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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4-H rds Given At Achievement Night Mason County 4-H members, Bloomfield. leaders and parents gathered at Food Preservation: Kenneth the Belfair Elementary School Drake and Vicky Bloomfield. Saturday night for the annual Home Improvement: Pamela Achievement Night program. Bloomfield and Marilee Matson. The program included the Horse: Norma Hoepfner, presentation of county awards to Karla Kimball, Tammy Ford and those who had won them for their Liana Ford. 4-H work during the past year.Horticultural: Shannon Master of ceremonies for the Bloomfield and Laura Stout. program was Fred Geiger. L e a d e r s h i p : R e b e c c a Highlights of the program Chapman, Teresa Murray and included a demonstration by Chris Rickards. Laura Stout and a fashion showElectric: Laura Stout and by some clothing project Oliver Chapman. members narrated by Rona Alumni: Mrs. Cora Drake. Harper. Clothing: Pamela Bloomfield, Award winners were: Donna Schmiege, Vicky Conservation of Natural Bloomfield and Kathleen Byrne. Resources: Shannon Bloomfield,Bread: Sharon Johnson. Vicky Bloomfield, David Agricultural: Rebecca Bloomfield and Michael Matson.Chapman. Forestry: Kenneth Drake. Achievement: Pamela Dog Care: Teresa Murray and Bloomfield, Terri Lick and Jenifer Chris Rickards. Cheney. Dress Revue: Tina Nelson, Home Improvement Contest Sue McLean, Nancy Eveleth, sponsored by the P.U.D. Teresa Murray, Rona Harper, Employees' Association: First, Julie Kamin, Terri Sievert, Cheri Marilee Matson and second Moore, Debbie Lisoskie, Rene Sharon Johnson. Gates and Michelle Lisoskie. Top Secretary Books: Senior: Food-Nutrition: Pamela Pamela Bloomfield and junior: Bloomfield, Kenneth Drake, Rene Gates. Vicky Bloomfield and David Irate (Continued from page 1) lobby and watch out for their interests. This suggestion angered one member of the audience who didn't seem to think he should have to join an organization and pay a lobbyist to retain his rights. Savage said he was ready to introduce amendments or repeal the law if that's what the people wanted. Everyone was invited to let state officials know what they wanted. A hunter, who said he wasn't going to buy the permit although the Mason County Auditor had said he should, was informed that he would not need one since he would be driving a two-wheel drive pickup and traveling roads passable by two-wheel drive vehicles, tie later announced his skepticism that he wouldn't be given a ticket or wouldn't have to pay the fine in court and left in an angry mood. It was pointed out by Neubrech that the burden of proof was on the authority i~shiri~ the ticket; that if someone who had received a ticket showed up in court with two or three persons Hear About J. A. Lastrapes, technical assistant to the Washington State Governor's Advisory Council on Nuclear Energy and Radiation, will be the speaker at the Shelton Chamber of Commerce meeting tonight. The meeting, at tteinie's Broiler, will start with a 7 p.m. dinner to be followed by the program at 8 p.m. Lastrapes is a staff member of the Washington Department of Commerce and Economic Development and specializes in nuclear energy development. He will speak on "Nuclear Power ..... a blessing or a threat". Lastrapes retired from the military service in 1967 after serving in both World War 11 and the Korean Conflict as a pilot, nuclear weapons maintenance officer and nuclear safety officer and has performed liaison work with collegues and with NATO countries. He also participated in some weapons testing programs. The Chamber has set Oct. 26 starting at 2:30 p.m. for its annual coffee hour for school employees. The gathering will be held in the PUD 3 Auditorium. Chamber members and employees of school districts in the county are invited to attend. to testify that the road on which he was arrested was traveled by two-wheel drive cars, the case would be thrown out of court. Suggestions from the audience included printing a brochure specifying the trails needing the registration, eliminating the ATV permit fee and letting the ATV owners build and maintain their own trails as in the past, eliminating the ATV permit fee and taking $5 from each license plate fee issued for an ATV, to be used for building and maintaining ATV trails. In a conversation with Jerry Otto of the DNR after the meeting 1 learned that his Department had hopes of building long ATV trails, on joining State, federal and timber company lands with overnight campsites along the way made available for ATV owners. As the meeting started to break up around 10 p.m. I heard one teenager, in a puzzled totae of ~oice, say "I asll~the same question twice and got two different answers." 