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- Grange
reminded that next
evening is the regular
meeting of their
The business
preceeded by a pot
draped the charter
Hitchcock last
Will be necessary to
again this
time though,
will be joining
B of Granges all across
also be draping
in memory of
Master A. Lars
died following a
for a heart ailment
in a Seattle
hospital staff
e was their most
atient, receiving so
could hardly keep
Club met last
With a very small
the potluck supper.
take part of the
turnout since I
announcement in
Friday falling on
of the month I
there was still
to go. Reid Mitchell
a short speech to
to his reasons for
the school board
also invited to
of the club
this week are
Goodwin who
from a fall
before last. Due
some eye glasses
see a piece of
nt floor,
Was working with
resulting in her
broken and the
Lly sprained and
badly bruised.
not near as bad as
both wrists a
or so ago though.
we're on the
news we learned of
lorable situation.
has been a great
at the cemetery
Tom Tierney
to discover the
One of his frequent
He enlisted the
lrvie Wingert to
a very large
had bi~en tipped
markers that
around the
toward the State
has some new
Hahn family, a
a five-month
renting the
mobile home.
we add some
this column. The
family who are
In the lower unit
, are new subscribers
of this week the
oldest of their two boys, Kim was
home for the day in order to bid
his family adieu before he heads
for Seattle to enter the Navy on
Friday. Kim graduated from
Newport High in Bellevue in
1969. Since then he has been
working with his Dad who is
employed by the Weyerhaeuser
Helen Simons and her sister,
Dorothy Chapman, and Becky are
presently attending a knittihg class
in Shelton on Wednesday
evenings. The ten week course is
being offered by tile adult
education night classes at the
High School.
The Morreson family who
have been renting the Sinclair
home the past few months this
past weekend moved to the
Skokomish Valley to make their
The Pioneer bus this past
Monday added a new little
student. For little Bambi Olds it
was a whole new adventure.
Having been a first grader for just
a few short weeks thus far and in
the city at that coming to
ttarstine was quite an experience
in itself. But the anticipation of a
new country school and riding a
big bus was exciting and at the
same time a little scary, too.
And Ethel Rigney, whose
home the new Olds family is
currently occupying in her
absence, sends a warm and cordial
'Hi' to all her friends from
Mich. where she is at the present
time. She's enjoying herself and
her family, but her good friend,
Orvaline Olds denotes a note of
homesickness in her phone calls
and letters.
Buddy Budd made the long
trip from Alberta, Canada, where
he is presently employed in a
meat packing house this past
weekend to visit his brother and
sister-in-law, John and Alice
About a week ago 1 dropped
in to meet and get acquainted
with Karla Meacham at her home
on the Spencer Lake road. Since I
knew the other three candidates I
felt it was only fair to meet the
fourth candidate.
Stan and Annie Yates saw
their plans to once again become
Island residents move one step
closer a week ago last Monday.
Late Monday evening their new
mobile home wound its way
down the new Spencer Cove
'freeway' and was gently set to rest
in its new location. The home is 46
feet long by 10 feet wide, There are
still a number of things to do
before they can make their move
back to the island. But at least they
got the house moved before the
Washington monsoon season set
Gene Seward is coining along
just fine now following his recent
bout in two hospitals. He has
been outside taking short walks
on the beautiful Indian Summer
Fall days we've been experiencing
here in the western edge of the
Cindy Bingham gave a pink
and blue shower a week ago in
honor of her cousin, Kathy
Howard. Kathy and her husband,
Bill were visiting relatives in the
area for a couple of weeks while
Bill was on leave from the service
in Texas. They return to Texas
and then in a short time they'll be
transferred to Louisiana.
Helen Lammers graciously
offered the use of her home for
the party for Kathy. Guests
included Willa Ann Smith and
daughter, Peggy; Thora Seward,
Shirley Root and daughter, Sally,
Sybill Gillette, MarLY Archer;
Pauline Archer and daughter,
Nancy, Maxine Waite and Kathy's
grandmother, Dot Smith.
And speaking of Dot we
understand she's confined to
Mason General ttospital due to
muscle spasms in her back. At
this writing Maxine reported she
was in traction to correct the
Last Saturday Pat l)unlap's
brother, Dave llumpbrey and his
new bride, Linda, spent most of
the day visitng Pat and John. ttc
and Linda were married just prior
to Labor Day. Prior to coming to
the Island they'd just spent a
couple of weeks in Canada. l:rom
here they went on to Lakebay to
call on Pat and Dave's sister.
Sunday friends from Seattle,
Tom and Lucia Cecil dropped in
for a visit with Pat and John. Tom
was John's sailing instructor at
one time.
Later in the afternoon an old
Navy buddy of John's, Jack
McDonald and his wife and family
dropped in fol a brief visit. Jack
originally came from Montana.
The two guys went through
training together and then later
found themselves both stationed
on Adak Island together. Jack is
now with the Highway
Department in Olympia where he
and his father make their home.
