October 14, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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"1 THINK OF MYSELF as a homemaker", says Carla Meacham, shown with
her children.
"I spend more time in the
kitchen than anywhere else,"
confesses Carla Meacham. "1
really love to cook."
Born in Olympia and reared in
Seattle, Mrs. Meacham and her
family came to Shelton in 1966
and a year later moved to the old
Peterson place by the old ferry
landing. A year ago, with her
husband Jerald and their three
children she moved to their
present acreage near Spencer
"I had always been a city
girl," says Mrs. Meacham, "but
I've never been as happy as 1 am
here in the country."
Her six-and-a-half year old
daughter Rebecca is a first-grader
in Pioneer School. Mathew is
three and a half, and two year old
Rachel was born on election day.
Mrs. Meacham is active in the
Pioneer PTO, and she is a memoc,
of the Pioneer Citizens Advisory
Board. She leads a Brownie Troop
and she is running for a position
on the Pioneer School Board.
"I hope to be elected," she
states, "because 1 am truly
interested in the school and in the
The new principal-super-
intendent of Pioneer School,
Richard Mariotti, had much to do
with her decision to become a
"He is very enthusiastic,"
Carla Meacham explains, "and he
has great plans for the school."
Newcomer Terri Wise, her
Office. He is also the milker of
the goats.
Carla's hobby is baking, and
she will be a contributor to the
bake sale planned by the Pioneer
P'IO. She bakes all of the family
"I started with a basic
recipe," she says. "I added and
subtracted until I came up with
nly own version,"
She buys her yeast in
two-pound cans, which cost $1.60.
A four-ounce jar retails for $.73.
She feels that she has saved
money even if a portion of the
large can of yeast goes stale.
She varies her breads, once
even adding to the potato water
some left-over crook-neck squash.
"It was very good," she
maintains. "Even the kids, who
hate squash, liked the bread,
although they wouldn't have
eaten it had they known what was
in it."
To make her wheat bread she
uses a fine-textured flour. She has
found that brands very
considerably, some being much
coarser than others.
Wheat Bread
4 C. warm water plus left-over
mashed potatoes, which add
2 Tbsp. yeast
5 tsp. salt
V2 C. sugar
¼ C. oil
t or 2 eggs, according to size
5 C. fine-textured wheat flour
bread is to rise properly and
develop a fine texture. Let rise
until double in bulk, punch down,
allow to rise again. Knead and
divide into 3 or 4 loaves. Let rise
until almost doubled. Bake at 350
degrees for about 50 minutes or
until golden brown on both top
and bottom. To check, turn one
loaf from pan. If insufficiently
browned return to oven and
continue baking.
Charles Teske, Dean of Arts
and Humanities in Evergreen
College, will address the Mason
County Women's Republican
Club at their noon luncheon to be
held on Tuesday in the Hallmark
Dean Teske was educated in
the public schools of Easton,
Pennsylvania; graduated in 1950.
He received his Bachelor's Degree
in English from Lafayette College,
Easton, Pennsylvania in 1954; his
English Master's from Yale
University in 1955; and his
English Ph.D. from Yale in 1962.
A member of Phi Beta Kappa, he
received a Fulbright Grant for
study at the University of Bonn,
Germany in 1956 and 1957 and
was a Danforth Foundation
Teacher Grantee in 1961 and
He joined the faculty of
Hood Canal Woman's :lub
Schedules Wig Style Show
The Hood Canal Federated
Woman's Club will meet in the
Potlatch clubhouse next Thursday
for a 11:30 a.m: luncheon to be
followed by a meeting at 12:30
The Homelife department will
present a wig show for the 2 p.m.
program. Featured will be Mrs.
Roy A. Howard of People's Wig
Boutique in Lacey.
Mrs. Howard, an expert
stylist, will display the newest
wigs. Among them will be
"Skin-Plicity", with a natural
part; the hand-tied synthetic
"Lighter-Than-Air" wig; and the
casual, no-part type that can be
carried in a box, shaken out and
put on the head with no styling
required. She will also display
Martigs To Attend
Baha'i Convention
Ken and Virginia Martig of
Shelton will be among the
delegates, attending the annual
convention of the Baha'i faith of
western Washington to be held in
the Scottish Rite Temple in
Seattle on Sunday.
Three representatives from
the area will be selected by vote
to attend the national convention
scheduled for April in Wilmette,
human-hair pieces especially
suited to the Holiday season.
Members and guests will be
invited to participate in the
modeling for the group's Wig
Style Show. Wigs may be tried on
under the guidance of Mrs.