11-11 :lub Plans Because of the change in the holiday calendar this year, the annual Veteran's Day 11-11 Club Breakfast will be held Oct. 25. Veteran's Day was changed from Nov. 11 to Oct. 25, the last Monday in October, this year. The breakfast, which is open to all veterans, will be held in the Memorial Hall. The breakfast will be held at 11 a.m. It will be proceeded by a social hour and a wreath laying ceremony at the Veteran's Memorial in front of the Title Insurance Building. The wreath laying ceremony will be held about 10:30 a.m. World War I veterans will be admitted to the breakfast free, the committee in charge of the event announced. Special Meeting The Pioneer School Board has set a special meeting for 4:15 p.m. Oct. 21 to consider a resolution in connection with the sale of bonds for the district's share of the new Shelton High School complex. No School Friday There will be no school in the Shelton School District Friday. This is the annual teacher's professional day. Teachers will be attending sessions in various parts of the state and the students will have a one-day vacation. re Truc One of the Shelton Fire Department trucks has completed its annual tests, but, testing of the other has been delayed because of an objection from the State Fisheries Department to using water in Shelton Creek, Fire Chief Allan Nevitt told the City Commission at its meeting Tuesday. Nevitt said the tests take about three hours, and, require a considerable amount of water. The water, he said, is pumped into the truck from the creek and then pumped right back into the creek. The fire chief said other locations where the tests could be conducted were being investigated in an effort to get the testing completed. The commission, in a 2-1 vote approved an ordinance increasing the salary for the Mayor and Commissioners to $3,000 for the mayor and $2,400 for the commissioners. Mayor Frank Travis voted against the proposal while commissioners David Kneeland and Glen Watson voted in favor. The proposal had brought some objections, voiced at the commission meeting last week by Former Mayor Earl Moore. Both Kneeland and Watson stated they believed the increase was justified on the basis of the increasing amount of time which the city job takes, but, that the timingof the action was not good. Both stated the action shouldhave been taken before filingopened for the city commission positions last July. The increase will go into effect in 1972, or, as much of it as will be permitted under the federal wage regulations. If the action had not been taken now, it would not have been done for another four years since the commissioners cannot increase their salaries during their terms in office. The mayor and commissioners will be on the Nov. 2 general election ballot and new terms will start in January. Travis and Kneeland are unopposed for re-election to their positions. Watson did not file for re-election. His position is being sought by Michael Byrne and John W. Bennett. City Engineer ttoward Godat presented a contract with Pacific Sand and Gravel, Centralia, for street improvement work under the recently-formed LID. Godat stated the contractor was ready to start work immediately. Gun Ban, Alderbrook Hearings Are Held (Continued from page 1) them time to study the need for firearms discharged while hunting. State Game Protector Allen Rasmussen, commenting on the safety factor, stated in the seven years he had been in Mason County there had been only five hunting accidents and no deaths had resulted from them. There have been no accidents at all in the past three years, he said, and commented he knew of no accidents on Stretch Island. One long-time resident of the island commented he had lived on the island 40 years and knew of no hunting accidents during all of that time. Sheriff John Robinson said a ban on the discharge of firearms with exceptions for predator control would be extremely difficult to enforce. The commission, after listening to the various views, voted to clefer action until 2 p.m. ,,J~, t. ZO. Several persons appeared at the hearing on the Alderbrook permit. Speaking in favor of granting the permit were Lawrence Gosser, John Huson, John K. Bennett and R. W. Oltman. The commission voted to defer action until today to give a variance on height regulations under the Shoreline Act and to determine what should be granted in any variance. Frank Frink, Seattle, president of the Hood Canal Environmental Council, whose group had been one of the strongest opponents of a previous Alderbrook proposal, stated he would take information he got at the meeting and discuss it with the directors of the council. WE HAVE the • CRYSTAL CLEAR • CUT, TACK, SEW or SEAL • HUNDREDS OF USES INDOORS & OUTDOORS STOmM WAtL MOTICTO|$ LUMBER CO. 607 s. 1st Shelton • BLACK KRINKLE Regularly $12.00 NOW • RUST SUEDE SAVE $1.00 Reg. $2.19 .....-_.-.....-.-..._--..-_.-....-_-._-_-_------------'-- Regularly $1.98 Regularly $3.04 CONVERT ANY 126 CARTRIDGE :I INTO A CAMERA INSTANTLY WITH A Regularly $1.49 :~:::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: : :: :: ::i::::::: :::: ::: :: :?~:??i: :: :i:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::i: :~ ?i~!i?:ii~!ii!iiii!!:: iil i ? ! ~ ~! i i ~i~?~::~kz.~.~ ii!:ii:!:::illiii::::ii::ii:::::::i::i:iiiii::::::i ...... i::~::::~i;::~i~iiii:: ::iiii::;::~!~ ::i::::::::::~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii!i::~::::~;::ii::il;i)i)%ii!;i~iiii::}iiiii~g~N "ii:?!::?i.:~! :i?i!i?' :i~!?ii- '! ?: :i!ii!i:. ":! 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