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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, .,? " " II .... i i i i i i t ' . " - Legal Pubheatlons Legal Pubheatlons Legal Pubhcatlons Legal Pubhcatmlm Legal Pubheatmns Legal Pubheatlons Legal Pu: cations . H i, (ate, October 14, Asking for bids by October 31st IN PROBATE NO. 100 RIGIIT AP1 I,ICATI(IN NO. 7783 The,. Coin. n. ~,ss on~. 's, of Mason• County Washington, ,State law. Both tower and be completely ....... unde~ ',ted 16 g,'~. n;(qal ot h, i'esponslble for for'construction of water system ira- /~'O. ,3664 N O T I C E STA>'E ()F WASIIINGTON, OFFICE Publm I.Uihty Dmtrlcl No. 3 will re- body to he guaranteed by bidder for skirting with wheel cutout, from front ~acted by anyone other provements. Specifieatio/ls ' ancl doeu-NOTICE TO CREDITORR [ BEFORE JUDGE GLENN E CORD.EA [ (~)IP .S.IrPE.RVISOR OF WATER RE- eeive sealed bids ft)r one 40' iwdraulic one full year (12 months), against faun eompts, to rear of Lody. 4" ehann., ~uoert G. l,ryuenoPrg, meats may De ned by calling CR 5- ' ' JIJ'STI(" " " 1~;M ~ " bt)uI~.CES, Ul31npla. personnel b6om with body at their ] ly workmanship or mat~rial. Body and cross rnelnbers. 6" channel longiludlo IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ] .... ~ .... ~E xxCOIJRT.....O Aft,iN [ TAKE NOTICIC: office in Shel(an. ~,Vashington up to , all accessories to be painted red. Shop nals. PIntle book. II,l,. at rear w tl~ ~, 10/146459 m• Rt. 9.. Box 340. Belfai .. Wash STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR] ~,u~. w~iatP~Liau:~ I Timt ALDERBRO(')K DEVELOP- 1:30 p.m. Ocloher 25. 1965. al which inmnual to aecompany derrick, Unit to ]Vrame. All lights arv] wiring to Wasl~ • " ........ The association reserves the right to t Estate reject any or all ,)ida. ' THE COUNTY OF MASON DON NYE d/b/a COLE ROAD RIIILD- I MENT. IN(2. f Unh n. Washingl m lime lhcy will b,, el.reed and l)ubliely [ bP delivered during )he month of Jan- State Law and ICC. code. ATA c,,r.. ' ~ . , p;easant Cove Water AssociationIn the Matter of the Estate of ROD- ERS SUPPLY. Plaintiff [ on September 1.1. 1965, filed applioa- read. Specifieati.ns are as t'ollows: [ uar'y, hector at roar for trailer lights . '/- _ _ Belfair, Wash. NEY I. BRANDSTROM, Deceased. vs. tion for permil to withdraw publi(, On( .t ft. ~vdraul e p,rsmnel boom. I ^ e(~iifie0 (~.oe~. "-'!o ~'a~'ll)l( *•- way tra or connection Color - Red 10/14 It ......... b" " ~e ......... I RESERVE CONSTRUCTION C()M I gr.n ul w.te ,s through a well .~ lusted Basket and ~;xt(•nding seetim~ to bet q.~" ~9'~),.~..)' (.,',"r.~? ~.'"~"~lvV'b;~) .~.~•'.' Equ}plnenl to be gttarante,(I f,)r t~ Estate. ~ .ld.pers/ d havingUtrielaims againstt .... an said I ah°ve'nanled ....... (lefe, dant ", wnMlip 21 N Rang' 'l W W M n I1!), r'.gla~s anti h.),, .a dwle('t~le ~alve I mu,~i aet..mpanx, (he bid. period of o,~e 3ear (12 r.-nllm). Shop qual f ,d as Exec . x of Ill(, estate el I To: RESERVE CONSTRITCTI()N .. . .-. . .,. . . . . . ;. ,~,, el 100.0o0 v(nts At:. t)askot to gronn(l. ....... , , manua~ to 13o imquded. 1 : - ' oral e has been al)l)oin e,I ~1 ha~ ] I~AN¥ INC Deft, ~dant [ within SW SW RW~ of Re(,It(m ,t 11.odney IBrandstrot. Dec(ms(d that COMPANY INC a corporali( It ).l e fila~on t:ollnl3y, in llleaUl(')tlnl (,I :~(,,, BOOlO h) b(" l)(,wel•ed by a hydratlli(. 'till,. (_ollllnlF, slone!.s!'pSel've l lle I'l~[It A. Certified eileek Ioade pavabh, tO rJglag dl[____. _. _ ,," " " ' ' i,,:;" mzexzte, m~).))eelto (';~:i:,t ~,i.~ Inn)Hi and SAD: power take-off e,md)i.. I:)r.,.)eet. slay or a h Dza~ an q t() ,et:.t't tile Dlstriet of 5% of the l)'h price • , herq, re I.i e s, e . . liar,Its ('i)httnho,,s,y, e..(.l .)' /o,• ..1' nat ()l f') Iruck Iransl issi n 36)° the ('(ll!~])ll,l('nl "~,'lllOlZ In ZllOll• ]}It/g- Ill~qt aeoolnpany tile bd An '"--R0V V "d"'(easff'c'L'are'l ........ - -dtllv Y v- l)(qr, ..... lill(~ h,,., - r~..,, On Soft. 2.11h. i965. the abo',('-n:~.)ued i t,, . . 't ....... f '(, , t. l)' d) ,'gl .,upplv. eontimlous r(,talion, lh)t, ln h)hay,, an ,~,.nt wm neat serve Tile nee(is Ol Ill(' The ('onunlash3ners re,'er;'e 'the - DUNN - or.SO':' ,..:"x'c'~"'h'l"ess'"" ....... ,~(:~,":'Z.:;'_.. o.,.,.'., ;'L~ ' e".... 'y .) wl, 'h s atta('l ed, , , Any ,),i, etions, ,,,at. b" a,'(.,1, l a, i,d zon,',l ,,, 70" ,,r elcvath)n. Basket 1(, be[ BOARD OF' OOMMISSI,]NERS ,elect th .... quil,)n.,nl whieh in th(,h" ,))., (),...,,,,,t, with tim o~,.,.t..,r ,~nl.) I You are nohfwd to el)pea) m lm)':~,,n [ i)y a two d,,llar ($2.t)0) r(,t.,)rthng f,'," levelled by a vlosed elrvult hy(h'auh(' I b?