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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 16 SI-IELTO --MASON COUNTY ffOURNAL-- Publishe l in e¢C?tr sfma own, U.S.A.", helton, Washington bj d i Kamtlche' I SOHO0,1. MENU Ifl Ua Su ects Vane , r,om ,or She to E,omontary .y MA. L , . e'.illia iet orf f. *iy New F!etfon l] rip ]H W tshingt0- Oregon I G Schools and Shelton Senior DAYTON --- We welcome to our joined, the flames Hickson faintly )Ul Htg" h School neighborhood, two more new faro-I Saturday.. • evening for a pol:luek ~|~ ilies--M,•. and Mrs• L. Sievert, and amner. [ lne hlDrarv By NORMA TAYI OR and Clmck Cannot, Helen Kin Week of Oct. 18-22 children Terri and Cindy, who are Dining Saturday with Mr• and " { " ' " an and Maz " " • g" MASON COUNTY Monday -- Wiener winks, mar- living next door to the T. A. Tib- Mrs. Ed Pearson and children were The current cro of new fiction KAMILCHE Early Thursdaym..~' 'y and Velma Kelso P ' • ' ' ' r n ' JUSTICE COURT aroni salad, carrot and celery bits in a trailer home; Mr• and IMr, and Mrs. Roy Johnson and ran es widel for its sub ect mat morning the Terome Bm'kes andon t~ ee wood A_venue; then had . • ter The war in Viet Nam rovides the Wilfred Naults left for a ~mne • ltn Let~oy and l~rances so, sticks, applesauce and milk. Mrs. Merlin Short and their chil- [children of Redmond. ' g Y " J ...... "" r w' ~ Appearing on the docket m Ma- ......... dren Nell, Bruce M'lrty, Rebec-I Visitin~ the T A Tibbits Sat- " . P . .. . . . • .. . "~ . 1 County Justme Court before tuesoay t~orcupme meat oans ' • ' . . ~. .... the.scenic for "The Green Berets", t r~p by t~'aile!, tl~zouffhout south- ~ee,e'e an~m~c~vood, Ma2!.o~, fz~n~ Judge Glenn Correa during the • . : , . . 7 •' ca, Scotty Mcrrt and Mark are h~- nrday were Mr and Mrs Jack a stignuy zlctionalizcd account of let." vva~mn~;Loa, anq urcgolL s~op- ~,~,~:......... tut t.ttt/r~ULtl,eI .... L2 I past week have been: cqtSllp %vn poeu potatoes DI L- --• '. .. , - " ' ' ' /' ' ,' ' . . _'' ' ' :. " , lag" in LDe nome lormer y occupie(i { Kirk Tacoma and Raymond of tile, AI~q6tlean~ •' " ,Special• Forces,' who ping al: ~easJ(le. to visit •so[lie CLLllt:tl Ull IL~llZ~IOeLII I~l'ancls• and W hin t t Ler, u..; cora, :~anuwun, l•ru,L anu uy ........... car l)ax, e warner lamiJy." " Tackson' Fla 'who was~home on train Vietnamese civilian irregu- ~,ieces ond nephcx~':~. Beautiful wea- Mr:. an~t Mrs. John Ryan anal son, Ron~?~ G2t°n 2~ia~ne~at~°~e in lnllli:' • • ~ fl 10 ' ' * Dayton Community Club hehl a n' u~h from the Navv. lars and soldiers and accompanY]tner prevaimd tnrougnout their Jonn i a~rzcK, came home via vu-I. • : .... s, .. ~p . - • ' " " "' f ~llu and called on Mr toxleace~ ~±o ime i~ve days in th ' . tr p, they reported when they or- Y, P , and Mrs , , • " Wednesday *-- Chili con Carne, meeting Saturday evening mad ,Sunday, Mrs. Dennis Loertscher em into battle. The mozal as•- ] .... '--= ~ -' - ...... - • , •-- - James la.ohet and son w,u~, jail, suspended;~ license revoked 30 cabbage salad, peanut butter elected officers. The new president ] and Tony dined with Mr, and Mrs. pects of their activities are held z:zve¢~, home ~unuay evening, mob- "~ :' rd~ eve-i " ' :'~'~Y'.'. [ days" Raino Aho no operator's li- sandwich, fruit wedges, cinna- is John Anderson, vice president, iA. E. Locrtscher of Cloquallum. un to scrutiny the battle scenas IoaY, nowever wasn't so oeautiful• ~atu v .n ng guests at. tt~e I - "' . .... ' . .