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14 1965 SHELTON-- ASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ-- Published in "e hrisfmasfown, Sheldon, Washington PAGE 15
hapter No. 40 Past
Will not meet dur-
th of October. The
Will be held Novem-
home of Mr. and __2
this week is Mrs.~~~J~
of Longview.
Can Do
a Safe Place to
Save Any
a New Car or Boat
New Furniture
Money in Emer-
torrow for
Money at Low
or to Borrow
Credit Union
Paying 4.8%
Sldents of Mason
4th Street
CHINESE DINNER night is looked forward to even more than
usual at Alice Fredson's since she found a recipe for her family's
favorite, Chinese Barbecued .Pork. Served with mustard and
sesame seed, this dish goes good with any Chinese food.
Chinese Barbecued Pork is high
on the list of favorites with most
people who like Chinese food. Alice
Fredson's family likes it so well
she was happy to find this week's
i recipe so she could make it for
them at home.
Alice is the wife of Ken Fred-
son, Simpson Credit Union man-
ager. Their three children are
Mike, 17, Jeff, 15 and Connie 12.
When the children were younger
Alice was a room mother for one
', insecticides, wheelbarrows, garden
garden hose & galvanized watering pots•
off reg. price
= i
All Plastic
!or the other practically every year.
She also worked with Cub Scouts,
Girl Scouts and Brownies.
Now she has more free hours
to work with her stamp collection
to garden and to enjoy her shel
collection. She likes being a hmne-
maker and has no problem filling
her time.
1 lb. lean loin of pork
V... tsp. salt
~A tsp. pepper
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. sherry
2 T soy sauce
Cut Iean pork along grain into
strips two inches wide. Mix salt
pepper, sugar and rub into pork.
Let marinate several hours. Pre-
heat oven to 350 degrees. Rub
sherry and soy into pork strips.
Roast pork for ten minutes. Turn
pork and raise oven temperature
to 450 degrees and roast 15 min-
utes more basting with drippings.
Slice strips against grain into zA
inch pieces.
Serve with hot mustard and se-
same seeds for dipping and your
other favorite Chinese foods.
off reg. price
reg. $6.96 gal.
Mrs. Nordstrom
Returns From Trip
Returning by airplane last Thurs-
day from a three-month visit in
Sweden was Mrs. Esther Nord-
strom. While there she visited rela-
tives in Zorekov, which is in the
southern part of the country, and
flew to Lulls and Boden in the
north to be with her late hus-
band's brothers and sisters, as well
SPECIAL gal, as other friends.
On her return trip she stayed
overnight in Anchorage, Alaska
H BOY,, H! where sheencounteredheavysnow.
She reports a wonderful trip but
happy to be hack in the United
discontinued colors , $7.25 gal.
Rhododendron Society
NOW gel Meets Nexl Tuesday
1.00 per qt. "'" - -" --- --- *The October meeting of the Shel-
ton Chapter of the American Rho-
" dodendron Society will be held at
8 p.m. next Tuesday in tl~e PTJD
auditorium. Members are urged to
bring slides.
A round table discussion with
all members participating will cov-
er performance of rhododendrons
during the past year. Any other
: reg. $8.45 problems related to the propaga-
V75 tion and care of rhododendrons
may be brought up for discussion:
NOW gal. As usual, visitors are "welcome.
[ ,
Jane Windsor To
Fledge Shears & Electric Edgers
Speak To Woman's
Club Next Week
a customer
Alarm Clocks
Reg. $2.98
limit of 1 to a customer
"Understanding the Pressures of
Today's Living" will be the topic
for the talk to be given by Mrs.
Jane Windsor, home economist
with the Extension office, when
she speaks on the afternoon pro-
gram of the Hood Canal Woman's
Club next Thursday. Mrs. Wind-
sor's talk was arranged by the
club's Home Life department of
which Mrs. W. H. Gilbert is chair-
Mrs. Lester Age~, yearbook com-
mittee chairman, Iplans to have
books ready for distribution at the
meeting which begins at 11 a.m.
in the Potlatch clubhouse. Lunch-
eon follows the morning session.
A project for this month is the
autumn bake sale which is sched-
uled appropriately October 30.
Interested women are invited to
attend and join the club which
meets on the third Thursday of
each month in its Fotlatch club-
house. Mrs. Nina Miller of Union
is president and members are from
s e v e r a l communities including
Shelton and Hood Canal.
