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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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|D THE Oct~ 14 b luncheon, noon, s Club, 6:45 a.m., 7 p.m., court Woman's Club 30 p.m.; regular church. ies Civic Club, noon. P.m.,-home of Hi Win Awards Seven members of the Hood Canal Hi Riggers 4-H Club attended the 4-H Achievement program held in Belfair last Saturday evening. Pamela Bloomfield received awards for achievement, clothing, food and nutrition, home improvement, and best senior 4-H record book. Vicky Bloomfield received awards in clothing, American Legion To Meet Tuesday The three Shelton High School girls sent to Girl's State in Ellensburg last summer will give their reports at the Tuesday night meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary to be held at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. Susan Hamilton, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Kelvin J. Hamilton, was sponsored by the Auxiliary; Nancy Maranyille, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Maranville, was conservation Of natural resources, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club; food andnutrition, and food. Kathy Pill, daughter of Mr. and hal Early in September the Hood Canal School District sent home with each student a letter explaining the district's free and reduced lunch program under the Federal National School Lunch Act. The reduced price for eligible children is 15 cents for those in epo kindergarten through sixth grade and 20 cents for grades seven through 1 2. The announcement said those who are not satisfied with the decision of the school district on their application have the right of appeal. Those who wish to appeal a denial can contact John J. Pill, Congress Is Lunc superintendent, at 877-5463 or at the Hood Canal School Building. The announcement stated information provided on the application would be kept confidential and that every effort would be made to prevent identification of children receiving free or reduced price lunches. The school district has applications available for those eligible under the program. Income limitations which preservation. Mrs. John Pill of Potlatch, Was determine eligibility are: 15 Kenneth Drake won awards in sponsored by the Zonta Club. Gross Monthly Income CcI :e board .Forestry, food and nutrition, The public is invited to aL or d Inn. food preservation and best Junior attend.- . Washington members of the year's Logging Congress meeting Family Free Reduced oll Orthopedic 4,H record book. Awards in logging industry will have a Which isexpectedtoattractmore Size L~mch Price e °f Mrs. Harry Conservation of Natural , prominent role in the 62nd than 1,500 members of the 1 $175 $195 Resources and food and Nutrition Meeting Slated annual Pacific Logging Congress loggingindustry from 10 Western 2 222 250 and Logging Equipment Show states and British Columbia. 3 276 315 ~', Memorial Hall. Were presented to David A jewelry party will be a which will be held at the Bob Witter, land resources 4 328 360 aunty Retired Bloomfield. ' Shannon Bloomfield feature of the next meeting of Memorial Coliseum in Portland, manager for Weyerhaeuser Co., 5 377 427 ', noon, Hallmark was awarded pins in conservation: Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Beta November 2-6. • Tacoma, is one of the panel6 426 493 of natural resources and Sigma Phi to be held Monday in"Managing Forests for all the speakers for the Thursday 7 470 547 16 . horticultural division: " the home of Nancy Owen. " morning program on "Protection 8 514 600 • . The. Clubs 4=H Secretary .People" is the theme for thisof Va,!ues during Timber 9 554 653 dinner, 7 p.m.; book also took a firstplace in the Illllillllllllllllillillllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll Harvest. 10 593 706 ' :.~ 9:30senior division. PaT was club .secretary and Shannon served as Bo~iAqling NecKs Demo Club participateTW° WashingtonianSin the ThursdayWill 1211 673633 812759 Club President for the 1970-71 • afternoon panel discussion on invite you church of your 1 p.m., at 4-H year. Plans are now underway for another year in which projects will feature Conservation of Natural Resources, Clothing, and Foods and Nutrition. The first meeting of the club's new year will be held next Monday evening after school at Mrs. Dolores Drake's home. By Vicky Bloomfield, Reporter Teachers To Meet A representative from the Washington State Teachers Retirement System office in Olympia will speak to the Mason County Retired Teachers Association when they meet for a noon luncheon on Friday in the Hallmark Inn. Potluck Planned Commission conference meeting, 7:15 " Degree of Honor will hold a family potluck dinner at 6:30 P-m- on October 26 in the Memorial Hail. Those wishing, to contribute food should contact Mrs. Martha Clark at 426-4708 or Mrs. Esther Morgan at 426-8126. Guild Will Meet Final arrangements for the Country Store to be held on November 6 will be made at the meeting of Sarah Eckert Guild set for 11 a.m. next Thursday in the Grapeview fire hall. Jayettes ToMeet" A discussion concerning the Haunted House project is scheduled for tonight's meeting of the Shelton Jayettes to be held at 8 p.m. in the home of Toni Ruhl. PTA Meeting • Dairy Queen 3, Marlis Monger 417; Shelton Rec. 1, Donna coleman 535; Hoodsport Care 1, Shirley, Hicks 403; Harpers 3, Bobble Barnett 458; B & J Mart 3, Marge Beat 382; Tr