-. . • - •,, ..... • ' • ' . • cense }XtJ line" James uavm mort rolls and milk. Lois Tibbits; secretary, Betty Mc- Dennis dropped in later, ate vivid. "The Ambassador" by I as during the night the heater home of M~. and Mrs. Harry Sire- [ ..... a',,.~ caa ¢: ~.;,. ,..~... t~..' ...... Lain and treasurer Rose I)ough-I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scrogham Morrm West zs the story of a sit-[dock opened and d~d extenmve rnons .. ]d Mrs. A. P. I~rand drivin~ whil- int,~i~,nted Thursday ..... Masnetl potatoes ' " " • • • • 1 m 1 ,, -- , ~, .............. , .• " ...... erty Ball Brown, Dave Rayson, [ took Mr. and Mrs. Frank LanK- nation based on the assassination smoke damage to the living ~oom. Bissell of O y p a• ~1in ¢in~ ¢t,,~ a .... ~,, ~,~ ~,,~ xvitn LUI'KOy gravy, mttuce allQ ~..G ', .... , ....... ~f'ord S okane o ...... h' ~ ,' .... , -*~ ~,'-a ..... a'-,,, ..... - . . ;'- _ . - ......... ~ni r%lttCt P loycl l~arlow alva Tom I P Ut zor droner ~at-of Ngo Dinh Diem, throwing light SO, t m week was spent redecor- Dinner was served by the Ed [ pended, license revoked 30 days; %onfaLo sala(:l, not outtereo ms- " ..... ' " " " 'da 'evenin ' '-. , " ' ," - -' i"- rmmts were w~teo in as trustees. / Y ff at the Lake Cushman On the differenccs between the atmff. Taylors on weonesaay evening to Gerald Johnson, no operator's'li- cu~u,, appm c~mp anu m m. It was decided to hold the Corn- Resort. The group also enjoyed American and Eastern views of] Home on a 30-day leave at the guests Mr. and Mrs. James Ad-[cense, $12 fine; Walter Kelso, FHdav .... Clam chowder, fin~er munity Club meetings the sdcond ]picking up oysters along Hood reality, home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. ares of Drumhe]ler, Canada, Mrs. [drunk in public, driving while in- salad'grilied cheese sandwich, Saturd.ay of each month so you [Canal by Hoodsport and Lilliwaup. "~o~,rnlnn on n ~tn,o" hv O.u,,m ] A1 Lord is Q.M.C Byron Lord of Florence Taylor Mrs. Mae Rob- [ toxicated $181 fine five days in ..... '- ............ '-•' "'••""' ' ' " • "° Emma McD .... ' -- ' 'chocolate ice cream sundae and may like to mark your calendars / Plan to have your children at- Griffin, is subtitled "Six" stories the U.S.S. Coontz, stationed in San er~s, ~vtrs. ~ ona,a ana ~:IMI, suspenc~eo license revoked 30 mill~• " I acc'ordingly. ' Itend the Halloween Party Oct. 31. of loyalty and betrayal in modern IDieg°' Calif. Mrs.Carrie Durand. i days; Donald Toombs, operating Mr and Mrs Flo-d Barlow en-/Contributions for candy may beAfrica. As the colonial era ends, The O R Taylors entertained VERNE Schuffenhauer has pur- without headlights, no operator's Supplement your child's ~oyed' a week of camnin~' out in [left at Lemkes' Store or'with'Rose the tensions, frustrations and lack gnests Mr. and ~[rs. Charles U1- chased Herb Nelson's oyster beds license, $22 forfeit; Robert Muruy, diet with Plenamlns from th'c~ beautiful Skagit ~affey near [.D°ughet:~Y or Lo!s Wibbits• More of communication between the Bri-[rich and Mrs. Ruth Nelson at and is busy getting things ready [~peedtn.g., $73 forfeit;•KennethSa- est zran, illegal possesmon oI Deer, _ t ~euro ...... wooley.