(lwin W, Taylor, Pres. Judgment will boa( serve the needs of C(~,uri"'togetl~er wlth pro~,f of ~u(.h I°r by atlorney m) any ti~,)(: be- l~,l~d filed with the S1.ate Sup,?vi~or ,,r sys(,,m, wlth a sa|',,ty cylind,,r and a T• W. Webb, Vlee Pre.~. the District. Ideal refir'emerit sp0~. 1 bedroom " ' ". ' ~" ' ~ ."' I O 'I b • 2 1 " at w ~ I t" ' they B ~rt, L C fie Conlmis~ion •r ~ f Public " . 'r s e n F'ront Ax e - 7 000 bs l~earAxl~ ..... ig a[ i ( i" ( K in LI1 • ' ' " • . by the County Ailditor of aid .or nt" • t for 1 " I:hakes - All, • . .... ." , . ... ( , '~" Out h0. f l)w:ing d •cril d .n(l elass t~e • , " "- •" • '- •- , Gross T(r..ue 325at 2600 RPM sltua~e~ tneroon wilt be mild at publ|e . " • G V W Rating 600(} ~ ~'~o on. xcept cn~zens ()~ ~,1 ' ~ ~ ~" ' " ~ " ' ' -• loads 8uen can purchase state lanes : ,: , . ......... ) I Real Estate ,) ) ,) ( -~u.~., o ••e..•, ........ ~.~....,c~ t~ .... - I I ~rlan per. . ront warrn. I know room an, WESTGATE BUILDERS I~J~l~,a J.~v~,~W~,.,IH;~TO ~r~ I Hea~. y. uuly tlealer an(] L)eirosier• ...m~:°n~t" .~..u,,..s..~-,ll~a *,~ 4tl°~ uvQg' 'tK'',, ]~ *~,q~l. 52 • •. $5950 ' .~..,v .,- .................. " .. ' . " . ' ~. " .I,,~,. ~ ri)-qt nub| ('alien of this notice ] Oct. 15, 19U5, at the offtce ,,I the above- days fr,)m October 14, 19G.). syst(,m and chock vah'e to prevenl tlp- 9/23-:I0-10/7-14.,-4t Edw n W Ta~:lor Pros. im t~e~¢~ .... ..." .,,,)do six mon~) .... ,,,, (I~( ,,( re H~e n(,ur of 2'ul p • '(lay I v~ater ll.s )t '("s w lh n t, r ~,' (30) separalc and independent hydraulic Jack A. Cole Sccretar:,'. ~3OARD Ot~ COMMISSIONERS "=':" ....... :"ql be b ...... ' • ' i nt t ed Justl(e)f~ the Court at t}u I\Vitn( ,~, my Imnd and off let'S seat ping of basket in the evenl of levelling [ -- T.W. Webb." f'iee Pres. or [lie saree w (~,•~t'u, " " 'S( ' " ' ' " ( •~ ' .Im~l,l[]l I1~ with walk-in closet. Carpeted liv. .... )ubli .... [ Mason County Courtho(]. '. Shelton. [ tlHs 28th day el Seplelnber. 1.)6.L sysh.m faihn'e. Basket to be attached [ CAI.L FOR Bll)t4 Jack A. Cole. Secretary B~,..,.,..,.,_~ Ing room, fibat oozy kitchen with D,~te of first 1 eatmn October ~, Washington. and admit (.r d(.ny th., [M.G. WALKER t ) tim end of 1he boom and not ,m [ The Commissioners of Mason Count?, 9/23-'30-]0/7-14-4t 19urn , I above claim. If you den.',' any.part I St de Sup(,rvisor of Water the, side;. TOP,. c(,ntrols..shatl be "Dy,- [ Public Utilit)) Dist~;ict No.' 3 wlll r(L , ~ ........ "7_ -~ m.~n~•mo . big eattrig space. Excellent :yard s/ JANICE J. I:IRANDSTROM I the clahn then the Clerk will sol tl." [l~('s(.ur('es, ntx w~tta a iu ,!~,llcron taler to l)revcnl l eeive sealed bids for one 1966 model "NOTICE OF gA'LE OF TIDE IANI)~ e.O o.eoroom n.omes are with loads of flowers and shrubs. Executrix of said Estate [ case f¢ r trtal at a future ,lat.,. 10/7-14 2t contamination. Bottom controls to over- truck and chassis at their office in STATE OF WASI-1IN(]TON, DEI~Rq:- ll(]e top .... ,ontlois lIy(ll alllle 1111, s "'11 Electl IC mice DraKe ,Te,e.nL__FHA terms, Garage and top Mt. View Iooation. Rt. _ oL 432;o. : helt,,n. Wash. I Ir y,,u t'aii t,, at, l, ear or t,, answo,.. . . . .2 '. :...', ,. '.. I sb,,lt,,,• Wasbinglon up (o X:. 0 p.m. MZNT'OF" NA 'URAr, ES()VRCFS Desk I W ill qu CK COUpl rtg ~. alx ( ~ tc ( ) , 5 .CI~ C I llll( , pn .ano ¥9b per mont,n Better .see It] I-IAWKTNS, lieu ..... ,'~ & BONJ()RNI I judgment will I)e taken againsl you t NOT1CI,', OF SPE(!IAL MEETING ..... - .... .• ..,,., • ,, • •. / will be el)Cried and p(]bh(.Ib read. Lands axes arid insurance. Attorneys for Est.ato. by default as demanded in tb(. claim. Pursuant h) Chaph, r 216, Law~, 1953. for operating hydraulie toots saws nc ' '• , ' " UlJtI(;)l(]lng ny(]ratlllc a~at\~l~zers, wo|en[Speeificatlons are as fill )ws NOTICE IS IIEREBy ~IVEN '/'ha~ 223"C" Str;~lt r~.t~, q This a(ton s o~ an open a(',',,~nt y)u a'e hereby notified that at 4t:00 ..... (s " " - ~, "of" ~ ' • ......... u: . lnrpletlon) SO buy now cRo~0 Auburn We, • for goods furnished. ~,'el,)ek P.M., Pacific Daylight Time. wilt oe nmuntea at roar ot lrueK nouY To b( a 1968 Model on Tuosde.v the 26t~ ,i.. )e c~', ~, W I I ('ontrol valv ,," lllOU]II(~(l aL "~,ar | "-" --" ~965 coniIiieneln- ~ tel ")' 'l 5e~ ' "'e body.Rod flx~hng bght in. tall d i - . . . .. ) . .• , 10/7-14-21 3t GI ENN E CORREA t~oar(] ot um.ctors m DrJ.,m)..,c ....... ...).. ..,h.. ~..,n ..... 