'Take A Cruise' Is
Theme For ESA Rush
Party Held October 6
"ESA Invited You to Take a
Cruise' was the theme of Beta Zeta
chapter'~ rush party October 6.
Rather than the usual progressive
dinner, members hosted their
guests to a re-gressive dinner.
First stop was the home of Mrs.
Bob Seibert where all were intro-
duced and games were played be-
fore starting on the cruise.
Dessert, served at the home of
]~Trs. Glenn Sowers, was carried
out in an Oriental theme. Chop-
sticks and small parasols were giv-
en to everyone as favors.. Next
shop was Mrs. Mickey Goodwin's
home where an Italian sidewalk
cafe was authentic, even to the
small tables with checkered table-
cloths, art work on the walls and
a spaghetti dinner awaiting.
Salad was in the home of Mrs.
Dick Holland where a Spanish at*
mospherc was created by using
dolls, posters and a clever center-
piece depicting the typical Span-
ish lady. Lets and Hawaiian punch
at Mrs. Bob Wolden's ended the
cruise. Clever decorations made
this a most realistic spot.
Mrs. Mickey Goodwin, chairman,
and members of the social commit-
tee were commended on the most
entertaining evening.
Enjoying the cruise were 27
members and guests. Guests in-
cluded the Mesdames Jim Cross
Tom Ward, Martin Lund, Ron San-
ford, Paul Steensen, Guy Powell,
Pat Byrne, Don Smith, Dean Mik-
lethun and Tom Ogden.
The n~xt meeting will be Mon-
day in the imme of Mrs. Jack Mal-
Hwy. S.
Bird Slides Shown
At Canal Garden
Club Meeting
Mrs. Russell Schroeder of the
Shclton Dirt Dobbers Garden Club
showed bird slides and spoke at
the afternoon session of the Hood
Canal Garden eIub last Thursday
when the group met in the Lilli-
waup Community clubhouse. Eigh-
teen members were present with
three guests, Mrs. Schroeder, Mrs.
Lulu Smith and Mrs. Elmer Ed-
Mrs. Mottle Backlund, president,
conducted the meeting. A poem,
:Duck Dance, by Mrs. Ethel Dalby,
i was read by Mrs. Matt Kaare, bird
Mrs. Pierce, project chairman,
$ $
A fairly recent newcomer at
Shelton High school is Boys' Club
president Byron Debban. He trans-
ferred here from Chula Vista,
Calif. at the beginning of his jun-
ior year.
Byron immediately entered into
school activities and was chosen by
the Boys' Ch|b to represent it at a
Idadership conference this past
summer where he got many new
ideas for pepping up the club.
A two-year letterman in foot-
ball here Byron also lettered in
his sophomore year in Chula Vista.
He plays defensive half-back on
the Highclimber team. In the
spring he will turn out for the 440
event in track in which he let-
tered last year.
Sports and the art of building
strong bodies is of special interest
to Byron. He does a lot of weight
lifting between sports to keep him-
]self in good physical condition. He
is a strong believer in more physi-
cal activity for teenagers. He has
discovered snow and water siding
and enjoys them both.
His interest in physical educa-
tion is reflected in one of his class-
es this year. He is a P. E. assis-
tant. He is also taking English, al-
gebra, civics and physics.
Byron plans to become a chiro-
practor. He is thinking of attend-
ing a Military Institute in New
Mexico for two years of pre-pro-
fessional training before entering
the Los Angeles Chiropractic Col-
Born May 14, 1948 in Lebanon
Ky. he is the son of Dr. and Mrs.
J. L. Debban and has one sister
Judy Kay, 15. He is 5'8" tall, has
brown eyes and dark brown hair
and weighs 160 pounds.
Iotans Hear Report
On State Board At
October Meeting
The October meeting of Iota
chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma
society was held at Hcinic's Broil-
er last Saturday.
Mrs. Thelma Maxwell, Mrs. Leo
Martin, Mrs, Clyde Fagergrcn and
Mrs. Arthur Anderson reported on
~t board meeting of the state asso-
ciation they recently attended at
Ocean Shores.
"What Do We Know About Cre-
ativity?" was the topic of a panel
discussion moderated by Mrs. El-
mer Kaiser. P'anel members were
Mrs. E. L. Edge, Mrs. Corn Kelly
and Mrs. h'vin McArthur. The pro-
gram concluded with the chapter
membership creating lyrics for
songs under the direction of Mrs.