~- " ~t mtormauon, a¢ a latez date• tish military and the Africans, and I their home Saturday evening On for the harv ~ • I • . . ' ' ' i Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs P~ ~ ~][~!] ] Mrs• Bill Brown ws ted her rod- ] ...... • . _ . among the "British themselves lead [Sunday the Ulrichs'left for °l~alm Members of Ka.milchie Ladies' [$50 fine, 1Odays in 3air, suspen~.ed; ,w • =1...w== i to dz area n Jonn A uavls reckless arlvlng ='wrt= .•.e.:~h,, ..................... ~r,.~ ~od R,r,.~r in ....... fh,~ h,,~s..l~gcmaerld ....... ~cnur were oau[g.hter,._uer- • '. tic a d ironic moments• [ Springs to spend the winter bask- Club made plans at their Wednes- I sneedin~, furnishin~ linuor to mi: Ph 426 4642 ~ a me o~ ~ea~ue and ms mo~ner 132 RR. one - pitalis s,~endin,-SundaY'a feweVentn~da~',s MrSin tl'a(tio~'.Berry iMrs./ AI' Stewart of LaVerne'" Calif. ,, JAMER MICIIENER'S new book ing in the California sun• day meeting _ for the annual n~rs illegal poss~si~ of beer .--I J i " "~ ~' ...... _____ . [' Sally Emazss' '.'.on entered the' open The Source" doe:~ for the history The. Hank Ungers motored to Thanksg!ving dinner lor members ] $133' fine, 10 days in jail; William of Palestine what his earlier book ] Seattle Sunday and wsited Iona and famzhes Nov. ~at 6:30 p.m. [ F. Austin, driving while intoxi- , /class Powder Puff race held Sun- Premdent Norma r~mnards an [ ~ You Should Know . . . i Jday afternoon in Olympia and ear- did for Hawaii• The story begins [-- -- ' . ...... - - [rated, violation of safety respon- I - -.-:_?: _ -~=~_-_ ~.- =---=- ,. ~---=-=, , , = .... I/ried away second prize with her a.t an archeological dig, and voun~ foreign corrcsnondent who nouncea tne r~ov• .~. meeymg will [sibility act, $166 fine, 15 days in new Yamaha 80 B L I l / W I L L 0 0 ll • " l:ne t nris mas open n use l ov 9 ed 30 da's ] ~~ I~ through the artifacts found therc, tries~'to find out theVtruth about !~e devoted to maK~notg~ Items for I jail, 10 suspended; license revok- tells tim history of 11,800 years ] s. Pole who has been condemned in .. . : .... '. ' I 3 • I || Thursday callers in the home of I i iMr. and Mrs. Ned Jacobson were from cave to kibbutz, absentia by lh~ ~ .... i ............ ~vtr. and Mrs. x~ooert l~cnoer- Rh~r|ff',, t%¢¢i,.~ |~~~~ A man who wants his children to ]|her parents Mr. and Mrs, Otto The success of "TheSpy Who]crfminal. ;:Garden on the Moon" ~a:t ~v~,th Iv It. andaMrS~irD:nAit-] AUen L.-Mldd{eton'recklessdriv- n vz lteo Ivtr Jonn • • Baulnann Everett [~~ have the benef,t of an educat,on, i| . . . ". ~ ". _ ,.. -. Came in from the Cold led to a is the story of the race between Ric- 7 ._ . home for t~[' ling, $56 fine license revoked 30 • . . ~v~r aria ~rs ~ A "ro~ enjoyed whole school of stories Of e~pion- ]the Russiai~s and Americans to . e a.~ ~ne~r r~e eve- days; Raino Aho no operator's whether he hves to give tt to them • . ." • "" ' " ] ~1 . -. ]/wmtmg with grandson, Eldon Todd age. "The Looking Glass War" is ]put men on the moon. Its author, nlnff ~a.turaay. ]license, $17 fine. ] ~~~ or not, needs Life Insurance. [|Jr. who is home on furlough from the latest book by John LeCarre, ]Pierre Boule, is best known for Wednesday Ira and Helen Stans- { L0nnie Hagmann, Shelton, suf- I ~~~ I/San Diego. He will be leaving still perhaps the (~utstanding writ- this "Bridge Over the River Kwai". bury gave a birthday dinner at ] fered a broken leg when the motor- ~~~ 116 North 2nd St, [|Thursday and expects to leave el' in the field. Adam Hall's The l "The Trail to Oghilala" tells of their home for their son-in-law, I cycle he Was riding on a practice I ~~~i~ . I|soon for Japan. Quiller