Howard, who will select the
proper style and color for each
Reports will be given on the
Peninsula District Fall Conference
scheduled for next Wednesday in
Moose Lod
Plans Events
Saturday events for the
Shelton Moose Lodge will begin
with a 7 p.m. dinner. Enrollment
will be held at 8 p.m. and a dance
with music b_y___Kenny Knight's
band will start at 9:30 p.m. A
breakfast will follow the dance. A
special guest will be Supreme
Lodge auditor Jess Smith.
The Teen Moose will offer on
Sunday at 1 p.m. at the airport
-lodge a movie for all children of
the community. Admission fee
will be 25c and adults are
Twenty five. minutes of
cartoons will be followed by a
feature-length Soupy. Sales
Jan Danford, Society Editor
Club To Hear
New member Mrs. Edna
Mitchell will demonstrate
Japanese and Contemporary
flower arrangements at the
meeting of the Shelton Garden
Club to be held at 1 p.m. Monday
in the WARC clubhouse on
Capitol Hill[~
Mrs. 'Mttclaell is an konor~h:l
authority in the art, which has
been for s~eral years studied by
dna Mitchell
the club.
Mrs. Jean Eliot will be hostess
with Mrs. Ruth Smith and Mrs.
Ada Travis as tea hostesses.
The September meeting of the
club was held in the Agate home
of Mrs. M. D. Parrett with Mrs.
Dorothy Young as co-hostess.
Each member was presented with
a blooming Impatiens plant.
Ill Is
In the garden of the Shelton
Valley home of her parents, Dawn
Ann Olli on September 11 was
wedded to Gary Wayne
Miltenberger, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Miltenberger of
Shelton. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Olli.
The Rev. William Andrews,
pastor of the United Methodist
Church of Shelton, performed the
double ring ceremony at 1 p.m.
beneath towering fir trees. The
altar, decorated with dahlias,
gladioli and native ferns, was a
portion of the front porch of the
original farmhouse which had
years ago burned. The aisle was a
sidewalk leading past a fountain
and a small pool to the porch
Soloist Betty Potter of
Spokane, accompanied by pianist
Mrs. Harvey Hillman, sang "He"
and "Whither Thou Guest".
Maid of honor Julie Olli, sister
of the bride, and bridesmaid Patsy
Miltenberger, sister of the groom,
each read at the altar a short
scripture passage. They were
escorted by ushers Larri Olli,
brother of the bride, Scott
Miltenberger, brother of the
groom, Lavern Swenson and
Keith Jackson.
The bride, in a long skirt of
white crushed velvet and a white
dotted swiss peasant blouse with
lace-trimmed neckline and sleeves,
walked down the aisle on the arm
of her father. Matching lace
banded her three-quarter length
veil. Her sandals were white, and
she wore a tiny gold cross
necklace. She carried a large
basket of yellow and white
dahlias with native greenery and
baby's breath.
Styled identically to that of
the bride were the costumes of
her attendants. Miss Julie Ann
Olli's skirt was fashioned of forest
green embossed velvet and her
blouse of mint green whipped
cream. Orange and red blossoms,
greenery and baby's breath filled
her small flower basket.
A pale lilac whipped cream
blouse was worn by Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wayne Miltenberger
Miltenberger with her skirt of
deep purple embossed velvet, and
her basket held assorted pink,
purple and white blooms with
baby's breath and greenery.
David Puhn was best man. A
hymn of praise "This Is My
Father's World" was sung in
fruit cake,
topped with a
blossoms, was
Rutledge and
was poured by
of Seattle,
and Julie Olli
unison by the wedding party, the book.
parents and the 95 guests. The new
Rachel Knott Guild After a short opening prayer was graduated
by the Rev. Andrews a statement High School ar
Will Meet Friday of willingness and an exchange of Lutheran UI
vows written by the bride andis a Shelton
The October meeting of groom were recited in response to and attend~
Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild questions by the pastor. Rings College and
will be held on Friday in the were exchanged. College,
home of Mrs. Harry Deegan with Navy accessories and pink andAfter a be(
Mrs. Roy Baker co-hostessing, white dahlia corsages were worn the Olympl~
A meeting "was held on by "the bride's mother with her home at
September 17 in the Hood Canal blue, green and white plaid suit Seattle, where
home of Mrs. A. R. Wager with and by the groom's mother, in an the University
Mrs. Richard McPherson as avocado knit dress.
co-hostess. After a luncheon a Fall garden flowers decorated
:ke To Sp k He short business session was the home of the bride for the
conducted by president Mrs. buffet lunch and reception which
]~ Dorothy Jessup. followed the wedding. The Reading
-1968. r She reported that in addition white-frosted, three-tiered light
adviser for the Oberlin College
Jazz Club for several years.