1;.. ~+-).m~e-s ~,,e[18.000 lbs. 2-speed limited shl) dif- ~Ql(n( on of sa.ld d,o. at th< C()unty ~"o~v~. ~'~;~{~. i'~a~,'.:"~'ut(;"~'(~:~,i~'e"bo~f.'lferenUal, ratio - 6.50/8.72. L:(]art ttou~e m liu. city of She}ton, • .. • - . .~ _ •~ ~';...•v ' ~...~,5 I Battery 1° volt 66 plate ~;0unty of ~wason State of Wnsbinglon siinllar or ( qLIIxal(llt lO U~.lllty o-Ju ' " " " ' ' R " ' P. T. This body to b~ bu It 02 I ~ t o1~ " es ~e ') ' .... 4 h)n lut h -1~ Heaxy y. . .... (ab-axl, t~u(k. Btdy to b 15 g. ~ En,-tne V8 220 }tP lands together w~th the Impr()~ements lnCltl(]lng leal (xt nsn)n ann iu' r arl ~ ~, " .- -' .... " full step IIea~y ut~ty DU npor uecK t )~ " "~ , " " ' • " " ' • ~.^ . " . .(.: • '. _ . .^ IOil Filter1 qt full fhw auction to the h~ghest bidder therefor oe ,)tf' inWidth |ulfl c,)nslrLicte(] 01 IU " ' +O t*' ' ' gauge dla,nond r, late o,,cr eor,'u ',,ted I Alternj)Aor - 40 An~p low cut In." N~e~-'" , e ....... e deck 18" ~ide compartnmnts togive " ' ' " "' ' a ..... I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,z.,.,~ ~ ~m~. ~ I ':"~O'~'~E C MUELLER a,~ " ,', , ,: .... "., ,,,a Front Snrings 4500 eaeil United State or persons wh,) have "" ' "" ' '- - ReinS*-rlng 10 400 each and over (]ecmreu theirmtcntnm t,)t)ee )me plat( 2o btu~(d over sl(]e co rips't- r, "- , - " ' ~ " - " . - ' inents Catwalk and hand ran over cat, I '. " ....... left rode to towel' platt( rnL Hotst ckl Shock- Front. 't'h,. Ha.~,~a~ .¢ *h;~ ........ a .,),,o,~ compartment to be 8 V-' m h, ngth and I I~uel Tank- Seattank n~.,.a h.. )h~ ~.,.. ,.~ rotr.,~h~,,.~.()., ~ 6' to 8 in depth with 3 pla.~tm hlbes, } Front Tires - 2. 900 x 20 Nylon Extra..,. ~. ~.~.,.~ ,.~ .a~...,.,, ,.) .... )...~ located at rear and h'f! side and top / Tread - Goodyear ~10 ply. +, ......*,...* ..^.d^- oe r.o.e ...... of s:de compartnm at Saw compartmcnt I Rear Ttres - 4 900 x 20 Nyhm Ex- ~'~ £vX~ :l' .... yu,~;;,, .~ili )' l'.q 'N',',;?ii'," •" " i ' lOll .... " ' . ~ .ct on i wn. I • ( , beh)w hotstiek (,ompartment. 8 /z g I tra Grip - Goodyear 10 ply. ~..,~..~ ~ xxr..) ~xr ~r a ..... ~),.,~ ,A, r,) and 6" to 8 deep. One door t( c v n"I Wheels - ]0 holebudd lo.l,s, hotstiek and saw (omtmrtment. Heavy|Transmission - 5-speed ~.~, ...... ~.~,..+ ~ ........... ~,, • ,.-e- duty 3/16 expanded metal cab gLlald• ] 2-sp~.ed Wmdshicld W~pers a n d.~ ~h. ~,~.,h H~ nf ,~n a ~.oHnn 1 n~ ~.,.7~..7.=-..--=...--. W a:sher. - ....... running thence along' the governnumt $88OO ~w,~ All lights as required b) Washing r. r. 0 ' - - . ..• ."" " " ' " " feet. thence N. 17" 0(~' 4,)" E 1090.2.) f et. I ondlh ....... 7 I ~-'!-1~, ¢;J | - - I ~rame Me(]titus - 18 3 (Ke-lnlO e.a [ N 30° 06' 45" E 253.41 feet to the true Jl~ J}' ~ • •---- IFrame)''~ ...... e " - I point of beginning of this doset'tptton CaD - Uon~,entl0nSl DelUXe bl at Jn- ' , ' " ' ,,~.~.a,,v.nulaer 's• e, ' s" " ,"l lit; G,~l'es" ]thence N 59" 53 ,5 W 417.7'.] feet. • ~ I I~oWer Si~emng.. [N 2° 09' 27" W 73.17feettbenee S rJ ectrlc "racnometer. 9* 1 ' ' • ~ r il on t5. 53 5 lu 323.34 fee(', more or loss, Air brakes to include t a erc #aal kstate ,, .• .. •.. -,to t,e.o,'e,n e,t ,neaodor line • • ~ I I necuons, aria. controls. ' ' I t~mneo ~'30" 06' ~$" W 250.0 feot. more .. II Color' ' r~a " Jor less, alon~,said meander line to the TELEPHuNE 426-8544 II ... " " " ..... ed |polnt of befflnnlng, with a f,',mtage of ~nop nlanual to De lnelll(] . |J ....... ~1955 ~4('" SPri0s 13.79 linml chains, more or leas. , ~o DO tram,(] m - i .: o ~u ' Excel)ting therefrom any tidelands 200 HOOD CANAL [t Chexrolct Line tru(k wdh l ne body[ .... ;..(a b: h,, ~ .... ',,f ~r ............. ' o I i er ....... "'Y ~"Y .......... " ............. ~" ..... • . . and derrtck winch Col nmn D v d ' • Ummp~oved waterfront. South |l - ° - " " ~ "' .......ha [ for the culttvahon of oysters pursuant ?or ambl. let you aame the terms on this b ected to [ utility and breakfast room combi- I • an(] ront wnee amve Alsov, • , , of Holiday Beach. No uplands J l flatbed wlth v,=tnch " ItS th2~" prox2slons o[.Chal.)te{e 2}, iI~aw~ an- , • . , , , ' n| I~SD IO .1~. oa.cou, e/l I,~¢" tl •U * a¢4 ~.~ but ~ mludes hdelands 60.00 A certffmd check made payable to~ r., ~ ~m .... ~-. ^.C,~-,,;-.. ~,. ~o.~ ...... .,,.;, .-,,,.,,'; lo~v~ow,, lJt,o Dlstrlct of 5% of the bid price ~b'&e ............ ' ................. ]~;~iquelL==r$350.11.,j0 ......... ' separate garage,Ca'so' tileTn theOlymp1¢s.downtown' WIllareatOSSamongln ' p0olshel.ta- oar,and excele t vl~,v of w fr°ntutlhhespati°'DetaeIie~Iroom withsm~gle garage ]birch cabinets, patio,t° wOrkgarage,in large J on 2 ~ acres for $15,500. v2!