale blue and silver and flanRed by blue candles was the cents=piece for the table at the reception, tollowing the cere- mony. Asmsnng were Mesdalnt:~s Vivian l~arey, Helen Stansbury, Myrtle Collins and the Misses I)i- lane Antonsen, Jan Parker, Marg- l uerite and Candy Neau and Col- I lcen Shrum. I , RUMMAGE SALE J DcMolay Mothers Club Will spon- [sor a rummage sale October 22 [from 9 a.m. - 1~ p.m. in the PUD t auditorium. JOE Wl NG#~R D The newlyweds are the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Stanley Seymour of Seattle, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin A. Wingard, formerly of Shclton, and now of Tustin, Calif. The bride's traditional white satin gown was styled with a slim sldrt, chapel sleeves and a brush train falling from the shoulders. Her silk illusion veil was caught to .'~ headpiece of seed pearls and aurora borealis sequins which car- ried out the motif on the bodice of the dress. She carried a bouquet of white roses and stephanotis. Miss Teilyn Thies was maid of honor with the M~sses Judy Lows and Kathy Wiesen serving as bzidesmnids. Lighting the candles were Miss Margaret Seymour and Miss Jo Hay. Miss Lows was also soloist for the ceremony. The ladies-in-waiting wore floor ,,length sapphire bhm crepe empire gowns. The b~idesmaids also wore emerald ~reen headpieces and ear- Iried white spider crysanthemums with touches of enterald green ribbon. A pale blue sheath was chosen by Mrs. Seymour for the occasion while Mrs. Wingard selected an off-white two-piece suit. Tom VVinvard was best man for his brother. Ushers were Dick Sey- mour, b~other of the bride, Scott Seymour, Clint Kelly and Tom Spring. Serving at the reception were Nuel Curtis VFW the Mesdames :Mark Seymour, Ro. bert Wie:;en, Allyn H. Seymour, Allyn H. Seymour Jr., John Weav- er, Robert Wiesen Jr. and Mervin E. Wingard and Miss Elizabeth Fowler. lViiss Kimberly Wingard, niece of the groom, passed the groom's cake and Miss Sara Sey- mour, cousin of the bride, attended the guest book. The couple will continue their studies at the University of Wash- ington this Year and will enter Peace Corps training in June. They now make their home at 1504 N.E. 62rid, Seattle. Invited By New Bremerton Group Nuel Curtis Post and Auxiliary 5372, VFW has been invited tcJ_a~e~.. :~ new post and attxiliary institut- ed at 8 p.m. Satnrday in the Brem, erton Elks temple. The new group is a consolidation of three posts and auxiliaries and will be known as Bremerton Fost and Auxiliary 239. Mrs. Arvith Christiansen, com- nunity Halloween chairman has tnnounced her committee chair- hen as follows: Door prize, Mrs. Hattie Brooks; poster contest, Mrs. Steve Ahl; patrolling s e h o o 1 grounds, Jr.firemen Stan Davis ~md Kenny Anderson; kitchen, Mrs. Myron Polk and Henry Han- nigan; doughnuts, Mrs. Phil Han- ify and Mrs. Carl Nichols; coun- try store, Mrs. Ernest Lusk, Mrs. Merle Mongram and Mrs. Lloyd Hart; children's parade, Mrs. Johnie Johnson and Mrs. Einar Johnson; announcer, K e n n e t h" Grandy; and publicity, Mrs. Gor- don J. Squire. The Country Store is still in need of rummage, white elephants, fruit and garden vegetables. To ar- range for pickup on North Shore phone Mrs. Lusk at CR 5-2554; Belfair, Mrs. Christiansen at CR 5- 6455; South Shore, Mrs. Joe Tschi- da at CR 5-2678; and Grapeview, Mrs. Myron Polk. ,Junior High School Open House Tuesday Both the Junior high school and Grant C. Angle building class rooms will be open when the Jun- ior High school holds its open house at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday. Teachers will carry on demon- s'rations~ in several of the rooms This will be the first time both buildings have been used for a Junior High school open house. Parents will have the opportunity to travel the route between build- ings to visit teachers and class- rooms. Teachers will be in their rooms. Refreshments will be served in both buildings for the leg weary parents and friends who attend. RACHEL KNOTT GUILD This Friday's meeting of the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild will be a 12:30 p.m. luncheon in the home of Mrs. Harry Deegan with Mrs. Franz Rauscher as co-hos- tess. FORMER RESIDENT VISITS Former Shelton resident, Ed- ward Chester and his wife of Fres- no, Calif., visited with friends and relatives here the past week. He was born and raised in Shelton. Marria Applying for in the Mason fice this past Robert and Patricia :i Nelson Huey, Marjorie Scott, 23, (This question and i m cosmetics Is as a courtesy by to help you In your( oroper cosmetic for i TO GIVE HAIR A $1 Q. My hair has I'm pleased with But it's very dull. it a shine? A. One of the'l brighten dull hair shampoo. The help to make the Of course, thel good rinses help to give a shine: A daily brushing recommended. PERMANENTS Q. May my I use the same A. If your age of 12, we mend that you same home The hair fibers generally lack therefore extremely and are resistant own hair, on the silient and one of the adult waves. Until your berry, therefore, me~d that you use ' cial children's home her hair. These signed to deal sistance c hair. • Coffee and Cookies • Balloons for the i¸ I I h • Gifts of all kinds for all Across from Coast-to-Coast 114. S. 2nd