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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
October 14, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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October 14, 1971
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By JIM KNEELAND Neth ~then fought for six yards, next to score on a long march. Dan Morgan returned the for twenty yards. Reserve the score, after Scoring came quick and it leaving the ball down on the two The P.A.T. failed, leaving thepunt two yards and carried itquarterback Ray Krumpols, then 6. came often Friday night as the yardline, score at the end of the third another yard on the first down. ran for twelve yards on a keeper. Total ya: Shelton Highclimbers stomped Rob Settle was again given the quarter; Shelton 34, Timberline 6. Wayne Alexander then carried theIt looked like Steve Settle had Climbers was 301 the Timberline Blazers 40-6 in an ball and this time he came upShelton wasn't through ball for a seventeen yard gain. the T.D. onthe next play, but the Steve Settle away game. with the score. After the P.A.T. scoring yet, as they demonstrated Dan Morgan carried the ball the o ficials called the play back for rushing with Shelton kicked off to the the score was 34-0. the first time they had the ball in next two downs, the first time for illegal procedure. On the next finishing second Blazers and four downs later the A bitter Blazer sound was thethe fourth quarter, three yards and the second time play, however, Steve Settle made with fifty-four y~ Blazers found themselves punting backtoShelton. , ~ " • o,;_ ShelfoniGrid" Jawees The Climbers couldn t move the ball on their first seriesl but ~ a . the second time they got their ~ hands on the ball, things started ! Beat 0 mpla 22-0 to move. Mt Tracy Armstrong grabbed the , ~! [ Shelton's J ayvee football Ray KrulllP°B ~ 1t punt and returned it for fifteen team scored another victory as for the second so0 ",i yards. Quarterback Neal White the team defeated Olympia was no good....,,dl gave the handoff to Tracy jayvees22-O. In the third,..t,~# Armstrong who fought for twelve " " : :tlr / " ~3!~ ' " According to coach Ron Ellis,Settle returned t°t~;~ yards and a first down. Bob ~ -- .~:~" "7.~~~:,, ' ~ the first quarter with sustained out The P.A"" , ' • the first two touchdowns came m his second . ,~ 1~ b Crume lost a yard on the next ~. " - ", score "' play to make it second and :::~!i~:,~~. ~ • ~. • " ~. ~i~'~,~ ~ ..... drives. ¢ ..... from Ray KRUPP eleven. The ,,~t touchdown came Alexander. aljdt~ Armstrong came back on the When Steve Settle made a two The total Y. second down play and ground out yard plunge for the score. Ray Climbers was. ?A$~ six yards to force a third down \~ Krum ols ran for the P A T yards were gainS., ~r~)~ Per Nolan • and five situation. Neal White ~ whale 224 yarn :~ faded back to pass and found Rob P "" " . s • !~ the ground. 'S lli _ . _ Settle open for a fifteen yard pass • Next week ii (,]iil~bcrlt'~lt ---kicking /" l • play to put the ball on the ,o; F "" ENE re fated n d wl d at varl0 ma few ruffled • Meet$1ated. . orrong awealsn eighteen yard line. With a first ..... ..... . .... $N$ Tennl, Chehahs. I ! I ~ll* / ~ down, Rob Settle gained three Squad Nabs Cage Leag°. r'lelOS llmn .r • yardsonthe next play. I-- ...... "-- , With a third down and ten, Shelton's winning football two sports, Per said, 'Football in White passed to end Duane 4 1 V,¢tory matt0', t~-am has received strength from America has much more aggression Makoviney for a touchdown. The ~ Players ._ ~ ~veral areas One of those areas is in it and team spirit is much higher P.A.T. was good and the score ~" By JERRY JOHNSEN participating 1, o # • " " wa Tumwater Thunder Birds hadBasketball Lea$;0a~ 1 hc increased depth of the here. .s 7-0. Per Nolan, Community interest ,,in Per Nolan boomed the TYPICAL O THE SC p [ r r " feathers Thursdaythe Linc°~na~'~:00~ an exchange student from football amazes Per, he sala, in ensuing kick-off andthe Climber hospitals is the one above showing a wounded veteran working with deer after the Climbers Net squadOctoner~--'-,#~r~.o meetin~ qwedt.n is the nrime factor in this .any sporting event by high school team covered well, leaving str~n-th" teams in Sweden, we were lucky Timberline buried deep in their hide donated by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The Elks have defeated them 4-1 ~. the Val Sparks beat Dlan Burfiend " " sted in Patt~-'-a~ ~ ~'-~ "~ ~ -~ve- -la"ed to get three people there People own territory Unable to move a hides collection program which brings the hides to the hospitals for use in " " " mtereUnmng uu, dt¢'i~ vet, who .au .c J v x , ,," " physical therapy. With hunting season opening day set for October 16, 6-0, 6-1 in first singles. Suzy .~o.~.