~iSe!~ ~b~!2,A$350bedroOmdownhOnaebeaCnincludesJa -e 6.0 0 ....An°meail. ~aoom n I}ii_.|i Gh.nnl.,,ell ]~\nldin~l': C ) ' .ca' .... ur own aeoorat0r co,- Need room? Live On a budget? TEmple 3-5320 or ULrlek 2-4321 ] DATED this 24th day of Sept. ;1965, ] ~n tl~e 2,2od day of Oc~)bcj]:. 1.96~.h!!~ How can you beat this one? Wood "- - " • ~' - " I" I District No. 46 Jefferson County, UBU,~.., furnaoe heat, 3 bedroom, basement, -~ " Y~ ~ - 'I Jtlstice of toe uou'r. ] V)rashhlgton, will hold a special meet- i_ ,r~ ..... 4 Iot(~. Space for.3 oars under cov- Jill IP~s~a~(~ 9/30 10/7-14 3t tag at the office o1' the Jefferson a'r~ JUS~ minutes tr0.m er, I~uii{-in appliances Iri kitchen , I hous,,C')untYatTreasurerport the CountYlvasbington.COurt- . ge Iiv|ng noom, z coo- and large family d ning room It's . I Real Estate I r,,r ~he pu,.posc of open~n~ bids for ~(~% and ...... a dormitory up- very neat and terms can be work-" IIMl~l ~ ~-~V I ~1'~.'= ~__~'~_'~'~ _ the purchase oF $36,000.00 of general o oeau,,,u, acre,....., s-, anu,-': am:nun I . and ~ell and pump. 0nly $7,- =u .... --- -~. )me terms arranged. $8500 AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE I wv ....... - J Cle,'k. of the Board ,)f Direetors ~tT On Angieside. Has one nice bed- "wI~rH NOTHING DOWN I . ~•~ml, ml~p [ 9/30 10/7-14-21 4t ~'.~: .-~, room and den Or Second bedroom,ON F,H,A, SEE IT .... ~LAND , . . well desigded kitchen ah~a cozy TODAY" ' ED,ATE , LaUI35UlVlI:Kt, ~,~u¢~Tu/wo0ded tract i ving room with fireplace wall. OCCUPANCY -- a i J - - • ."ha'_ 125 f,,t of fron~:-. Th,s'-home ,s" built strong against" Fully reconditioned "ome with kstate i ..ooooooooooo [ 630 feet deep! GOOO.the winter winds and iS Very cozy hardwood floors, floor furnace, 21 ..v. I bedrooms down and large room up and you'll IIRe this F ., EXC~OS,VE AGENTS ~OR , HIMLIE REALTY ,o0, terms,o .o .... stair, Full haseme-~ wi~h amp,e , h =e • e ,nformatlon. room for game '~ ..... d plenty I ¢il~J .,-,."~ of storage. LVcatedwith good ~;ie~. I Turn Right Airport J ~(||~L]m~=[ [~o~--DEN-- Owner will ,0 ,o~1c fixing on this Can be sold with nothing down and ~ ...... )n .~tate Law.. ..... them, e t~l 40* 0~' 45"E 6,t8.90 feet, thence Jln~ ft-=- ' : .., one. And it, will be ih top shape. F.H.A. terms on c ' 'on of a ,i - uao to Axle. - Iu~., _ .... r e-(N 36" 06' 45" E 608.30 feet. and thence ~h~- ~Vr..pian. ot .tnls Tliere are 3 bedroomS, full base- pa~ing credit report. Priced to sell EXCELLENT RESIDENTIAL J vine aaas up to some- _.... - ~- size livln~ -^ .... III ..... • ........ , ............... NOW at $8 850.00. AREA [ • foF family livlnd. Full.......;=.. kitchen It'* ,^~,-. I LOvely view and perfect setting I ~l~[@ IfV • ~1' Vlkllt • ll~m ~, • I • ~nn n s .m~t.eaa t l g "" ( g )" ] thence N 65" 28' E 230.65 feet, Ihenee SPrink" . - w .... , ................ ~,. ~ers, patmo and close to wor~( and to.wn. Very easy WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONAL [ for this wonderful buy. 3 bedrooms, | .re immediate posses-+*r-,= ~n no down F~ HOME TO BE SHOWN ON I bath and a half, gourmet appealing [ .. 'red ........... " ' • approval. $17,ouu APPOINTMENT ONLY I kitchen with birch cabinets, dish- / II,, l R| |a e~ue, ,e.rms arranged. $9500 , 4 bedrooms, double plumbing, I washer, built-in oven and table-top | II|~l]~ Vsus~ ~u]~ ~T..-.,-. in high school district. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, dining room, fire I stove, large entertaining size liv-j -ph--~ ~o~_ oo~_a )~ PaleLy'elSe['can be extra large living r6ohl, nearly place and furnace. Well located I lag [o?~turWiwthn2:r~e,~l f~rePlace, I .==UIIU ~O'O~ ,: u.up . new kitchen and 2 top lots. We'll ,anawe. b.nd has, so many lovely features/ "g p g ",/ to see these that ~t must e P , _ . • )) Uple ,ornose wno ,....;.t.W..dv for immediate oc-InaUon. Full basement. Well land-| ProDertleS--- ~10 .... ~ " - . one. Better be flrat thla timel ne ;~ Dearoom ana ~',~a'n(~v' Let';'make a date! $29,- I scaped yard. $18,500 or F.H.A. i - ' ~lln Unit. Full FHA ap-e44 =nn g~-n-n-'" I I SHARP SUBURBAN!! .. must accompany, the bid ........... r, er chain or t Apnramed at $)000 p ~.~,¢~w Call John Devereux or evenings II The Commissioners reserve thc right ~,oor.n .... , $~L$1~'4p a_'d foe; A lovely ,ireplaoe Wall. matohlng ....... I BRANDNEWEASYTOBUY I Just minutes from town to [l~~~!~:t!~!~i ~!!i;)~i~:~i)~,ii p..