Memorandum' tells of a [a long, hard cattle drive from Paul Wheaton w~th guests, Mr. l eourse on the Frank Clark proper- ] N/W N~TION~t.,' [| ---- , skilled English spy who tracks i Southern Texas to Nebraska. Oth- and Mrs, Walter Stansbury and lty on Lost Lake Road overturned down the leaders of a revived Nazi let recent westerns are "Rawhide family, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Miller I about 2:40 p.m. Sunday. ] Pb. 426-8139 "li~o]nsuran~e ~orLIv/n~ ]| The Smithsonian Institution has movement. "The Ashes of Loda" ]Men" and "The Whispering Can- of Carlyon Beach and Mrs. Paul[ SHERIFF'S OFFICE I , , , 1"16,000,000 insect specimens, is Andrew Garve's story of a Inon". Wheaton with children. ] Mrs Helen Barnes reported that - - --- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons lshe thought someone had struck Jr. spent Friday at the home of land injured a cougar in the vi- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ]cinity of her home on Binnswiger Simmons. ] Road. Thursday evening the Chet Mar- ] Mrs. Hammond, Sunset Beach, , shalls entertained the Ira Stuns-[ burys and Ed Taylors at their state wi • I th leading educators from home. I many universities. Leading. the dis- _ Dance Saturday night at the ]cussion of modern school prob- ~rogress Grange Hallto music by [lems. Mr. Keller will attend a Seat- one Tnne Toppers ot ~nelton. Itle meetin., My Whiffs.,, .,m h~ PROGRESS GRANGE held its ]at Ceutral°ia-and"~r's"~'a~r"e"aY monthly potluck dinner Friday [tendin~ at Vancouver " -° - night with nearly 40 members pre- .' _ " . . . . " .... ...... == -- • . I Approximately nalf tne pupns sent, The ~tate t~range ~iston-tsnd teach r ..... . e s nave taken acci~en~ col Committee has requested the]insurance with the United Pacific history of Progress Grange to be Insura--ce Corn-an de e~- n ^- sent to the State Grange In the i.h ~. .. P. y" p zct~ g u~ • ~ e po zcy tne notoer is covereo future should the history of our [for chool'ho Is o ~-- S u r a z¢ nour per grange be lost a new colby can be ..... " , . " .~ : --. ,"- - ' ..... " IOQ lot Ene scnool year. L~avio °°sa'n~t~ ~'a°n~J:e~ ~t~:~" members [Whitener was the first pupil to on a. t~ur of M~ineland of the [profit. by thin .insurance when.he • • • sus[alneQ a nnnor injury on Ene Paefflc and the castle of Wdham .......... ........... ~ teeter-[dEter 1:nls past week t~anflotpn hearse vm cmoreo SllGes i .......... "., _ ......... ~kll mlIK money ]s nanalea Dy wH:n ln~eresung comments aria ............ • • . scnooi girls in me cnlierem: rooms s]deh~hts dur]n~ the lecture hour. ,_. _. . . m. -~ . -~.. ~ ~- [nzs year Tnese include" Arlene • ±ne next meeung OI ~rogress Ellison D' " "" " ~" "" "~" • , eouy rmney ~azuene wi- Grange will be Oct. 22 when the l ............... ~'- *" : ..... Third and Fourth Degrees will be ,;,son, t~nonaa wm~erter" a~,,~,Ae~' whey put on with a potluck hmcheon to _. • . .......,~., ~,,? The OlCl tram~mn tnac.'