Robert Keenan.
The trip to the Mary Bridges
hospital in Tacoma planned for
next Tuesday by the Shel-Toa Or-
thopedic Guild has beeu postponed
until October 27.
Anyone wishing to make the
trip should call Barbara Rogerson
at 426-3439.
The first SRA card party of the
year will be held at 8 p.m. next
Monday in the Memorial hall.
@ $2.00 Ig. asst.
PANT, 4 to 6x ............ $1.00 pr.
SLIPS .......................... ca. $2.00
SHOES ...... from $2.00 to $3.69
JACKETS .......................... $5.99
ROBES ..... ,from $2.99 to $5.99
122 West Cote
Deans Beauti-
fully Designed
SLIPS of Nylon
Double Panel Lace Trimmed
Half Slips, Same Fine Quality ............................ $2.50
Rayon Gowns, all sizes, asstd, colors ................ $2.00
Sleep Coat sets ................................................. ' ........... $6.98
Nylon Satin Pajamas ................................................ $5.00
Beautiful Gown-Coat sets of
crepe chiffon, double throughout
Robes 6.00 to $20.00
122 West Cota Street--- SHELTON
OUR PLEDGE TO YOU: Every item in this event is a great Penney value--selected for quality and timeliness,
priced for savings! Also, many special buys , . . and some Penney brandsreduced for a limited time!
told about the work members have
been doing on the Hood Canal Jun- reduced
]or High school grounds. Each year
Sears Roebuck Co. gives money:
to interested clubs for landscap-
ing projects. ThemoneyHOOd Canal Club •_, --.,.. ,~, oCn--~OttwO~mn e
will use its for trees for '; :.~/$~,"'
the school grounds this year. It :"~" ~ o~.: ~.. ,,.¢,..~_~._ .
won second place at the Washing- , , ;,.:.~ ,~
ton State Federation last spring • ~,~7 ~' ~, "*
. .(- ,,::.
.. i.
on this project in the State Federa- ~,4
tion Landscaping Beautification di- • o~, ; Cotton Challis
vision, t D u sho these spectacu-
The Olympic Peninsula District
Garden Club Fall conve~tion will
be held October 19 In Sequim.
Mason County Extension agent
H. J. Van De Riet will be the aft-
ernoon speaker at the November
4 meeting in the Lilliwaup Com-
munity clubhouse. He will speak
on 'bulb storage.
Anyone interested in gardening
is welcome to attend. The busi-
ness meeting is at 11 a.m., lunch-
con at 12:30 p.m. and program at
1:30 p.m.
1963 DODGE 440, 4-dr. sedan, V.8, radio,
heater, auto., new tires .......................... $1595
1963 FALCON, 4-dr•, auto., low mileage .............. $1295
1961 TEMPEST 4.dr ................................................. $ 795
1960 RAMBLER American, station wagon .......... $ 495
1957 CHEV. 4-dr., V-8, Stick ................................ $ 345
1955 CHRYSLER 4.dr ............................................... $ 295
66's Are In At
Front & Railroad
lar savings while values are so terrific
. ,. Gaymode~) cotton flannelette and challis
~ sleepgowns and pajamas, so delightfully
• ~ ~ easy-care. Gowns, S, M, L. Pajamas, 32-40
. .¢ ~ Extra-large sizes, 2 for $6
means you NEVER iron"
Big Mac Fortrel"%Cotton
twills need no ironing!
Big Mac . . . big value] Penney's
own work clothes are your best
buy ~ better than ever now in
Fortrel ployester and cotton. Ex-
clusive Penn-Prest process means
absolutely no ironing ever -- just
machine wash and tumble dry.
Big Mac -- quality you can depend
on,,. a ong-standlng tradition at
Choose jumbo pillows of kapok to cradle
you=" head, save you Iotsl The extra
large 22"x28"* sizes are covered in blue
striped cotton ticking. Buy now! Have
extras for company!
Electric Blankets
FULL SIZE ....................
FULL SIZE ................
Soft, comfortable, resilient Dacron poly-
ester fiberfill is dust, lint, mildew and
moth-proof. Non-allergcnic too. Floral
border or stripe cotton covers• 20"x
26"* size.
Cotton Simet Blankets-
70" x 95"