~n~ :~a'n...~r~U ,," plan1~er ~ind wa,, ,(i wall carpet l=it~w ,AN YOU MATCH, And what, buy, 3 nice big bed=| this tr,m 3 bedroom rambler at 426 4251 f~oG t:0A )i:~)Av!~Eel • ter call toaay tor ae- ~t;eet yOU .when you ~nter this 0he."'~u,~ =rtn @ALUE? | rooms, large closets, tiled bath|that has lots of elbow room |llm~ /vml -- ' of " • • And you'll also have 4 bedrooms, ........ edro /with shower and lots cabmets, l both instde and ,out. Extra ( o room nome WltD a. D oms L&V family rec room, workshop, 3 car " • ...... ac- ~_'[ living room is large ~ith picture| roomy living room with car- ~e£ double pmmoing ommg ~p e ana~ _ " lace dinin area " , 11%- . carport, 2 lots and a fine view of ...... ' t with util t winaows rirep , g J peting and fireplace. Bath ' " ' " T.W. Webb "Vice Pres. , , ' .... zuit basemen -m .... : • ' bulkhead, 5 hmbered acres. II Jack A Oole' Secretary ioclocka.m. - - = --a-e L-r--IKttcnen m a 3oy with| and V2. Large closets. Patio. • , ERT L. COLE ky room, ana z car gar ~ . a gem ........ s~ -e "andoven lovel " Lovely 2 bedroom home. Excel- II 9/~'S0"!0/7"14"4t J Commissioner of Publle Lands • ,,. ,nto th,. onarm,ng b,e and drapes Better have a ,ook, rontrOOmnnaSe C UreaterOOWS lent .ou o• 2 g.ra o. 9, 0 10, . .t dOWntown homel! Has - " - win- , uunu-m tov , Y./ Carport Drilled well All this I r~h~ With FranRIIn $1~t,000 'tr"Js~e~ ip:7:w Only $9,- ,rice. Very easy down payment, 3 value_for sueha la~hge lhg~me.£~c: IANGLESIDE GEM / ,o , ,, oF ,.,.,; .o. ,, ....... _ _ .. - ml In the Matter of iile Estate of LIL- truck and chassis at thelr office In ea at $16,bUUrrvW~contra~ I Excellent location. 3 bedrooms I save $$$$ This nearly new Inn' HOOD CANAL I/ MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Icclve sc}tlod bids for one 1966 Inoc~ol • bedrooms, living and dining room, Owners will ca y • )full tiled bath, living room with| Mt. View "home has been re- • • ml L]AN BEATRICE SINCLAIR. De-|Shelton Washington up to 1:30 p.m. '_ L . 11//2 baths, 2 Car garage and a nice kitchen built-ins. West shore. J[e,ased October' 25. 1965, at which time they s;n¢~( $65 PER MONTH I Angl~side iocation. Be ready to \ _----IAL fireplace, separate dining room,/ duced to $15,950 which is $1,- |drot pu.r~nase t,.h,is .old- move in by Novem,ber 1st. AIRPOR~2pOAM~(RG large kitchen withhandy utilRy| 300 below F.H.A. appraisal. $15,500. Terms. I/|'' "-'--.u'r,c~ ................. ,s HmCF, B'Z, . u,vr~.. . ulat.(d "11wtn'~'~. ....... ,,,be ,,~,°pened ...... ~and.,- _,, publtclyn,,~, read. om nome wttn tire- rOom, separate 2 car garage, half/ All the acorns in this 3 bed- the undtrsignod has been al)POInt' / mn he n 1.qRfl ~ad~1 OVER 200 WATERFRONT i|and b~s qualifed as the Exec(]tHx of Axle ~,'r,)nt - a-t, an canwt- 5000 it, downtown on large ~14950 Beautiful 5 bedroonl home on I/the Estate of I.llllan Beatrice Smcla~'. J lt)s "' ~n,h 245 feet of Highway frontage bath off utility room, fenced yard./room home are extra large ..... ' ', ............... located near Airport. Level and lEverything in excellent shape.| and it's complete with fire- ~o o , o ..... i/deceased; that all l)ersons having[ Axle Rear - ;15 000 lb 2..speed axle, /~leared. One of the best local i F.H.A. $15,000, $450 down. | place, hardwood floors, built- $7,500 ,>s t ton's finest homes. This fine old ~o acres, . mhe ............... I, c a n,s aga.inst said deeeascd are herebY'ratto 2 6 40/8 72 iimiled" slip diff~ren- t,,~:te possesmon on h,ome WllJ need some paint and fix- areas for commercial develop- / in range and large double One of Shelton's finest. $38,200. t/required to serve the. same. duly veri-o~ ....tim .... Ternls I~ fled on the undersigned Executrix '1 Batter- - 12 volt 66 plate I/h , -:~ ' .•. IBrakes - Hy(]raunc w~t,~ • a- ..""4~ye 'ing'but will be an exceptional ram- ment, with water available. :'"'1 EXCELLENT VIEW / garage. See it now![ (r' ~tt),'ne " t' r,c ,'d at the address " ~ : ...... l" di- l~,..~ ...... ~.~_. I'Hy home when completed. Every- I OF OLYMPICS | ~^, ............ I below stated and f le the same wlta ph-qt-~n v--,n,,n booster uWNTOWN HOME ~ ...... '[ ~;hing, is extra spacious with 4 bed- 3 excellent building sites on Air- | 4 bedrooms, entertaining size/ ANGLESIDE CHARMER-- ,.u w,~/r..HPrlUl~lT m, 1he Ch, rk of the .saids eem, t,--to~thcri•hin six ....................... lanrMn~r -' TJruna nnd dram ~l~rne.r lanascapeO.10t l rd~ms;*2 baths, formal dining room, port-Island Lake road. Water fur- / living room with fireplace, dining| This one is a must see if you Lovcly 4 bedroom home split- | wili~ pr,,.of o!' su(?l .