~!Tls ale follow. There will be no regular ' ' ' You fiow ?tOw well your car's englne runs after a turterip.6 Buick tuning has the same effect on the whole car. Not just the engMe. The whole Buick. Every. thing blends with everything else. Styling. Performance. Ride. ltandling. All tuned to work together in harmony. That's what the timed car is. A Bti/c Only Buick is the tuned car. (And every Buick is the tuned car.) What the tuned car is is a masterful blending of all the things that make a great car greater. The Riviera for 1966 is the tuned car. It features six- passenger seating, disappearing headlights, a silently efficient new ventila-, What makes a car a car is styling, performance, ride and handling. Only when they're all tuned together is the car a Buick. Like this 1966 Riviera Gran Sport. There's an authorized Buick dealer near you. See SHELTON MOTOR 00., ring system and the kind of roadworthiness you'd expect ifi a car that cost, twice as much. (You can get a Riviera for your desk as well as your garage. Send $1 in check or money order to Riviera, P.O. Box 68, Troy; Mich., f0i an accurate 1/25 scale model '66 Riviera.) But Riviera's not the only tinted car. Le Sabre is, too. And Wildcat. Electra 225. Sp6ci/il. Skyl/i l . Sportwagon. See them all at your Buick dealer's. The tuned car may not mean much to you now. then you haven't had a chance to drive one yet. Wouldn't you reull~" rather have a lluiekl~ his D0uble-Checked used cars, too. 233 S, Firsl SI,, 8helien, Wash. meeting at this time degree work only. Frank Morgan will be at the Sunday service at Kamilche Com- munity church and for special meetings Tuesday through Friday at 7 p.m. Sunday the Cecil Blackwelders invited the Ira Stansburys and Ed- win Taylors into their home to watch the World Series on televi- siofl and partake of a most delic- ious dinner. Dinner guests Sunday at the Harry Simmons' were the Len Coles of Shelton. Following the dinner they enjoyed the great wea- ther by riding to Chehalis and sur. rounding country. Ruth Nelson entertained several guests at her home Wednesday, Mrs. Bern Nelson of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. James Mohney of Mc- Cleary, Mrs. Demonic Roma of Bremerton, Mrs. Cl~trence Quinrl, ~on: Mrs. Mabel Johnson of Shel- Mr. and Mrs, Proctor Heffington of Tacoma, Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Lawrence of Edmonton, and George Lawrence of Olympia were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Florence TaYlOr. Nrsula Robertson had as her guests Monday afternoon, Jennie Burke, Carolyn Stai and Etta Greenup of Olyinpia. Mrs. Leroy Dlshon and son Ivan of Allyn, and Mrs. Seth Lincoln of Shelton were Friday visitors at the home of Mrs Edwi- m . , . raytor. THE MISSIONAIREs met Tues- day and are getting candy read~, to mail to missionary famil~ .... discussed possible Christmas~pro~ Jects. Sad news reached ]ban Wood Friday when he learned of the death of his sister ila Kansas City. 'P e pTO will hold its a _h " ~c" - - nnual rummage sale u .t. 1~ at the PUD It was an evening ol~ pino m~ ,~: the Ed Taylor residence Saturd~-~ evening with guests, Mr. and l~r-~ Cecil Blackwelder, Mr. and MrS. Ira stansbury, Mrs. Carrle Du- rand, Mrs. Emma McDonald, Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Florence Taylor. S~even and Keith Anderson are amiSsinff school thisweek, makin ~:.,~-sad trip ~o Texas to att~ng """~" " "r d • - -uneral of tbe~ grandfather. tne z Pupils are.reminding their tea= ~h~rs that tins m ~ne season df ---- n ' ,~ v~ar when pare ts rind it con- .