October 14, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Lois Pearsall
High School Spotlight
A seven-year resident of
Shelton is Lois Pearsall, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearsall.
She was born in Chehalis and her
birthday is November 17, 1953.
Her brother, Roy , is a freshman.
Lois likes the outdoors, and
she plans to attend either
Washington State University or
Olympic College to major in
"1'11 settle for just about any
job that will keep me outdoors,"
she says, when contemplating a
As a Shelton High School
senior she studies civics, office
practice, office machines, physical
science and bookkeeping. She was
co-president of the AFS as a
junior, and has for two years been
a member of the Science Club and
the German Club.
She has been active in 4-H
work for eight years, specializing
in home economies clothing and
food groups. As a jtmior leader
she assists in the organization of
various clubs.
In her freshman and
sophomore years she was a
member of the Order of the
Rainbow for Girls and she is a
member of the Episcopalean
Young Churchmen.
As a sophomore, as a junior
'and as a senior she has been a
Girls' Athletic Club member and a
member of Scarlet S. She holds a
GAA letter and participated in
girls' track in her sophomore year.
Hiking, swimming, water
skiing and snow skiing are her
hobbies, and a six-day hike was a
summer highlight. Fifteen
persons, each bearing a 30-pound
back-pack, began their trek at
Quinault, crossed the low divide
'and came out at Whiskey Bend.
"Lots of people do this," Lois
explains. "We met groups of Boy
Scouts and also entire families."
Many small animals were seen
as well as innumerable deer and
three black bears. The hikers
enjoyed both swimming and
"Everyone should go on such
a hike," Lois Pearsall states, "to
see how lovely nature can be."
Girls To Convene
All girls in the Hood Canal
area between the ages of nine and
14 years who are interested in
joining Girl Scouts should attend
the meeting to be held Tuesday at
7:30 p.m. in the Hood Canal
School multi-purpose room.
Parents must accompany girls,
in order for them to sign up. A
one dollar dues assesment may be
paid at the time of enrollment.
Sarah Tostevin - school
teacher, newspaper woman,
author, mother, homemaker, Girl
Scout leader - has always found
time for handicrafts.
"I like to 'putter'," she
Her 'puttering' has included,
over the years, almost every phase
of arts and crafts. Skilled and
experienced and thoroughly
qualified, she will instruct the
Christmas Workshop to be
sponsored by the Community
Library Association of which she
is a most active member.
Mrs. Tostevin and her
husband, Edwin, came to Shelton
two years ago to be near their
son, Dr. James Tostevin, his wife
and son Carl, their only grandson.
Born in South Dakota, Sarah
came with her family to Mandan,
N.D. in 1934. She taught school
on an Indian Reservation.
The Mandan Daily Pioneer
had been in the family of Edwin
D. Tostevin for 50 years. When he
and Sarah were married, Tostevin
was circulation manager, he and
his brother becom.ing
co-publishers upon the death of
their father.
Sarah, in 1935, began her
employment with the Mandan
Daily Pioneer as assistant to the
advertising manager, gradually
assuming other duties and
eventually heading the society
During a war-shortage of
teachers, she was prevailed upon
to take over a small school
located five miles from town. Tire
and gas rationing, as well as
North Dakota winter weather,
made commuting impossible, and
no suitable living quarters were
provided. One meal a day was
available - at a price.
"Once," she reminisces, "we
were snowed in for four days, and
for two of them we had nothing
to eat but cookies."
She taught school for 11 years
before returning to the newspaper
on a part-time basis.
She recalls the terrific flood
of 1943 that inundated presses in
the basement.
"Our competitor, the
Bismarck Tribune," she says,
pfiblis~6"d~~FbF" ~s ~it~t~ we were
cleaned up. It took ten days to
clean the type and to get the
presses running."
Always keen competitors and
Club Will Meet
Amaranth Social Club will
meet in the Masonic Temple on
Monday for a sack lunch.
On September 28 at the city
commission meeting in the city
hall Mayor Frank Travis presented
to Bernadine Duffey, president of
the Soroptimist Club of Shelton,
the Golden Jubilee Certificate
earned by her group.
In celebration of their 50th
Anniversary, Soroptimist Clubs
throughout the world have spent
the past year working to attain
certain goals. The Shelton Club
met their goal by increasing club
membership by 25%, contributing
$5 per member to the Soroptimist
Foundation, having over 50%
attendance at district meeting,
and in service to youth, service to
the elderly, and public affairs.
Under service to ¢outh they
RED SEQUIN POINSETTIAS bloom on the white felt
Christmas tree skirt made by Sarah Tostevin.
often vicious enemies, yet the two
newspapers stood always ready to
help each other. Several years
later the Tribune had a
breakdown and the Pioneer
published for them.
In North Dakota, Sarah
Tostevin was active in the Girl
Scouts, and in both Church and
Salvation Army work.