~rvice ~x;t ...... "" t shoe. ' o level "on Hanlnlcr~lc 2 ba ) (6) I .)I ns ~'ter lne uate o~ ~n'st puo- " , y. ths, | . . , ..... ) q~ saint ill I Cab - Conventional. Deluxe Seat, uer home has room, u f I il ~ri .... | fireplace, sun noom and a bea t" u nibhed to propei'ty. Priced from [ area, gourmet kitchen with lots of/ prefer a roomy home with z ....... n~et)~lces ~3,~,a00r Telms" $8 il b(neau"'lba, ed(n uus not,c.e ( ,' L c ~ w , Gauges instead of lightsl)ut~ mreplace, oasement, last .... [settingwith a creek running$1,300.00 and up. [cupboards, brcakfast room over- everything on one floor. 3 "" .... , - i[ ~ • I Clutch - i2" Iteavy "" ." 000 down. | Date of first pubhcat m October 7 ~ngine - 6 or 8 cylinder. ~'~ cane ~ ano soon n n e -" Y l acrosa the front and dew o e sid . . l iooks Olympics, 2 bedrooms and bedrooms plus a den, huge IIt t)ii5 F I (~ross Horsepower - 160 Minimum. 0~/e~nupy. Can be pur- i Come look at this 0ne! NEAT AND WHAT A VIEW . half bath, 3 carport, recreation garage, family sized living- ^ .................. I '' "~T -DYS MATTHFWS I ~,'o.~ T(wquc lb.-ft. - :),8) Minimum. Z I~I~.UHUUIVI r-iIL.L~.~r~r-.o/ ii t,~z~. • " ' ~" "~ ' m mw this 3 bee ~ w 1 ". II " ' Exeeutri× 1~ilter,Frame.Oil - Full flow , her ¢ont?'act *ith, On Mounta" V" , ' - room w'th f" ep ace. Ail this for dining room and attractive nu.c for a sn~al01an~_ly.. I[ :,0,000 lb• test steel I~,~ .- Wtll trade or take cash for own- home is neat as a m w~th an e available. . $15,500. room P" ' $13,000. Cg t in for $400 down. kitchen. All these features 2 c~r paves ga • g .. ~ , . rm II Atorne; "for Estate Alternator - 40 amp. low cut in. a lovely yard and a fine view ..... . • p,us a preTw yaro ano one 19?0(~lflbca~)acit. S- i~ HA.vEN ', [ er'b $1,500 equity and you move in Large living fireplace. FOR RENT of the most interesting fire- II ;121 SotHb IPourth Strm~t I J~Tont ~p. g: .: . . ~ t. Y ..- 3 Sh,,lt(m, Washingt()n tOO{) lbs. each at the greuna. onvenient k~tchen with large ea m letel h r ~t mo¢lest, 1 beoroom I this week. 4 big bedrooms, 11,/2 C ' " Co p y furnis ed 1 bed oom place walls you will ever'see. 3 BEDROOM MT V EW I[ 10/7-14-"1 3t Rear Springs - Varlable-rah, leaf, in s ace w|th ample room for h i - " I Ca acity 7500 lbs each at the g ', ~ nd North edge of town suburban .... P tin P ~vcd street S aClOUS CAI L FOR BIDS ' tlhock At)a(rbers - F'ont I)~shm Dla- ilv dinin~ Lar~,e fenccd ro'tr | Public Utility District No. 3 Willre..-t Front Th'es - TWO, .~) x .o ~yton o ~" ~ .. ,.'" i ccive sealed bids for one 40' I1ydrauttc Extra Tread - Goodyear I0 ~)ly. "~,TON~it0t..d°wnt°wn~al'6a l diningthis~ one~r°°m'this week!2 car 2garagebar car and(0rtl~ smaller 2 bedroom home. Only1 ctOSeunly @10.ouuS~°I'es' C new. $15,500. FHA $750 down | Sl~elton, Washington up tO 1:30 p=.m. i Extra Grip - Goodyear 10 ply, }i~ ~ . . l Daths, nice flrepla~e, p . g . p .............. . . , ome to reliable party. All utilities Yours for $17,950. Like to • ' • . . ' . included -- $80 per month, see it? / |,"~lm~nly $2,95..01! land a very private Iocati,on. A top with lots of storage ana wor~ set' g. ~, "'. "P " - " .' • meier ;1 3/8" nfini,uun,. ) ,,=u TiOOrS, large kit- J buy. I~a~ easy care small I,ot. I Space. Beautifully. . ..shaded ..with 2 ~=DROv,,,o~= ~so A-- COMMANDING VIEW -- li¢ing room with fireplace. Faro- i The Commissiml(~rs 9f.Masgn ~.gunty I Fuel Tank - Seat. .~. ~ .. , ",rag for appointment. $20,750 privac.y O~l~0%(~yncry home. xoursFamily room, large kitchen, util-Everything else is in hand .... i Alm dst 2000 sq. ft. on one level, fdr Orily @ , . ity and fruit room, garage, $1,500too with 4 big bedrooms to yard. Attached garage. LaKe m Derrick and Body at their office in I Rear Tires - Four. 900 x 20 Nylon ~,~oo~, anytmme i There are 21//2 baths, 3 extra large ; .~ --,..~ ~ ~;~A,~s ~-,~o= ,~,down and $75 per month. Total accommodate e v e r y o n e. .......... price $ , 0. Owner budt during the last win. oe o), , " ~ ~ • w.u .,,~ - .. • BA! ¢~TAT~ I t/~drboms. Den with fireplace, liv- L,..~"An omer ................... z story home, put l~; 800 . . includes closing costs. / Oc.t, oh('r 25,e.:gg5, atd wig)itchI :/ale rte~ae.dY. I : 1;o?eSPeegdsynchrcmesh. -'--~a. =--Um~J~ tag ;b0r(h ~ith fireplace, formal ..... xcellent ea, e and i ..... 2 years with exceptional .......... .