~'~'~,,~t to visit f,:iends and rela- vv,,, .... ~_ n Wa .... rives m Easter smngton, as a result of these visits ' COmes proof that human nature doesn't 6Hah~e ~u~h from olie gen~ratioh to another; as the teachers are now covering their desks with beautifttl - When me l:eacners were aPuPlne;~ they saY, they used to Call -,-~'e nolishing; apyway teacher, the intentions ~'? P " " . , Lower Skokommn pmyecl at Ka- m..... last Friday and lost by ncnv The a aft 8-16 score.. .. g me was played on a newlY nm~d field ~.nd took on the aspects z a o}g-time [the squad to talach Kell~ Psrt me Co Y acted in the ga • t as referee• time fo F~iday iS vacation r Pup- ' schools over thestate Ills, as the " a t attend Professional D y. Meetiiags d ~n many parts of the I will be hcl ' bett~r 'Spefl~rs than boys'h~ts been proven only a fable in the seventh and eighth grade the past several weeks. Twice recently the boys have come out victorious and now hold a score of two wins and no defeats. Science students in Mr. White- net's room have been very busy bringin~ in all kinds of specimans this past week and were they svr- prised when a giant hornets' nest came walking into the room with Len Whitener hiding behind it. Everyone was hoping Len had made sui'e all the old occupants had vacated the premises. ;4 reported a L. D. Munson ~ on Arcadia Poir ~I~ ing a window, a, J. Courtney home on Arca( Belfnir Serv U bottle thrown t~ )~ window. '| Mrs. Goldsby (n i repoz{ed a windc~~:~ a BB gun. . Ronald Moore re'~ of a rototiller, a ~a oars lumber an tools from his h0 ~ SHERIFF'S OFFI; Booked at the , Sheriff's office d~ week were Danny I~ in possession of liq Keefe, minor in .~ quor; John Davis, ]~ furnishing liquor , or in possession ~ ncth D. Seaton, r¢~ sion of liquor; '~1:~ Jr., driving while' olation of safety re ~V, Richard Cook, vlOl~ responsibility act, !I~ censc, operating' "' lights. SH ELTON pOL Appearing off Shelton Police Co~ Rolla Halbert l~Iort Janet Smight, sp~ felt; Wayne Wrig~ tain dog license, $~ Stroem, property.0 feit; Leroy Gonza{~ erator's license, .$1 SHELTON Arnold Young .r~ cans being upset. A door to the pI was found open. , Mrs. Leona ~lm purse taken froth ~t was parked o~ ~aurie Jean B purse missing. Mrs. Gwen stit an at~tempt to ste~ ca#. A door to Sht found open. SUPERIO| I~eW Western Far~ against Delmer I WASHINGTON I Vehicles drive] Sidwaski 33, Bsl M. Evans, 18, ~¢ about one half r fair on Highway p.m. Friday• The Evans v bound on Higl~ Sidwaski vehtcl Sidwaski crosse~ sideswiped the cording to the I age to the Si~ $75 and total to Evans suffere ~Rd bruises• A Evans vehicle, Rochester, suf The accident Trooper Henry Curtis L. SnoW, fered a Scalp 1957 pickup InK nort] Road ran off t01d officers the vehicle stuck, ed over to floorboard, the the road on the rodd and side of the The 11:50 a.m. was investi ry Dean• ~0MASON COU NiY'~EiT --- OUT MILL0'S DINER On Hood Canal near Potlatch on LUNCH -- DI -- Our Sp • BROASTED CHICK , We feature SEAFO' PhOhe 877-978~ -- WALT'S ROBIN 1~ Mlle South of Unio~t 0n Open 11 a.m. - l0 LUNCHES -- DfNNERS FeaturinD: 8teake, Seafoo~l a Fried Chlok~n Try Our Fabulous HorHe TIMBER'S '&iturlng Flat'or Hotfie I~lade Pastries open 6 - lO D= Courteous Service and Fear Orders To Go call THE SHELTON HOTED 8 peclallzing ih. ¢ ~p" PRIME RIB OF Open 6-10 week¢ 6-12 Friday & TAYLOR-TOWNE on Highway 101 6 • Thursday Speblal --- 8;oz. Net*' • Delioloue Home Made Pie --- Fi'ebh #rom Bay • Davey Crocketts for the smIlll fry Every Day 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. MAMIE'S GRILL 1934 Olympic Highway North on BREAKFAST ~ Lt N( Special Dinners Dally--- Frl • Buckwheat Hotcak WE MAKE OUR ( GOOD COF: Op~n Sunday durin OLD MILL TAVERN & Located In Hoodsport on HwY. 10 i _. we Featul:e i tep~~ ' Dancing on The Water