~ dateS, ~ ~ loo~hall before his arrival was just weren t interested, the ball, the Blazers were forced • "" ' ' e ices. ~w,~ e,r¢ ~oaxcd into turning out by . Per did all the k~cking in ~h° to punt. hunters are urged to contact the Elks lodge nearest their home for the Gruver, in second singles beat v,-:-..g ..... teaat '~ .me,net ....... memue~ u,¢ t,'"e Climber last. Timberline game and he a Unfortunately for the Blazers, address of a hides collection station they willbe maintaining in your PattyNanCYBarnettBurfiendtook6-2'third8-6'singlesand cpre -, ativetll ..... '..t '~'~ ..... " .... :-'-~-- ~o- is k~cked two extra points, they made the mistake of putting community during hunting season. 6-2, 8-6 from Erin Hinkle. , li~(iam'>w staying~'nu ?t~t.. ~,,,~-,D.,f,., mw,m mc o,v,, -Unf°rtunately' during that game the ball up where speedster Tracy In doubles action Shelton s .. . ne sustained a slight knee injury Armstrong could get his hands on laml~y ...... f " " RaYOnter Lan ts Open first doubles, Dena Stracke andIIIIUUILIW'I~.I/.. To Per the word football and 't..~ not known at th~s t,me ! the ball. Armstrong got behind his • Debbie Witcraft, dropped their k'" -tldl~l ~,~can, soccer Sweden's leading ne wul play against Elma tlUS wall of blockers and ran fifty ITT match to Tracy Hinkle and Pattie sp,,rt. When asked to compare the weekend, yards for the score. The P.A.T. 1 I Boere 4-6, 2-6. Roxie Wilson and '_~.,~nl~ was made, with the first quarter Connie Bennett teamed up in ~V~[,~III~ .... . at a close, and the score was 14-0 /-pry in the stands: in favor of Shelton. Nearly all of ITT Rayoniers The company's South HarborClallam and Jefferson Counties second doubles and overpowered Vl ~ .#!i Timberline was unable to 350,000 acres of tree farm lands Tree Farm in Pacific County, the will be almost entirely open to Mary Cunningham and Donna v,,,,r 5tata,~ == • =, =,,,= == m move the ball, but the Climbers in western Washington will beGrays Harbor Tree Farm in (;rays hunting. Mills 6-2, 7-5. C (~ ~C"()LE ~..,~'1. J] ~tt~ am, J] ~t~lB~ll~ "r~ll&~ "~~ll~ were still on the march, open to sportsmen during the Harbor and Jefferson Counties, Access to a few areas will beThis Friday Val Sparks will go Can SolVe Y°.~a Lt~l ~ Ii.~Ulll Illff Iffllll In the first Climber series of 1971 hunting season, and the Clallam "Free Farm in restricted because of hazardsto District at Mark Morris in He's in Shelt0n ~ the second quarter, Armstrong involved from active logging and Longview. Val finished third in ~ B ' CAROLYN KERR ...a~ e.. ~.o, tUo.~ - . returned the punt three yards.I . It~ , r~ I tin/ / construction work. Daytime sub-district to earn the trip .... 0il ¢#._t~ . .. v..~r, o), ........ nesaay t Rob Settle then came back with a LO me rest reel a norKs access in some of these restricted The Climbers see their last stun*at, of girlie" Knowledge follows eaucanon,attended the 8th grade BLAZERS i.. v.r~! run and was fortunate r areas will be possible and special action as a team today with N ow that 1 have been properlyfirst home game against Hoquiam. ~'~'~:,2h-'t~ o~t fifteen var,t~ thanks l~t~ll A [~tlml I~l II ~ p l ov arrangements are being made to Tunberline. educated as to what a football The whole scene was y .... t"''v.~."'~.~.'-'7.7~ ., .,-,~,~,~ --~.~vv --,~=), open most restricted areas for , " " " to o one ' to a penalty. Koo bettle cameo game is, I teel quahfied g different. The students are not the~ hall auain o th ne t n v step further. Funny thing about dismissed to watch the game, the a~nd -he" gZ-ne'd °fif:;:n "y::ds~y ...... -- ............ - ........... -:_-_-~-_-_- weekend hunting. in rest weeK s pool teague "EAGUE STANDINGS Large wall maps giving knowledge onca you have band is not pr e~b?~ ......... action the Lamp Post T'a~.grn, "~ .. :, ..... detailed information concerning acquirea| it, yOU .must Announcer is~~etr~e%aroanPee~ltY;nal~:an dominated play. On the M~kr,~Y~.$ Monaay t'~lgnt '.'the- r6s~rlcted ar0~s~ m~y be , " ~"~'~' immediately begin sharing it with action. But wea~~-~, .... ~ ,,-rUe for a score night league the Lamp "P~.~ :,~ . ... • W3 L consulted at compan~,,offices in :~ ~'' ~' ,,~her~. So 1 will tr~i,~ome more essentials: the fielders'lined, the T~e°extra'~'-'o~ni"attem"t~ was defeated Smith's Tavern 13 to 5. Lamp vest . ~ ,~ Hoquiam, Port Angeles, Shelton, ~i~ i~,,~,m~, this time covering officials and chain gang are there ...... P. ..... v_ On the Wednesday night league~oia, en rneasant ~ ~o Seattle, and Sappho. , --~'---~ -'hrases commonl" ~ . . . . . OlOCKefl tO give me LAlmoers a r'¢ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ a ~' U V ~ anu we nave two teams anxious [O .... a" t~wd during a football game. play football. But the stands are z°'°Ol:ce°'a-ain the Blazers were the Lamp Post defeated Smith's ~oo s, ~ o A nocket-size huntinz man Backfield in motion - that empty, except for a couple of ., . t~ ...... 