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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Kelvin (Kelly) Coots minal rneys ases in Mason Friday for apPointment of 18, St. Rt. Is charged with He was at the Belfair Shelton ttaP pointed to e was released on bail after his court appearance. David DePoe, 27, 104 East D St., Shelton, appeared on a charge of grand larceny. Jerry Buzzard, Olympia attorney, was named by Judge Robert Doran to represent him. DePoe was released on personal recognizance on the recommendation of prosecuting attorney Byron McClanahan. on a roadway hie of being a conventional Passenger car, eed an ATV dOllar for every ,wa~ uttered at s meeting to new a $5 fee for that back country by ordinary dollar for went home not certain needs ig'room-only into the COurtroom in Courthouse, of jeep and Shelton, Grays OWboy from to know if registered for on ranchland reservation crossed a ordinary car Was told he he was on land on from the military and Vehicles are nd exempt from the law. Search and rescue jeeps called into service by the County Sheriff's department would be operating as law enforcement vehicles if they should find themselves on a trail ordinarily requiring the permit so would not need one on a rescue mission. No permit is required for use on your own land or on land on which you have been given permission to drive your ATV without a permit. This permission does not have to be written. No permit is required if you always drive your ATV on roadways capable of travel by ordinary passenger cars, even if it's a back road thirty miles from a County highway. On hand to explain the law, answer questions and listen to criticism was a panel composed of this area's two State Representatives, Charles Savage and Paul Conner, Bill Powell of the State Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Walt Neubrech of the state Dept. of Game, AI O'Donnell of the State Dept. of Natural Resourc0$ and Stan Francis of the-Inter-Agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Wynn¢ Maule, supervisor of Olympic National Forest, was asked to join the group from his standing-in-the doorway position when he identified himself and offered to answer a question covering federal lands. The purpose of the registration, according to the panel, is to provide a fund for building of and maintenance of trails for all-terrain vehicles. An officer Shelton Week that who are the pens at are creating make a has to be they have factor in POund. :he dogs in much from oft-repeated question by one lem young man, "How do you maintain an ATV trail?" was never arlswered. It seemed to be the general feeling of the crowd that no maintenance was required; the rougher the trail, the better the challenge. It was also noted by the panel that there are more and more jeeps and motorbikes running through the woods all the time and some controls are necessary to prevent environmental damage by those crossing streams at the wrong places or damaging young trees. Mason County Sheriff Johnny Robinson, when he got his chance Law enforcement and civil defense authorities and private citizens continued their search efforts Wednesday afternoon to locate Kelvin W. (Kelly) Coots, 1 I, who disappeared Monday night from a downtown street. The search began Monday night shortly after 10 p.m. when the boy's father, Kenneth Coots, 416 S. 7th St., contacted the Police station to report the boy missing. The father told officers the boy had returned home rom school about 3:30 p.m. Monday and had gone out to practice football, planning to return and go to the basketball game between the Redheads, an all-girl traveling basketball team, and a faculty team at the high school gymnasium. The boy did not return home, the father said, 'and his parents thought he might have gone on to the game. When he did not return home after the game, they contacted officers. Officers were able to determine that the boy had been at the high school gym watching the Redheads practice and, while talking to them, had been invited to come back to the gym about 6 p.m. and sit on their during the game. Officers said the boy went to the Timbers Motel, where the team was staying, about 5:30 p.m. and after a brief conversation, left, apparently to go home to get something to eat before the game. A short time later, officers said, a classmate reported he saw Kelly on Cota St. and that he was apparently headed for home. Officers are also investigating a report from a Shelton woman that she saw a boy answering Kelly's description get into a car with a man about 5:30 p.m. Kelly is described as 11 years old, four feet tall with a small, thin build, brown hair and grey eyes. When he was last seen he was wearing grey bell bottom slacks, a green turtle neck shirt with grey dots and white tennis shoes. Officers said Kelly had been described to them as a quiet, stable boy who was having no troubles at home or at school. Joined in the search were the Shelton Police Department, Mason County Sheriff's Office, Civil Defense Office, friends and relatives of the family and other private individuals. Wednesday afternoon, a group from the German Shepherd Search Dog Association of Kent arrived to join in the search effort with their tracking dogs. The group is led by Bill Syrotuck. A group of about 30 Explorer Scouts joined the search Wednesday afternoon, concentrating from about 16th St. in the Angleside area across country to the Deegan Road and into Shelton Valley. The search was centering in this area, after being in the area between Shelton and Dayton earlier. The County Civil Defense Office said they had had numerous calls from persons who wanted to volunteer to assist in any way they could. The officials said a list of the people was being kept and they would be called on if needed. Shelton Police are looking for two vehicles which they believe might have had some connection with the boy's disappearance. to speak, seemed to feel there were already enough laws on the books covering nuisance and trespassing acts by ATV owners but that enforcing the law requiring the permits on trails not passable by ordinary cars was impossible. "We don't have the people or the equipment to enforce such a law," he stated. Loud applause followed a declaration by a member of a jeep Club in Olympia who announced his club was going to circulate petitions calling for a vote of the people on the law in November, 1972. Applause also broke out whenever anyone suggested the law be repealed, which was quite often. Conner, who had voted against the bill's passage by the legislators, said he felt it was not a fair bill, that it was taking away the rights of the individual. Rep. Savage, who had voted for the bill, explained how difficult it was to know all points in each of the 3,000 bills before the legislators this past session and said that One is described as a light colored Volkswagon and the other is an older model black Cadilac with primer spots. The Volkswagon was one which was observed in the vicinity of Seventh St. about the time the by disappeared and officers have been told by one person they observed a boy answering the description of the missing one probably getting into the vehicle. Officers are tracking down any lead they come up with. with some officers coming in on their off duty hours to assist with the effort. The Police Department also asked people to check in their own back yards and garages or any place where a person might be hiding or be hidden. Officers asked anyone who might have any information about the boy or his activities Monday night to contact the Shelton Police Department. Thursday, Oct. 14, 1971 85th Year -- Number 41 Published in Shelton, Wa. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Wa. 98584 under act of Mar. a, 1879. Published weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving at 227 W. Cota. $5 per year in Mason County, $6 elsewhere. 30 Pages --4 Sections 10 Cents Per Copy The Shelton School Board Tuesday night directed Supt. Louis Grinnell to use what means he needed to expedite a solution to a problem in connection with non-high school funding of the proposed new Shelton High School complex. The board passed a resolution requesting all participating non-high districts to have their share of the money deposited with the County Treasurer within 90 days in order that the money will be available when plans for the new facility are ready to go to the State Board of Education late this year. Grinnell said Hood Canal School district is contending that according to state law, they do not have to have their share of the money until the time when construction actually starts on the project and that Hood Canal district has requested an attorney general's opinion on the question. The superintendent said this could delay the progress of plans for the new buildingl He stated it was his understanding that according to State Board rules, all local financing both from the high school and non-high districts must problems caused by ATVs were stressed when the bill was reviewed before House members so it was jammed through. He said he had received no calls from anyone advising him not to vote for it. Whereupon the audience said they didn't know about the bill until after it had gone into effect in August so how could they ask anyone not to pass it? They were advised to join Associations and send a representative to Olympia to (Please turn to page 2) be deposited with the county treasurer at the time the plans are submitted to the State Board. Grinnell said it was his understanding that the State Board would not consider the plans until all of the money was available. The other four non-high districts which are participating in the project are going ahead with plans to sell bonds to raise their shares of the money, Grinnell said. The board received a letter from Mayor Frank Travis in which the city offered to trade about four acres of property adjoining the new high school site and the vacation of, Ninth St. from Pine to Cedar for the old Lincoln Gym property owned by the School District. The city wants the Lincoln Gym property as a site for a proposed new city library. The board~ after discussing I he offer, asked the superintendent to contact the city further on the land swa,p question. Members of the school administration took sharp exception to information being circulated that the district has a 30 per cent drop out rate. The question came up on a comment from Mrs. Helen Ruddell, a member of the audience at the meeting, who stated she had heard it and wondered where it came from. Shelton High School Principal Chet Dombroski commented that during the last school year, out of about 800 students in the high school, enrollment declined 45 during the school year. tte stated even if all of these were counted as drop outs, the rate would be only 5.2 per cent. The 45, he stated, included students whose families had moved away during the year and were attending other schools and also included some mid-year graduates. The source of the 30 per cent figure was not identified, but, it pres~umably came from discussions at a meeting in the area. Don Smith of the Arnold and Smith Insurance Agency asked their firm to be considered when the district goes to renew its liability insurance policyl which comes up in November. Teacher Jack Gaddy questioned the board's acceptance Ban, A Hearings Are The Mason County Commission had hearings Tuesday on a proposal to curb the discharge of firearms on Stretch Island and on a permit under the Shoreline Management Act for Wes Johnson for his proposed new Alderbrook Inn complex. The hearing on the firearms restriction drew a crowd which almost filled the commission room. The commission earlier this year had received a petition signed by about 55 per cent of Hays Hearing Friday A civil service commission hearing on the dismissal of John Hays as a deputy sheriff has been scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Friday at the court house. Hays was discharged by Sheriff John Robinson earlier this year after an incident in which another deputy was accidentally shot in the leg with a .22 caliber pistol. Hays is opposing the dismissal action and has asked for a civil service commission hearing. without comment of teachers recommended for extra curricular activities by Grinnell. Gaddy commented he believed the best qualified persons were not always given the jobs. Board members stated one of the duties of the superintendent was to handle personnel assignments and unless there was some specific question, the board accepted the recommendations. the property owners on the island asking that the discharge of firearms be forbidden except predator control and protection of property. The State Game Deaprtment recommended restricting hunting on the island to a shotgun only basis as is done in some other areas of the county. Those who support the petition want all h.unting eliminated except for predator control. A spokesman for the petitioning group stated the proposed shotgun only restrictions would not be an acceptable solution. The island, he said, is less than half a square mile in area, and, is becoming more densly populated all the time. it has a population density of about 120 persons to a square mile and that in the comprehensive plan, the entire area is classified as suburban residential. There are only two property ownerships on the island which are large enough to permit hunting, he said, and both of these owners have signed the petition. The group stressed the danger to residents of the island from (Please turn to page 2) REHEARSING FOR their parts in the Shelton High School Drama Department's production of Jack and the Bean Stalk are, left to right, Michelle Dregson as silent character; Mark Walmsley as the giant and Kav Hellman as the giant's wife. ,The production, along Nith "The Little Princess", will be presented at a public performance at 7:30 p.m. today in the Reed Building auditorium.