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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:PAGE 20 SHELTeR--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, 0( ,..n. BALDWIN SPINET piano, $6.}o' Sh)r- ey and Clark spinet piano,' $695; Thomas two-keyboard organ, $495. Sherman and Clay, 205 West 5th, Olympia. Phone 352-3791. S 7/1 tfn FOR SALE -- Several good used freezers reconditioned and guaran- teed, Lem Warren Refrigeration, 127 Souih Second. W 7/1 tfn ELECROLUX SA,LES, service and supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6108. after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations. R 1/7 tin "~HRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber! stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.251 each. 227 West Cots. 12/1 tfn YOU CAN PUMP more water and hmger with Feb'banks Morse puml)S. See ther.m at Shelton Electric Co., 4~.9 Railroad. 3/16 tin sale or lease. Liberal terms to right party. Route 1 Box 225,Shelton, Phone 426-8768. 9/23 tin HOMEMADE CANDIES by A1, Peanut brittle, a specialty. Many others available. Order now! Phone 426- 8267. E 5/20 tin SEVERAL USED house trailers, large and small for sale. Herb's Second Hand Store, 426-3532 or Union 898- 2457. H 6/10 tin FOR SALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tin FOR SALE -- Large selection of re- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 6/5 tin DON'T SELL IT! Have your uphol- stery cleaned by Cleaning Services Company, phone 426-4376 or 426-8138. 1/7 tin NEW MOON mobile homes! Nation's best seller, your best buy, DeTray's Mobil(; Homes, 1617 Fence Road, Olympia. Phone 352-2907. D 10/15 tin TRY OUR CATALOG SERVICE -- Many thousands of items to choose from. Large discounts. We pay freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- (:,'est. M 8/8 tfn FOR SAI~E -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call T__he Journal, 426-4412, 8/19 tf~n FOR SALE -- House/mid furniture, china, cut glass, fostoria. Millwright tools, Phone 426-3061 before 5 p.m, S 9/9 tin ~~agnum peat mos,~. You haul or we lmuL Call 426-6760. F 9/16 tin ~(~)LL CLOTHES --. Reason- able prices, dresses 50c up: saate out- fits $1.00; pajamas 75c. Many more. Contact Laura Sheffield 426-2216, S 9/16 tfn BRAND NEW Polaroid color peek cameras. Fully automatic from $59.95. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 N. 2nd, Z 7/1 tfn QUAtI.T .TARS, round oak table, 10--() ft. rope, hath tub, vine grapejuice press. Lusin.Rt. 2, Box 806 Agate District. 8/5 tin FOR A-'---"---~EE HOUR of beauty cal~l for a Merle Nernum Cosmetic dem- onstration, Elaine's, phone 426-4582, E 6/4 tin Home Slaughtering Umt Cooling, cutting Lemke's Servloo 426-6779 Glenn L, Probst Olympia 352-2255 - " 11/21 tt~I Excavating, Land Clearing and Driveways Phone 857-4147 Gig Harbor I 9/23-10/1~ F RI. & SAT. ONLY Excellent Quality Used Furniture 1--Biltwell Brown Davenport & chair. Newly recovered $45.00 1--Biltwell Deluxe Davenport & Chair, excellent .............. $59.50 2--SWivel Rockers, walnut & aqua or gold ................ $25.00 1.--Love Seat Daveno .... $45.00 1.--Beige Naugahyde Recliner Cannot be told from new. ............................... $99.50 1--Daveno, excellent ...... $59.50 1---Full Size Mattress & Box Spring, 9-yr. warranty $89.50 1---Early American Sofa, latex rubber cushions .2 ....... $89.50 1--7-piece Bronze Dinette, heavy duty chairs ...... $79.50 1---Biltwell Swivel Rocker $39.50 1---7-pc. Bronze Dinette $39.50 12--Table Lamps, each .... $4.00 6--Floor Lamps, each .... $10.00 1---Lounge Chair & Ottoman ........................ $29.50 1--Platform Rocker ...... $10.00 1---Oil Kitchen Range .... $20.00 1--Gas Kitchen Range .... $39.50 1---Vanity & Mirror ...... $20.00 NO MONEY DOWN--- EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Used Cars ----- FREE PIANO LESSONS while you 1956 CHEV. -- 2-door hardtop. Six cyl- rent a new soinet piano. Only $12I Inder, stick shift, $350. Radio, heater. per month. Johnny's Music Box, 205 J Phone 426-6539. P 9/16 tfu Cots (Bpea Monday, Wednesday and : .......... Friday evenings 'till 8:30, 10/14 tfn '1952 WILLEYS 6 cyl. for sale as is, "-L:.-~.--L :-=~-.L.-----:~ ........ 2-.-7~ ........ I $65, 1952 Dodge, $125. Phone 426-3747, Fu~ ~AL~ -- ~orge-Warner C6-1nch ', S 9/23 tin c~ain saw, used six hours, like new, ----='-----v $97. See FRANK AT JOURNAL, 11904 PONTIA.C CATALINA 4-door S 9/23 Un hardtop. Excelh:nt condition. Extrem- -=_ .......................... [ ely low mileage. 426-2442. N 10/7 tin KRESKY FIRELITE wood heater nine ................. months old, $150. Call 426-4549. /1960 CHEVROLET station wagon, 6- K 10/7-14 cylinder stick, Brookwood series. ................... } Low mileage, new tires, or 1960 ALTO SAX FOR SALE -- ExcellentI Olds4-door hardtol). Dyn. 88. A1- condition. Call Miter 5 p.m, 426-8690. + mostnew tires. Both in real good O 10/7 tin I condition. Phone 426-6014. A 10/7 tin sofa. Phone 426-2277. B 10/7-14 I R & H,, new tires, covered bed. U~V l~~'~~l 426-6881. A 9/30 i+fn model. Cost new $1,225, Now $750. F~one 426- Johnny's .Music Box~ 426-4302 6745. S 9/16 tln 'J 10/7 tfn -----~ ~'--'--'7~ .... 1947 WILLYS JEEP station wagon, wuu~ rl~T~ in goes condition new tires, runs good, $150. Phone for sale, $5. Phone 426-2286. 426-6451. G 10/14~ tin C 10/7-14 ............ MUST SELL 1965 Volks. station bus. WOOD FOR SALE -- $16 per cord, Deliveredin Shelton.Phone 426- 2582. N 9/23 tin $25. Call 426-3431, R 10/7 tfn lifter and microphone, $175, Phone 426-2686. W 10/7 tin Used very ltttle. Plywood canopy for older 3/4-ton Chevrolet pickup, Phone 426-6035. M 10/7-21 FALL CLEARANCE SALE -- All fer- tilizer, insecticides, wheelbarrows, garden carts, garden hose and gal- vanized watering pots, 25% off reg. price. Cold Pack Canners, reg. $2,85, Now $1.98. All Plastic Flowers, 50% off reg. price. Dutch Boy once-over flat wall paint, reg, $6.96 gal., Extra Special, $1.98 gal., 59c qt, Dutch Boy Mal Plex, discontinued colors, reg. $7.25 gal., NOW $3.98, $1.00 per qt. Dutch Boy Latex House Paint, reg. $8.45, Now $6,75 gal. All Sunbeam sprinklers, hedge shears and elec, edgers, 15% off reg, price. All Lawn Ornaments, 25% off reg, price. Alum- inum foil, i3 pkgs. $1.00, limit 3 to a customer; Alarm clocks, reg, $2.98, Now $2.57, limit one to a customer. Sickness cancelslicense renewal, 7,000 miles, just like new, $2250, phone 426-8775. E 10/14 tin mileage. $175. Phone 426-6724. C 10/14-28 3t 65 Mustang 2+2, V-8 '65 Mustang Hardtop, 6-cyl. '64 Volvo, 2-dr. Sedan '63 Plymouth Fury '63 Fairlane Wagon '63 Falcon Sedan '63 Country Sedan '63 Ford, V8, Stick '63 Ford Convertible '61 Chevrolet Monza '60 Ford Galaxle V8, At. Hillcrest Hdwr. & Marine Supply,'60 Ford Sedan 1209 Olympic Hwy. S., Phone 426- 8163. 10/14 It '60 Ford V8, At. W~~ '59 Galaxie 2-dr. H.T., V-8, A.T. witi~ us, Hotlloint range. Frigidaire Freezer-Refrigerator, Maytag auto- '59 Ford H,T, rustic washer, Oriental rugs, inciner- ator, power lawn m