14 to 4~ Highlight of the week~etty s ~ ~o detailing logging roads, rivers an~t just has to be what happens to the P.E. classes (not even the coaches :;:i~tth;° jus:;mrc:d t:;entout was Betty's Monday night six. An ~°wn, ~ :~ streams in each of the company's all girl team was just edged by the :~m~tn s ~ ~ football held behind the players can be in two places at once) and g .... y ...... ".- " ' three Olympic Peninsulatree ..... • " ~ne punt rouen out at me Wednesday Night • a nanarut ot par nts ................ around with the wrong As usual you are there a little ulimoer tmrtyqwe. Don r~etn got W which causes them to fall down all over the place, usually on top of each other. Offside - that one really stumped me for awhile. But it must be when the players run off to one side of the field or the other; or maybe it's when they fall down on the field and the coach yells at them to get off their side. You can take your pick on that one. Delay of the game - this usually happens when it's raining or toward the end of the game. The refs are getting tired and need a rest, so they decide to delay the game. Holding - that is when you see the boys out on the field being friendly, shaking hands, hugging one another and so forth. l hey get so carried away they accidently knock each other down in the process. Illegal motion - All you have to do is watch the men in the black and white striped shirts for this one. They are continually blowing a whistle to let you know when it is about to take place. qhen they start performing. Their arrns~ legs, hands and feet do all kinds of things: hence illegal motion. Huddle - that's what happens in the grandstands on cold nights when you are trying to keep wait In, Now, ladies, go out and really enjoy those football games - who says we don't know as much as the men? (By the way, if any of you ladies have questions about football, send them in and I will gladly try to answer them for you.) Now it is time for some more BLAZER Ramblings - This week 1 decided a chance of pace was in early. But it is not long before the team com¢~ out on the field and proee,¢ds with its pre-game drills. Now you find you are no longer objective, because you become a parent looking for a son. (You have to be able to say you saw him.) Knowing his number, it seemed an easy chore, until you find two boys with the same number. But I guess a mother can recognize her own son. This is about all you can recognize - not having a list of names with numbers you run into your first difficulty. During the game you find yourself saying come on 22 or 32 or whatever number you can catch. Identity is lost somewhere on the football field. Now you can again become objective, because you can plainly see your son's number on his back from the bench below. As the game begins, you can see the boys are not quite as experienced as their older counterparts. You have to remind yourself tltis is their first year of competition against other schools. You see a few good plays, and a few bad plays. As the game continues, you see more bad than good. But it is amazing how much these boys can learn in a year. RECAP SNOW TIRES 12 VOtT BATTERIES the hand off on the next play, he broke loose and rambled sixty-five yards. After the P.A.T. the score was 27-0. This was the end of the scoring in the first half as the Climbers marched to their locker room with a commanding lead. The half time break didn't cool the hot scoring hand of the Climbers as Armstrong took the kick-off back eighteen yards. On the first down play, Rob Settle got the ball and rambled fifty-three yards to leave the ball on the eight yard line. On the first down play, Rob Settle was given the ball for another go at the goal line, but ran into a tough Timberline defensive line and he was stopped at the line of scrimmage. Don Hey, kids! Pick up that at the Friday & Saturday 95 each or $ 2 year guarantee ..................... 3 year guarantee ..................... $ 128 S. 1st, Shelton Paqe 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, October 14, 1971 Golden Pheasant. Monday league results: Lamp Post 13., Smith's 5; Golden L Pheasant 10, Betty's 8; Bob's 10, Lamp Post 14 4 Town 8. Golden Pheasant 12 6 Wednesday league results: Bob's 10 8 Lamp Post 14, Smith's 4; Golden Town 8 10 Pheasant 12, Betty's 6; Bob's 10, Betty's 6 12 Town 8. Smith's 4 14 1. '72 Pinto Runabout 72 LTD 2.Door 2804 OLYMPIC HWY. N. ..-_..-.-_--_.-.--._.-.-.._--.--... - . = farms is available at no charge from any ITT Rayonier office. The company's Promised Land Park on U. S. 101, north of Hoquiam, and Tumbling Rapids Park near Forks, will again be held open for the convenience of hunters during the regular hunting season. Save now while prices are frozen at '71 levels. Save again on excise tax cut--about $200 on the average. Choose from any of our '72 Fords in stock. Immediate delivery. 4. '72 Fords will probably never cost less. The price freeze is scheduled to end Nov. 13. Act today! Based on manufacturer's suggested retail price. SHELTON, WASH. * Guaranteed Waterproof! • Insulated to -20° below