As a grand finale to her
newspaper career, in 1964 Mrs.
Tostevin compiled and edited
"Mantani", a history of Mandan
and Morton County from 1738
until the time of writing. The
book was published by the
Mandan Chamber of Commerce.
"I needed a rest," she states.
The 11-room Tostevin home
in Mandan was sold, and family
treasures packed away or shared
fashioned of white felt lavish with
red sequin poinsettias. Sequins on
felt ornament a net table cloth.
Wall hangings, candle-holders,
card-holders, gifts and gadgets and
all sorts of pretties spring to
glittering life beneath her clever
Complete instruction will be
given and patterns provided for
those who wish to participate in
the Christmas Workshop to be
conducted by Sarah Tostevin in
the Shelton Public Library where
various classes have already been
sponsored by the Community
Library Association.
Sessions will begin at 10 a.m.
on October 19, to be held for
four consecutive Tuesdays.
with the children in order to
l..,ernahon, l,,,, ,,
smaller and easier-to-maintain
Shelton home.
Sarah Tostevin can create
almost anything artistic. She once
made 398 Corsages as a Christmas
sale project. She makes novelties
of cones and of plastic foam; of
flowers and felt and sequins.
Her felt ornaments are three
dimensional and include cardinals
and doves, bells and boots and
Santas and angels. A tree skirt is
Dinner Slated
VFW To Meet Williston, an expert on Far
Eastern history, has studied and
Friday Night
MAYOR FRANK Travis on September 28 presented to
Bernadine Duffey, right, Club president, the Golden Jubilee
Certificate awarded to the Shelton Soroptimist Club. City
clerk Helen Stodden, left, is a club member.
keep their children; they have
made a donation of
toys to the Welfare department
for the reception room and
contributions to burned out
families, they headed the Cancer
Drive in the business district,
applied for a sister club; through
their efforts the month of
October was proclaimed as
Soroptimist month.
When these goals were
attained, notification and
description was sent to the
Soroptimist Federation of the
Americas, who in turn sent the
Golden Jubilee Certificate to the
Mayor of Shelton for presentation
to the Shelton Club.
The next regular business
meeting of the VFW Post and
Auxiliary will be held at 8 p.m.
on Friday in the Memorial Hall.
Last Thursday Mrs. Wayne
Robinson, Mrs. Darrell Sparks,
Mrs. William Gephart and Mrs.
Jessie Cox attended the meeting
of the Montesano auxiliary. Mrs.
Frank Pennel of Montesano,
district president, made her
official visit.
Mrs. Pennel and district
commander Harold Seeley of
Olympia made official visits to
Olympia post and Auxiliary on
Friday. Attending from Shelton
were Commander Wayne '
Robinson, president, Mrs. Lee
Chapman and her husband Lee
Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. George
Witcraft, Mr. and Mrs. William
Gephart, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Swope, and Mrs. Jessie Cox.
A social hour followed in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Jenkins of Olympia.
The International Dinner to
be held at 6:30 p.m. next
Thursday in the United Methodist
Church is a cooperative effort of
the United Methodist, Faith
Lutheran, St. David's Episcopal
and St. Edward's Catholic
Featured will be Professor
Frank Williston of the University
of Washington who will speak on
"China In Our World Today". Dr.
qualified by supplying a yearly
scholarship to a young woman
studying in the medically related
field and by giving donatiens to
American Field Service.
As a service to the elderly
they presented a braille watch to
a blind patient in the nursing
home, where they also furnished
Christmas cards, helping the
elderly to mail them.
In public affairs they have
se nt representatives to various
community meetings to work on
projects such as lake and inland
salt water pollution, a
multi-purpose center for activities
for the elderly, and a home center
for unwed mothers who want to
traveled in China, Japan and,
most recently, in Thailand.
He served on the prisoner
exchange commission at the end
of the Korean War, and is known
locally for television programs
and for a regular radio series on
Far Eastern affairs.
Charges for the dinner will be
$2 for adults and $1 for students
with proceeds to benefit the
World Health Organization and
East Pakistan refugees.
Society To Meet
The American Rhododendron
Society will meet at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in the PUD building.
LaVerne Bailey of Brinnon
will speak on "Heathers." Bailey
and his wife, Ida, have created a
garden near the banks of the
DosewaUips River where a great
variety of flowers and woody
plants are featured. They have a
special interest in heathers and
Exbury azaleas.
Free Transfer: Your account transferred free
f n w tile united States
rom a Y here In
TO $20,000.00
Olympia --
Pink bows decorated the pews
and pink gladioli and white mums
adorned the altar of the United
Methodist Church for the August
28 wedding of Frances Rice,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond L. Rice, and Jan
Donaldson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Blanton Donaldson, all of
Two hundred and fifty guests
witnessed the double ring
ceremony performed at 8 p.m. by
the Rev. William F. Andrews.