For reservations call Mrs.
William Batchelor or Mrs. John
Charles Teske was appointed
Dean of the Division of
Humanities and Arts of The
Evergreen State College in
January, 1970 (effective June 15,
An accomplished vocalist and
trumpeter, he served as faculty
Recital Slated
Plans for the Octoberfest
recital slated for October 25 were
made at the October 4 meeting of
the Washington State Music
Teachers' Association, Mason
County Chapter, held in the home
of Virginia Aho at 8 p.m.
The group announced the
beginning of a study class on
Music History which will be held
each Tuesday from 10 a.m. until
daughter's first grade teacher, is 6 or 7 C. white flour Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio in
also highly praised byMrs. 1/2 C. wheat Germ 1958 as an Instructor in English,
Meacham. Dissolve yeast in water. Add salt, holding that position until he
"We are so lucky to have sugar, oil and eggs. Beat well. Add became an Assistant Professor in Cosmetics
her," she says, 'the childrenwheat flour and wheat germ and 1963. He was named an Associate
respond wonderfully. She is just beat with a rotary beater until Professor in 1967 and was
great." very smooth. Acid white flour to appointed Associate Dean of the for YOU
Two cats and an Irish Setter form a stiff dough and kneadCollege of Arts and Sciences in Dean Charles Teske
wander the Meacham premises as until very smooth and elastic. The
well as five goats - ttortense, procedure requires from 15 to 20 u,.L dk.,~~,~1~~~!~!¢11#~!¢~I¢~I~~~~
Hilda, Heidi, Farla and Matilda. minutes. This is important if MOVIIIGSJILE' .Q. Whycan'tlapply
perfume to my clothing, rather
The family enjoys goat milk, than to my skin?
and pigs and rabbits are raised for • A. There are two reasons
meat. A large garden supplies why perfume shou d not be
vegetables, and Mrs. Meacham "~ , ~ applied toclothing:
a~ • ]]~ * The chemicals in some
shops for staples only once a Uph ry & D ry F . perfumes can cause fabric to
month. ~ olste rope =knee discolor or even to rot.
• The warmth of your
It's a real experience to be so "$¢ ~ body is needed to release the
self-sufficient," she laughs. "1
cut as much as 1/2 true fragrance of perfume.
Join Our Upholstery Class
bodY_ should I use perfume?
Starting Tuesday, Oci. 19! Q. On what parts of my
A. use perrume on the
nape of your neck.., your
9 to | I a.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. .~
elbOWS..- the backs of your
t~nees your Insteps... an
at youi'dec°,lletage-These a~
6Lessons ¢17 ~/3 ~ "'-
the pulse spots of your
of your body will help diffuse
Only .............. Ng i ~. ~ ~ body, the sp.ots where the heat
and accentuate your perfume.
to the yearly donation to the To Be
Seattle Orthopedic Hospital raised The Cur0
through the Guild's annual
project, members by personal Coffee Hour Set in Association MasOn is
offerings have bought and The Mason General Hospital Hospital
presented to Mason General Auxiliary's Coffee Hour will be material
Hospital a set of parallel bars as a held from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Using
memorial to Rachel Knott. Monday in the Grapeview home city librarY,
Laurel Nelson, hospital of Mrs. AlmaPettersen. association.
administrator, expressed Guest of honor will be Mrs. hospital
appreciation and stated that the Christine Manning, the new selection
parallel bars are used daily by director of nurses. Mrs. Sigrid TheY
patients. Grondahl will sing. for special
CLASSIC: a book which Guests are welcome and a no charge.
people praise and don't read. small silver donation will be they hope to
Mark Twain requested, hospital more
(Located at the old liquor store.)
426-6163 Shelton
* Neil's Pharmacy
"X" Emergency Ph. 426-2165
* Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
J~ open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
"~" Saturdays "- 9:30 to 6:00
* ,ay~
113 S. 2nd
even render my own lard."
Carla Meacham likes to sew in
a purely utilitarian fashion,
making clothing and household
"I think of myself as a
homemaker rather than as a
housewife," she remarks. "To me,
there is a big difference. A
homemaker tries a little harder to
create a home by all the little
extra attentions."
Her husband is employed by
the State in the Department of
Vocational Rehabilitation,
working both at the Corrections
Center and in the Shelton Welfare
call Us About
A Planned
Unit Development
Page 6 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, October 14 1971