Now from the Little Old
Schoolhouse. On Wednesday of
this week school was dismissed a
bit early so that Dr. Glim who is
the author of the reading series at
Pioneer presented a special
program to the teaching staff.
Friday the students will have
a day of vacation to do whatever
they see fit to do while their
teachers will have to keep their
noses to the grindstone. For the
teaching staff it is a professional
day for them to attend workshops
around the state.
RENT or BUY on
Easy Terms
Iohnny's Music Box
205 Cota 426-4302
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Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Special.
RENOIR WALLPAPER by teroy of Paris
New selection. Pre-pasted, pretrimmed, vinylized, scrubbable.
See this exclusive selection TODAY!
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ANTIQUE KITS Reg.,5.4 ............ NOW $2.25
PAINT THINNER ................... o.Lv
Priced as low as .................. $2.25 Pane,
SPRAY PAINT Weekender. 98¢ value .... NOW
INTERIOR LATEX .................. ONLy $3.70 Gal.
LATEX ENAMEL Regularly $7.00 ....... NOW $4.50 G,,.
MATLOCK - Matlock Grange
will meet Friday night with
potluck supper at 6:30 p.m.
Those who attended the first and
second degree work at Agate last
Friday night were Mr. and Mrs.
Lud Rossmaier, Mr. and Mrs.
Conda Dick, and Mr. and Mrs. I.
C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Tetreau were candidates from
Matlock Grange. Thurston Co.
Grange put on the degree work
the tableaus were put on by
South Side Grange.
Pinochle Club met Saturday
night at the Grange Hall with six
tables of cards. Mr. and Mrs. I. C.
Ford were host and hostess, ltigh
score went to Jalmer Auseth and
Opal Asche; Pinochle to A1 Cash
and Opal Asche and low score to
Carl Portman and Peggy Cash.
Next party wilt be Oct. 23 with
Mr. and Mrs. Felix .Brazeau host
and hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Boyd of
Redmond, Mrs. Vernon Johnson
of Paid Alto, Calif. and Mrs.
Lyman Fellows of Edmonds were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud
Rossmaier. The Sharp children
also were weekend guests of their
Carl Portman accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of
Tacoma motored to Wenatchee
last week and were guests of Mrs.
Bruce Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier
and sons of Tumwater were
Friday evening visitors at the
Edward Valley home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
attended the 4-H Achievement
night at Belfair on Saturday
Matlock Ladies club met last
week Wednesday with Mrs.
Homer Adams hostess. The new
president, Mrs. Lottie Ford
presided. They took in one new
member, Mrs. Martin Crabtree.
Mr. and Mrs. AI Cash and
grandson of Snohomish were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Max Cash.
Jack Hogben of Walla Walla
and Clifford Olson of Bremerton
were Thursday visitors at the R.
E. Bradberry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and
Alberta and Roy of shelton and
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing
motored to Battle Ground
Sunday and were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gundersen.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
spent Sunday afternoon with the
Lon Brumfield family of
Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Boothe
and son Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler
Boothe and baby: Mr. and Mrs.
Sandy Bridges and daughter and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee all of
South Bend were Sunday supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Ford.
EVERYTHING IN nature is a
cause from which there flows
some effect. Baruch Spinoza
,gmm. ,,im~ ,IIID 0 ,~Rm. ,,lip .iNto, ,1~p .4imj..~ii~ .gmm,, ,~mb ,,IID, .~ qUjb ,,Op ,,INID~
j You Should Know I
Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and . . .
Mrs. William Barnes Sr. Mrs.
Fellows remained for the CLINT WILLOUR
Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Life Insurance enables a man to
redeem the faith of the child and
Sr. and Car] Portman were the child to fulfill the hopes of his
Tuesday dinner guests of Mr, and parents.
Mrs. Max Cash, !
James Rossmaier and girls I 1717Olympic Highway North
Brenda and Lisa and Mrs. Marge
Mohoric and son Brian and Steve, , NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL I
Douglas, Kenneth and Nancy t Ph1426-8i39 ' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY
Sharp of Olympia were Sunday "~.I~m.,~t-.l~o-,~..,m..,m-.,J..,,D.,~..~,.,m..,i,...,m..~,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and
children of Humptulips and David
Davis of Wishkaw were Friday
overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Kelley.
Mr. and Mrs. James Leggett of
Central Park were Sunday
afternoon visitors at the Archie
Kelley home.
Matlock Grange lost another
member by death when Clifford
Combs died at a Port Angeles
hospital. His services were in
Shelton Monday afternoon. Our
ecen ly
sympathy is offered to his family.
Mrs, Dan Walker and son
David spent a few days in Tacoma
with her folks last week with the
Neal Davis family.
Call Us About
A Planned
Unit DeveloDment
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Island Belle and Golden Chasselas
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• OLYMPIA -- Home Office
Branch Branch
41~1 Markat Square SIS Reilroad Avenue
Thursday, October 14, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15