Lace covered the high neck
and extended down the front of
the white voile gown worn by the
bride. The four-inch cuffs were
covered with lace, and a white
bow accented the front of the
high waistline. Her veil was
shoulder-length, and her
Princess-style bouquet was
fashioned of pink carnations and
white gladioli.
The bride was given in
marriage by her father, and her
maid of honor was Karolee
Stevens who was attired in a
high-waisted dress of pink
flowered voile with a roll collar.
Pink garnet roses and white
pom-pons formed her colonial
In gowns identical to that of
Miss Stevens were bridesmaids
Ginger Brooks, Jody Engen and
Vicki Steinbrueck. Each carried a
single white carnation.
In street-length versions of the
bridesmaids' attire were candle
lighters Lisa Marahrens and
Martha Steinbom who wore
wristlets of garnet roses and
Ron Landis was best man and
ushers were Wayne Robinson,
Mark Weston and Richard Rice,
brother of the bride. Miss Nancy
Swanson sang "Amazing Grace"
and "The Lord's Prayer". Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Donaldson
Richard Morton was musician.
The mother of the bride
selected an aqua dress with
matching shoes, and the groom's
mother chose a beige jacket-dress
with brown shoes. Each wore a
corsage composed of a pink
carnation with garnet roses.
Church rooms were colorful
with pink gladioli and white
mums for the reception following
the ceremony. Four heart-shaped
cakes formed the base for the
?1~1.._;: - z i L : ---- 2 1
I .,.nO.,o,, I
Bright and eager
Little Leaguer
Standing on the mound
About to cry,
(Each pitch is high,
Or wide or on the ground)
Dry your eyes!
Do the Big League guys
Weep in the face of doom?
They are Silent and pro~,,i7 "'
In front of the crowd
And they bawl in the
dressing room.
Once upon a time in the city
of Rome there lived a lad whose
burning desire it was to become a
baseball player.
However, the poor man
matured to a height no more than
that of a batter's belt buckle, and
he was hopelessly nearsighted. His
distant vision was no good, either.
Although the little chap was a
difficult fellow to whom to pitch,
he never connected with the ball
unless some hapless hurler
accidentally struck his wavering
bat, and even then his fat little
legs failed to convey him to first
base ahead of even the slowest
With his many natural
qualifications, he turned to
umpiring and soon rose to the
dizziest pinnacles of his
Love then entered his life in
the hefty form of a female
softball player. She bought for him
elevator shoes and a pair of glasses
Menus for ::eltoT~:l
Schools and I
Shelton Senior I
Hig,h School 1
Week of Oct. ! 8-22
MONDAY -- Spanish rice
warm buttered bread
vegetable, chocolate cake and
TUESDAY -- Sloppy Joe on
buttered bun, snap green
beans, jello with whipped
topping, cookie and milk.
WEDNESDAY -- Creamed
turkey over mashed potatoes,
spinach, sandwich, gingerbread,
fresh fruit and milk.
THURSDAY -- Chili con
came, carrot, green pepper and
cabbage salad, peanut b~Jtter
sandwich, canned fruit and
F R I DAY -- Fried chicken,
steamed rice with chicken
~ravy, lettuce wedge with 1000
sland dressing, sandwich,
orange and milk.
Supplement your child's
diet with Plenamins from
133 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-4642
four-tiered cl~
trimmed with
angels and
topped with
Mrs. Jerry
poured by
and Mrs. Gene
Grout, sister
attended the
Suzanne Davis
took charge of t
the gift
After a
Bell, is a
his junior
and he found himself utterly Sole
helpless behind the plate. He Bake
retired to a chicken farm on the
outskirts of Brooklyn and was
never heard of again.
This sad story is known as
"The Rise and Fall of the Roman
I ;,~lthough normally healthy
and strong,'
Every year am afflicted by
Ailments that strike, by the
merest coincidence
Right at the time the World
Series come.
Each year at this time I just
happen to be
Confined to a chair before the TV.
will sponsor
bake sale on
at 10 a.m.,
Supply in
is planned for
30 and 3 I.
c o- h ostess
meeting of
p.m. in the
Mrs. Donna
New m~
Cathy S
attended as a
1 know, of course, that
"World Series" is a singular
subject and that my verb form is
incorrect, but it wouldn't rhyme
the other way. Poetic license. Bet
you didn't know I had one.
Our Usual Specials on our Two
Regular $30 wave ................ 0H
Regular $25 wave ............
We also have a new bleach that is guara~
scalp and leave the hair in as good a
bleach. To introduce this product, we wil
Especially those customers who have e X~
be delighted with the comfort and speeo "
resulting condition of the hair.
Vacationers and newcomerse yOV. "
6 fine operators to serv
Phone 426.66590pen Mon. thru Saturd|l/
on-Mason Journal Thursday, October 14 )71