__ / Specifications are ,~,{o~ow~(~ ft with Windshield Wtpers - 2 speed wiiil • • ....... _a^. DUPLEX FOR SALE forethought andmagination )~& nas nan e " s v~.y a ,,u.~ ~Lm~.~u i One fIydraulic D "C ,- ., . Iwlndow washers. neat "/2 acre wlun zme ga,uv,, "' • ...... St)me trees along creel{ 1~ maontinuous rotation. ,Capa(~ttya t~o ,P~I Heavy Duty Heater and Deft,rater. n... ~1 much, much more, Have a look at 'large living room, $10,900 and tag ro~imi, compact ~ttcnen, .oat}; but. a Job promotion now .......... s # 1 2500 lbs funy exte,med at horizonta. I St,,te Law ~r~ .v,~ space. A large utility room and . ~3ach unit has 2 bedrooms,, lix,.- for their, permanent home, ,,,i,-o t,, new W C C A ~'oo(t l)u~' / 9,000 lbs. at 75° fully ~t,~ndcd an~J All lights required by Washington t the end owner will consider a trade for m}a . ty_ room, .etec~rtc neat, forces sale. 1960 sq. ft. with for $1,200. Terms: $240 down, | 8,000 Sheave Head Winci~ a , [' Cab to "Axle Measurements - 102 $ P m bah bearings and to L,dd~,el~.p ~-26~000~ Po~i" Bt~ei'l~g. =' - ". ROY " .,o A,ways renteu, a fireplace, a kitchen barbe- 12 et,.month, i of Derrtck..Turn table to operate, on I inch,, . mile from city center. . ue, 2 baths, and lots of n=nz,,~e~s u,,, m inch Ibs. of torque. ~)errlcl~ to bel Electric Tachometer. 2 .......... n,LL~.,nr--o/ m mounted over reb, r axle and equi])~d] Elee.tric mico brake. ,°4.. .o~ w.,... ,,o oov0ro0 Ideal for retired couple. Shops I wlth one set of hydraulic Jacks, d- | Color - red. ^IX ACRE~ ON COL': ROAD ANGLESIDE LOCATION F H A and landscaping well laid around the corner Lar-e llvim~ m vidually controlled from base of tow- I - Complete shop manual to be furnish- )Lt.I.--426-2252 2 I~h°/le 426"4?47 ~ ~/eZarly completed 3~ bedroom 4 large bedrooms, 2 complete out. Full interest in water- • ,, ~' m er ..~ fed wi{h truck. / I~l[('~d' ~ t home where a handy man can do tiled baths, 2 fireplaces, recreation front with a mobraae dock room, plus extra room. Break- |All cylinders to lu, ve, pilot eontrm!eq/ TO be traded in - One 1952 Int~r- fast nook. Kitchcn has lovely/ cheek vahes. Controls to be operate(l| national with one Industrial M,mkey ...... h~l d new built-in freezer-refri~'era-1 from both sides of tow, er .Da@e ~with ]and Comp_artments, Air Compressor, Eves. oalh Home Is set back on property in a built-in appliances, garbage dis- able and terms to Suit can be +,~, ~,~,, ,7 ..... " o" m mot( r start and st)p swli:cn, tacnom- ) ]~-Ibses and Saw. t;-mm some .finiShing and save money, room, workshop, kitchen with Price of $23,000 is Jnbeliev-" tvootl Th rb Is a small po~al, tanwscaped, dmtble car ort ~irr n .... • , .... • ..... ~ ,~.,ouu. zerms are he-1 eter winch pole claw, P.T.O., and [ A "ccrtified check made payaifle't0 Roy I creek anu spring water. A large Umy ~ v,ozb. 1 Tandem iwdraul[c s~,stehi t) 0p~rat.e tnUPt ~(:0mPany the ]~id. IIA§T ADS A, Dunn 426-4601 -~' - g" --" -1 .... P • a ge6. Don~ r~l~/l 6ut. gettable. | out~:igger co'rttrols at tower base. Ithe District of 5~, of the bid price • Y ME NT A GREENHOUSE? V I Mary Voss -- 426-8074 living room, ntilit room and a WA OFFICE 426-8544 / boom and digger I The C0mmt'ssl0~ers reserve the right ]al:g.e k~tchen. $10,950 or make an INCO . PROPERTY This one needs some repair / -Waterou~ full. t0~qpe p,T.O, vgjt]a to reject any or all bids and to sclect nine= m electric shift speedometer anq governor [ thb. e~uipme~it which in theh" Judgment / I _-- "~ , , ,, , , - offer. 3 bedroom home just redeCorat- but lOok what goes with it. Eve_._~: / d,'ive, a~d Helle}; motor ~.ee9 zovernor J will best serve the needs of the Dl,~1~ ,u~~-----S-~--TTR B[AL [ TATE ed) 3 rental cabins bring in $90 Avery nice older 4 be(:Iroom ....... It() be furnshcd and insta,|e(]• rlCt bedroome bath and ½, fireplaqe ,~,,,-u-~:~='-.~,,~-'2 t~la Io~s An ............... - .... m m'd. Pole Claw tilting type be | T.•.W. W ebb, Vice Pres, 1 " "v~g~¢~||v llllJ|~dl ~V~" ~ I ftlrllished ~ JaCR A. Cole, ~ecretary in liv fig ~odm, built-in kitchens • .... '~' ..... ever'" Robert Barnett --- 426-4278 m Boa;; to be - steel flat deck,UP to] 9/2S-30-10/7-14-4t and shake r- * " .... ~" ...... 1 ,.. ~o alters TUH use ut y- ,, •. ~ , ~*,, h ......." ...... ~.,,..,,~ ,,~ Call 426.4666 thing and even garden space. BROKER ~, ~..,~,.~:..u~ ,~.~,,=.~,.~.~ • Just $13,500 boo. What terms ' $17,000 and $18,500. " Sue DAVY:'nings Call o you neeot j .,, :,,,4,, ~,{:!:,~;~=: ANGLE AOENOY I') n ....... r t ,,0" and•" I,, "(, V. ' That .sac." : o.,oE P.o...6.,.,, # howner who each• Compartmented .,tb .> .u" o.t, County Developomni C, ..atin%%nnz@_r@______.._.__.. wi,, a .pre¢late .,-~'~w m,ueh d,.awcrs, curb sffle,,a.wt_t.h ..of Seattle Washington on Septemb,'r ' ..........., BROKEI/ HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE & -- " ' )hbr~ i~dari~ 5e ~N~rth ~tn a se.,e.ated bins, sheh'es with ~lJ all- 22 1965, .filed appliqatloa for perndt to W.,.~'JJ'~_h vi~e,g materlal hooks, Rear step, 10" idh'ert the public waters (11' unnamed OEOROE ASSOCIATE '- ................ ~ [ N C Y touch of tender Iovirlg care )late, Deck o' body to be 10 g. let In the amount of,0.5 second-fool, "'~--"''" H.D. bumper with non-skid diamond ~tre, am tributary of }lanmu',rsh,y 1)~- Real Estate & Insurance REAL ESTA and TE INSURANCE a bit of ambition. The For ..... ----r------------------------ subject to existing rights, c.,mtinuous" qng on 20 Acres 7 miles from town, 2 bedrooms,401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426.8272 119 So. 4th ~ Shelton Wash terms can be most attractive ~._~ t..: .,_, .~ ~,.~.~.~.,d~ [Iv ~ach year for the purpose of rccree- recreation i:b()~, 2 {~lre~'I~c(is: $19,750.00. Eveni~g~ 4~6-413o, or 42~-6181i .~-~L-.~L..~..~ A '. " if yOU qualify with only $150 ..... ._'~'~-'f__~. ~ ~. "~. " - tion that the approximate p,,lnt ,)f di- I[~;w;llgl,lr~ ]Lle[O~l~l~ ve,'slon is located within SEV, SE'..~ of • ' ~ '~"~ '--" "~ down --. Give us a Call, O~i~r ......... s(ietlon 18. Township 20 N, Range 2W. beamed belllngs, picture windows in 2 bed= .,[ _ " ~ ~ • ,.,,,, .......... ----~-~ .... on Picl~lIlg Passage. C(ihlplete 1 bedroom Warning Sounds W.M.. in Mason County. Gravel beach. Magnificent view. Ideal arrange- inother-in-law. ~ bedroom i~0me on Hilicr¢tst. Fenced in yard, ,e closed in back porch. Must see to appreciate. iB •erfront view iots in .~rkada Park• water sys- )c : faciiitte~ in. Reasdnable with easy terms. Older farm home ,on li7 ~cres tn Shelton Valley. ¢~le~red. Needs sdr/ie Rtds, 6attle and a bt~ Of ] costs - pay like rent. 3 bedrooms, full aI d sto 'age. Only $8750.00. les. 3• bexirooms, double garage, 5fi 3 ~Jlii~ ~cres. Additional 5 if desired. Will trade on an older place s is a "Dandy". To - furnished- dnly 3 miles tr6m town in Arcadia NO IrlCl~ barn, double garage, 4½ Acres. Full price 2 hor§~, ~R~II~s, bridles and horse Your Family To A New Home s is a must. I in waterfront and acreage - Hood Canal, Ham- '.ake, Spencer Lake, Pickering Pas- md. See us to-day• '~TIII 5 p.m. Oh Sdhd~lys or Evenings Phone: Walter. George -- 426-3530 Jacl~ ~lt;~n ~-~2e-~654 Seo 116 No. 2nd CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN -- Call us to see this nice two bedroom home, Clroulator fireplace, attached garage and big fenced back yard. Perfect for a retired couple and jbst $9,250 by F.H.A. WATERFRONT HOME- Hammersley Inlet -- three bedrooms, basement, sun- deck. A Very pleasant home with beautiful yard, young orchard and lots of frontage on the water, This is almost a country estate and prioed at just $26,000. Better call us, BUYING OR SELLING call 116 No. 2nd Phone: 426.3369 Evenings call: Dlok Knauf---426-$110 "Skip" Nest--426-3049 Vlnce Htmll6 -- 426-6501 New On Mt. View Ne t to Rex Flooring I A steady blast of 3 to 5 minutes means probable attack Short blasts for 3 r~lnut(m means a~ta0k imrdlnent. ]Real Estate NoW RENTING ON MT. VIEW NEW -- LARGE 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS• • Wall to Wall Carl~et • Decorator Drapes • Electric Range • Electric Refrigerator • Loads of Closet and Storage Space • No Children Under 13 • No Pets CONTACT 121 Railroad 426-6592 b"An-yv. objections must be aceon,panled lwo drdlar ($2•00) r(~cording fee ~d filed witll the ~tate Supervisor of uter Resnurc~s @ithtn thirtY (30) days fern October 21. 1965. ~Vi*,,,,~s ~y hnnd and official seal thls 27th day ef September. 1.q65. M. G. WALKER State Snpervlsor of Water Resources• 10/14-2;1 2( h I I a II J I J Clasgified Advertising Rates 18 Wofd~ or leas (?nintmtifll chsra'e) $1.00 single inso)'tton. • ~1.60 two insortions. $2.00 for three insertions Additional irmertions 25a each. Rates for larger ads on reaue~t. Classified display $1.25 per coh)mn inch Card of tharikS $1 50. Read. er noUcea 15 Word minimum $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch• "Not ResponMble" notteel; $I,~0 per insertion. All classified advertisements mu~t be paid in advance. Ads ~aken over the telephone must be paid before t~e e~d of th~ fl~th. An extra el~arge of 10¢ will be made when hilling Is nece~ary I I